The Scheming Power of Pisa.

Take good note of the face above – it belongs to Nick Pisa, professional journalist; one of that breed of trained fact gatherers and disseminators of trustworthy information essential to society – without such valued souls, we should be reduced to getting all our information from mere bloggers, and that would never do would it?
Last night, young Nick filed a story as Italian ‘expert’ fact gatherer on behalf of the Daily Mail. He was covering the Meredith Kercher story for the Daily Mail.
In a lengthy article published at 8.50pm Nick gave us a first hand account of the scene as ‘Amanda Knox looked stunned’ as she dramatically lost her prison appeal against her murder conviction. He was on the scene to witness this you see….he detailed how ‘she sank into her chair sobbing uncontrollably while her family and friends hugged each other in tears’.
How can any mere blogger compete with such an emotive personally witnessed account?
He even had useful on the spot quotes to pad out this distressing scene, as Prosecutors said ‘it was sad two young people would be spending years in jail’.
He witnessed and recorded Knox and her co-defendant Sollecito ‘taken out of court and escorted by prison guards […] into a waiting van which took her back to her cell at Capanne jail’.
He stood in the crowd outside and heard as ‘Mr’ Bongionrno, Sollecito’s defence lawyer, was abused by shouts of ‘shame on you’.
Presumably these were cries of ‘shame on you’ for appearing in the Italian Supreme Court in drag, for ‘Mr’ Bongiornmo looks remarkably like a woman in all the photographs available of him/her – and ‘her’ Father seems to be under the impression that he has a daughter, rather than a son.
The trouble is, as any blogger worth his/her salt will tell you today, that the entire account was incorrect.
If Pisa witnessed Amanda looking stunned, or sinking into her chair ‘sobbing uncontrollably’, it was because she had been found not guilty – nor could the Prosecutors have made any such statement regarding her spending ‘years in jail’ following the court hearing – he had either made the entire thing up, or was employing an earlier quote from the original trial out of context.
Amanda Knox was freed last night, not taken back to spend years in her cell in Capanne jail!
It is scarcely the first time that the Daily Mail has been guilty of outright lies, nor is it the first time that Nick Pisa has been the man on the spot recording the ‘truth’ in all its glory…
Indeed, he must be an expert in the goings on at the Perugia court, so much so that he can perhaps sit at home and file stories without bothering to witness the scene – here is a selection of his previous stories.
“Compulsive Liar Foxy Knoxy Now insists she wasn’t at House of Horrors” “Lesbian Sex Plea to Knoxy”
“Foxy Knoxy plays the field from her jail cell with new romance”
“Revealed: Foxy Knoxy’s sisters posing happily for ‘macabre’ photos at the house where Meredith died”
“Hayden banned from seeing sex monster Knox”
I am particularly fond of Pisa’s ‘Vatican’s fury as EU court bans crucifixes’ which managed to turn the European Court of Human Rights into an EU institution – against all informed opinion in Europe, something which seems to have eluded our man on the spot.
Does it matter if journalists make up ‘on the spot’ descriptions of scenes which never occurred, and record quotes which they could not possibly have heard at the time and place stated?
It certainly mattered where Johann Hari was concerned, is there any reason for the Daily Mail not to hold a similar inquiry into Nick Pisa’s reportage?
Journalists have great power to influence our beliefs and actions, surely time this power of Pisa’s was leant on?
October 4, 2011 at 19:18
Maybe he was ‘quoted out of context’, to be followed by ‘I mis-spoke’, to
be followed by ‘Everyone makes mistakes’ to be followed by ‘I apologise for
any offence I inadvertently caused’ to be followed by ‘I wish to spend more
time with my family’……. oh sorry, that’s what the Daily Mail makes everyone
else do not what it makes it’s own do. Dur!
October 4, 2011 at 18:33
Is there any truth in the rumour that she agreed to attend the next
Bunga-Bunga party in exchange for her release?
October 4, 2011 at 13:52
Pisa needs a holiday, like Hari, another fantasist.
IngSoc redefinition: journalist = fiction writer?
October 4, 2011 at 11:13
October 4, 2011 at 10:08
Great headline indeed. But I am puzzled. Where was this report filed. Even
I was up to date with the result because the whole fiasco kept interrupting
the usual news and sports channel that I listen to. Presumably it would have
made Sky News positivily orgamsic with joy. So how can anyone file the wrong
As to the case itself, I can express no view, other than that I did
hear an interview on Simon Mayo’s afternoon show (happy memories) with a
journalist who seemed a sensible chap and was pointing out that the Italian
police have a shocking record for putting away the wrong person and brushing
over inconvenient matters like the odd serial killer.
October 4, 2011 at 11:47
You are such a sweetie, you are far too innocent for this world.
As explained in the links, they pre-write two stories, one for each
result, and hari-up some quotes which haven’t actually been said but are
more or less certain to be spouted by someone. Or could have been. Or
Then, when the judge found her Guilty (of slander) on the first count,
they quickly released the pre-set Guilty version, failing to appreciate that
the real story was “Cleared!” because they didn’t listen any further.
It doesn’t really matter where anybody is sitting; all that matters is
whose finger is poised over the publish button. Nick Slime appears to have
had a strong preference for a guilty verdict which may have contributed to
him hearing what he wanted to.
Whether he was the one who authorized the publication, I do not know. I
bet somebody is being flogged in the dungeons at the Mail, though.
October 4, 2011 at 11:48
October 4, 2011 at 12:42
Hi Gildas – would suggest ‘the Monster of Florence’ is a good book to
start with on that theme. They contrive to make the Met look competent!!
October 4, 2011 at 09:09
He/she seems to be a journalist (sic) that should be employed by the BBC:
up to their highest standards of honest and unbiased reporting.
October 4, 2011 at 08:13
That’s got to be “Headline of the Year”.