Islamist Terrorism in the EU? Not a Lot

There were 249 reported terrorist attacks in EU member states in 2010.
Quite a lot.
Who carried them out? Not who you might think (my emphasis):
Islamist terrorists carried out three attacks on EU territory. Separatist groups, on the other hand, were responsible for 160 attacks, while left-wing and anarchist groups were responsible for 45 attacks. One single-issue attack was reported from Greece.
In 2010, 611 individuals were arrested for terrorism-related offences. An increased percentage of individuals linked to Islamist terrorism (47%) were arrested for the preparation of attacks in Member States – an indication that Islamist terrorists continue to undertake attack planning against Member States.
These figures show just how well we are doing in penetrating and intercepting Islamist extremists. They have not gone away. But they are finding it very hard work.
Meanwhile Europe’s own rubbish extremists of lumpen Leftists/anarchists and separatists pursue their tedious efforts to kill people for political purposes, with ‘single issue’ fanatics (eg animal rights) also doing their puny best.
This post first appeared at Charles Crawford’s Blogoir.
September 17, 2011 at 13:52
I have maybe not explained correctly in my rant. Everywhere that is not Dar
Al-Islam (House/Place of Islam) is automatically Dar Al-Harb (House/Place of
There are some situations this black and white situation differs for
example when their is a Suspension of Violence to regroup. Islamic treaties of
non aggression must have a time frame of expiration. Eg. The many on off
treaties in Gaza.
There is no provision for eternal co-existence as this is totally
forbidden. As the famous sign say “Islam will Dominate” as this is the only
route available to followers.
Of course they are not supposed to jeopordise the mission by striking an
strong enemy while weak. So while weak they talk peaceful. Never when they are
strong in 1400 years have they ever talked peace.
September 17, 2011 at 13:43
Islamism has existed for over a 1000 years. There goal has never
A clue to the future is how Islam divides the world. Dar Al-Islam, The
house Islam where Sharia Law dominates the lives of all persons of all
This a basic principle of all Islamic teaching. All Muslims must
strive (Jihad)either physically or financially to achieve this goal.
Another interesting protocol is Al-Hijra (Migrate) and spread Islam to the
four corners of the world until all the world is Dar Al-Islam.
It is true the problem is not evident yet. This is a three pronged
offensive. Migrate, Multiply, Dominate. Only in certain cities in Europe have
we passed the first two.
This is totally compliant with the live of Muhammad and therefore chosen as
the method of continuing the fight.
If you think I am being all alarmist I challenge all commenters to show me
an example of Islamic expansion in the last 1400 years that was peaceful for
the original population when given the choice convert or die.
All the wars you can think about on the continent are where Islam meets
other. eg. Kosovo, Ivory Coast, Georgia, Kashmir, Kenya, Nigera, Azerbaijan,
Wiegers China, Sierra Leon, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan and Israel.
The Aeroplane has allowed this to become a sporadic affair rather than a
traditional border conquest mile by mile.
Get a map and you can draw a circle around the ever expanding Dar Al-Islam
and find the Dar -Al Harb war next to it in almost every case in Africa.
The problem is the money from the Oil is ever available for the holy
The only exception is the case where they are fighting over which flavour
of Islam should dominate the world. This is what happens when their are no
more infidels in great numbers.
Yes, our security services are totally aware of the threat as are our
politicians there is just no politically correct way to say it without losing
your job. So the work continues in the shadows and occasionally on the TV
If you think the Arab Spring and the chaos that this has brought was
without stimulus from CIA, MI6, Mossad etc. Then you are mistaken. The only
thing a good Islamist likes more than killing Infidels is killing each
Everywhere Sharia does not exist has a specific name Dar Al Harp
September 16, 2011 at 18:41
I’m guessing, but a fair proportion of the UK ones are probably related to
trouble in Northern Ireland.
September 16, 2011 at 15:51
it seems odd that the 40 terrorist attacks that happened in the uk are not
specified when all other countries did specify , for all we know there could
have been 40 right wing terrorist attacks or 40 islamist terrorist attacks or
40 seperatist terrorist attacks in the uk ( not saying that there were all of
one type ) and yet those terrorist attacks do not count on the europol stats
I ,for one would like to know what sort of Idiots we have commiting
terrorist attacks in the uk .
The report admitted that anarchist groups
have incidients which are like terrorist actions but as they were dealt with
as extremists rather than terrorists , some of their actions are not in the
what seems nice at first becomes slightly worrying when looked at which
some detail.
September 16, 2011 at 11:52
This suggests that the threat from Islamist terror is diminishing. However,
it might not be a good idea to take our eye off the ball quite yet – we do
know that problem pockets still exist in areas of ineffectual government such
as Yemen.
It is comforting to know that all the efforts to combat the ideologies, the
training centres and the terrorist cells is bearing fruit. It represents a lot
of hard work by a lot of people.
September 16,
2011 at 10:12
Interesting stats. Although your conclusion that “these figures show just
how well we are doing in penetrating and intercepting Islamist extremists”
seems to ignore the possibility that the terrorist threat has simply been
wildly exaggerated by the media, security services and government(s).
I mean, fewer than 1 attack per day? Across the whole of the EU? 500
million people? Even if the authorities are doing well in their efforts to
intercept and penetrate, I’d suggest terrorism is unworthy of the fanatical
response it seems to generate in people…
September 16, 2011 at 13:36
I agree.
The problem is though that just one attack can have
devastating effects.
I recall the early 70′s, working in a factory in the
NW; frequent bomb hoaxes at a time of IRA activity on the mainland. Evacuate
and search, or ignore?
Until things calm down, I guess we still need to
be careful.
Doesn’t give us an excuse to bomb anybody though, probably
never did.