Just for a laugh.

Go on, just for a laugh. Adopt a fetching lisp, dress in a fey fashion, admit to past employment as a Roman Catholic trainee priest – and try and get yourself a job as a child minder.
Alternatively, get yourself a broad Brummie accent, or even better, Black Country, a couple of tattoos, maybe a ring through your nose, and turn up for an interview with one of the private banks in London as a Receptionist.
There you are, as ‘white’ as the driven snow – and they won’t want you. Nothing to do with the colour of your skin – it will be to do with the culture and reputation of the groups you are publicly identifying yourself with.
David Starkey could have pointed this out on Newsnight last night, and although the multi-culturalists would have condemned him – ‘the way you speak, your accent has nothing to do with your ability to do the job’ – he certainly wouldn’t have been condemned as racist.
The Guardianistas are in meltdown this morning – on Twitter and Facebook, the main stream media are noticeable only by the cloud of dust at their heels. Utterly outraged that the BBC – their BBC – should have allowed this ‘racist’ air time to expend his views that Black Street Culture had been adopted by underclass white kids and was largely responsible for the riots.
Note: Black Street Culture. Not Black Culture en masse. Not Black persons en masse. Just Black Street Culture, that glorification of violence and materialism acquired by brute force. From the music that depicts women as ‘hoes’ and bitches to be shared around, to the ‘bling’ jewellery and revelry in posing for pictures with fingers extended to imitate firing a gun; the street fashions for exposing your underpants; from the arrogant walk and sneering speech patterns identifying themselves with the gangsta culture of Jamaica – everything about that particular sub-species of inner city life, the Black Street Culture – is designed to cock a snook at the population which financially supports them in every way.
‘There are no jobs for them’ the apologists cry. No, there aren’t, and who can blame employers? It is not that there are no jobs – find me your nearest Eastern European cultivating every aspect of his appearance to offend any potential employer. But they are right; there are no jobs for them. The three studs in the lip and the tattoo on the forehead tell the potential employer before you even open your mouth, that you didn’t actually want the job in the first place.
‘David Lammy sounds white on the radio’ said Starkey to the sound of Guardianistas crashing to the ground in a dead faint.
I would dispute that he sounds necessarily ‘white’, I would say he sounds like a man who has adapted himself – or at least refuted the Black Street Culture – in favour of a persona that might fit in with his fellow MPs. Perhaps he studied fiddling his expenses at night school, who knows, but at least he grasped the idea of ‘fitting in’, not alienating. Not making your every utterance, your every movement, one of ‘cocking a snook’ at the rest of society.
Starkey further cemented his position as hallowed racist of the year by claiming that ‘white kids were turning black’ – pass the smelling salts Alice! – both his fellow commentators leapt on him; ‘you’re equating white with good and black with bad’.
No he wasn’t, you tofu-knitting, yoghurt dressing, yoga hatted, lentil munchers – he was pointing out that if you ‘talk the talk and walk the walk’ of the Jamaican Yardies you are going to be judged by the uninterested casual observer as part of a culture that despises hard work, glorifies violence, and leeches off society – no matter what colour you are.
In much the same way that I look at, and listen to, Owen Jones and Dreda Say Mitchell and think – pontificating looney leftie’s!
Neither use nor ornament, as my Nana would say.
The original interview is HERE.
August 14, 2011 at 12:20
“It’s almost as bizarre as a black feller pretending to be a pikey with an
Irish accent”…
Are you a trend-spotter? Oi’ll keep moi ears open, so Oi
August 14, 2011 at 10:13
I could never quite understand the attraction of gobbing off to complete
strangers in a bizarre Jamaican patois, despite having travelled no further
afield than Kingston (upon Thames) and being whiter than Billy Connolly’s arse
in winter. It’s almost as bizarre as a black feller pretending to be a pikey
with an Irish accent. Quite odd.
August 14, 2011 at 00:31
Why dey dis him? Is it becuz he is a batty bwoy?
August 13, 2011 at 22:31
@Engineer August 13, 2011 at 19:08
Quite so. And not long ago, the “progressive majority” were going to win
the AV vote. London Metro, Oxford and Cambridge (all self-regarding bubbles,
conscious of their innate superiority {believe me – I have witnessed the
horrors of North Oxford}) turned out to be said “progressive majority”.
A revealing moment for me in all the kerfuffle was Gove on whatever news
program (Essler the presenter) levelling the charge of moral relativism at the
Labour Party, in the form of Harman. She didn’t know what he was meant, and
said as much.
August 13, 2011 at 22:26
In which Chris Rock, some years before Prof. Starkey, riffs on the very
same subject
Enjoy – and throw it at anyone who needs a rain check on the garbage that
happened to Starkey. The other three in the studio set about him like hyenas.
I guess they proved his point regarding the debasement that has happened
August 13, 2011 at 19:22
Come on guys. Starkey is a tw@. Every time he appears on QT he boorishly
pushes his own line however ridiculous or pompous he looks. I do not like the
little man at all. He may have a valid point, but he is the last man I want to
put on a pedestal as the new messiah. I cannot believe that the contributors
to this esteemed blog are going along with anything he says blindly. Get some
perspective people. Starkey? Stark raving usually….
August 13, 2011 at 20:24
That you “do not like the little man” is obvious.
“He may have a valid point” yet “(you) cannot believe that the
contributors to this esteemed blog are going along with anything he says”.
Your argument is about as well thought out as the BBC trio.
Muddled thinking has consequences, you experienced those consequences
last week, apparently the mindless destruction needs to be repeated until
“lessons have been learned” by you and your cohort.
August 13, 2011 at 19:08
This mirrors just about every discussion I’ve seen and heard about the
riots and what’s behind them. Any Questions on Friday night was similar, with
Peter Hitchens (like Starkey, not noted for his diplomatic skills) expressing
the mainstream view, and Hattie Harperson going off at defensive tangents.
About 90% of the British population pretty much agree with the
Starkey/Hitchens line. It’s only the London Liberal ‘Elite’ that don’t, and
they’re floundering to find a believable reason. We all know what the problems
are – more or less – what we want now is some tangible ideas about addressing
August 13, 2011 at 20:36
August 13, 2011 at 18:43
That could not even be classified as a discussion. Another BBC failure to
use valuable resources to enlighten their viewers .
It was little more than excuse to promote the view that younger hipsters
can be rude and talk-over the WOG (white old guy) as he attempts to describe
his thesis, actually it was a microcosm of the riots causes -black “culture”
that finks it is equal or superior to the predominate north european culture,
young feminist deriding old WOG, young hipster pretending that facts do not
enter into discussion gang up and try to smash traditional norms. The three
sneering interlocutors of course are all subsidized by government
As to the general point, jamaican mannerisms are abhorrent to most working
people, most of their population’s work ethic is zero, they are generally
unintelligible and will steal at the first opportunity. It is no surprise that
low expectation white yoof have adopted these mannerisms because it is a
surefire method of failing any job interview and the threat of working for a
David Starkey had a worthwhile point to make and facts to support his
assertion, too bad BBC decided not to listen.
August 13, 2011 at 18:16
And this!
is a curious man…
August 13, 2011 at 18:56
Indeed, he had many correct insights but not the managerial ability to
focus and manage a project to completion. ( A not uncommon trait in
The article is a dreary reminder of the usual suspects attending
committees, having long lunches, waffling interminably and achieving nothing
at great expense to the taxpayer.
August 13, 2011 at 17:28
I’m reminded of watching the Pope being driven around in his bullet proof
‘Pope Mobile’. Now there’s faith in action thought I.
Send Harperson et al into these areas on their own (no bullet proof vests
or teams of bodygaurds). We could ‘open a book’ on how long they’d last before
being mugged/knifed/shot etc. Also, if a charge (monetary) was made each time
someone logged on/in to listen to a recording of their (dying…)wails: “But I’m
on your side…” we’d clear the National Debt by Monday morning.
August 13, 2011 at 17:21
The mistake that David Starkey made – I believe – was that he spoke of
Black Street Culture, and by so doing provided the
PC/right-on/Gramsco-Stalinist lefties with oodles of ammunition to hurl at
him. And since the aforementioned darlings haven’t bothered to acquire or
cultivate the delicate art of carefully listening to points of view that don’t
quite shoe-horn into their twisted ‘narrative’, the screaming and the hissy
fits proceeded. What he should have done was to refer to ‘Gangsta’ culture:
that would have sufficed – and the furore probably wouldn’t have ensued. But
DS is not renowned for tact or subtlety – as his unfortunate outburst on the
Jamie Oliver Freak School revealed some months back. Bless..
August 13, 2011 at 20:31
August 13, 2011 at 15:33
Starkey was right and very clearly not racist to anybody who cared to pay
proper attention to what he said.
At the same time of course, Starkey knew what reaction he would get. He
raises his own profile whenever he can, Now that the ‘rudest man in Britain’
has faded a bit he needs to be a bit spiky on the issue of the moment.
Of course MLE, multi-cultural London English is a very respectable language
really which is replacing outdated cockney. I know this to be the case because
it has been researched by very respectable academics at Queen Mary, University
of London. I bet they had a grant.
August 13, 2011 at 16:39
All spot on!
August 13, 2011 at 15:26
read Lloyd Marcus over on AT – a black man who has seen the trap that the
socialist/left wing liberals have placed for ethnic minorities in the
August 13, 2011 at 15:07
Funny how the inevitable queue of idiots take offence on behalf of someone
else. Penny for the thoughts of someone who is black but hates the MTV Cribs
generation as much as most…
August 13, 2011 at 15:02
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. Mr Starkey was as far
as I could understand, absolutely correct in what he said, saying it in a
pantomime that supposedly passes for a serious political programe broadcast by
an organisation that sadly now is little more than a propagander machine for
the out of power left was bound to get the terminally deluded to reality
throwing their dummies out of their prams.
August 13, 2011 at 14:53
David Starkey is spot on. Innit!
August 13, 2011 at 14:20
I heard Starkey last night and couldn’t understand why the others attacked
him. He is clear and well thought out.
As an employer I would never employ anyone who I had trouble understanding
or looked like a crook. Unfair? No. If you look and act like a prat you know
how you are going to be treated.
August 13, 2011 at
Having just watched the first two seasons of The Wire on DVD and then
listened to some miscreant black youth being interviewed on TV alongside their
white counterparts the black culture analogy does not seem extreme at all.
August 13, 2011 at 14:06
Starkey merely points out the facts. It is not the colour of anyone skin
that matters but the attitudes and vallues they have. Within some section – I
said some – there is a gang culture and problem with low aspiration, knife and
gun crime and drug crime. To the extent that “white kids” copy and adapt to
that culture then Starkey’s point is perfectly valid. And I wonder if Starkey
would have created such outrage if he had referred to a group such as the EDL
(and no I am not a mamber) as “white trash” -a phrase I used to hear regularly
on the lips of certain wealthy Guardianistas before I retreated to the Abbey.
But perhaps I digress…
August 13, 2011 at 14:05
Ali G sounds black on the radio.
So could Mike Yarwood.
August 13, 2011 at 17:10
Yep, but I bet you next months wages that neither of them did when
pitching the BBC/ITV/Channel 4/5 etc for the funding for their next