You Cannot Be Syria!

I think I might be morphing into an Anarchist. Everywhere I look there are organisations and bureaucracies taking in millions of pounds and giving the people from whom they extract that money absolutely no say in how it is spent, and no value for money. No, I’m not talking about the BBC, though there is a case to answer there.
The American taxpayer is forced to give money to his government – who give $6 billion of it every year to the United Nations. The United Nations uses it to finance its General Assembly which in 2009 elected Libya as its President, before reforming their ‘Human Rights Council’ into an organisation that was pleased to grant leg room under the top table to Russia, Cuba, and Libya, amongst others.
Now the US (and UK) taxpayer is paying to have Libya flattened for ‘Human Rights’ abuses. The UN’s Human Rights Council has ‘suspended’ Libya and in the meantime they are considering replacing them with – Syria. That well known bastion of Human Rights where demonstrators are shot dead by soldiers who themselves have been shot dead when refusing to shoot the demonstrators.
Countries love having a seat on the UN Human Right’s Council – it gives them a say in voting for which country they will next turn their investigating skills on – ‘Anyone but me!’, they all cry. That other bastion of Human Rights, the US, is mandated by US statute to issue a ‘full and complete report regarding the status of internationally recognised Human Rights’ in 190 different countries. It sounds impressive until you realise that the body count doesn’t include a single mention of human rights travesties like Guantanamo Bay – or indeed cover any other activity in the US.
We are all in thrall to ‘organisations’; we calmly accept that we must hand over part of our money to them and let them make all the decisions as to how it is spent – witness the EU paying for Belgians to teach the inhabitants of poverty stricken Burkina Faso ‘how to dance’ – for their supper, perhaps? It is a cruel joke.
Teenagers captivated by the idea of Cameron’s ‘Big Society’ queue up to volunteer, only to be told that there is an ‘organisation’ to which they must pay £50 to £100 in order to join before they can even think of cleaning an old lady’s window for her.
We have been so successfully infantilised, so enthralled by Ruritanian titles, that the idea that we might take responsibility for ourselves and simply get on with doing something – saving up to fly out to Burkina Faso, for instance, if we really have a burning ambition to teach an African tribesman how to dance like a Belgian bureaucrat – we now believe can only be accomplished by heading to the nearest ‘organisation’ which has managed to extract money from a taxpayer somewhere in order to supervise us.
Was Everest conquered as a result of an EU initiative? Was Stanley financed by the UN as he plodded to the source of the Nile?
My Dentist, an enterprising girl, went to India in her gap year. She was horrified by the gaps in Indian teeth. When she qualified and started working, she bought and shipped out to India some rudimentary dentistry equipment. Every year she takes her annual holiday in the same small Indian village – and every afternoon, whilst she is there, she attends to a queue of Indians who need basic dentistry. She’s been doing that for the past 25 years.
No one finances her; no applications to a herd of paper shifters for next years grant; no announcements in the press that this essential service will be cut as a result of the heartless Tories; no one earning a living supervising her; few even know of her initiative.
Except, of course, for some grateful gap-free Indians.
April 18, 2011 at 13:11 -
The dentist.
Makes me feel humble.
April 18, 2011 at 13:12 -
I can see that you’re cottoning on to the anarchist way of thinking – yippee! You know it makes sense. Let’s face it, nothing else does..
Where on earth did you get your picture from? It’s beautifully off-the-wall..!-
April 18, 2011 at 17:07 -
I’d say it was a Glen Baxter cartoon. He was awfully popular about twenty years ago with this sort of thing but his fame was undeservedly short-lived.
April 18, 2011 at 13:47 -
Part of the European mentality is that there will always be a funding opportunity in Brussels if you can make a case. Hence spurious spending on dance lessons! The reality is forget the receivers of the training, it is all to do with the trainers receiving funding to maintain their standards.
If you go to Africa as an example, it is extremely likely that you will see many of the aid agencies’ people in large houses and running round in large cars; not all of them but still a substantial number. They’re there for what they can get out not what they should put in! -
April 18, 2011 at 13:57 -
Welcome to team anarco-capitalism!
You are now AnCap Raccoon.
Another Raccoon post that makes me wish I had some skill that I could us pro-bono without negatively impacting the native economics.
April 18, 2011 at 14:41 -
You do know that the person who wrote the words “I am the lizard king, I can do anything” is buried in France (Paris)…? As your unofficial junior defence counsel I have to advise my client to do as I do “treat these accusers with the respect they deserve!”
Oh, you are doing, OK, as you were… -
April 18, 2011 at 15:30 -
If we lived in caves still, all this nonsense wouldn’t exist.
April 18, 2011 at 16:20 -
I don’t mind you turning into an anarchist, as long as you follow the rules.
April 18, 2011 at 19:31 -
As SmallDeadAnimals regularly headlines, to highlight the total lack of individual responsibility that seems to have gripped the world:
“What we want is anarchy-with a big government to pay for it!”
Sums up the world pretty well I think. And to be consistent, I demand the camoron bomb Syria and Burkina Faso-support the oppressed, destroy their country’s wealth. That’s assuming camoron has any operable aircraft, bombs, or pilots, perhaps he could outsource it to the bad-old USA.
April 18, 2011 at 22:48 -
I have long been very suspicious of UN Organisations as being like the first International Public Service.
If I started to list all the complaints I have with the UN I would be a frothing at the mouth.
Most recently was the United Nations sending in Pakistan Army (100% Islamic) to oversea the Ivory Coast Elections and provide balanced support to Christians and Muslims.
They have confirmed no electoral fraud in Muslim Areas. Allowing West Africas Richest and most Stable economy to be destroyed by Islamic forces from the North.
Next. Watch what happens in Nigeria when the Religion of Peace does not get its way.
Aye, not fucking likely.
April 19, 2011 at 09:17 -
It is a tribute to human nature’s need to survive that people can watch TV news every day without going insane.
Perhaps I missed something.
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