Labour – Make Poverty Permanent.

Dear English, Irish and Welsh Cousins,
This is a little bit of an indulgence as you are not facing the prospect of more Labour.
Here in Scotland it is a very real possibility. Labour are in their element blaming the whole world for the debt they created, pointing fingers at anyone who tries to sort the financial crisis.
The BBC Scotland Labour Branch minions are outdoing themselves as usual. We live in a propaganda state controlled by the Labour Party. Here is the lost first draft of a speech by the Leader of Labour in Scotland. Obviously they will deny it but where else could it have come from?
Manifesto – Make Poverty Permanent
Foreword:Ian Elmer Fudd Gray – Member of Scottish Parliament (Red Ed Militants Boy in Scotland)
Like Comrade Miliband I too had a dream! I dreamt we destroyed growth, I dreamt we slashed employment opportunities and I dreamt we taxed businesses to oblivion. I had a dream that all of Scotland felt like the East End of Glasgow.
All we do, we do for a reason. We do so because unemployment is at the heart of labour’s electoral base, it offers the best chance of a better life for our MPs, and empowers the grievance politics of our Trade Union paymasters. The chance of a good life should be our birthright rather than an accident of birth for all members of our socialist inner circle, our families and political minions at the BBC.
Poverty in the areas we represent is not by accident. It is the result of decades of political incompetence, inexperience of real world enterprise and a firm ideology that everyone must be equally held back. (Except the ruling elite of the socialist party who must lead the masses).
Take my own excellent example. I was a student in the 1970′s who then became a public sector worker teaching in a secondary school in Edinburgh. I saw teenagers lose their future and their hopes through unemployment and I rejoiced at another generation of Labour voters.
I marched and protested at the cuts in the 1980′s that reversed the near bankruptcy of the UK following the previous Labour administrations total incompetence because in my heart I am a socialist hypocrite and without any real world experience of tax generation in enterprise I simply cry like a teenager who wants more pocket money. I cannot understand how the money is generated. We are the terminator of dreams for any person, region or country that dreams of a better future through hard work, personal endeavour and ambition.
We can take a different path to the leading economies of the world, we can eradicate the great achievements of the past. We can still continue to support communist big state monopolies long after the Russians and the Chinese have moved to wealth generation through enterprise. If we are elected we can kill off all inspiration for the future, we can kill any hope of a job in the private sector and we will kill off all innovation.
You, the people, can live a life your great grandfather knew.
We can expand our control through more public sector jobs to increase the funding for the Unions who in turn fund the Labour party. The vision that guides me is a Scotland of full public sector employment; a more equally shit Scotland, with no freedom to give full expression to who we feel we are, obsessed with political correctness and grievance politics of minority interest pressure groups who will all get an increase in public funding. If you elect Labour, I promise we will increase the public sector to a size not seen since the Chinese Revolution.
We will end youth unemployment by giving everyone a non job at the council paid for by more borrowing we cannot pay back. I cannot balance the Scottish budget, I refuse to balance it. We will not reform our public services and cut the cost of governing. We can do this if we focus relentlessly on what matters to us and avoid the tough choices. That’s what Labour exists to do. This is our programme for Scotland.
I am standing to be First Minister of Scotland. I believe there are still enough idiots left in the Strathclyde area who will vote for more poverty, more deprivation and more economic sink estates full of crime long enough for me to become a peer in the House of Lords like all the great Socialists before me.
We can create powerful trade unions led by men on six figure salaries who will call strikes to grind the whole country to a halt and blame it on everyone else. We have the resolve and utter lack of intergrity to deny any responsibility for the financial mess of the UK and Scotland after 14 years of Labour rule in London and nearly 50 years of Labour control in Scotland. I make no apologies for the scale of my ambition for Scotland.
This manifesto obviously talks to the concerns of the people of Scotland: jobs, business, safer streets, better schools, our NHS, our environment but that is to give talking points to our comrades in the BBC so we can hide our wider agenda of incompetence through public sector expansionism. We can deploy our many friends in the Labour controlled media to promote our agenda word for word in the Press, TV and Radio.
This manifesto is the widest and deepest fabrication ever undertaken by any political party in this country. Give Labour your trust once again we will do for your future generations what every labour government has done in the past.
Trust Labour to lie to you when there is a problem, trust Labour to deny the structural deficit, trust Labour to create more debt, trust Labour to change accounting rules to hide PFI debt, trust Labour to make all of Scotland feel like the East End of Glasgow.
Trust Labour if you are a total idiot.
April 9, 2011 at 09:21 -
This would be funny if it wasn’t true. Instead, it’s scary.
April 9, 2011 at 09:26 -
Regrettably accurate: it needs only the caveat of “we can kill any hope of a job in the private sector and we will kill off all innovation – in the legitimate, law-abiding community, at any rate”.
April 9, 2011 at 09:49 -
Whilst I despise the 13 years of destruction by the Labour party, I equally despise the 13 years of ‘Opposition’ by the Tories, if that is what it could be called.
April 9, 2011 at 09:55 -
Why don’t we just rise up and destroy Labour whether they be red, blue, yellow or any other colour. It’ll all be just the same next year and the year after that, and that. Only fewer bloggers and fewer demonstrators as they just lie down and let politicians tread them into the dirt. OR – maybe revolution is in the air!
April 9, 2011 at 09:59 -
Sounds about right to me.
April 9, 2011 at 10:57 -
If it wasn’t true, it would be funny
April 9, 2011 at 12:26 -
Mention of the Barnett Formula always gets the cry “what about our oil, you thieving gits”, but I still reckon that if it was recalculated fairly the Central Belt would have an incentive to do the same as Russia, E.Europe & Cuba & throw off the yoke of BS & Palermo-style corruption. Based on personality the SNP doesn’t exactly impress, a wily coyote with a grim bansturbator for a sidekick. Maybe there’s an alternative universe with likeable & competent politicians in?
April 9, 2011 at 18:59 -
There are plenty of us who want a different formula Livewire. One where we are an independent nation state free to sink or swim on our own. You can live without the blood of generations of our young men fighting your wars. You can leave us to generate our own power safe from the dangerous nuclear stations you stuck next to our capital and our largest population centre. You can let us decide whether the loss of our fishery is a good swap for the freedom of our financial sector to trade in the EU.
Keep your money, let us keep ours. Both of us will be better off, not least because you won’t be ruled by idiots like McDoom, and we won’t be ruled by a party that has not been elected in Scotland in my 50 year lifetime.
I loath Zanu with a passion that I cannot describe. They are corrupt. They care only about power. I just hope the people in a free Scotland will learn quickly that the future is not red, but lies in rediscovering that enterprise spirit which made us the vanguard of the British Empire.
I think I’ll go donate some money to the SNP now. Goodnight.
April 9, 2011 at 21:07 -
Fair comment. It’s just a surface impression from here without studying the local policies. Possibly a misjudgement about Salmond although the other one is the type of politician in any party who will raise the hackles of a libertarian/minarchist, there are plenty in the big 3 parties who would get the same label.
April 9, 2011 at 20:59 -
Dear Mr Livewire,
Please do not take offense at the following rant but it is with the genuine hope that you can understand that the information that you are presented with is no better than propoganda.
The publicity about the Barnett formula was meant for Scottish consumption to make us believe we were getting a great deal and stay quiet. It backfired when the English media started using it to complain about subsidising Scotland.
If it was true, do you not think Thatcher and co would have kicked it totally into touch. The reality very different. The devil lies in the detail.
The UK government had created a new country named Extra Regio Territories in order to conceal the Oil revenues from the Scottish account.
When the Scottish Parliament was established, the UK Government annexed 6000 square miles of Scottish Waters rich in Oil, Gas and Fish and transferred them to English jurisdiction without consulting the Scottish people.
Corporation and other taxes paid by the International Oil Companies based in London whose taxes are credited to the London account.
Much Oil Tax Revenue is sneakily allocated to operating surplus and Crown Estates Income.
Suspicious veil of obfuscation from HM Treasury that surrounds Oil Revenue. Why employ people to hide revenue. Why not count and report the true figure?
£553 Millions being attributed to Scottish Expenditure as percentage (8.5%) of population for Central Government and London Capital projects such as Crossrail (2006 figure) HS2 and Olympics are being allocated similarly
Then their is Trident, Military Commannd and bases in England all being attributed to Scotland yet never being spent. Etc Etc
Full details.
If you are interested
April 9, 2011 at 21:24 -
Rants are fine, I’m used to Order Order… I should have looked up the details of the Barnett Formula to prepare for a robust debate. I did actually see Lord Barnett himself say that it was intended as a temporary measure (televised in select committee evidence)
which had remained in place for many years longer than expected, but it’s not enough for a well-argued latenight session!
We’ll agree that Labour are crap…-
April 9, 2011 at 23:43 -
I agree, Labour are truly shite.
It is a clever distraction to tell the English they subsidise Scotland building resentment in England for Scotland. In Scotland we know we are being robbed so feel resentment towards the English even more when they complain about Subsidy that does not exists.
While we are discussing this we should both reach down and grab our ankles as the reality is tha Westminster MPs are shafting us both while we are distracted.
Even worse the EU are being lined up to shaft what is left of us after Westminster finishes.
Divide and Conquer. One day we will all realise England needs independent fiscal control as does Scotland and all the other constituent parts of the UK. We will be the best of neighbours with localised control and fiscal accountability.
No more Scottish MPs voting through English only legislation, or Tories imposing laws on Scotland when they have only a couple of MPs.
We will always be part of the British Isles, that is geography, but we do not have to pool political power in a Wasteminster nonsense. We can take control home from EU and have parliaments in the UK that are directly accountable to the people. I think the name for this is Democracy (Maybe the US will invade and help us get this)
April 10, 2011 at 00:27 -
Politicians shouldn’t be likeable. They should be honest, trustworthy and work in the interests of the people and the country that has trusted them with their election. At least the SNP fulfill all those conditions.
April 10, 2011 at 00:22 -
Elmer GrayFudd will lead Scotland back to despair and deeper poverty as your excellent post mentions. I despair for the Scottish people voting for these shitebags, to the extent that I am seriously thinking of emigrating which for a 56 year old patriotic Scotsman, is a huge step.
April 10, 2011 at 11:15 -
Great post – exactly how I feel.
I loathe the lot and my main wish is to be free of the EU.
Should our northern kin wish for independence I would be wholly for it.
But, beware the EU.
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