Best comments of the week (BCotW)
Caedmon’s Cat in ‘Why do you Blog?’
I blog during the course of my mouse-catching activities. I do so because I’m the only moggy in the area who’s interested enough to do it. Life is getting more stupid here in the lovely Kingdom of Northumbria each passing day. There are so many examples of the window-licking idiocy of the ruling classes – and the pantomime that goes with it – that simply beg to be mocked and derided.
Oh – and I’ve come to realise – like SBML – that socialism is nothing a bag of maggots – like those who make millions of groats from it. We’ve tasted its bitter fruits, and we long-suffering creatures have endured enough of its cant and hypocrisy – not that I have any more respect for Caedmeron and the Tree Faction or their Liberationist bedfellows; they all treat the people who elect them as if they’re cash cows to be milked, herded, controlled and patronised. Idiots.
Snowolf in ‘A Man For All Reasons’.
Leaden prose? We must be reading different blogs, Anna.
I’ll indulge in one of my guilty pleasures, the ridiculous, incredible, and utterly hilarious soap opera that is professional wrestling. You are like the Undertaker. A huge crowd favourite, the ‘phenom’.
He’s been in the business too long, his body is beaten and battered, barely functioning. But he is such a draw, his name on the bill ensures an audience of millions. He comes out about five times a year, he simply can’t manage any more, but when he does come out to play, it is sublime and world class.
Pick your fights for the biggest audiences, the best shows and the deepest impact.
Pericles on ‘DCLG released Documents’.
Well, is that not the purpose of sending ‘50 per cent.’ to university : to teach them to string together a load of drivel that can then be used to justify their being given government jobs (or jobs in the private sector trying to cope with ever more legislation) and — to all intents and purposes — receiving benefits ?
To-day we learn that the Coalition is to ‘encourage’ colleges to require lower grades at A-level of those from ‘poorer backgrounds’. As if standards were not already dismal. How, one wonders, will vice-chancellors set about the implementation of this ridiculous idea ? Shall we see the perverse situation in which parents buy a second home on a sink estate for Junior to use as a home address on application forms ?
Why, then, is all this happening ? Here’s why: a political class with no understanding of economics or the natural sciences cannot afford to have a more capable generation coming up behind it ; cannot risk discovery, for example, of the frauds it has perpetrated in the name of ‘sound finance’ (baling out the banks) or ‘science’ (the anthropogenic-global-warming fraud).
February 18, 2011 at 10:43
Yeah thats right
February 13, 2011 at 18:24
Yeah! Anarchy and rebellion on a Sunday night!
February 13, 2011 at 17:24
All politicians are cunts.
February 13, 2011 at 17:29
With your name, I imagine there’s a close connection…
February 14, 2011 at 07:00
They do con us so that works in French as well.