The Wonders of Modern Policing.
Deep in the heart of Bradford, the Police helicopter was monitoring the comings and goings of the community. Serious crimes of a terrorist nature have emanated from that city, so no wonder they keep such a close eye on the inhabitants.
Suddenly the alarm is sounded; a potential major crime has been spotted by the hovering technology. SOCA is alerted. Search warrants hastily issued.
Squads of police cars race to the area, uniformed officers surround the house. We are not told whether they were armed or not. A bolt cutter is produced to force entry to the house. Such excitement! Z cars live on your street.
The neighbours were aghast, for they knew the occupant to be a primary school teacher who lived with her Mother – surely she couldn’t be a major terrorist? She seemed such a nice lady.
Kept Guinea Pigs, she did, was so concerned for their comfort in this cold weather that she had left a heater switched on in the garage to keep them all cuddly and warm……
Stand Down Lads! Not a major cannabis growing factory after all……
January 13, 2011 at 10:03
Anna, you’ve lived in Mid-Wales so you’ll know of the problems with
low-flying military jets. An amusing story from a few years back was of a
farmer who painted “Piss off Biggles” on the top of his barn. They probably
charged him with failure to write it in both languages…
January 13, 2011 at 12:59
Plods’ finest moment with a chopper, was when some loon reported
‘screams’ from an old quarry one January night. Mobilising the forces’ shiny
new toy, plod disturbed a pair of mating foxes…and crashed the chopper into
the quarry !
January 12, 2011 at 20:33
Guilty until proven innocent, thanks for nothing Labour.
Now just fuck off and die like you were supposed to.
12, 2011 at 18:40
Amongst some communities (get that) the Guinea Pig is a favoured delicacy.
The lady should have been done for running an illegal factory farm. Then the
coverage will have taken off all the boring stuff thats on the news at the
January 12, 2011 at 18:04
Not directly on topic, but related :
January 12, 2011 at 17:38
Oh Good God ! Speechless, wonder how much that little operation cost for
the cashstrapped Police.
Probably not as much as having a ‘deep cover’ policeman on the job for
seven years I suppose.
January 12, 2011 at 18:50
“Probably not as much as having a ‘deep cover’ policeman on the job for
seven years…”
Wonderful pun, Andrew:
January 12, 2011 at 16:30
Every day our country becomes more like a Monty Python sketch.
January 12, 2011 at 16:23
I had to chuckle behind by paw. Priceless.
PS I’ve never sampled guinea
pig – the Americas haven’t been discovered yet. Could you please oblige me by
sending me the precise location of these creatures? I’m very curious…
January 13, 2011 at 15:08
Be careful – the larger ones fight back. A tin of Felix is much less
January 12,
2011 at 16:21
‘It’s the fuzz! Scarper!’
January 12, 2011 at 16:08
see linky for the canadian version of due process in search of those