Confession Time.
My name is Alastair, I am a recovering Lefty Numpty and former Labour Voter.
I was a lefty for over 15 years and during that dark time I lived a lie of convenience, idealism and denial. I sunk to the depths of political depravity and moral flip flopping. I also made excuses for their behaviour and tried to rationalise the destruction of the UK economy and culture and under the mistaken belief “things could only get better”. Like Fox Mulder, I wanted to believe!
I have now been clean of parasitical economic idealism for 5 years. I no longer dabble with dangerous multicultural ideology and I would never consider the need for a Mosque in every town and village in the land to house the millions of migrants the country needs to keep us in labour voters again. It is only when you look back at how far you have come you realise what an utter arse you once were. Naive, idealistic and totally unprepared for the harsh realities of modern life. Unless you are a Turnip Farmer socialism, like a lot of its supporters, just does not work.
It has been a difficult journey to become responsible for my own actions, my own finances and my own family after my total State dependence mentality that was instilled in me from an early age. I was a product of the British education system run by Petrov Panski Students who never grew up, who who live in an ideological bubble of an institution where they do not have to deal with the harsh realities of commerce, competition and cash flow concerns.
I was also member of a dangerous cult called “Unite” where our dear leader lived in opulent wealth by taking money directly from us via our employers. They could afford to be idealistic as they were earning over £100,000 per year in comparison to my £15,000. They would call us out on strike whenever they wanted to get on the news to further their PR image. It was not them that suffered – they get paid every week.
Thankfully one day I woke up after prostituting myself at one of our many cult events where I mixed with terrorist sympathisers, animal rights thugs, anti fascist vandals, student radicals and Pushtu Vegan Transgender Pressure groups.
It was during that meeting I looked out at the crowds of people walking by with their families, getting on with their work, providing employment, paying taxes and obeying the laws of the parliament that I realised.
WE were the problem and that life is never going to be perfect. That a person must contribute to society, integrate and facilitate change not scare women and children with violent thuggery banging drums, stopping feed and crying like little children.
As a recovering Lefty, I still feel shame but I know I getting better. Now when I see the Students on the TV protesting I want to strangle them with the tassels of their Himalayan hats for their entitlement naivety.
I say to these students. If you want to be a Solicitor, Dr, Accountant or peace Activist we will pay for it upfront and you can bloody well pay it back when you are earning enough money. What’s the bluddy problem!
- January 6, 2011 at 14:31
Thanks for all the comments. I am now fully recovered and leading a healthy
productive life without the need of socialism.
- January 3, 2011 at 22:58
To the recovering socialist…. Welcome to the world of the grown-ups. I and
many like me have known for years that Socialism cannot and will not work. All
it ever leads to is poverty and oppresion for the majority of people while a
small elite tax and control the majority.What I hear you cry is that any
different to capitalism? the answer is that under capitalism people with
ability and drive can improve their lives and the lives of their families and
communities and moreover be free. Socialism ,whether it is New Labia ,
Communism or National Socialism always leads to oppression and violence. Look
at History!!!!
December 29, 2010 at 16:07
Great post. But remember to take it one day at a time
December 28, 2010 at 23:48
Go and sin no more
- December 28, 2010 at 21:30
I’m confused… first you talk about the Labour Party. Then you switch to
talking about Socialism. Make your mind up.
- December 28, 2010 at 20:57
Perhaps when the entire population is engaged in either living on handouts,
learning how to work the system, or occupations like diversity co-ordinator,
pigeon psychologist, fish quota accountant, tree inspector and myriads of
other silly non-jobs, perhaps someone in a place of significance in the coming
dystopia will come to a banyan tree moment of illumination…
But at least
one soul has seen the light. Caedmon is going to request a ‘Te Deum’ in the
Abbey tonight.
- December 28, 2010 at 19:08
2mac the transition from socialism is called growing up. You no longer
believe in faeries, and unearned benevolence or a nebulous belief that
government can “manage” your problems. Welcome to the world of adults.
Socialists love the “educational institutions”, they are an extension of
the kindergarten where the inmates are told how to think in regimented belief
systems. Until recently this was possible with minimum expense and almost no
effort, it’s occupants were lavished with praise for any action however
immature and sent into the world with a belief that taxpayers should continue
to subsidize their strange beliefs in sociology, early childhood development,
climate “science”, meejah and the myriad “professions” that do not contribute
to productive output.
It is to be hoped that others will follow you, but I am not optimistic.
December 28, 2010 at 19:04
Who’s Petrov Panski?
- December 28, 2010 at 18:59
@ Rab – I’m not going to sit in any circle with you if you can’t control
your bladder!
@ Hysteria – Yes, there is undoubtedly a need for some of those skills you
mentioned, but clearly there should also be a list of “approved” subjects
where loans from the state (i.e. you and me) would be readily available.
Anything not on the list and YOU provide the money! As for the average 18 year
old not knowing about business plans – well they bloody well should! What ever
happened to Education, Education, Education?
I was chatting to an friend recently – he runs a market stall with his
brother, and both are around 50 years old. In amongst putting the world to
rights he said that he thought economics should be taught at school. I have no
idea whether this is done nowadays (haven’t got any kids of my own), but I
replied by saying “Yes, I agree, but where would we find anybody to teach it?”
The point being that we, as a society, are now into the 4th generation of folk
with no idea of the basics. These are people who always assume that “They” (in
other words, someone else) will pick up the pieces.
I despair….
- December 28, 2010 at 18:30
Watch the Ashes Ian, that will cheer you up (unless you’re an Aussie!)
- December 28, 2010 at 21:33
Or a Scotsman
- December 28, 2010 at 21:33
- December 28, 2010 at 15:36
Love it, a much needed laugh after the most unChristmassy Christmas I can
remember. Has everyone been miserable or is it just in Accrington?
December 28, 2010 at 21:12
I was miserable, Ian, until I chomped my way through a spectacularly
powerful box of chocolate liqueurs which made me in turn giggly, churlish,
bombastic and finally comatose. I was found this afternoon under a pile of
coats. I was winched out by the Fire Brigade this evening. I was sent home
shortly afterwards.
- December
28, 2010 at 15:35
Top stuff.
Perhaps we can set up a group called ‘Lefties Anonymous’ and have group
discussions whilst sat in a wee circle…
- December 28, 2010 at 15:20
Micro dave – interesting idea – but I reckon the average 18 year-old
product of our education system would not know a business plan if it jumped up
and bit them in the wallet-pocket.
I reckon Mac has it about right – as a society we actually do need to have
qualified doctors, engineers, teachers and all the rest of it. So from that
perspective the “money up front but pay it back” approach seems a reasonable
compromise between investing in future wealth generation and the alternative
of an open ended entitlement.
As an increasing number of “meeja studies” graduate end up flipping
burgers, won’t that lead to a lowering of demand for those courses over
- December 28, 2010 at 15:20
oh – and Mac – nice post !
- December 28, 2010 at 15:58
You didn’t think these mickey mouse degree courses were run
for educational purposes did you? They’re job creation schemes for
academics. My daughter has a 2.1 in History of Art, Design and Film (at
least it’s not multiculturalism, diversity studies or waste management with
modern dance) and now works as an alternative therapist massaging feet,
beating bare bottoms with bunches of sage or piling warm stones on women’s
backs. Still, she spends winter in the Apls and Summer on the Med so it’s
better than burger flipping and think of how many people are employed by the
University of Anystreetcorner to teach such a wide diversity of subjects.
The only one of her eight housemates to work in a job related to the
degree subject is the only one who took a degree in a tradional subject,
- December 28, 2010 at 16:34
In fact it should be ‘you pay up front for your degree and if you get a
1:1 in a subject that is needed then we will give you a full refund’. No top
degree – no refund and post a list of the subjects that will get a refund at
the start.
It is the only way to get rid of the ‘not on the unemployed stats’
- December 28, 2010 at 15:20
- December 28, 2010 at 15:09
I disagree with your final paragraph. It’s an easy cop-out. If somebody
wishes to carry out improvements to their business, in the expectation of
better trade in the future, it is customary to obtain a loan. This invariably
requires some sort of financial plan to demonstrate the viability of said
improvement. If a prospective university student thinks that there is a
pressing need for more graduates with a degree in meeja studies, why not let
him or her follow the same procedure?