Dog bites Man, Owner Swears.
The owner of a fierce German Shepherd was fined a total of £3,720 pounds for its latest attack on a neighbour.
The owner screeched ‘this is a fu*king travesty’ and ‘I’ll never set foot in a courtroom again’ as they stormed out of the courtroom.
Nothing unusual in this example of Chav behaviour and the ownership of dangerous dogs?
Just one small point.
The foul mouthed dog owner was Crown Court Judge Beatrice Bolton who sits at Newcastle Crown Court.
Or at least, she did.
“It will be for the Lord Chief Justice and the Lord Chancellor to consider the impact of this conviction on Her Honour Judge Bolton’s position as a judge.”
December 15, 2010 at 17:25
Let’s not prejudge this. There were two judges involved here. The judging
judge, and the judged judge. If I’m any judge , then I would judge that one of
the judges is wrong, and the other judge isn’t. But which judge is which?
There’s no way to judge, not based on MSM info.
I’d like to side with the underdog. Or the underjudge. Or the dogjudge. But
maybe I’m prejudgeiced.
December 15, 2010 at 16:59
If you cannot take it don’t dish it out
15, 2010 at 16:10
No, she obviously needs THE cat. About ten lashes should do it, it is
Christmas, after all…
Chris hits the nail on the head – all I could think of when I read it was
Vera Baird, ex-MP!
December 15, 2010 at 15:39
15, 2010 at 15:33
If she’s allowed to continue sitting after that outburst, that would be the
f***ing travesty.
December 15, 2010 at 15:28
You can almost hear the outraged “Do you know who I am?” in her
ill-tempered tantrum. Diddums doesn’t like her own medicine.
15, 2010 at 15:08
Takes contempt of court to a swhole new level when the judges do it!