She Is A Lovely Girl And All That Stuff But….
………. I have already got Royal Wedding fatigue.
I am trying hard to fight it, because I do think this is not the usual Windsor family botch up, where Charles Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was forced to marry the wrong girl. Yes, I am a cynical wrinkled old Republican but even I have come round to the position where if we have a written consitution, we have to find a role for the monarch as Head of State because that’s what the the people want, somebody to doff their cap to.
As a wrinkled old Historian I know that in times of unbelievable economic crap you have to have a Royal Wedding.
1947 – Princess Elizabeth – Country bankrupt after a hard fought war, austerity, dreadful winter , fuel shortages.
1981 – Prince Charles – Country Bankrupt after Labour rule, austerity, roofs being taken off factories in Birmingham to avoid the business rate, Toxteth Riots, huge economic restructuring.
2011 – Prince William – Country bankrupt after Labour rule, austerity, European economy in freefall, huge economic restructuring needed.
I actually predicted this would happen earlier in the year on another blog. It is as if the birth marriage death cycle of the Royal family is organised on a political agenda (surely not).
I am having waves of nausea already, Eric Pickles saying Street parties will be easier under the Coalition, BBC fawning as only they know how and endless interviews with gurning American tourists and wedding tat manufacturers.
I find the ‘Princess Di’s’ ring thing just a little contrived, but needed for the Daily Express/Mail readers. Come on William give the girl a new ring, I would have never dared come up with that stunt.
Still it’s been a good day to bury bad news for the Government, pay outs to people that have been allegedly tortured by the British State et al , just look on pages 20-22 for the next eight months, because that is where all the news will be.
Hopefully for iDave this will smooth over the hike in VAT in January.
November 16, 2010 at 20:07 -
But it’s so SWEET!
November 16, 2010 at 20:14 -
Maybe, but does she take it up the [continued on page 42]
November 16, 2010 at 20:54 -
You old cranky curmudgeon.
When there is love in the air everything is nice and pretty and good.
BUT politicians should not get involved nor use it for their own purposes. Street parties and such like must not be organised by any council or state body. If a group want to do it, then it’s up to them – nothing to do with any council or politician.
November 18, 2010 at 00:12 -
Street party? You’ll be lucky. It’s all street closure orders and public liability insurance in case a wallpapering table folds up on a kiddie or somebody gets food poisoning from an inadquately-barbequed sausage.
There might be a smidgen of good come out of it if this is a reason to repeal some of the duffer legislation.
November 16, 2010 at 21:45 -
Sister Eva should stopping licking that gun and put it to a good use. (But I couldn’t possibly suggest what, as nowadays you can be arrested for just thinkinh bad thoughts about the Royles.)
PS: it’s the other son who’s the Hewitt bastard, isn’t it?-
November 17, 2010 at 12:29 -
Sister Eva should indeed . She should remember the old saying , “this is a rifle, that is a gun, this is for fighting, that is for fun.” Poor old Gildas wont be getting the full range of services, if she has a Negligent Discharge in that position.
November 16, 2010 at 22:51 -
It’s all very sweet but I am so superstitious about other people’s jewellery…I’d say they’d be fine if it weren’t for the bloody ring.
November 16, 2010 at 23:13 -
And she is fit!
November 16, 2010 at 23:53 -
Everyone knows it’s an arranged marriage of convenience between the much fabled and outed holey Prince Cocksucker and a commoner wench. That the UK government is trying to make it a popular media thing on the world stage through a media blitz is all the more embarrassing, humiliating and debilitating to those who buy into it.
November 17, 2010 at 07:44 -
What all 62 million of the population ‘know’ this ? I don’t think it is for one.
November 17, 2010 at 01:07 -
Bored with it already.
November 17, 2010 at 01:56 -
I often look at BBC Ceefax pages while munching my lunch (just to know what lies are being told to us today). Index page 102 had page 107 as an article about the 3.2% inflation rise, which I felt to be more pertinent to me and my life than pages 104-106 about the Royal Engagement (PS: I’m in the SE so still using analogue services). So I go to page 107 and what do I see, but an article about the Scots congratulating the Happy Couple. And no, the inflation page wasn’t bumped down to page 108 or 109 etc. It wasn’t there at all. OK, I thought – this is just an indexing error to be corrected within a few hours considering it’s only Ceefax. It’s nearly 2am now and the Ceefax index is still the same! Granted the article is on the BBC website and is buried right at the bottom of the main page…should anyone be interested in reading it.
November 17, 2010 at 10:31 -
I’ve been so excited about the news that I’ve already given them my engagement present – beat that if you can, people! -
November 18, 2010 at 20:17 -
I think the happy couple should slope off to the nearest Registery Office and have a quick Civil ‘do’ and then have the big bash at the Opening of the London 2012 Olympics. Global TV audience assured, lovely Summery open-air venue, TV schedules already cleared for the day, Kate could have her dress designed by those oafs responsible for the ‘amoeba-mascots’, Wills could bring them both in by helicopter (and would be on hand to winch-out the odd ‘fainter’), Elton John could pen another, up-beat version of Candle in the Wind with a few references to velodromes and synchronised swimming and the party would go on all night. Simples.
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