Here Come The Nutters
Here Come The Nutters !
This was the immortal political analysis of Adrian Chiles yesterday in relation to the grassroots Tea Party Movement in the States seizing the initiative in the midterm elections in the States.
As heard on Sky last night- an ‘analyst’ talked about a ‘rabble’ going to Washington. Another has said that for the Republican whips it’ll be like herding cats.
Not for them real politics of a small low tax State, they are conservative with a small ‘c’ maintaining the status quo of a massive State, ruptured budgets and financial incontinence. Surely the nutters are the Fabians who have allowed this to happen.
I remember that as a founding member of the Libertarian Party three years ago we were warned that we would never get the LPUK off the ground because it would would be like herding cats. We are still here, some of the wilder ideologically pure cats have got bored and wandered off to be ‘wolfie smith ‘revolutionaries on their own. I wish them well
I have yet to meet anybody (other than Adrian Chiles of course) who thinks that a massive State that sucks in over sixty per cent of our personal wealth, proposes to put up VAT to 20% in January, bails out banks and cannot afford to pay for defence without recourse to the French is a good thing. So what is the difference between the States and here.
In short participation and a balanced Constitution.
In the UK we have had sixty years of Butskellism/Fabianism. The State will look after you cradle to grave. Fabianism thrives on dependency not self reliance. The Fabian experiment has failed, we all know it, but it is going to take time to turn this around. Unfortunately all three major parties are wedded to the big high spending high tax State. Our Prime Minister has gone on the record at party conference- I am not and this party is not Libertarian. The Social Democrats are wedded to an even larger State- the EU. The Labour Party at their core believe a large State is a force for good.
You are simply not going to see anything other than tinkering with the rigging as the ship goes down from any of the three parties.
Fabianism rests on the central tenet that the elite knows best for the rest of us. This is just modern feudalism, with the general population toiling in large part for the State. Do you remember being taught in schools (before Education,Education,Education) that serfs had to toil in their Lord’s fields for a part of their working week, and on top of that handover a tithe to the Church.
Forgive me if I think that the peasant of the Middle Ages was actually a bit better off than this modern serfdom. At least then the State was in fear of the population as Wat Tyler,the Lollards,John Pym and Chartists proved. The State is no longer in fear of the population in this country. The individual is in fear of the State.
Our Constitutional arrangements are appalling. In the States the President is subject to checks and balances of power by Congress. This was built in to ensure that the arbitrary power of one man would not govern the country. QED the representative sent to Congress has real power and influence.
In Britain, there is absolutely nothing to fetter the Prime Minister other than a general tut tuttedness from the population. Blair started three armed conflicts by sofa government, Brown signed Lisbon in a broom cupboard, and Cameron has entered into a defence pact with France with no reference to the paymasters in Parliament at all. Charles I lost both throne and head for such an alliance with the Irish Catholics.
MP’s as was proved by the expenses scandal have very little integrity, largely do not count in the corridors of power, and are largely treated with contempt by the permanent civil service.
The Tory ‘Bill of Rights’ is on the back burner, the best we are being offered is a non choice on AV next May as a sop to the Social Democrats. It is business as usua
That is not enough, it is not radical enough. A marker has been thrown down in the United States after just two years of Obamarism, we have had sixty years of Fabianism. We have a long way to go to break the mind set of dependancy. Please join us in starting a revolution by joining the Libertarian Party either as a member or a supporter.
If you cannot bring yourself to do that and consider yourself a Libertarian at heart, but change the Tory party and the Social Democrats at the grassroots level. Join any of the campaigning groups for constitutional and electoral reform.
When the history of this period is written, do not say I did not participate, I was watching East Enders at the time.
November 3, 2010 at 17:41
“That is not enough, it is not radical enough. A marker has been thrown
down in the United States after just two years of Obamarism, we have had sixty
years of Fabianism. We have a long way to go to break the mind set of
dependancy. ”
That made me stop and think. Are the people after real radical changes over
here getting it so wrong, or does the American system allied with the American
collective spirit for radicalism allow the Tea Party to thrive? (Don’t know is
my answer)
Agreed with all of the above btw.
November 3, 2010 at 17:41
“That is not enough, it is not radical enough. A marker has been thrown
down in the United States after just two years of Obamarism, we have had sixty
years of Fabianism. We have a long way to go to break the mind set of
dependancy. ”
That made me stop and think. Are the people after real radical changes over
here getting it so wrong, or does the American system allied with the American
collective spirit for radicalism allow the Tea Party to thrive? (Don’t know is
my answer)
Agreed with all of the above btw.
November 3, 2010 at 16:36
Chiles is a totally talentless, obnoxious, egotistical prat. However it was
rather amusing to see the BBC/SKY ‘political’ commentators trying to make a
silk purse out of a pigs ear.
November 3, 2010 at 16:36
Chiles is a totally talentless, obnoxious, egotistical prat. However it was
rather amusing to see the BBC/SKY ‘political’ commentators trying to make a
silk purse out of a pigs ear.