2.9% A Victory ?
I am utterly astounded by iDave making this statement. This is an utter disaster, the very fact that the EU wanted a 6% expansion in its spending just shows how out of touch with econnomic reality the EU is and it should have been contemplating massive cuts not expansion.
In times past this country has always resisted expansionary powers seeking to politically dominate this country, here we have a Prime Minister actively diverting additional funds from this country to a supra national power and crowing how well he has done.
We know that iDave has no time for libertarian or constitutional Government otherwise we would have less Government not more, and the people would have spoken in a referendum on Lisbon. He promised this and went back on his undertaking to the British People.
We have nothing less here than the naked excercise of a clique in power in both London and Brussels, if we had a constitution, iDave would have acted against the Constitution that vests sole power in the British people.He is acting in the financial interests of a supra national power that does not have the active assent of the people.
October 31, 2010 at 11:38
“He is acting in the financial interests of a supra national power”. Very
true, backed by Clegg who sucked greedily at the tit of the EU commission
during his formative years. But did anyone really think Cameron would be
He u-turned on the referendum, has plasticine policies on law and order, is
happy to share defence of the realm with the French, increases foreign ‘aid’
and refuses to abolish the anti-Tory Beeb licence fee – what is the point of a
‘Conservative’ government if it lets an arch enemy continue to extort £145 a
year from the public?
October 31, 2010 at 06:43
“iDave”. I like that.
30, 2010 at 23:07
Welcome back. I do miss your namesake though.
We all thought Dave would be the answer to stopping the EU cavalcade. We
know the answer now.