Poor Polly – betrayed again!
There’s a one-eyed yellow Scotsman of a dour and sullen hue
There’s a stench of pious bullshit all around
There’s a broken-heated woman dreams of socialism true
And the yellow Scot forever lets her down
He was known as Red McBroon, and he made the Party swoon
Though his cowardice had long begun to smell
But for all he was a wanker he was feted by the bankers
And Polly Toynbee smiled on him as well
He’d been stringing her along with his socialism strong
She’d swallowed all he put into her head
When she judged Blair’s time was short, she said Broon had her support
Provided he would prove himself True Red
He wrote to ask what promise she would like from Red McBroon
They met for lunch as many times before
And fervently she told him then that nothing else would do
But his vote against Blair’s mad Iraqi war
On the night of the debate, Red McBroon was in a state,
His followers could bring mad Tony down
But he’d never in his life had the balls to wield the knife
For he knew the wielder never wears the crown
When it came to the division, courage gave way to ambition
And his scruples failed as surely as his balls
When she heard them read the vote, fury welled up in her throat
And ‘betrayal!’ was her cry around the halls
Now Hell it hath no fury like a jilted Polly Toynbee
First Blair and now McBroon had sold his soul
As she stomped off in the night, for her op-ed piece to write
She vowed vengeance on the yellow Scots arsehole
There’s a one-eyed yellow Scotsman of a dour and sullen hue
There’s a stench of pious bullshit all around
There’s a broken-hearted woman dreams of socialism true
And the yellow Scot forever lets her down.
Nick Drew
September 2, 2010 at 21:58
gosh chaps, I, … errr, aim to please
September 2, 2010 at 21:41
Hurrah! Bravo! A joy to read, Nick Drew!
September 2, 2010 at 19:47
This weird grey thingy has suddenly appeared on the starboard side of the
bridge window (position:fixed) ; when I
September 2, 2010 at 19:15
Bravo Sir!
2, 2010 at 19:07
Love it….well done!
2, 2010 at 18:50
September 2, 2010 at 18:28
To me the very mention of Polly Toynbee is akin to blowing my nose
on a
tramps truss.
If she has friends my faith in our species is most severely
2, 2010 at 18:16
Utterly brilliant!
September 2, 2010 at 18:13
Laugh? I nearly passed my fags round! er – can you still say that without
being banged up?
September 2, 2010 at 17:52
Out-fucking-standing, as my dear old granny used to say.
September 2, 2010 at 17:47
Polly Toynbee has got to be in contention for the title of the Most Stupid
Woman in Britain. And that includes Harridan Harmsmen, Katherine Rake and all
the other Righteous Cretins in the Fawcett Society!!!!
September 2, 2010 at 20:53
May I add Joan Smith and Yasmin Alhibai-Brown to your illustrious
September 2, 2010 at 17:46
Kipling returns or is it reincarnation?