Asil meets his Nadir.
Dear Asil,
Are you mad ! I heard your pretty little speech about ‘an innocent man has nothing to fear from an English Court ‘on Radio 4, but you have been out of the Country for seventeen years – a lot has changed.
Clearly something went seriously wrong with the legal process twenty years ago, otherwise you would not have got a Judge to grant you bail after having done a runner and I do not blame you for one minute for getting that private plane out of the country. However if you are expecting to be treated ‘innocent until proved guilty’ you are coming back to the wrong country.
Since starting writing this letter to you, the major legal cock up has been revealed; it emerged during a bail hearing in July this year that you were never, legally speaking, on the run.
In 1992 having pleaded not guilty to the SFO’s allegations you were allowed to leave the court without a judge deciding whether you should be bailed or remanded.
A Judge issued an arrest warrant for breach of bail in 1993, that had never been granted in the first place.
You bet we are not going to hear a lot about that little slip up
Tim Worstall gives a pretty good summary for those of you in diapers at the time of the Polly Peck saga; the essence of which is that what PP was doing was perfectly legal, as was the set up with the Phoenix four. However that is not going to stop the SFO and Business Innovation & Skills – Insolvency Service hanging you out to dry, because they don’t believe in pretty speeches about innocent until proved guilty. All I heard was the almighty clang of the steel trap closing behind you as you landed.
Channel Four have already decided you are as guilty as hell.
“The controversial, sometimes described as disgraced, tycoon Asil Nadir is back in Britain after an absence of 17 years. The last time he left Britain he left with a trail of loss and closure behind him with the crash of the then significant retailer Polly Peck. There are 66 charges from that period still outstanding against him.”
The BBC are not keen either, bringing in the Michael Mates inscribed watch and asking – Did you work for Polly Peck? Are you affected by the issues in this story?
Issues, Asil, is a new code word for a ‘progressive’ point of view, as in race issues, green issues, social issues, gay issues. The alarm bells should be ringing. It usually means somebody has to be found to blame.
Disregarding the arcane nature of twenty five year old accounts, where are you going to find twelve men good and true, uninfluenced by the uninhibited twenty four hour media to form an impartial jury ?
Asil, they don’t care; they want a high profile result and you are it, it’s going to take two years for this to come to trial and in the meantime you are going to have to deal with a post Mandelson politicised public service wanting to protect us from free wheeling 1980’s buccaneers like you – especially if they are ‘ foreign’.
Thatcherite Capitalism bad, State Corporatism good.
Private Company failure and bankruptcy bad, Public Government failure and bankruptcy good
I cannot remember how much Polly Peck sank for, but I bet it was not the £1 Bn the public sector lost in Iceland. I don’t see many District Council Treasurers walking around with tags on their legs !
Where are you are getting the impression that now is the right ‘environment’ to answer these charges. There may have been a change of Government, but the new ‘public service’ ethos is still there from the Blair/ Brown years. Rival public bodies are competing to be the ‘super detectives’
You are just the sort of person the SFO want to take down to prove they are the very boys for the top job.
Do they not have newspapers in Northern Cyprus, the New Triumphant State really does not like business other than as a conduit for collecting taxes. Read up about the Phoenix Four, the Nat West Four etc etc get your lawyers to speak to their lawyers. Get boned up on the dirty tricks, and don’t forget no matter how much money you have got – the State has always got far more. Use the Freedom of Information Act as much as you can.
But at the end of the day Asil, you should have stayed on the beach, because this is going to end in tears.
Andrew P Withers
August 29, 2010 at 11:13
August 27, 2010 at 15:27
August 27, 2010 at 15:24
John Ward takes a different view, APW, in suggesting that dirty politics is
behind the whole thing. A lot of dirty politics. If true, it explains why Mr
Nadir chooses this particular time to have a belated attack of conscience and
return to the UK “to face justice.”
August 27, 2010 at 14:37
Aye, tis a class thing. He has a few quid and is thus guilty……..What
August 27, 2010 at 17:45
Nobody was murdered. The only person injured was the driver, who was
struck on the head and suffered recurring headaches. He died of leukemia 7
years after the robbery.