The Righteous in full flood….
We seem to be having a ‘prostituion special’ today.
OXFORD’S “most prolific” prostitute has been banned from selling sex on the streets and in her home for five years.
It is not illegal to sell sex – why has this woman been ‘banned’ from carrying out a legal activity? It is not illegal to accept money for a sex act carried out in your home – why has this woman been banned from carrying out a legal activity in her own home?
Drug addict Nicola Harris worked seven days a week along Cowley Road, East Oxford, and Oxford Road, Cowley, as well as seeing clients at her home in Costar Close in Littlemore.
‘Seven days a week’ – a hard working girl then, who has avoided the temptations of raising money to feed her drug habit illegally. Like stealing or shop-lifting. Now she has been banned from raising the money legally, guess what will happen next?
The 33-year-old, who had been subject to an interim Anti Social Behaviour Order since July 9, failed to turn up at Oxford Magistrates’ Court yesterday to hear the city council’s successful application for a full order.
She was probably at work.
Complaints from local residents began last winter, and Harris was cautioned twice in December and arrested for soliciting in March.
Soliciting is different, that is illegal. What happened to the soliciting charge? Did you not manage to make it stick?
When out on the streets she would take men to Cowley Marsh Park and Agnes Court, off Oxford Road, where police and residents would frequently find used condoms, the court heard.
‘Used condoms’? A girl who was mindful of her own health and that of her customers.
Pc Mike Dix told magistrates the mother-of-one lived a “very chaotic and complicated lifestyle” and would be out on the streets between about 9pm and 3am every night.
Doesn’t sound a very chaotic lifestyle to me. Hard working, a caring attitude towards her customers – and gets to work on time on a regular basis.
He said: “She would be walking down the street, openly looking around, often carrying a garment over her arm, which, I’m informed, is a sign to customers that she’s working.
A discrete trade sign, which even the local policeman needed to have decoded for him – hardly openly soliciting, is it?
“She rarely denied being a prostitute, but often said ‘prove it’ or ‘catch me in the act’.
Here the rub – you couldn’t could you? She had no more need to deny being a prostitute than you had to deny being a policeman. It is a perfectly legal occupation – heavens, you’ll be complaining that she paid her tax on time next.
“Offences of prostitution are quite complicated because it’s not actually illegal to have sex for money, although the soliciting side of it is, and that can often be hard to prove.
Once again – you couldn’t prove it could you?
“She said even if she didn’t necessarily have a drug problem she would continue to solicit with her current customers because it’s a lifestyle choice and she will always need the money.”
As is being a policeman a lifestyle choice. Your choice of words, I’ll bet not hers – ‘solicit with her customers’.
Asked about prostitution, Pc Dix replied: “It’s definitely not just Nicola. She is perhaps the most prolific and well known – her and one other, and we are dealing with the other.”
So you thought you’d make an example of her and prove to the other girls that when you decide that something is against the law, even if it isn’t, you’ll find a way to stop it……
Naeem Chudry, the council’s antisocial behaviour investigator, said: “I won’t go so far as to say this is Oxford’s red-light area. There are other sex workers in Oxford, a handful, and this is the main area in which they operate.”
A handful of girls, carrying out a legal activity in a discrete and caring manner –can’t have that can we? Is your name a clue as to why you want to stop Nicola being independent?
Asked why Harris was specifically targeted, Pc Andrew Reid said: “There are probably about half a dozen other women in the area, but Nicola Harris is by far the most prolific.”
See above –
The court heard Harris lived with her drug-addict partner but her child was taken into care.
I bet you tried to get him on a pimping charge – and failed.
Chair of magistrates Stephen Eeley banned Harris from leaving her home between 9pm and 7am, selling sex at her home and going within a designated area around East Oxford and Cowley, except while travelling on a bus, until 2015.
A bansturbation special – Nicola is now banned from legitimately earning money. Unless she chooses to work from the back seat of the bus – and I hope she does!
Outside court, Saj Malik, the council’s board member for safer communities, said Harris would be given access to drug rehabilitation and advice on housing, money and family matters.
And another one – is your name a clue Saj Malik? How is Nicola making the community unsafe? She already had access to drug rehabilitation if she wanted it – working seven days a week she could no doubt afford to finance it herself. She already has a house – the one you have just sought to ban her from working in. She did have money, she was working seven days a week, remember? What are the family matters you want to intervene in – you’ve already done that, her child is in care, remember?
August 29, 2010 at 10:58
“At last
August 29, 2010 at 10:50
My last post was in reply to this, it didn’t line up for some reason
Ian R Thorpe August 14, 2010 at 18:38
August 18, 2010 at 09:06
Just looked at her home address, using street view on Google Earth and it’s
a nice little close of tidy modern houses.
Safe enough for her and her
August 17, 2010 at 21:11
Nicked yer stuff.
August 15, 2010 at 06:31
I shan’t comment on the legal or moral aspects of this case since there
seems to be something to said for both sides.
I would rather hope that
someone is trying to help her get out of this horrid situation.
Yes, I
know, there are always people who are only too willing to inflict their morals
on other people, but this carry on can hardly be good for her.
All rather
yucky if you ask me.
August 15,
2010 at 06:04
Hmmm, the police may be on a collision course with the councils and disabled
pressure groups if they keep this up…
*gets popcorn*
*settles down to the Victimhood Poker World Series*
August 15, 2010 at 12:36
I wish I’d read your comment before I posted mine
August 15, 2010 at 12:37
JuliaM: I wish I’d read your comment before I posted mine
August 15, 2010 at 12:37
JuliaM: I wish I’d read your comment before I posted mine earlier
August 29, 2010 at 10:44
He he, popcorn it is
August 15, 2010 at 02:08
August 15, 2010 at 08:45
A bit like so many things in life, really?
Sister Eva
August 15, 2010 at 22:42
No thats marriage!
August 15, 2010 at 00:42
I left another message, but the comments system appears to be going
//I would give my last breath in exchange for happy, healthy future for my
daughter. Or my sons. I fear it will be breathed in vain, due to the immoral
swamp which deluges the nation.//
I said in my missing comment that I am sure that if you have raised your
children well, then it will not matter what filth surrounds them, they will
reject it. I believe that children are mostly the product of their upbringing,
therefore if someone has raised their children correctly, they will turn out
ok. I am sure that you have raised your children well, therefore it seems
likely that they will stand above the corruption of the world. Out of idle
curiosity, do your children share your religious convictions?
//If, as humanity,we subscribe to the
August 14, 2010 at 23:29
And here’s the opposite reaction……………
August 14, 2010 at 22:45
//I would give my last breath in exchange for happy, healthy future for my
daughter. Or my sons. I fear it will be breathed in vain, due to the immoral
swamp which deluges the nation.//
Well, I am someone that believes that children are largely products of
their upbringing. Therefore, I am certain that if you have raised your
children to be happy and healthy, then they will be. It does not matter what
corruption and immorality surrounds them, they will not succumb to it, because
you have shaped their character to reject it.
Out of idle curiosity, do your children share your religious
August 15, 2010 at 00:22
I attempt a reply. but have no idea where it will end up.
My children have been told the truth, as I see it. I cannot live their
lives for them; they must decide.
I have been most careful NOT to
indoctrinate. False conversions are worse than no conversions.
To answer your question, 2 appear to believe the truths expounded in The
Bible, not because they feel that they ought to, but because they have made
an informed decision. One is wavering; I would much rather he state himself
an Atheist than pretend, merely to please me.
August 14, 2010 at 22:32
Comment at 35 should be at 52.
I give up. Good night and God bless you all, wherever this comment finally
August 14, 2010 at 22:31
Comments are in a cocked hat (AGAIN, please sort it out, it ruins the
The above comment is a reply to Indigomyth, the following is a reply to
Actually, Satan means ‘adversary’ in Arabic. In Hebrew, it means accuser.
I do use the KJV. That the Devil has suceeded in planting doubt in your
mind as to what God himself has said, just as he did in Genesis 3, is not a
reason to dismiss all translations. Look for Formal Equivalence in a Bible,
not a Dynamic Translation.
The rest of your post descended into waffle. Sorry, you lost me at
‘universally applicable tests’, as if you really knew what you were talking
about, when you’ve already proven that you have no understanding of Biblical
languages, of which Arabic is not.
August 14, 2010 at 19:23
[1] Judge not, that you may not be judged, [2] For with what judgment you
judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall be
measured to you again. [3]And why seest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s
eye; and seest not the beam that is in thy own eye? [4] Or how sayest thou to
thy brother: Let me cast the mote out of thy eye; and behold a beam is in thy
own eye? [5] Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam in thy own eye, and then
shalt thou see to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.
Chapter 7
Gildas the Monk
August 14, 2010 at 19:38
John 7:24, … but judge with righteous judgement.
The prohibition on judging is not a blanket ban on disagreeing with a
persons sinful behaviour. If it was, Christ would not have been able to say
The verses you quote from Matthew 7 apply to a person who is
pointing out a lesser crime (a mote) when they themselves are committing a
greater one (a beam). The scripture then proceeds to exhort those who have
removed the beams from their own eyes to cast out the motes in others, as
they can now see clearly.
Context is everything when reading the Bible.
I can see the Abbott needing a word in your shell-like.
August 14, 2010 at 19:54
I think I am acutely aware of the meaning, EV. But thank you for your
Gildas the Monk
August 14, 2010 at 19:18
Ian R Thorpe,
It is true that the Bible does not call Mary Magdelene a prostitute, and
that the woman at the well was not her but another woman who had numerous men,
including one which ‘was not her own’, but it is clear from the Bible that
they are two different people. It is also clear that Christ was referring to
her sexual behaviour, and frowning on it, rather than condemning her for not
having a father, brother, etc. John 4 makes this clear. She was a harlot in
the sense that she slept around, often with men who were married to someone
It is merely ‘tradition’ that MM was a prostitute, and perhaps we do her a
great disservice. What is clear is that Christ was not averse to telling
people who were living immoral lives to stop doing so and to repent. The woman
caught in adultery was told to ‘Go, and sin no more’, for example.
August 14, 2010 at 17:27
She’s a girl? That sounds worrying, as under- aged sex is definitely
illegal. Or, perhaps she’s a WOMAN?
August 14, 2010 at 15:58
Has there been any research done to determine if the presence of licenced
brothels in an area has an effect on the number of rapes committed?
August 14, 2010 at 15:30
August 14, 2010 at 15:09
The solution to prostitution is to legalise, regulate and tax it as you
would any other form of income. The whole issue is a minefield for feminazis
as on the one hand they want to defend a woman’s right to do what she wants (
and be financially independent from MEN) but at the same time it means that
men get sex ( that they enjoy and men must be banned from doing anything that
they enjoy according to feminazi doctrine) . Not only that , if men can get
sex from prostitutes , they will have even less incentive to be in commited
relationships with women and that women will have no men to support them so
they can have their “lifestyle choice” and so they will have to go out to work
instead of sitting at home doing F*** all except watching Deadenders and
Jeremy Vile.
August 14, 2010 at 14:17
I assume the many customers who have been using these services have been
arrested or at least a couple of them. Since the girl is under so much police
and council camers during their many hours of overtime spying on hookers at
work. Legalise a woman’s right to use her body and get them off the streets.
No pimps. Anyone who is willing to blow some one for money should be allowed
to keep the full amount.
I noted a statistic that Westminster had 10 times more hookers and rent
boys than any other area of the UK. No invoices for small expenses at the
government. Hypocracy is the basis of the law.
August 16, 2010 at 14:18
That’s why the Government’s official rate of inflation is so low, because
it is based on the cost of a rent boy and a gram of coke.
August 14, 2010 at 13:46
‘He said:
August 14, 2010 at 13:58
August 14, 2010 at 14:22
EV – she could be funding her addiction by burgling, claiming benefits,
etc but instead she’s been working to do it.
Not my choice of employment either but why you are so upset about her
working in the oldest profession I don’t know. To me the whole way she’s
been treated does sound like an abuse of process at least. Maybe she wasn’t
prepared to offer the traditional uniform discount?
August 14, 2010 at 15:22
The corrosive effect on society is my main objection. I would still
tell her she is wrong to behave how she does if she chose to conduct her
‘business’ legally, which the current laws allow her to do, but I accept
that what goes on in her home is between her, the customer and God. She
will answer to Him for moral defects, not me and not the Courts. However,
she should answer to the Courts for her criminal behaviour, which
includes, at the risk of repetition, soliciting, public lewdness,
performing a sexual act in public, gross indecency and last least,
littering. I also suspect that ‘her own home’ is quite probably no such
thing, and is likely to be some form of ‘community housing’. I object to
having my wages robbed by the Gov to subside drug addicted prostitutes’
I have already offered Anna 10-1 that she is on benefits, you can have
the same deal.
That she chooses to fund her other criminal habit by committing the
above crimes instead of burglary is not sufficient grounds for her
August 14, 2010 at
August 14, 2010 at 15:48
If she was committing benefit fraud I suspect they would have charged
her with it. I certainly don’t like the sound of her lifestyle, I doubt
she does deserve to be sainted.
I like even less the idea that, without being convicted of anything,
others can restrict her choices as the same could easily happen to me,
or you. Afterall, we both post somewhat right of centre things on blogs
for one. I don’t doubt lots of PC types object to that too. Does being
named, shamed and ASBO’d for that sound attractive to you?
August 14, 2010 at 16:13
The fact that she has not been convicted is not evidence of her
fine character, merely the inadequacies of the Criminal Justice
Drug possession and child-neglect are just two more crimes she has
committed without being charged.
I agree that the ASBO should only be issued as a result of a
conviction, but that fact does not hide neither her own criminality in
general nor the depravity of prostitution in particular.
The PC types will come for me (and maybe you) one day, I don’t
doubt that. Unless I go for them first.
August 16, 2010 at 14:13
@English Viking: I need some help.
I understand that people enjoy
certain things. Having a good meal prepared and served to them, using
some ones car and race track to do some racing, learning tennis, getting
a massage, having sex. But WHY is only the last one on that list morally
Also, I understand that if you work in a shop or an office, or you
teach tennis, or you drive a taxi or you sell sex you are doing things
for people that they want, and are prepared to pay for, and hurt no one
in the process. So WHY is the last one on the list morally wrong.
August 16, 2010 at 16:51
See the comments on ‘Religious Intolerance’.
August 14, 2010 at 22:15
“Whoring is no more
August 14,
2010 at 13:12
“She had no more need to deny being a prostitute than you had to deny
being a policeman.”
She had much less need, actually, now that the latter profession is so
August 14, 2010 at 12:46
Brief point from a baffled monk
If what she is doing in the street is
not unlawful, how is there a power to stop her doing it?
14, 2010 at 13:13
Because that’s exactly what ASBOs do – criminalise that which isn’t
illegal in the first place.
August 14, 2010 at 13:39
If they had been used correctly, and the rest of the Criminal Justice
system further up the chain had not become worse than useless in the last
50 years, they would have been a very good way of stopping all sorts of
criminality that has now become so commonplace that it is near impossible
to police.
The rule of Law is dependent on those being ruled to be largely in
agreement with the arrangement. In numerous places in the UK, this
agreement is missing and lives are being utterly blighted by moronic, yet
technically legal behaviour.
I admit that the administration of ASBO’s has been woefully inadequate
and that they have been used as an instrument of spite on no small number
of occasions though.
August 14, 2010 at 13:27
Because Anna is wrong. It is illegal to loiter with intent to solicit,
which is exactly what she was doing. It is also illegal to live off immoral
earnings, ‘earn’ money that is not declared to either the Benefits Office
(please don’t try to convince me she is not receiving Benefits) or the Tax
Office, as is committing an act of a sexual nature in public, public
lewdness and gross indecency, all of which she was doing when she had sex
with a stranger in return for cash in the nearby park.
August 14, 2010 at 14:28
I know that tax offices (& Tax Inspectors) have long targeted
suspected prostitutes for tax enquiry. I understand that the prostitutes
were amenable to paying tax, providing they were assessed as ‘models’,
‘secretaries’ etc.
August 15, 2010 at 11:59
I heard of a prostitute who refused to pay tax on the grounds that
she would be aiding and abetting the government in living off her
immoral earnings, which of course is illegal. WS
August 14, 2010 at 13:54
August 14, 2010 at 12:41
In three years living there I never saw her. And I was also out at those
Just my luck I guess.
August 14, 2010 at 12:37
August 14, 2010 at 22:15
As I have never spoken in defense of prostitution, I would be most grateful
if you did not imply that my children would be engaged on an honourable career
if they were to have sex with strangers.
I would give my last breath in exchange for happy, healthy future for my
daughter. Or my sons. I fear it will be breathed in vain, due to the immoral
swamp which deluges the nation.
Benefit payments exist (or used to) as a safety net to ensure that people
did not resort to whoring, body-snatching, theft, etc, etc. They are not
designed to supplement these activities. There is nothing wrong with a person
using the Welfare System to help themselves through a rough patch. It becomes
wrong when a person considers it a life-style choice, a permanent way of life.
You cut a little too close to the bone, really. I thought we had smoked a
peace-pipe. Perhaps I was mistaken.
August 14, 2010 at 22:35
//You cut a little too close to the bone, really. I thought we had smoked a
peace-pipe. Perhaps I was mistaken.//
Sorry, I did not mean to imply that any of your children were engaged in
that form of activity. I was merely trying to establish an idea of the moral
hierarchy that you work with, while expressing my own moral beliefs on these
matters, in relation to a general principle, not a specific instance. In that
sense, I was only asking what you would consider the more moral course of
action, were your children to be in such a situation (as I think you did
something similar with Kingbingo). I meant no offence.
// There is nothing wrong with a person using the Welfare System to help
themselves through a rough patch. It becomes wrong when a person considers it
a life-style choice, a permanent way of life.//
Indeed. However, I would still consider it a more moral course of action
for someone to voluntarily resort to prostitution, rather than to accept
handouts from the State.
And, to be honest, I have little concern for her kids. Given that I am
someone whose heart remains un-melted by UNICEF appeals that use starving
African children, it would be a great stretch for me to go all gooey over the
offspring of a drug-addled whore. Perhaps I manifest what you perceive to be a
callous Libertarian heart? The argument you use about the tax-payer having to
pay for the care of her kids, is not an argument against prostitution, but
rather an argument against State subsidised child care and social services.
The results and consequences of her own inferior lifestyle (drug addiction,
disease etc) are entirely her own fault. Indeed, it is the ultimate justice to
allow these people to suffer the effects of their own idiocy. In that respect,
there is no need for the law to punish them – they will die in their own time
(a far better, more permanent and more fitting punishment than any the law
imposes). In that respect, the tree of the human population prunes its own
diseased branches.
August 15, 2010 at 00:00
Indigo, (don’t be surprised if this comment appears here, there and
Forgive the abbreviation; I find myself replying to so many that I really
need to find a way to save time.
If you meant no offense, then I will take none.
The difference between myself and Kingbingo is that I do not speak in
defence of prostitution, whilst he does, therefore it would be strange that he
should take umbrage at his daughter becoming a whore, whilst I would be
I do not see it a more moral course to claim on the insurance policy one
has paid into than to become a whore.
We are in agreement that TV shots of wide-eyed, begging children in Africa
are far from a good reason to give a remote person your bank details –
sometimes giving cash will make things worse. However, I do have a concern for
‘my own people’ (I know I’m making it worse for myself, that I open myself up
to all sorts of accusations). I am concerned that a child must grow up, not
with a loving father, for all his faults, not with a mother that cries with
fear for what may be for her children, (I’ve seen it, don’t fisk me). I fear
for children that are hardened to the world, and it’s wicked ways, even before
they make double digits.
I am not so hard that I wish to see prostitutes die in the gutter, either.
They should be helped to see the error of their ways, like I was mine. They
will not see their error if ‘normal’ people sing their praises.
I have kept friendly company with all-sorts.
Most people would have, at
one point, considered me ‘all-sorts’. I do not hate these people; I hate what
they have become, I hate that others encourage them.
If, as humanity,we subscribe to the ‘survival of the fittest’, the ‘dog eat
dog’ ideology you appear to espouse, then the bleeding victims of knife
attacks or car accidents would be left to rot by persons like yourself,
whereas I ( I hope I would live up to this) would risk, and even perhaps give,
my own life, in exchange for a whore’s.
That is why I will not be shouted down by Libertarians, when I speak on the
August 15, 2010 at 10:00
August 15, 2010 at 11:29
It is not arrogance to speak the truth.
Smoking is a choice, being ethnically Jewish is not, therefore your logic
is no such thing, merely an attempt at emotive point scoring. Have a
Am I not allowed criticise the life-style choices of others, and those who
encourage their criminality, because I am not one of them?
Your morality is relative, therefore it is no morality at all.
August 15, 2010 at 11:32
August 15, 2010 at 22:00
The can be only one truth. It cannot be raining and not raining at the same
time in the same place.
You appear to confuse a moral with an opinion, then think that opinion
moral because it is yours.