The Smoker in the Deck.
[Ed. Anna I need 150 words on transplant patients by 8am]
30% of Transplant patients die before they ever get the chance of a donor organ. According to NHS figures, three people die each day waiting for a transplant.
However the family of a 28 year old committed Christian told of their horror at learning that she had been given the heart of a Muslim suicide bomber. Her father said “she would have been horrified to have known that heart was from a Muslim suicide bomber and quite definitely would have refused that operation. She was always anti-Muslim because of her strong right wing faith.”
She underwent surgery last February and there were complications from the start and she spent more than six weeks in intensive care. She died after having endured an extra five months of life with the heart of a suicide bomber beating inside her. The cause of death was pneumonia and not related to the donor’s faith or desire to live in the arms of 40 virgins.
[Ed. Stop right there Anna, Legal say you are infringing Race Hate legislation. Start again]
30% of Transplant patients die before they ever get the chance of a donor organ. According to NHS figures, three people die each day waiting for a transplant.
However the family of a 28 year old father of 10 by nine different women told of their horror at learning that he had been given the heart of a transvestite drag queen. His father said “he would have been horrified to have known that heart was from a mincing queen and quite definitely would have refused that operation. He was always homophobic because of the way I brought him up.”
He underwent surgery last February and there were complications from the start and he spent more than six weeks in intensive care. He died after having endured an extra five months of life with the heart of a homosexual beating inside him. The cause of death was pneumonia and not related to the donor’s sexual proclivities.
[Ed. Stop right there Anna, Legal say you are infringing………. Start again]
30% of Transplant patients die before they ever get the chance of a donor organ. According to NHS figures, three people die each day waiting for a transplant.
However the family of a 28 year old committed anti-smoker told of their horror at learning that she had been given the lungs of a man who had smoked for 30 years. Her father said “she would have been horrified to have known that lung was from a smoker and quite definitely would have refused that operation. She was always anti-smoking because of her condition.”
She underwent surgery last February and there were complications from the start and she spent more than six weeks in intensive care. She died after having endured an extra five months of life with the lungs of a smoker breathing for her. The cause of death was pneumonia and not related to the donor’s smoking.
[Ed. Great Stuff Anna, we’ll stick that on the front page, legal say its fine, you can say what you want about smokers.]
Have I got room to say that the family only learnt this after applying to see her medical notes – a well known manoeuvre prior to taking legal action?
June 15, 2010 at 13:08
Oh, silly me, I’ve only just realised after reading this post; smoking is
good for you.
June 15, 2010 at 10:17
@Dick “over 50% of lungs used in transplant operations come from
With smokers making up only 20%-ish of the population, that seems to say
they’re much more likely to donate organs than non-smokers. Interesting
June 15, 2010 at 11:26
Possibly, JohnRS, but it might indicate (1) that smokers are more likely
to die of, say, cardio-vascular disease ; (2) that 60% of smokers
are no longer prepared to admit to smoking ; or (3) that those
preparing the statistics are simply unable to acquire valid data.
June 16, 2010 at 12:07
Dick is correct.
“Chris Watson, vice president of the British Transplantation Society,
told CNN that 49 percent of last year’s lung donors in the UK were
June 15, 2010 at 10:12
Specky is correct. There was a similar case last year. A statement from the
hospital at the time said that there was no way of the surgeon knowing if the
lung was from a smoker or ex-smoker – they look exactly the same. What’s more,
over 50% of lungs used in transplant operations come from smokers, so if the
inevitable kneejerk reaction takes place and smoker lungs are deemed
unsuitable, there will be an immediate shortage.
And they think that Jehovah’s witnesses are nuts for refusing life-saving
transfusions on ideological grounds, eh?
June 15, 2010 at 10:11
June 15, 2010 at 10:03
It is I believe a fact that the lungs of a smoker and a non smoker are
indistinguishable after autopsy.
They only blacken if the “non smoker”, or
smoker is unfortunate enough to contract Lung Cancer.
It’s propaganda ,at
the turn of the century claims where made that smokers blood was black
However if you ask most people they believe the black lung claim to be
Oh well tell a lie for centuries etc, yada, yada, yada.
June 16, 2010 at 16:37
You are correct. My cadaver in anatomy died from lung cancer as we saw.
Lungs were indeed black. Hard to tell if he was a smoker. It’s not like you
can squeeze tar out of them.
15, 2010 at 09:35
This is excellent,
although I am sure it is easier to link smoking to lung trouble than for
cock-love. IF given the choice of donor…
Put another way, if I were having
a penis transplant I would much rather the donor was a smoker than a genital
stamping S&M exponent.
June 15, 2010 at 09:29
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha and breathe Hahahahahahahahahaha
June 15, 2010 at 09:13
I presume that the filthy smoker died of something other than lung cancer,
Absolutely brilliant expos
June 15, 2010 at 09:18
He could have been run over by a bus, but the NHS would still classify
his death as “smoking-related” – it’s all part of the same statistical con
June 15, 2010 at 09:22
June 15, 2010 at 11:26
No, Vimes ; it would have been classified as
June 17, 2010 at 09:39
Surely if one gets hit by a bus one dies of blindness and/or deafness
– as one neither saw nor heard it coming.
June 17, 2010 at 16:45
Try riding a bicycle round my way, in the narrow “traffic-calmed”
remnants of what were decent wide roads. It’s not the bus in front I
worry about, it’s the bus behind trying to push past.
June 15, 2010 at 09:21
June 15, 2010 at 08:28
If she refused, then I assume she would be happy going to the back of the
queue and accept that she would probably die whilst waiting. No problem if you
have principles but accept the consequences. Jehovahs Witnesses don’t accept
blood but they accept that they will die because of it.
What are the numbes for people who survive after a transplant?