‘T’was his penis wot dunnit…
According to Joan Smith at the Guardian the reason that Derrick Bird went on his killing spree in Cumbria was that he was a sexual predator.
The reason being, using her tortuous and convoluted logic was that he visited prostitutes in Pattaya. In fact he was so much of a predator that he insisted on seeing the same girl every time he visited the bar where she worked and he sent her over a thousand pounds so she could quit the bar game, thus – Guardian logic follows – his depravity forced him to become a mass murderer on returning home.
Of course the bleatarati got going with the comments like “how true!’ and “ban men” (yes really) by people who have obviously never been to Thailand and learned all there is to know about the Thai sex trade from the pages of the Guardian. A few real gems stood out, such as one by some idiot calling itself ‘proudlycynical’ who said: “sex tourism in Thailand is officially a state sanctioned industry…” That comment pretty much summed up the Guardianista’s view on Thailand and anyone who loves (and more importantly knows about) this country will know that it is completely untrue. In fact the reverse is true; it may be overlooked, in return for suitable brown envelopes regularly arriving on senior police officer’s desks, but prostitution is actually illegal in Thailand.
And what about this priceless gem from Damntheral who said: “[…]because we see men using prostitutes as ‘normal’, we fail to stop men like Derek Bird before it’s too late: that in short, we must view all men who use prostitutes as vermin at best and potential mass-murderers at worst. Only then can we be protected from men like Derek Bird.” Or from Paleologue we have: “Thousands of men go off all the time to sample the dubious” delights” of near-paedophilia in Thailand”. Near-paedophilia? What on earth is near-paedophilia?
There is nothing new in this: I remember an article in the Denver Post a few years ago where their reporter stated that you could get underaged girls forced to perform fellatio on you while you sipped your latte in a particular coffee shop in Bangkok. The problem was that the coffee shop she mentioned happened to be a very up-market café, in an expensive area of Bangkok, that is frequented by well heeled Bangkokians. I spoke to a few of them at the time about it and they were incandescent with rage (i.e. they frowned) at the big fat quivering lie.
And if the mendacity didn’t get you the hypocrisy would because, as everyone in Denver knows, the Denver Post is situated on Colfax Avenue which is THE place in Denver to pick up under aged crack whores. In fact you could stand almost on the steps of the Denver Post building any evening and you’d be accosted by pimps pushing the services of their 13 and 14 year old victims. Has the Denver Post campaigned against this? What do you think?
But they’re not alone, other news organizations feel it’s perfectly ok to trash Thailand’s reputation; for example take this steaming pile from the BBC. There are so many lies in that article it is almost impossible to fisk but note that the girl was a volunteer, she could leave at any time and eventually did. She also said: “One time a Japanese man followed me all the way home at the end of the night, and he kept screaming at me,” but forgot to mention that it was because she had ripped him off. Oh yes and note the fact that western men “prefer children or young girls” forgetting to mention that sleeping with an under-aged girl is a VERY serious offence in Thailand which would land both the punter and the bar owner in the Bangkok Hilton for a very long time. The Thais even jailed a Senator, who are usually immune to just about everything, for 30 years for sleeping with a 15 year old.
My Thai friends want to know why the BBC – the BBC of all people – should tell lies like this. How do you explain that dogma trumps verity in today’s BBC to people that always believed that auntie told the truth?
Back in Guardian world Ms Smith went on to write in crayon: “The widespread cultural imperative to normalise sex tourism by Western men in south-east Asia is a barrier to admitting how damaging the trade is to women.”
Listen love; let me help you out here, because you are obviously utterly ill informed, by telling you the real story of sex tourism in Thailand.
First of all let me correct one of your assertions, to whit: “It’s a centre of Thailand’s deeply exploitative sex trade, where foreign men go to pay for sex – it costs as little as £10 – with young Thai girls and women who have been forced into it by poverty.”
I happen to agree that it is deeply exploitative but not of the women working in the industry but the poor suckers who get snared by them. Almost every week a foreigner hurls himself to his death from Mike Bazaar [sic] in central Pattaya after being fleeced out of his life savings by unscrupulous bargirls. You can see a discussion on the topic here by Pattaya residents and an example here.
From the moment they step off the bus from Isaan these girls are taught how to extract the maximum amount of money from their mark, often without even sleeping with him. All new bargirls, who know exactly what they’re doing long before they arrive, are issued with a small book in which there are listed some ‘useful’ phrases like: “Hallo hansom man” and “you buy drink/gole for me?” They are also extensively coached, by their ‘sisters’, on how to manipulate their mark emotionally so they can get him to ‘sponsor’ her into quitting the game by sending her money every month. I know a lot of girls who have 10 or more sponsors sending up to £1,000 pm each and, more often than not, they also pay for her apartment and car. Meanwhile these same girls carry on hooking new victims by continuing to work in the bars. Note that they are not forced but choose to stay in the industry because it offers excitement, money, fun and unfettered sex which are totally lacking back in their villages. Yet they are still able to send money home to support their siblings or offspring. There is no way an uneducated village girl can command that sort of money in any other job. No wonder there is no shortage of new girls entering the trade – this is Hollywood Thai style.
The clever ones parlay their money into legitimate businesses (I know one girl who owns a massive supermarket in her home town – she now works in a massage parlour in Leicester incidentally, leaving her mother to run it – and another who owns a fleet of Bangkok taxis) others thoroughly enjoy themselves, spending their money on gambling, drugs and booze, until their looks fade and their prices drop to the £10 mentioned in the article. This is the point where they seriously start to look for a foreign husband.
What about their ‘predators’ though, those evil western men? Aren’t they all vicious, nasty, exploitative baskets who get off on forcing under-aged girls to do unspeakable things? Which they can only do in the fleshpots of Asia; because, as we know from the Guardian, Asians are all foul misogynists who actually enjoy pimping their under aged daughters to foreign sleazebags.
Well you can read some of their real life stories here. Aside from the cock wavers most of the stories are full of pathos or impotent anger. These are not exploiters, these are the exploited. The MSM seems to have problems with why these men come here and, after wracking their brains, came up with the notion that they’re either paedophiles or they get off on dominating meek women.
Well, as far as the second point goes, they obviously haven’t met any Thai women. Anyone that knows will tell you that they are quite capable of mindless, screeching, armed, fury especially if they think they are losing face. There are a lot more men maimed or killed either by women or on behalf of women than the converse.
As for paedophiles, yes there are some, but the Thais take a pretty dim view of them and it usually isn’t long before they get their collars felt by the boys in brown (Police) after a tip off. Oddly enough the majority of the cases I have seen concern Cambodian children smuggled in and exploited by their mothers! Funny how nobody in the Guardian ever mentions that fact.
Just about every man I’ve talked to about the subject over here gave me the same answer and that was they felt that Thai women are more ‘Real’ – aka feminine. And they’re not talking about them being more subservient because, if there is one thing that every Thai woman believes in and that is that she is the equal of any man. And they are, in fact they’re more than equal. Women own well over 60% of the wealth of the country and at one time men were regarded almost as chattels. The custom was that if a man wanted to marry the daughter he’d have to pay ‘Sin sot’ or dowry. But not in money, no instead he had to work, for free, on the family farm for a year and a day. Land was always passed down the matriarchal line and was worked by the men. The quid pro quo is that girls are expected, by both custom and practice, to care for their parents in their old age as well as their own offspring – men, on the other hand, were only expected to give their monk robes to their mothers.
Hence you arrive at the situation where many men are feckless womanizers taking no responsibility for anything, which leaves the women bearing the burden – oddly enough you can see the same thing happening in parts of South London.
Security for their family is what drives a lot of poor Thai women and makes them ruthless and exploitative and frankly who can blame them?
But they cannot be regarded as being exploited at least not by westerners who are, if anything, their saviours.
By publishing this blether the Guardian, like the BBC, appears to have finally given up trying to be a serious, factual news outlet.
June 17, 2010 at 15:04
Fascinating thread.
June 16, 2010 at 17:40
maybe d.bird liked going to thailand because he could get a shag with a
nice looking girl?
what would he get in the uk? a grizzled old bat with bingo wings,bloated on
pizza and kebabs,with false teeth and a moustache!
british women seem to think they are wonderful…..yet they are easily
spotted on holiday……with big guts hanging out and a fag in thier mouths….
do yourself a favour viking.go to thailand.
find a nice girl.
be nice
to her.
in the morning she will do the ironing and clear up your room!
sounds like you need a good shag!
June 16, 2010 at 20:36
The coarseness of your language is matched only by your apparent lack of
I suggest that Mr bird went to Thailand to buy sex, because he was
incapable of finding a nice girl and forming a proper relationship here,
because he was a weirdo.
You know, relationship? Probably not.
Is that why you went bofl? Is that why you defend such a degrading thing?
Do you like the ‘nice looking girls’ bofl? ‘Give me 5 Dollar, I love you
long time’?
You can trust me, I promise not to tell.
June 16, 2010 at 16:16
Your trashy generalizations of Thai prostitutes is fairly bizarre, almost
racist in its viciousness.
I’m not even sure the point. You pretend to defend Thailand’s reputation
then smear the women, you then fain outrage at the exaggerations of Thai women
selling their children, while implying the same thing about Cambodian mothers,
then you suggest that Thai women are very strong, and conclude that in many
cases, western men are their saviours.
I don’t get it.
I’m thinking the point of the article is that affluent white gits should be
able to go to Pattaya without any public scrutiny, or should in fact be pitied
for having to steep to such low levels to get their rocks off.
I don’t know if you have ever been to Pattaya, but its a cesspool, and it’s
not due to the Thai women who live there.
June 16, 2010 at 10:26
viking..you are talking bollocks……..where do your ‘morals’ come from?
sex is a natural thing. imho the English are repressed and that leads to a
lot of problems. in your world having a night in pattaya with a woman leads to
murder? so your ‘pint’ must inevitably lead to alchoholism and drug
addiction………obviously then mass murder?
thailand is not perfect. in case you had not noticed so is the uk.
are many reasons that thai ladies sell sex.most do so out of choice.of course
some are not happy. but then there are millions of brits doing jobs they hate
or being unemployed.
so what about all the English girls that go out and shag loads of guys
every week .for nothing!!!!! why? maybe because they like it? or they are
attention seekers? or ?
would i become a mass murderer if i screwed some slag that i met the same
dont be daft………
as for the guardian……..drivel……written by brain dead morons that have never
had an original thought in their lives…….sure there are some ‘nasty’ men but
we don’t have womens prisons for nothing!
ps didn’t vikings enjoy a bit of rape and pillage?
June 16, 2010 at 14:21
Read my comments more carefully and you will realise that your comments
do not make sense.
Why try and make it seem as though I have said things that I have not?
Perhaps it is because you cannot refute the things I have said, so try to
paint me the (repressed) fool for things that I haven’t?
With regard to my morals, a moral is not a transient, relative thing. If
it is, then it is only an opinion. If something was morally wrong yesterday,
it follows that it must remain morally wrong today, tomorrow and forever.
Pretending that the abandonment of morals is ‘progress’ is no such thing,
and if it continues, we will indeed regress (with a ‘g’, not a ‘p’) to the
standards of my less civilised forefathers that you mention.
PS Don’t think me a Guardian reader, I wouldn’t even have that rag in the
June 16, 2010 at 15:25
‘I was saying that once a person has stepped over the moral boundary
and begins to use prostitutes it becomes easier to ignore other social
norms as well’.
that is what you wrote……….
so are your ‘morals’ higher than others?
who decides what is
if it were true that one thing leads to another we would all be mass
murderers or drug addicts.which is totally ridiculous. i like the
occasionally pint.it doesnt mean that i will end up as a down and out does
have you been to thailand?
the thais are very proud people……not a
good idea to insult them as the national sport is kickboxing!
do your morals come from experience or just a book supposedly written
by the big sky pixie?
buddhist values are different to western ideals. or are they?
lived in germany.there is a red light area in most german cities. in
frankfurt the area is just by the main railway station….apparently lots of
businessmen go for a quicky before going home!
are they criminals? are they on a rocky road to pandemonium?
ps.i think that the way lots of women are enslaved and FORCED into
prostitution in the uk by mainly eastern european gangsters in
June 16, 2010 at 20:22
Ahh, the inevitable ‘sky pixie’! How original. Where did you come up
with that one I wonder?
In what way have I insulted Thais? By objecting to exploitation of
vulnerable women in the UK?
Do you really think I will change my
mind, or choose not to speak it, because the Thais are good at
kickboxing? Are they going to ‘get me’?
You ask if the users of prostitutes are criminals? Well, if they use
them in countries where prostitution is illegal, then yes. It’s really
easy – commit a crime, become a criminal.
I have not mentioned buddhists, nor there values, so I have no idea
why you have.
You quote a paragraph of mine. I stand by it. It is not a social norm
to either use a prostitute or to be one. It was thought immoral (hence
the charge ‘living off immoral earnings’) for a very long time. It is
only in recent years, when easily manipulated, weak-minded individuals,
who repeat only what they read, tagged onto the idea that it somehow
wrong (whilst paradoxically claiming that there is no right or wrong) to
say that something is wrong.
READ the comments. Then THINK. Then write.
June 15, 2010 at 19:02
You’re welcome, and thank you for an interesting blog.
June 15, 2010 at 12:33
It has occurred to me in the past that, if you’re running a socialist
state, the last thing you want is other bastards running happy, successful
states without the wholesale wealth redistribution. It might give the punters
ideas, and so has to be vilified at every opportunity.
Therefore the sub-text of the Guardian piece is, see that bar girl? That’s
your daughter, that is, if you don’t give the government half your money.
June 14, 2010 at 23:46
Joan Smith who wrote the original article is a typical Man hating feminazi.
I have come to the conclusion that feminism is not about libersating women but
subjugating men. Like every other feminist she is suffering from massive penis
envy because she wasn’t born a man and she hates proper feminine women because
men prefer them to fat ugly moaning hypocritical control freaks like her. It
is women like her who are responsible for men in the Anglosphere going on
Marriage strike!!!! And it will be Western women who will end up lonely
,loveless childless and with increasing mental health problems as the men who
want to get married and raise families do so with Foreign Wives leaving the
Anglobitchers on the shelf. Marriage strike, you know it makes sense!!!!!
June 15, 2010 at 10:48
Mark, I was sat around with a group mates the other day. We are all
successful men in our 30
June 15, 2010 at 17:03
I guess all those chav girls could improve their careers, and thus
become ‘dignified ladies’, by becoming prostitutes, which you think a fine
thing, judging by your earlier posts.
At least be consistent.
June 15, 2010 at 17:42
Are you trying to be an arse?
June 15, 2010 at 18:17
You could always resort to abuse when your argument fails.
June 15, 2010 at 20:00
“You could always resort to abuse when your argument fails.”
June 15, 2010 at 22:55
June 14, 2010 at 19:17
Peter Hitchens suggested that anti-depressants might be the root of the
problem and cites various killing sprees where they were involved:
I also noted from this report that Christopher Foster was on
anti-depressants when he killed his family:
The Guardian and the BBC with the fabulous resources at their command
should try investigative reporting – speculation and pontification is
something that anyone can do.
June 14, 2010 at 22:19
Or perhaps people that are so mentally disturbed that they need
medication are slightly more pre-disposed to ‘going off on one’?
June 14, 2010 at 18:47
“……..girls forced to perform fellatio on you while you sipped your latte in
a particular coffee shop in Bangkok.”
Was it Starf#cks?
June 14, 2010 at 17:14
Most of the links are bad, please fix
June 14, 2010 at 16:50
This is the main reason why I hate the left. The left is wholly
June 14, 2010 at 16:32
I am a reader of the Guardian – if not a ‘Guardian reader’. It’s a great
newspaper, despite some of the incomprehensible and/or hypocritical views of
its erstwhile columnists. I love the sport, the off centre culture features
and some commentators like Tatchell, Cohen and Kettle seem genuine.
It also helps to ‘know one’s enemy’.
Anyway, anybody else think that the Graun columnists’ stance on
prostitution is in stark contrast to their general position on drug-use? I
feel that their live-and-let-live position on illegal substances contrasts
with their views on sex………..at least it does for heterosexual white males.
This is the main reason why I hate the left. The left is wholly
June 14, 2010 at 16:16
Despite being a former Guardian reader I’ve always suspected a lot of
people who write for the paper do not live on this planet. They see no
contrdiction in ranting about the evils of colonialism and promoting the
version of our Empires history written for us by black American preacher
politicians while at the same time assuming nations like Thailand are not
capable of managing their own social order.
June 14, 2010 at 15:20
Two points.
1. Why are you surprised that the BBC and The Guardian are pedlars of
2. Whilst I do not think that Bird when on a shooting spree solely because
he used prostitutes, I think that those that do use them are
morally/mentally/emotionally defective and it does not surprise me if they
then go on to commit more crimes. Peter Sutcliffe, Fred and Rose West, Stephen
Wright, Dennis Nielsen (male prostitutes) and now Bird are all examples of
people who have/had come to the conclusion that people (hookers or not) are
merely commodities for their own pleasure, available in exchange for few quid.
It is then no surprise that they choose to dispense with these ‘commodities’
as and when it suits them, usually in a brutal fashion.
June 14, 2010 at 14:30
I’m pretty sure that Bird’s preference for Thai women wasn’t the spark that
set him going with a shotgun and rifle no matter how much the press dribble
and drool at the prospect of crowbarring some sex into the violence.
I know quite a few people who enjoy going to Thailand and although they may
have questionable reason for doing so, they certainly aren’t thinking about
shooting the place up when they get back.
It reminds me of the time that I read in one of these tabloids the comment
from a female columnist that all men are potential rapists. I put this latest
opinion from the Guardian in the same place, filed under complete
June 14, 2010 at 14:27
Is Amsterdam subject to many pedal-by murder sprees?
June 14, 2010 at 14:14
Leftist commentators like Joan Smith do not know the difference between
shit and clay.
After the Crossbow Killer was caught – the Gruaniad was proclaiming that
the working girls of Yorkshire had a right to earn a living and as such needed
police protection. Likewise with the hookers murdered in Suffolk a couple of
years back.
Now that Derek Bird has been shown to have been a troubled lonely man with
severely disjointed thinking, he is now condemned for ‘supporting’ the Thai
sex trade and exploiting the bar girls.
So, there we have it – according to the left, if you are a prostitute and
you are white you are just an honest girl trying to make a living from
pathetic white men.
If you are a prostitute and are brown, you are being exploited by evil
white men.
Is it not racist to generalise in such a manner?