(Not) Only in England….
France is on the cusp of another outbreak of ‘carbeque’ and racial tension.
Two months ago, halal butcher and Muslim, Lies Habbadj, (great name!) was accused of polygamy by the French Minister for the Interior, Brice Hortefeux.
Habbadj ‘wife’ had been fined 22 Euros for driving in Nantes with her face fully veiled, thus obscuring her view, which is against French law.
Whilst the 22 euros may not seem a lot, it has become a cause célèbre amongst the Muslim population here.
Matters have become so heated that the Nantes prosecutor was invited to investigate other aspects of Habbadj’s household.
So far he has discovered that Habbadj has fathered 15 children (soon to rise to 17) from the four women, including his one legal wife, who live here in France with him.
He has claimed a total of 175,000 euros in welfare payments – including 10,000 in respect of two of the women who were living in Dubai at the time. All this whilst running a thriving business employing 13 foreigners (without correct work permits) and one student – all paid below the minimum French wage.
He has now been charged with ‘welfare fraud’ and ‘violating labour laws’. The prosecutor insisted on taking possession of his passport and a 10,000 euro bail being deposited in cash before allowing him to leave the court.
The Interior Minister has threatened to strip him of his French passport.
It’s what we in England used to call ‘throwing the book at him’.
Sadly and inevitably, numerous buildings will be set on fire, and thousands of pounds worth of motor cars will go up in flames; emergency services will be asked to risk their lives to keep uninvolved people safe, and all leave will be cancelled for the police.
All because his religion demands that his wife be allowed to drive round virtually blindfold.
Yada, yada, yada.
June 10, 2010 at 18:56
Nantes? Oh My God. It’s closer than I thought. We’ll be having riots in
Morbihan next.
June 10, 2010 at 22:36
So I’m still safe in Burgundy France Comt
June 10,
2010 at 15:39
I once tried wearing a burka just for laughs. It was when I had to go to
the Gents that it went wrong.
June 10, 2010 at 13:19
I’m shocked, Rick, shocked. There has been rumpy-pumpy with mulitiple
partners going on. Mon Dieu, this is France, we are known for our life-long
exclusively monogamous sexual relationships.
June 10, 2010 at 14:54
He can ‘do his business’ with whomsoever he chooses, though it is
probably best that he doesn’t ‘do it’ at taxpayers expense. One must also
bear in mind the ‘benefits’ his children are going to bring future
generations, after they are schooled in the art of Islamic fraud too.
June 10, 2010
at 13:13
Trouble is, in England, he would be claiming for all his wives and children
and the taxpayer would be paying for it. He probably wouldn’t go to prison and
he certainly would not lose his passport and his wife would be allowed to
drive, putting other people at risk without being prosecuted.
June 10, 2010 at 12:57
WOW, it is incredible how much tension there is all over the world, even in
the business areas. When it comes racial issues, war, violence, it makes me
wonder when is this going to stop? What are we trying to get?
It’s really
June 10, 2010 at 12:56
i wonder what the real reason is that western govts. have allowed mass
immigration of a people that we have not gotten along with for 1300 years?
June 10, 2010 at 12:45
As long as the same laws apply equally to myopic Mormons – see mountains,
see molehills.
June 10,
2010 at 12:36
June 10, 2010 at 12:29
He’s obviously quite intelligent to be able to work the system so
favourably! I’m not sure (as a trainee Libertarian), what’s objectionable
about this story.
Assuming she was wearing a burka, there’s surely plenty
of “eye aperture” to be able to see forward and in the mirrors. She’s in her
own space, not on the street, i.e., in public, so what’s the issue?
You say
the prosecutor “was invited to investigate other aspects” – by whom and with
what legality?