Assassin to Assassin
Labour leadership candidate John McDonnell today said that if he could go back in time a la “Ashes to Ashes”, he would have used the opportunity to assassinate Margaret Thatcher. Apparently, this was a “joke”.
I have uttered the phrase in a number of accents, phrasings and intonations, but somehow I just can’t raise a smile with it. I must be losing my touch.
Now, I have to say quite categorically that I don’t have the slightest problem with Mr McDonnell saying whatever he likes, but I find it curious that someone should pass off what could quite easily be construed as “hate speech” or even a “terrorist threat” should be waved aside as “a joke”, especially coming from a man who not only would lead the Party of the Righteous, but indeed represents the militant wing of Righteousness and Political Correctness. I had wondered why Mr McDonnell was struggling to find support of sitting MPs, but it is quite clear to me that this is a man who would not be out of place leading the BNP.
I hope that the more sensible members of the Labour Party will distance themselves from such base appeals to the very worst in the Labour Party and consign the awful McDonnell to the dustbin of history.
June 9, 2010 at 04:59
John McDonnell is a loser preaching to an audience of losers
June 8,
2010 at 17:35
Silly sittle man with a silly little mind. Politicians are not there to be
liked, they are there to do a job. I did not much like Mrs. Thatcher but given
the shambles she took over there was a big job to do. She was lucky in having
North Sea Oil and did make mistakes, but some issues had to be tackled. Given
the alternative she was the only realistic option.
June 8, 2010 at 17:18
Mr McDonnell better not wander into any dark alleys in the near future —
Carol Thatcher is a woman not to be trifled with, and has always been quick to
stand up for her Mum!
June 8,
2010 at 14:03
“I find it curious that someone should pass off what could quite easily
be construed as
June 8, 2010 at 14:55
The thing is, taken to it’s logical conclusion, this person could
possibly become Labour leader, Labour could win the next GE and this person
would be PM, having admitted to wanting to murder one of his
June 8, 2010 at 17:25
I won’t stand much chance then, if this bloke ever comes to power, I have
several times fantasized about seeing Blair and Bush hung, or possibly
guillotined, though only after they have been waterboarded for a suitable
amount of time.
Too late now. Though I can always say it was just a joke.
June 8, 2010 at 13:34
But it is quite a tempting thought – Gordon assassinated 20 years ago. He
will go down as one of the great destructive politicians of our age. I was
actually at Edinburgh university when he was there and remember his election
as the first student rector. Getting elected with no capacity to govern and
lead has been his sole purpose for 40 years – and how we have all
Incidentally should he be getting his MP salary if he refused to attend the
June 8, 2010 at 12:55
A sad example of intolerant hypocrisy. Now me, I’d shoot all the intolerant
June 8, 2010 at 12:40
A man whose flight was delayed out of Robin Hood airport recently Twittered
that he would be happy to bomb it if he had the chance.
The CPS bore down on him with the full weight of their joyless power and
would not take it that it was a lighthearted ‘crack’.
Sauce? Goose? Gander?
June 8, 2010 at 12:24
Would he have used a wooden stake, a silver bullet, a bucket of water, or
all three, just to make sure?