For God’s sake, Go! Gordon.
Last night we were told that the heads of state at the G20 have committed to a massive increase in funding for the International Monetary Fund.
Today we are told that Robert Mugage’s Zimbabwe is to get $500 million dollars from the IMF.
Is there no end to the madness of squandering tax payers money? We have done nothing to ease the suffering of the people under the Zanu PF party, and now Zanu Nu-Labour are going to help prop up the regime by subscribing to that $500 million loan?
Martin Kettle in The Guardian this morning has a well argued piece offering hope that by the end of October Gordon Brown might be a sad foot note in history. Lets hope so. We can’t afford any more of this.
September 4, 2009 at 3:56 pm -
If Gordon Brown wants to keep terrorists off the streets of the UK why isn’t he in gaol?
Brown has done more to damage this country in a few short years than any terrorist could ever have imagined. He is the world’s greatest terrorist and should be treated as such by the population of this country and the international community.
September 4, 2009 at 6:27 pm -
Gordon Brown ‘on drugs to control depression’ ????
September 6, 2009 at 3:31 am -
That link appears broken now ??
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