Vestas strike in the wind…….
Nothing to do with Swan Vestas, I’m afraid, but everything to do with Vestas, wind and the ability to strike…….
Down on the Isle of Wight, 625 workers at the Vestas Wind Turbine factory have gone on strike to try to save their jobs. 25 of them have barricaded themselves in the management offices with nothing but a supply of crisps to stave off starvation.
Vestas build wind turbines, which you might imagine, in these days of low carbon hysteria, to be a secure occupation.One worker said to the press:
“It’s crazy for Ed Miliband to be making statement after statement about green energy and green jobs and at the same time this factory is being closed.
“It would be a tiny step financially to keep this factory open, but it would be a huge statement about the government’s commitment to the green economy. Just as they could not afford to let the banks fail, they can’t afford to let this fail. It’s about the history of humanity.”
So, you would imagine that the government are watching the tax payers pennies carefully and are unwilling to ‘bail out’ this company?
Aha! That is just the left hand – look at what the right hand is doing!
The U.K. research and development center of wind turbine manufacturer Vestas Wind Systems A/S (VWS.KO) has been awarded a GBP6 million grant from the government and a local development agency, despite the company’s plans to close its nearby turbine factory, the Department of Energy and Climate Change said in a statement Monday.
The cash, part of the additional GBP4 billion of EIB lending to support U.K. energy projects announced in April, will help get building started for wind farm developers hit by the credit crunch, particularly small and mid-sized projects, the statement said.
So, 625 men are to lose their jobs – and the government is giving the company £6 million to open another factory right next door……
You couldn’t make it up.
July 28, 2009 at 12:06 pm -
Is that’s what reffered to in some circles as “Joined up thinking” ?
July 28, 2009 at 12:25 pm -
You could make it up but people would claim it ‘far fetched’.
July 28, 2009 at 1:06 pm -
It’s just more hot air generated by wind turbines with nothing else to do except go on holiday for 82 days…. it could be that the left hand of government doesn’t know that Vestas already exists, so can claim that the new jobs and new erm Vestas company is part of the regeneration of the UK green economic base – which is where the right hand of government comes in to say – look loads more jobs to go with the loads more IT jobs and the loads more quango jobs … and on and on…IT IS BORING!! Wind Power sucks!
July 28, 2009 at 2:28 pm -
“Nothing to do with Swan Vestas, I’m afraid,” Oh bugger, I thought you were going to write about my favourite subject for a minute Anna!
Talking about wind……………………………(I would hold your nose for about ten minutes) ah, that’s better, where can I get some of this taxpayers money? I could relocate just to prove my green credentials!
It’s all about the money honey, screw the taxpaying workers. I’m sure that was an advert once upon a time in loony land, Hmmm.
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