Inexorable Choices.

So, the wrong kind of voters (pace Hain) have elected the wrong kind of MPs (pace Howard) under our great democracy that we seek to export around the world; by force where necessary.
After ninety minutes deliberation, a council of partially unelected members, presided over by an unelected Prime Minister, is going to rectify this. Is it really so simple? I doubt it.
I worked in the Lord Chancellor’s Office the last time Labour (under Tony Blair) made one of their knee jerk attempts at reforming the constitution to suit themselves. Blair got up one morning and ‘abolished’ the Lord Chancellor. Chaos ensued. Entire departments of civil servants tending to the needs of the vulnerable were paralysed – eventually a top level deputation was sent to his office to inform this ‘lawyer’ in charge of a cabinet of ‘lawyers’ that there were over 600 pieces of essential legislation dating back centuries, which vested power in a ‘Lord Chancellor’, whomever he might be. He could fire Derry Irvine if he pleased, but abolishing the role of Lord Chancellor had just negated all the legislation that protected the weak and vulnerable – the very people who Labour claimed to act on behalf of.
‘Quelle surprise’, Blair, he of the third class Law degree, hadn’t actually thought of that. Cue smart back peddle.
Blair fared slightly better when he tinkered with the rules of his own party, removing the role of the party conference in placing the Prime Minister, or even writing the manifesto. Brown is answerable to no man or woman other than his majority in government. He is laughing at we ‘pawns’ in his game – he can afford to. Unfortunately, so is the rest of the world.
I want to be a fly on the wall when we return to Iraq or Afghanistan and explain to them that we are going to ‘nuke’ them all alive if they don’t install a system where an unelected leader can refuse to leave office, where he can appoint his cronies to any office he wishes, where he can cheerfully ignore the criticism of the world, and blame everything on America, where he can drive the country into bankruptcy, where ‘secret courts’ condemn ‘enemies of the state’, where the citizens are under permanent surveillance, where democratically elected representatives are chased off the streets by government funded thugs, where medical treatment is doled out on ideological grounds, where children are snatched from their families to be raised by the state, where the police allegedly use torture to interview suspects, where the citizens are frightened to speak out for fear of retribution.
I am ashamed that we have bombed and maimed so many Iraqis into complying with ‘our’ vision of democracy. Perhaps when they have recovered from the carnage and mayhem we inflicted on their country, they will have the decency to come and sort the UK out.
June 10, 2009 at 13:48 -
Like this.
ps Tony Blair’s degree was 2nd class not third.
June 10, 2009 at 16:10 -
I have been completely gobsmacked over the last few days over what is happening in the UK.
I have started a post on my blog so many times and abandoned it after a few minutes because I don
June 10, 2009 at 16:51 -
There’s a little ode at my place which might cheer you up slightly.
June 10, 2009 at 17:18 -
When Derry discovered a plot
To remove the Lord Chancellor -
June 10, 2009 at 17:19 -
Cato, I’ve got an ode by my front door – “Life is too short to drink cheap wine”
On topic, I’ve been having the wrong kind of thoughts and actions for a long time now. I hope confession proves good for me. Can I join the National Democratic Renewal Committee now?
June 10, 2009 at 17:42 -
June 10, 2009 at 18:13 -
Am I in the right place?
June 10, 2009 at 18:19 -
I mean, I pop out of Blogland for a week and when I get back the site’s shot up to 82 and someone’s done a 60-minute makeover on the place. Shall I put my wet-look leggings on under my clingy halter-neck and look thrilled?
June 10, 2009 at 22:12 -
Anna, I like the make over but the heading is too wide on firefox – have a screen shot if you would like to see how it appears.
I agree the present shower in power haven’t a clue between them and never have had – they only follow the US because they have a big stick.