A Tale of Two Shanty Cities……

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. . . .”
Charles Dickens – A Tale of Two Cities.
In London we have the shanty town of Tamil Tigerville, set up on a World Heritage Site – Parliament Square, with the Police agreeing an extension to the protest/no-go area, and Westminster Council helpfully arranging that long forgotten privilege for British tax payers, of a weekly rubbish collection. The cost of policing this protest is estimated at £8 million to the ‘hard working British Taxpayer’. One can only assume that the DHSS have also helpfully set up camp in the area, for there appear to be hundreds of downtrodden freedom fighters/members of a banned terrorist organisation who prefer to sit in the weak summer sunshine in London, without the need to deprive ‘hard working British families’ of anything so mundane as a job – nor to risk supporting their colleagues and catching the odd bullet for their beliefs. Has the government set up Portaloos for them yet? Showers? Translation Services? Tsk!
In Calais, we have the shanty town of Somaliaville, and its suburb, Afghanistanville, set up in a disused wood, where the United Nations is opening an office in Calais to tell migrants Britain is not the ‘promised land’.
UNHCR spokesman Marie-Ange Lescure said: ‘We will tell refugees that Britain is not an Eldorado, it’s not the promised land, and they should apply for asylum where they are, in France.’ She added: ‘We are also able to offer migrants £1,700 to help them return to their own countries, if that is what they wish.’
The French government has vowed to bulldoze the woodland shanty town known as The Jungle, which is the squalid temporary home to hundreds of mainly Afghan, and Somali refugees. The French are quite prepared to offer them asylum, indeed the French have taken many more immigrants than the UK – but not on such beneficial terms.
The British are planning a covert operation to fly the first group of 50 Afghans from Lille to Kabul which will cost the British government more than £1million. Further flights would send the bill soaring into the tens of millions – with just the ‘bare minimum’ being paid for by the French.
Is it any wonder that refugees flock to Calais? The Metropolitan Police have fought an eight year battle to remove one lone Englishman – Brian Haw – from demonstrating quite legally outside parliament, (as an individual he needs no permission) whilst assisting in laying on weekly rubbish collections for the benefit of members of a banned terrorist group to do the same thing. The French bulldoze an illegal encampment, and the British turn up and offer them £1,700 each and are prepared to lay out millions on flying them home again.
If taxpayers must lay out millions on free flights home – would it not make more sense to fly the Tamils home to continue their fight on their own land? – and lay on weekly rubbish collections for the ‘hard working British families’ we hear so much about? Perhaps a grant of £1,700 pounds each to those ‘hard working British families’ might not go amiss either.
Our heart seems to be in the wrong place.
May 28, 2009 at 12:24 pm -
Not to mention our heads. How does the government still not get that it is time to tighten the purse strings not turn it upside down and empty it out on the floor.
May 28, 2009 at 12:38 pm -
Is it any wonder that the BNP are getting support from ‘normal’ folk?
Britain needs to get it’s priorities right. -
May 28, 2009 at 12:56 pm -
Are they collecting all the empty “Cartons” what a noble deed.
May 28, 2009 at 12:59 pm -
I simply cannot blame the third world for heading to Sangatte in the merest hope of “the good life”.
In my ideal world, there would be no borders. Those that have the skills to flourish in the UK could do so. Likewise those who don’t would simply starve.
Where this fails is that those who have no skills whatsoever are supported by public funds, those whose skills are not worth the minimum wage are supported by public funds and those too idle to secure their own sustinence are supported by public funds.
Remove the public funds and Sangatte would become a ghost town, apart from a few Iraqi Nuclear Scientists willing to take the chance on life in the UK.
Third world salary, sitting under a tree all day cuddling an AK47. $0
First world salary, sitting on the grass at Parliament Sq, cuddling an asylum form . $7500, plus free housing, legal fees, healthcare and education.We have to stop it. It is not fair on us and it is not fair on them.
May 28, 2009 at 2:02 pm -
What do they want us to do anyway ? Apart from the fact that the war’s over and they lost, the UK was never going to intervene in that area.
This is what we get for meddling in Iraq and Afghanistan and then telling lies about why.
Everyone with a grudge against their incumbent gov’t thinks we’ll send bombers if they tell us their hard luck stories. Can’t blame them for forming that impression. Blame Bliar and his sock puppets.
May 28, 2009 at 2:16 pm -
Old hoborn, i agree, i welcome anyone wanting to get away from a crap
life or because they just want to live here. There is an all or nothing policy in social services, which encourages people to give up employment ,when actually they just need a small amount of financial assistance for a short period. But that sort of help doesn’t exsist.
Too many construction firms, hotel chains and restaurants etc take advantage of foreign works – illegal or other wise – by paying them a wage you can bearly live on, also making them look like the’re taking ‘british jobs’. -
May 28, 2009 at 2:43 pm -
Zak, they already did that. The problem is that the purse is so empty even the moths feeding on the lining have left.
May 28, 2009 at 10:55 pm -
Nice Metaphor by my namesake there.
Now what we need is the frame of the purse to be hocked for scrap and the denouement will be complete
May 29, 2009 at 7:12 am -
The sewage systems and the roads are crumbling. The prisons are unfit for habitation. Why not welcome all these fit and healthy immigrant people who want to make a new life here ………….. and feed house them whilst they rebuild the infrastructure of the UK?
Young Brits are too bone-idle and benefit-bound to do this work themselves …………. so how about putting putting all of them on flights to Afghanistan and Somalia with a few hundred quid in their pockets?
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