Hatching and Dispatching for the NuLabour stakeholder…….
(Una )Musings has an excellent piece on the Contact Point database, Labour’s Orwellian plan to regulate every aspect of the way in which a child is raised, including chilling statements such as ‘refusal to take appropriate medicine’ – who is to decided what is appropriate, and for what ailment are they being medicated?; surely not the ‘appropriateness of social and communications skills, for example, ‘body language, excessive use of expletives or inappropriate language, for example brusque manner’. Nobody mention the Gollywog……..!
I was particularly struck by her comment that this initiative had come into being via Statutory Instrument, rather than being exposed to the, albeit somewhat toothless these days, scrutiny of Parliament. NuLabour are remarkably reluctant to engage in debate with their ‘stakeholders’ whilst socially engineering their lives, and even when they do, it is by way of obscure phrases that appear to hold out promise of ‘something better’ whilst concealing a cyanide pill.
Another piece of legislation which has been passed, the true meaning of which has apparently escaped the main stream media, is The Mental Capacity Act 2005. This was billed at the time as ‘extending autonomy by proxy’ – surely the ultimate oxymoron – your ‘self-government’ is yours alone, once in someone else’s hands it is no longer yours. No matter, it passed through parliament with some minor squeaks on the question of whether this was ushering in euthanasia via the backdoor – absolutely not we were assured; it was, were were told, a way of ensuring that at the end of your days, you and you alone could decide on your medical treatment, you could even ensure that if you were unable to speak up for yourself, a trusted friend or relative ‘could’ express your wishes on your behalf.
Note that little word ‘could’. It was never spelt out that if you didn’t formally – at a cost of some £500 – set up this arrangement in advance, then an anonymous government department could, and would, take control of your ‘proxy autonomy’ for you. A civil servant will be appointed as your case officer and oversee your medical treatment. So, granting your proxy autonomy has already become an ‘opt-in’ arrangement, fail to have the foresight today, now, to do so, or fail to find the £500, and you too will have a civil servant who never has nor ever will meet you, decide on your medical treatment.
Now you might imagine that deciding on your medical treatment meant ensuring that you get a necessary kidney transplant or something of that order. Hold fast! Under UK law you do not have the right to insist on any medical treatment; why then do you need to ensure that you have a proxy? Simple, you have the right to insist on no further medical treatment. That civil servant can recommend on your behalf that you do not wish to have any further treatment…….
Nor is this simply a matter of not wanting any further intrusive operations when you have a terminal illness. UK law says that food and water when administered by a Doctor is medical treatment…….so just in case you might have wanted to ensure that in your final days you wouldn’t want any food or water, the Act helpfully ensures that it is a criminal offence to fail to obey the decision that the government made on your behalf.
We do not have the right to euthanasia in this country, those who fear that the end of their life may be too intolerable for them or their families to bear must travel abroad amid a welter of bureaucracy and the fear of prosecution in order to find eternal peace. What we do have is the right of the less-than-transparent Court of Protection to decided that since you didn’t nominate a family member to do so, they can order a Doctor to supervise your inhuman death by starvation and dehydration.
NuLabour’s Orwellian control is complete, the CAF will supervise every moment of your birth and childhood, every aspect of your life will be scrutinised, logged, and controlled, and when you fail to be economically productive, then the Court of Protection can order your early dispatch from this mortal coil.
Chilling is it not?
February 18, 2009 at 23:32
Oh Saul! Where is the best place to escape to? I am willing to go back in
time if that’s any help!
February 18, 2009 at 22:37
Life on Mars Indeed.
Take a look at the lawman beating up the wrong guy…….
February 18, 2009 at 22:34
Ask Gene Hunt, only retro detectives.
February 18, 2009 at 22:30
Gloria Smudd! Are you still there? I am thinking about posting all my crazy
copper capers on Youtube tnight ……………. Before they can put me in prison for
Help me make my decision! I hope they can’t do retrospectives!!!
February 18, 2009 at 22:17
Playing cards is one of the greatest anti-dotes to dementia. It makes one’s
mind think on many different levels. So good for your Maman!
Hugs and kisses and lots of love to all of us ……… as we struggle on in
these beleagured times!
February 18, 2009 at 22:11
And bisous for everyone.
Maman wants to play cards
February 18, 2009 at 22:04
Chatelaine – big kiss for you and Maman xx
Coco – big kiss for you and
your kittens x (times 10)
February 18, 2009 at 21:55
Oh Chatelaine ………… This has given me hope! May I become Dutch if everything
becomes too much for me then? The thing is ………. sometimes things get on top of
me and I cannot see an end to it. The UK will probably never agree to assisted
or non-assisisted suicide because of all the insurance problems involved ie.
Paying mortgages and debts off.
I believe God already has a huge mansion waiting in the sky for me! So I am
more or less ready at any time ………… So long as I can find somebody who can
adopt my nine cats – Who must not be split up under any circumstances.
February 18, 2009 at 21:08
Maman insists, made us promise that we would “put her down” whenever
dementia would settle in with her. She’s Dutch and we can keep that promise
February 18, 2009 at 18:07
I think it is a very thought-provoking thread. I suspect that people can’t
quite believe it is possible for one’s autonomy to be seized in this way.
Thanks for getting the subject ‘out there’.
February 18, 2009 at 17:06
We do not have the right to euthanasia in this country, those who fear that
the end of their life may be too intolerable for them or their families to
bear must travel abroad amid a welter of bureaucracy and the fear of
prosecution in order to find eternal peace.
I believe that
travelling abroad to end one’s life is actually ‘assisted suicide’ rather than
euthanasia – I think this is a very important distinction.
February 18, 2009 at 17:33
February 17, 2009 at 15:30
Oh deary me ………….. Dissent from the upper echelons last night. Ex-MI5
Stella has shown her disgruntlement at the Government’s idea of saving all our
telephone conversations and emails etc.
She reckons that the Government is trying to instil us all with fear about
terrorism and to continue eroding our civil liberties.
I am pleasantly surprised that this writer of thrillers felt the need to
speak out about this madness ………… and I am just wondering if this just the
beginning of the Establishment kicking back at Labour?
What an idea!
February 17, 2009 at 15:54
February 17, 2009 at 15:18
February 17, 2009 at 15:12
But our matching is still safe – except in the case of near relatives – and
we don’t have to have a blood test. Oops, I hope I haven’t given Gordie and
his merry band an idea.