Dear Lord above! Are The Lords Above the Law?
Are the Lords going to be interrogated with the same tin of vim and vigour that they used to scour the Commons out?
Will the investigators wipe the floor with them? Will we see a bit of the old naming and shaming? Will the Lords come out of all this with squeaky clean grins on their faces …….. or will we hear mutterings of much early-onset dementia doing the rounds of the House?
January 28, 2009 at 01:05
MC-Shalom 01.25.09 at 10:15 pm [edit]
You Bail Them Out, We Opt Out. We
Want Some
I think that you may have a point here MC-Shalom! ………
The trouble is ……… there is one real problem. The Royal Family of Saudi
Arabia and their peers and pals and porns – such as the UK government – would
not really like this at all ………… Mainly because they like to buy up and prop
up more and more of the international wealth with the interest money they make
on their interests ………. And they have many many interests ………… So they need a
lot of interest to ensure that they can pursue even more of their interests
I can’t see them giving in to your ideas at all.
In fact ……… If I remember rightly ………. In Saudi I think the monarchy is the
Government! In 2009! The 21st Century! And Western Governments don’t bat an
eye. Human Rights and all that – no problem. Sweep it under the carpet.
They still stone each other to death! In 2009! The 21st Century! And the
Western Governments don’t bat an eye! Human Rights and all that – no problem.
– Just sweep it under the carpet.
So ………. I don’t think that your super ideas will be given a green light …….
just yet!
January 25, 2009 at 23:28
Aren’t they still hanging around Portugal and fumbling about in the Oath
room at the White House?
January 25, 2009 at 23:17
I’m quite sure there will be a “Grey Area” that will provide a perfectly
reasonable explanation.
January 25, 2009 at 22:50
I believe you Saul! Thank you for pointing out my cynicism ………… I thought
it was colic or that frowning disease ………..
In fact I bet they will say that they knew they were being filmed ……. so
they went along with it for a bit of fun ………..
But to be absolutely honest – I never believe anything bad about Lords
anyway. They are all perfect in every way!
In fact ………… Speaking as the Prime Minister of the Commentariat …….. I
think that all the Lords are so perfect in every way that they should be the
errrr ………. Media Monitors!
January 25, 2009 at 22:15
You Bail Them Out, We Opt Out. We Want Some TARP
Dear, I should say Expensive Chairman Ben S. Bernanke,
All of Our Economic Problems Find They Root in the Existence of Credit.
Out of the $5,000,000,000,000 bail out money for the banks, that is $1,000
for every inhabitant of this planet, what is it exactly that WE, The
People, got?
If my bank doesn’t pay back its credits, how come I still must pay
If my bank gets 0% Loans, how come I don’t?
At the same time, everyday, some of us are losing our home or even our
Credit discriminates against people of lower economic classes, as such it
is unconstitutional, isn’t it? It is an supra national stealth weapon of class
Credit is a predatory practice. When the predator finishes up the preys he
starves to death. What did you expect?
Where are you exactly in that food chain?
Credit gets in the way of All the Principles of Equal Opportunity and Free
Credit is a Stealth Weapon of Mass
Credit is Mathematically Inept, Morally Unacceptable.
President Bush Proposed the TARP, Senator Obama Voted It.
We Want Some TARP.
Opting Out Is Both Free and Strictly
My Solution: The Credit Free, Free Market
Is Both Dynamic on the Short Run & Stable on the Long Run, The Only
Available Short Run Solution.
I Am, Hence, Leading The Exit Out of Credit:
Let me Outline for You my Proposed Strategy:
? My Prescription to Preserve Our
? Our Property Title: Our
Free, Strictly Anonymous Right to Opt Out of Credit.
? Our Credit Free Money:
The Dinar-Shekel AKA The DaSh, Symbol: – .
? Asset Transfer – Our
Right Grant Operation – Our Wealth Multiplier.
? A Specific
Application of Employment, Interest and Money.
[A Tract Intended For my
Fellows Economists].
If Risk Free Interest Rates Are at 0.00% Doesn’t That Mean That Credit is
Worthless Already?
Since credit based currencies are managed by setting short-term interest
rates, on which you have lost all control, can we still say that are
We Need, Hence, Cancel All Interest Bearing Debt and Abolish Interest
Bearing Credit.
In This Age of Turbulence The People Wants an Exit Out of Credit:
An Adventure in a New World Economic Order.
The only other option would be to wait till most of the productive assets
of the economy get physically destroyed either by war or by rust.
It will be either awfully deadly or dramatically long.
A price none of us can afford to pay.
January 25, 2009 at 20:09
Coco, you are such a cynic. It is obvious that the Ermined ones knew
perfectly well that they were investigative reporters. They were merely
“playing along”
January 25, 2009 at 19:48
janes! I know! – Single old guys lying around the pools of family resorts
are even looked upon with suspicion these days!
When I think of how many free Knicker-Bocker Glories were sent my way when
I was a child! Today’s children will miss out on all that now …….. just
because of errrrr ……… yer know!
January 25, 2009 at 19:30
In the old days people were suspicious of being approached by a Moonie –
how times change.
January 25, 2009 at 19:27
Hark! Saul! I thought I heard your apology for these Lordies. ……… Stop it
right now!
Even though I am sure that they have not done anything to do with anything
that could be called sleazy in any way – ever! – Even before they were even
Lordies – because Lordies are lovely through and through – and they all eat
thick-cut marmalade with bits in – and they all live in stately homes that
they can no longer afford to live in because they have to spend all their
money buying other properties in London – or week-end gafs in places like
errrr ….. St.Tropez for instance …….. or errr ……… Ibiza or Sydney …….. as
stop-over places for when they have to go to meetings at the House of Lords
about keeping the laws of England ………. exactly the same as they have always
We must stop thinking that just because somebody is a Lord or an errrr ……..
lawyer ……… or an errr …….. dare I even say it? ……… A doctor! – That they are
above the law or unaccountable …….. Because rumour has it that they are just
like the rest of us and they have their foibles and errrr …….. vices.
So errrr ……. Less of the ‘assuming honesty until proven guilty’!!! If you
don’t mind Saul.
I am sure that everything will be found to be above board and very proper
and within the rules ……… somehow. It always is. And that is that!
January 25, 2009 at 18:30
I’m sure it was an “Honest” mistake.