The McCann’s Spanish detective agency and corporate social responsibility……
Metodo3 is working harder than ever to upgrade their image. Marita Fernández Lado the founder, tells us that Método 3 is a socially responsible company which has been
“maintaining its company compromise of transparency all these years, getting to know its work and company to society, giving a clear vision of the investigation world for everyone. Our compromises with society are not originated by the novelty of Corporate Social Responsibility: we started it many years before this new corporate trend”.
She goes on to tell us, that
The unfortunate events which have recurred over the last few months related with the paedophile networks that operate via the Internet and by other means, and which have caused a considerable stir in the media, make a foundation such as MAIA very necessary.
UNICEF has reported that trade in minors is a world-wide problem which affects a great many boys and girls. According to some estimates, every year more than 1.5 million children are victims of child exploitation in South East Asia alone.
There is considerable demand for minors to be employed as cheap labour or to be sexually exploited. Sexual conduct tends to be considered a private matter, and so some communities are reluctant to intervene in cases of child exploitation. Technological advances such as the Internet, which facilitate access to child pornography, and sex tourism are factors which contribute to making children more vulnerable to these practices.
The fundamental objective of Fundación MAIA is to raise public awareness and to work towards taking whatever measures are necessary, so that the images and events such as those which have appeared in the media recently may be avoided. The work to raise consciousness in the battle against this blight is of crucial importance.
Fundación MAIA wishes to contribute to achieving this objective and it will devote all its efforts to ensure that all the organisations involved act with the greatest efficiency.
Fundación MAIA defends the rights of children, extremely vulnerable individuals who are permanently scarred by the ravages of exploitation.
Fundación MAIA forms part of the Corporate Social Responsibility programme of Método 3, and its avowed aim is to prevent and raise public awareness about the sexual abuse of minors.
The sharp eyed will note that ‘Maia’ was a Goddess of old Roman mythology especially associated with two dates the 1st of May and the 15th May!
Follow the money……
January 21, 2009 at 19:35
Thank you. In that case please delete my comment re Anorak .
January 21, 2009 at 19:37
January 21, 2009 at 18:28
January 21, 2009 at 18:21
Hi there
I’ve just been given the address of your site via 3 arguidos. [Edited at
poster’s gracious request.]
I still want to know what happened to Madeleine McCann, and no theories so
far add up.
January 20, 2009 at 15:12
Actually – I keep all the doors shut to all the rooms except the kitchen –
until they dry off!
January 20, 2009 at 15:03
I have a white sofa and a white terrier. Well … he’s white again after he’s
been on the sofa
January 20, 2009 at 14:51
You must be a dab hand with a damp sponge by now, what with NINE of the
pesky little critters wiping their filty feet all over your soft furnishings.
I admired you before, but the esteem in which I hold you has just risen.
January 20, 2009 at 14:37
Sounds like me with pale green sofas – and nine cats – two of whom are also
ginger ……………..
January 20, 2009 at 14:19
That may just be one of life’s unanswerable questions. Another one might be
“Why would a woman with yellow sofas and a muddy garden get two ginger cats?”
Sigh …
January 20, 2009 at 13:15
BTW there’s another MAIA foundation: healthcare and health literacy for
African women
January 20, 2009 at 13:27