Crossing the Moat.
Now that Mr Moat has awarded himself the prescribed martyr’s end – ‘he said he’d never let the filth get him’, and he can be duly revered in chavland; the flowers can pile up on some dusty council estate with eulogies from those mindful that he still has friends who will be watching to see who says what and extracting revenge at a later date.
Now that his bessy mate Paul Gascoigne can take his midnight offerings of a dressing gown, a can of lager, and a half eaten kebab back whence it came to Newcastle.
Now that the police have commenced on the many months of report writing, interviews, suspensions – ‘but you do realise how serious an offence it was to read out a child’s card describing Moat is a nutter’? – and a public enquiry headed by a retired barrister can rack up millions in fees.
Now that Sky can stand down their 200 reporters and stop their researchers badgering everyone who ever shared a kebab with the man to now share their thoughts on the police behaviour with ‘our viewers’.
Now that the people of Rothbury can walk out of their front doors with their heads held high and not risk being the evening’s entertainment for the ‘every 15 minute updates’.
Do you think anyone will ever ask this question of Samantha Stobbart –
‘you had lived with the man for years, you knew of his intake of steroids, you knew of his hatred of the police, you knew of his violent nature, you knew you had started a new relationship two weeks before he came out of prison – what on earth possessed you to go and see him and tell him that your new boyfriend was a policeman’?
Is it only me who is politically incorrect enough to think that the stupid bint owes an awful lot of people an awful lot of apologies?
Whoops! I forgot, she’s a woman, a victim, not responsible for her actions.
Scrub that, it’s obviously all the police’s fault. Oh, and the prison authorities, they should have ensured that a full armed guard was placed on the door of the family of everyone who comes out of jail saying ‘I’m going to kill that cow!’
July 12, 2010 at 03:31
What the hell were the police doing with a taser? There is only one way to
deal with a gun-toting head-case…….and I do not mean a cup of Ovaltine and a
few chocolate digestives.
What about Chris Brown? What about Constable Rathband? What about all the
other victims of his violence over the years?
Those idiots posting messages of sympathy and ‘support’ on that ridiculous
web-site clearly deserve to live amongst people like Moat.
Now we have his brother claiming he’d been ‘executed’ – wonder what Chris
Brown’s family think of that statement.
July 11, 2010 at 06:49
Supposing he had not used a gun.
Supposing he had used an axe – an
effective weapon with a long history of use. Would the police response be so
Even worse if he had used a non dramatic weapon say a large
screwdriver. Still quite lethal in a strong mans hand. Would the MSM have even
noticed the event.
July 11, 2010 at 15:26
Supposing he had never existed…
Just stick to the plot and what really happened, we can all think of
whatifs to create controversy from nothing. The man was a psychopath and as
such showed no remorse for what he did, but he leaves prison having clearly
voiced his intentions to do harm and it seems that the prison authorities
and the police (if they knew) did little or nothing and as a consequence
death and injury result. Moat did it, but might well have been stopped had
people who are paid to protect the public done their job.
July 11, 2010 at 02:47
I expect it will be determined that Stobbart has ‘suffered enough’
(assuming she is still alive) even though there is less ambiguity about the
part she played in this than if she had shouted ‘Let him have it’.
Was the vast police presence that was growing like The Blob necessary?
Armoured Landrovers from Northern Ireland. ‘SWAT’ teams (can’t we come up with
acronyms of our own?), the Met’s crack force of expensive BMWs and bringing
the RAF in. Gun crimes happen all over the shop without such responses.
I tend to be cynical about the Police and the media in these kinds of
emergencies. I don’t think the Police set out to lie but they must be under
pressure to say something and what they say gets taken as the Gospel
truth even with past incidents showing that the Police will sometimes say
things they cannot confirm.(I’m thinking specifically of the July 2005 London
bombings and the squeaks that spewed forth from Sir Ian Blair’s gob)
The media then latch on to tiny fragments of nuggets of snatches of gleaned
information (or just get leaked it) and spend an inordinate amount of time
discussing them. Did it really need the normally desk bound news presenters to
be reading headlines from a street? At one point the national BBC news had a
news reporter interviewing a BBC correspondent which was followed by the local
news also featuring a BBC news reporter interviewing another BBC
July 11,
2010 at 17:39
“Gun crimes happen all over the shop without such responses.”
I look forward to a Tornado flying over North London that ISN’T taking part in a remembrance
flypast any…minute….now…..
July 10, 2010 at 20:38
Now, the B.B.C.
July 10, 2010 at 20:26
After he murdered one policeman & apparently blinded another, the
result was the best outcome.
It’s saved taxpayers an absolute fortune.
July 10, 2010 at 18:58
What a fantastic post and so very true.
July 10, 2010 at 19:17
Anna appears to be on special form at the moment.
But then she so often is.
July 10,
2010 at 17:17
The picture is of Bodiam Castle which at the time of its building was
indefensible against the weaponry of that period. In short it is a “show”
castle meant to impress and not do much else being an inconvenient place to
actually live in. Bit like our legal system really.
July 10, 2010 at 16:46
“Whoops! I forgot, she
July 10,
2010 at 16:24
More unsettlingly, a perusal of the Insp Gadget blog shows that Facebook
pages are being set up to laud the late, unlamented would-be cop killer.
Now, a lot of that is underclass Internet bravado and bad taste, it’s
But the police are sometimes their own worst enemy, aren’t they?
July 11, 2010 at 23:10
I noticed that. Plus his own ‘Gonetoosoon ‘ memorial. Comments are a bit
strange. He did shoot a policeman in the face and another guy in the back
and beat up his partner and child. That’s right isn’t it ? You wouldn’t
think so with the thousands of people giving him sainthood status.
July 10, 2010 at 16:22
Yes you are saying exactly what most right thinking people are saying to
each other behind their hands,because they don;t want to be seen to be
A geordie nut job who has probably never done a decent days work in his
sorry life does the best thing he;s ever done for the community, tops
himself,and Sky squeezing the last drop of coverage out of this, starts
pointing the finger at the police,it;s there fault it;s our fault,he didn;t
get a red bike when he was a kid he got a blue one,that;s what fucked him
up.the guy was a twat his girlfriends stupid and will probably make a nice
wedge with Max Cliffords help.Lets celebrate his going we are all better of
without him.Lets raise a glass ,Moat you were a prick thank God you;r gone
July 10,
2010 at 16:20
No, it’s certainly not just you. A perusal of the main police blogs,
however, shows that she’s only unique in that – this time – her chosen sperm
donor’s threats proved to be real and not just bravado…
July 10, 2010 at 15:46
Spot on with the last comment. Samantha Stobbart is only one of thousands
of infantile ” wimmin” in this country who continue to reward the bad
behaviour of evil men like Moat. But of course as a woman in a Feminazified
country she will never have to grow up and face up to what she has done.Until
women learn to love and respect good men and treat the evil men as the scum
they are, more and more of them will find themselves victims of such men. “But
I Luv ‘ im”!!!!!