We can rebuild him….

Word has reached me here at the Nun and Firkin that Ed Miliband is to undergo surgery. Not, thank goodness for some terrible life threatening condition. Oh no, no, no!
Many of you will remember the Six Million Dollar Man.
This was the TV series in which heroic astronaut was Steve Austin was rebuilt with bionic technology, and armed with super powers was able to fight crime and win by elections. Well, forget the last bit, obviously.
Anyway, it seems that Labour will stop at nothing to “make over” Glottal Ed and is determined to go the same way to create the ultimate political fusion of man and machine. He has already had a wife-o-plasty (the technical medical term for joining together a dreary politician and his dreary girlfriend in a civil partnership when they have been shacked up together for years). Now he’s having his adenoids fixed.
It seems that nasal whine has played badly with the Focus Groups in Barnsley or Whitehaven (although one would have thought he would have sparked a major resurgence in Birmingham). So it’s time for a makeover. Not content with a bit of colour coordinated power dressing and better haircut, Ed the Paranoid Adenoid is prepared to do to his nasal passages just what he did to his brother’s back: sticking a knife in.
It may well be that the new Super Ed that emerges from the (private?) ward of beeping machines and green gowned surgeons will have had more than just a bit of super nose picking. In true Steve Austin style I predict that the near brain dead Hampstead-o-naut will be completely rebuilt with:
- A bionic eye, with which to spot political opportunities
- A bionic arm, better suited to squeezing yet more from the unions or your pockets
- A bionic ear, so that he can hear what voters actually think about immigration
- Bionic legs, for chasing the voters of middle England
But perhaps it will all be a bit less Steve Austin and more Austin Powers. Yeah, baby.
It beggars belief how far politicians will go to fit the bill these days. It struck me that if it’s not just dressing right and speaking the party line and being on “message” that are enough but surgical enhancement that’s needed, where will this end? Perhaps iDave From Oxford could have a chin grown, or at least a tie. Nick Clegg could have a backbone inserted. John Prescott could finally have his arse removed from his mouth. And Ann Widdicombe’s political career could be revived after a bit of nip and tuck turns her into a swim suit model.
Finally, can I suggest that that Nasal Ned might usefully undergo one drastic procedure designed to Labour’s unquenchable appetite for high spending and high taxes?
It’s called a Gastric Miliband.
Randy Hack
Randy Hack’s latest self help book, “Drink Yourself Sober” is due out in paperback soon from Cheapplonk Press
April 24, 2011 at 00:54
Couldn’t he just try blowing it first ?
April 23, 2011 at 20:30
O/T, but referring to an earlier post by Anna: sadly, Janet Richardson has
April 23, 2011 at 21:18
That is sad.
April 23, 2011 at 17:49
The best one was ED-209, from Robocop. “DROP THE WEAPON. YOU HAVE 10
SECONDS TO COMPLY…!” I’d want to one of those let loose at Brussels & one
at Strasbourg (with it’s logic scrambled so it thought they were all armed).
For fairness
it could bellow it in several languages.
April 23, 2011 at 16:53
A Ball removal could be on the cards next.
April 23, 2011 at 17:11
Tee hee hee
April 23, 2011 at 16:50
Sometimes, sometimes, just sometimes ….. things go wrong in the operating
That is all.
April 23, 2011 at 15:00
I’d heard he was getting a new nose, presumably because the old one was too
April 23,
2011 at 14:44
“…Ed the Paranoid Adenoid…”
April 23, 2011 at 14:49
“…. tongue the size of a planet, …”
April 23, 2011 at 14:28
Frog in his throat? That’s Cameron, and it’s part of a Belgian…
April 23, 2011 at 14:43
I hope you’re not suggesting what I think you’re suggesting.
I need to lie down again.
April 23, 2011 at 15:08
Anna will vouch for my purity of thought and words…
April 23, 2011 at 14:02
John Prescott is all arse. Remove that and it’s euthanasia.
On a serious note, one of the arguments against IDS, when there was talk of
a leadership bid against him ,was that he made a poor Parliamentarian because
when he spoke, he always had a frog in his throat.
In the age of tv, we get the celebrity politicians we deserve.
OK, having thought about that, I’m off to lie down and cry.