Robert Green – Hollie Greig
I apologise for the length of this piece. There are a lot of facts to be laid out.
I would also ask before you tell me that I have left this or that fact out that you refer to my original blog post on the subject – I have tried not to repeat myself here.
Comments will be open, especially if you have factual evidence to bring forward. If you come here just to hiss and spit, and treat me to some of the vile and venal abuse that has been bandied around in this case – unless it is especially witty or has some intrinsic merit, it will be deleted.
I have written before on the subject of Robert Green and his ‘campaign’ on behalf of a young female sufferer of Down’s syndrome who, he maintains, was the subject of a vicious and sustained series of rapes by both men and women.
What interests me about this particular case is the fundamental mismatch between, on one hand, the passionate campaign that has raged on Face-book and, on the other, the embarrassingly sparse ‘evidence’ on which it was based.
It has taken me some time to peel away the layers of ‘internet truth’ and to arrive at the essential facts, such as they are, that do exist.
Anne, the girl’s Mother, originally contacted two men to publicise her story. ALL the information that is on the Internet, ALL the firmly held beliefs, ALL the ‘alleged’ evidence, was given to those two men, and emerged into the world via the various means THEY took to publicise the case.
Neither of them was Robert Green. He came into the story later.
Let us take Stuart Usher first. Stuart, a part time Hot Dog salesman runs an organisation called Scotland against Crooked Lawyers and has done for some 10 years or so. It has a website
Stuart has ‘named and shamed’ some 140 lawyers and judges based in Scotland on his web site regarding a variety of alleged offences, including paedophilia, who, in his opinion, are ‘crooked’. He cites, with great pride, that none of them have ever thought to sue him. Whether this is because his accusations are accurate and they are hanging their head in shame, or because they felt that giving more publicity to wild accusations whilst suing a Hot Dog salesman was possibly counter productive is a matter of opinion.
Still, Stuart Usher was a first hand confident of Anne, the girl’s Mother, and presumably had access to concrete evidence of her claims. Unfortunately, Stuart has decided to withdraw from the case ‘to spend more time with his family’ – as you will find, we end up with a list of people who were ‘in at the beginning’ who have mysteriously melted away.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Stuart Usher to Paul DrocktonPaul
I have had increased pressure from my family recently with regard to my efforts to help other people. In a nutshell they feel the time has come for me to divert my efforts to support them instead. I have agreed to this as they have suffered badly over the years and I now feel the time has come for me to concentrate my efforts on them.
Mr Usher did not disappear before recording a radio interview which is available on the Internet.
You require patience and dedication to listen to it all the way through. The amateur ‘disc jockey’ suffers interminable technical problems for the first half hour, and after three quarters of an hour of attempting to make sense of Mr Usher’s words, the disc jockey returns to playing some excruciating hard rock…..I nearly lost the will to live, but I was determined to learn at first hand precisely what the claims were.
Mr Usher would tell you that Anne’s daughter was repeatedly raped at the ‘house of Sheriff B’s sister, Evelyn’. This is casualty number one in the search for truth. Sheriff B simply does not have a sister Evelyn. He may well have a dog called Evelyn, a cat even, but no sister.
These things matter when you are basing a campaign on your right to publicise ‘the truth’.
Mr Usher would also tell you that Anne and her daughter were forced to ‘flee Scotland’ following the ‘murder’ of her brother Roy. Roy had apparently been ‘repeatedly battered over the head with an axe handle’ before being pushed into a car which was set alight in an arson attack.
Now one of the claims which circulates on the Internet is that this unfortunate death was ‘hushed up’ by the authorities, and described as ‘suicide’ when it was murder – the implication is usually that Roy was murdered as a direct result of Anne having laid information with the police a few days earlier. I have repeatedly been told that it was never investigated. Not true.
Whatever the Police investigation amounted to, there was an in depth investigation by an experienced journalist. One Mark Daly of the BBC. Mark Daly is the journalist who according to Robert Green was ‘bullied by his bosses’ into dropping a proposed documentary about the case. This version alternates with one which says that he was silenced by a ‘D’ notice. Mark spoke out on the Face Book group.
“I have been involved in some of the biggest investigations into corruption, racism, murder and child sex abusers broadcast in the UK over the past ten years of my career, and the suggestion that I would be complicit in a cover up of important journalism is insulting and deeply misguided.”
“After careful consideration some time later (before we had filmed anything), we, the programme team, decided we couldn’t proceed with the story. It became clear that the wider allegations that were being made would be impossible to verify, and indeed we had concerns about the veracity of many of them. On that basis, we made a professional decision not to proceed. As journalists, we are not in a position to pick and choose which allegations we want to run or believe, and the vast majority of these allegations were, in our opinion, un-provable. There are few more serious allegations one can make about a person than to call them a paedophile, and for that reason, the evidence has to be of the utmost quality. And in this case, I’m afraid it fell far short of this hurdle.”
You can hear Mark Daly answering his critics here.
Exit Mark Daly – but not before he had helpfully asked for and received from Grampian Police, the autopsy report for Roy Grieg. There the evidence that Roy had been ‘repeatedly battered about the head with an axe handle’ so frequently cited, melts away to become a ‘contusion’ on his head. Contusion being the medical term for a common or garden bruise. The ‘broken ribs’ may well owe more to the strenuous efforts – efforts which earned him a medal from the Royal Humane Society – of a passing oil rig worker who pulled Roy Grieg from his car during a filthy storm and in the middle of the night and gave him CPR in an effort to save his life.
Mark Daly had also uncovered something which directly contradicted Anne’s claim that there could be no truth in the Coroner’s verdict that her brother committed suicide – for he had ‘no reason to commit suicide’. Daly discovered that Roy Greig had been suspended from his job amid allegations of a substantial sum of money missing. He had recently travelled to Glasgow to obtain legal assistance in respect of these matters from his union.
These things matter when you are basing a campaign on your right to publicise ‘the truth’.
Two witnesses down, but fear not. We have more. Next up is Greg Lance-Watkins. Lance-Watkins has spent some 30 years campaigning on behalf of abused children. He runs an ‘enabling’ web site, which helps those children to have their own web site and tell their story under the umbrella of his main web site. Anne approached him and asked him to publicise her daughter’s story. She explained that she had no internet skills and it was agreed that he would operate the and write it as though it was Hollie telling her own story. Those who claim that Hollie is a competent witness for any trial, and cite as evidence the fact that she ‘willingly’ tells her ‘own’ story on her ‘own’ web site, please take note. Mr Lance-Watkins freely admits that the words are his, using information coming from Hollie’s Mother. In his lay opinion, Hollie has a mental age of under 10.
Lance-Watkins has been in this ‘business’ for many years, and he has had some success at obtaining justice for abused children. He is, like Mark Daly, the journalist, fully aware of the necessity for concrete evidence and strongly advised Anne not to court publicity until such time as they had gathered whatever documentary evidence they could. He was assured it would be forthcoming and was available.
Eventually he managed to gain sight of the autopsy report which was cited as evidence that Anne’s brother had been wickedly battered about the head and murdered. He was slightly non plussed to discover that this only amounted to a ‘contusion’ and even more non plussed to learn of the evidence regarding a possible crime in Roy’s workplace, despite having repeatedly pressed Anne for possible reasons for Roy’s suicide.
Then he pressed Anne for the mysterious medical evidence that showed how Hollie had been brutally anally and vaginally raped for 10 years by this paedophile ring. She finally gave him this document.
It is difficult to read, it is a scanned version of a very bad folded photocopy. With diligence and Photoshop’s enlargement facilities, it is possible however.
Hollie was born at the end of 1979 and here we have a Doctor informing another Doctor that at some time prior to 1992 (the date of the letter) Hollie’s parents had jointly enquired as to the need for contraception for their daughter. It was alleged that Hollie had been making sexual overtures to other children within her special needs facility.
I do not propose to further discuss Hollie’s medical affairs; she is entitled to a darn sight more privacy than she has received so far. Suffice it to say, that those who rest their case that Hollie was ‘sexually abused’ in any form on the supposed ‘medical evidence’, would be well advised to read carefully this letter that Anne Greig claims is the evidence. You will not find one iota of evidence from the Doctor who had intimately examined her that this was so. What you will find is that at one point in her life, Hollie had suffered from a minor yet common ailment which can be transmitted sexually – though that is by no means the only way in which you can acquire it.
One could put this paucity of substantive evidence down to yet another example of the authorities ‘covering up’ the abuse of Hollie – except that this is the very document on which Anne Greig rests her case.
Lance-Watkins now reluctantly admits that he is in the embarrassing position of having been ‘duped’ . He has not precisely joined the ranks of those who have walked away from the story, he is too much of a professional for that, however, he has retired to the sidelines and thrown out an open invitation to the thousands of members of ‘Holly’s Army’ who are fighting for ‘Justice for Hollie’ to step forward with any concrete evidence before he puts his reputation at risk any more.
Predictably he has been roundly abused by all concerned for this. The myth and fallacy that abounds on the Internet is too deeply entrenched for anyone to take cautious heed of the man who spoke for Holly ceasing to speak for Holly – it is ‘obvious’ that he is part of the conspiracy protecting these mythical government figures, either that or he has been ‘bought off’ by strange figures from MI5. The truth that he is no more prepared to put his reputation on the line without evidence than was Mark Daly is too bitter a pill for them to swallow.
Which leaves us with the Facebook Group. The home base of Holly’s 27,000 strong army. Or does it?
For you see Paul Phillips and his girlfriend Plum, who set up that Facebook Group and urged supporters to publicise this horrendous story so successfully – well they too have retired from the fray ‘to spend more time with their family’ – as has Tom George from ScotsVInjustice, another man with lots of experience in these cases who sadly doesn’t have a family, but still feels he can do something more with his time.
The Facebook Group was closed down, but not before some horrendous mudslinging as the original publicists of the story withdrew one by one. I have never before seen such venal and vindictive commentators.
I have come across many people over the past year whilst being heavily involved in Hollie’s case – some who are sincere and genuine people and others who have obvious ulterior motives and should really question why they became involved and whose interests they were really trying to further. I would like to state publicly here that everything stated by Pabs and Plum above is all factual and I regard them both as sincere and genuine people whose motives in Hollie’s case, like mine, were purely altruistic and their detractors should be thoroughly ashamed to have denounced them in the very malicious way they have. They are both good human beings and simply did not deserve the vilification that has spewed forth their way over recent days and weeks.
I have other very serious, sad and tragic cases I am vigorously pursuing presently against the authorities in Edinburgh and, yes, Aberdeen too and I am committed to fulfilling my obligations to the people concerned. I hope my rapidly declining health does not negate me having to pass these cases on to others to help with and I can see some kind of satisfactory resolution for the individuals concerned.
So far we have lost the medical evidence of horrendous sexual abuse, lost the medical evidence that Anne’s brother was murdered, lost the experienced campaigners against paedophilia that we started off with, shed several experienced journalists along the way – what are we left with?
We have Robert Green, would be journalist and broadcaster, who wishes to publicise the names of the people he says that Hollie says abused her, some of who like Sheriff B’s sister, simply don’t exist. We have Paul Drockton, broadcasting from somewhere several thousand miles away having never met any of the people involved. We have a newspaper in Palestine still prepared to print these allegations against British government figures – oh and we have a new Facebook group containing all the people who would far rather believe that there is a conspiracy here, than to face the fact that all the people who started this campaign have now faded away into the shadows – awaiting something more concrete than the wild accusations thrown around by a woman who has been tormented by grief and difficulties in life.
Fortunately, we also have the figure of Paula Morris in Hollie’s home town of Shrewsbury, a sensible Social Worker, who is currently looking into the welfare of this deeply vulnerable young woman and whether she is capable of making an informed decision as to whether she should be paraded on radio and Internet as the poster girl for the hysterical Hollie’s Army.
There is considerable sexual abuse of young women (and men) with Down’s syndrome. It is an entrenched problem. It is invariably carried out by those who have easy access to these young people. Fathers, brothers, uncles, both real and phoney, bus drivers, care attendants. In some rare cases, and they are rare compared to the bulk of disgracefully mundane cases of sexual abuse, they will include figures from other walks of life. Yes, even Judges, and policemen.
What Hollie’s Army have succeeded in doing is gaining wide spread recognition of the apparent ‘fact’ – without any evidence – that paedophilia is part and parcel of a government conspiracy, rather than an event which is all around you every day, next door to you even. That it is a celebrity vice. That may please their desire for publicity. It does nothing for the thousands of Down’s Children who need to be protected.
Perhaps all 27,000 of Holly’s Army might care to get themselves CRB checked – those of them who are able to pass such a check, for sure there will be paedophiles amongst these groups – where else will they find constant discussions of the finer points of sexual abuse? And when they have passed their checks, they might care to volunteer to help protect these deeply vulnerable individuals. They will find it most rewarding.
Perhaps a tad boring compared to the glamour of demanding the right to libel most of the Scottish political establishment on the basis of zero evidence and wild accusations.
June 25, 2010 at 21:24
I have been following this alleged abuse story for some time. Originally, I
did ask for various pieces of evidence, and none were in fact forthcoming – I
believe most of the ‘evidence’ is in fact hearsay or circumstancial, which
does not constitute proof at all.
I more or less dismissed the whole thing as yet another conspiracy theory,
of the type that abounds all over the internet, from ‘inside jobs’ on 9/11 and
7/7 to lizards in charge of the government.
However, one ot two recent events have intrigued me, over and above the
alleged abuse.
Firstly, the ‘raid’ on Anne Greig’s Shropshire home and the
changed locks on the doors – why did this occur ?
Secondly, why isn’t Green being sued for libel ? People have been in the
courts for much less than is inferred by his allegations.
Thirdly, there is this Lance Watkins character. I don’t know anything about
him – I have no axe to grind. But he is certainly weird – the way he
constructs sentences is very very odd – he reminds me of a public schoolboy
from the debating society who suffers from arrested development.
However, personality apart, this Lance Watkins has placed some photographs
on his blog, which according to Green , can only have been obtained during the
‘raid’ on Anne Greig’s house. Try as I might, I cannot find where Lance
Watkins has stated where he sourced these photographs , or a denial that he
got them from the ‘raid’ on Anne Greig’s house.
Whether Hollie Greig was abused, whether Anne Greig is mentally ill, or
Green is a looney, I do not know. But I am very intrigued, and somewhat
concerned , about the way that the ‘authorities’ are dealing with this
In particular, since Lance Watkins is ‘holier than thou’ , I would like
clarification WHERE he got the photographs of Roy Greig from – just to restore
my faith in no-conspiracy-at-all.
June 5,
2010 at 00:59
a very valid THEORY
June 4, 2010 at 23:04
Any allegation of sexual abuse, in the first instance, the named
perpetrator would be arrested, and charged. Hollie
June 4, 2010 at 20:41
I would have thought Hollie
June 4, 2010 at 21:51
Call me naive John but when I first read about this story, my initial
reaction was like everyone else’s…it was like one of these crap novels you
find in a charity shop bin. Horrifying story and you just couldn’t help but
be sucked in by it. But the logic part of my tiny brain nagged me into
ditching the emotion …. and I found things much clearer.
I have a very old friend who worked in a woman’s refuge for 16 yrs – the
few stories she shared with me over that time would make your flesh creep
and eyes water and even she said of this case – no, it would not stand up
without concrete evidence. They do not have it she said. What about the
girl’s father…thats where any hope of a conviction lies. And she knows,
believe me. John, you do not stand a chance in hell of success. Face it, and
if you must keep your campaign going then for god’s sake make some major
changes quickly before Hollie’s life becomes even more difficult for her.
And it will, believe me. None of us baddies are spys or crooks. We are all
good people who want what is best for this woman and are fighting to get it,
like you. But I do believe we have logic on our side; your team are too damn
high on emotion and have seriously cocked things up. Bring them to heel!
5, 2010 at 00:56
John do you have evidence to back this contention?
Perhaps the facts gathered relentlessly over well over a year would have
helped you.
When did he leave? Why? etc.?
You may tend to be a little more accurate if you had established the
June 4,
2010 at 20:19
John with respect I suggest you take the advice you have offered in your
last paragraph.
You clearly know nothing of this story.
Be minded there is not one shred of usable evidence that words are put in
the mouth of a woman with a mental age of 5 is all too possible.
It is claimed that Hollie Greig was serially and gang raped BY ADULTS, over
a period from 6 to 20 yet concealed this from her Mother deliberately and
dishonestly – she has manifest no medical evidence of rape, no forensic
evidence of rape, no physical evidence of rape and no reaction to gang
There is absolutely no evidence of rape and what Mother would be so
uncaring as to have no cogniscence of distress nor signs of laundry. This was
a child who, it is claimed, without evidence, had been both vaginally and
We also have a fantasy of the murder of Anne’s brother – again with not a
shred of evidence that his death was other than suicide and further more with
apparent due cause.
PLEASE take your own advice.
June 23, 2010 at 00:31
Greg you used the word rape,in relation to a child,7 times in that rather
brief post.
time for a cold shower me thinks.
just for the record,are you the same greg hyphen hyphen that accusses
gordon brown of having a taste for rent boys?
the same greg hyphen hyphen
who says he has proof that tony blair was tried and convicted for gay sex in
a public place
your posts reveal a very strange mind at work,one which you have my
sympathy for having to inhabit
dont bother getting yourself all worked up into some self-righteous
indignant self important rant because I wont be returning to this awful
blog,I feel dirty enough after a single visit.
June 4, 2010 at 19:14
As I have said, the primary concern is for Hollie, since she was abused. If
the abuser of Hollie was an ordinary
June 4,
2010 at 16:56
I’m surprised John Banks hasn’t found out ANY of the relevant details and I
guess his chum in Social Services must be very lowly to dispense such opinions
with no facts!
You seem unaware that you found your views on two assumptions – first that
your chum has a clue about Scottish procedures and secondly that an abuse took
Next since these points are unknown to you, you state with certainty that
the handling procedure was at fault – Oh!
Need I continue as clearly you too have seen NO EVIDENCE.
June 4, 2010 at 16:19
The one person who matters most out of all the rest is Hollie herself. If
Hollie was abuse by her father at first, i am surprise he was not arrested as
the primary suspect.
There are procedures that come into play, when an allegation of abuse is
reported. The Police, social workers, who are trained in child protection,
would have concern, not only for Hollie but also, equally for other vulnerable
people, who may have been abused.
The seriousness of this abuse is because Hollie, is not only a vulnerable
adult, but also more so because she lacks capacity. That means she is open to
be coerced into doing things, by those who are out to exploit her
The person or persons who committed the abuse would be the only ones who
hold the evidence. That is why an investigation, involving many professionals
is triggered.
A Professional who works in child Protection has told me, that Hollies
June 4, 2010 at 17:36
Some good points John.
We should also remember there were some very abnormal aspects to the
treatment received by Robert Green following his first arrest. As you will
recall, his hearing took place in Stonehaven despite the Aberdeen Press
& Journal (red herring or misapprehension?) saying it would be (as would
have been expected) in Aberdeen Sheriff Court. Then there is the fact that
the the hearing was held in camera! Quite extraordinary for a trifling
Breach of the Peace, wouldn’t you say?!
I was present for those events. One of the people I spoke with that day
was the duty solicitor in Aberdeen Sheriff Court. She assured me that asking
concerned callers (wanting to know where Robert Green was!) to leave their
names and contact details with the Procurator Fiscal’s (PF) call centre (in
Glasgow) was completely unheard of! Incidentally, the PF call centre people
refused to tell anyone where or even if, Robert’s case was being held that
day. If Robert Green is to be believed, the police (or others?) told him on
the Friday(!) that his hearing would be in Stonehaven. (Shame they didn’t
inform the P&J…?) Why then could the PF’s office not tell us that on the
Monday? Should information like that not be in the public domain? Obviously
I was also very concerned about Robert’s no-show at court, however, not one
official in the court could (or would?) tell me anything. (I found out via
the Internet like everyone else.)
Incidentally, while loitering in the hallways of the court, I more than
once heard chatty banter between advocates and others to the effect of,
‘It’s awfully quiet for a Monday’.
Finally, also worthy of note was the heavy police presence in and around
the court in Stonehaven. (We counted around 7 or 8 officers.) I was informed
by two reliable locals that again, apart -perhaps- from hearings involving
powerful drug lords and the like, this was utterly unheard of.
I believe that whenever the authorities seemingly deviate from Standard
Operating Procedure in manners such as these, freedom-loving citizens should
endeavour to find out why. And you know, as they say, no smoke without
PS GLW is forbidden from re-producing in any manner this, or any other of
my writings. I don’t mind others doing so, just as long as I am not
June 4, 2010 at 17:57
PPS The PF call centre staff *only* asked for people’s names and
details after they knew who we were calling about. To quote the lady I
spoke with, “Ah right, we’ve been told to take your name and contact
4, 2010 at 20:30
I note with some amusement the astonishing lack of understanding of the
law on the part of Shona – she cleeves to herself the near divine right to
defame, dissemble and distort and seeks to deny the right of the
IDIOT – why not type at the top:
Here are my lies and no one is allowed to tell the truth.
Shona you have no such legal right though it is clear you fear the
possibility nay probability, well in reality certainty that you will be
proved wrong on many of your ridicul;ous misrepresentations and fanciful
leaps of logic.
I will return to your self indulgent twaddle and answer it in full on
StolenKids when it suits me and to suppress the truth you may by all means
lose a fortune in the law courts trying to uphold a right to lie without
right of reply!
This sadly is anexample of the rigor that has been brought in this
story and it is founded quite clearly on mob rule, the lynch mob and
hysteria, from idiotic people like Shona who eggs on sad figures like the
liar and fool Stuart Usher.
Your special pleading to lie without retort is just risible!
June 5, 2010 at 00:25
At no point in my “self indulgent twaddle” did I lie and I resent
your slanderous assertions that I did!
Just to make things abundantly clear for you; the parenthesised
comments ending in question marks represent CONJECTURE, which I fully
accept may not be representable of the truth. (The clamp down on free
speech has not gone that far, has it?)
Conjecture aside, I would be more than willing to repeat *any* of the
above in a court of law.
Once again, I forbid you from re-producing my “self indulgent
twaddle” on any of your sites.
June 5, 2010 at
PS To be more legally rigorous for you, replace CONJECTURE with
OPINION. Those opinions being based on facts.
June 4,
2010 at 14:26
after the eloquence of Paul Phillips so well presenting the case – just
look at this shamefull and cowardly drivel from some no nothing low life with
little command of the language and less knowledge of the facts.
Little wonder that this particular cowardly excrecence is too ashamed to
put his name to the nonsense he circulates.
I am sickened by the sponge brained snivelling cowards like this buffoon –
pre pubescent little girls trolling the internet making much of showing off –
Robert green is not disimilar with the hatefull residual gaggle of
wituperative witches egging him on in his obscene and irresponsible behaviour
– Cat Shit or whatever you childish name is you are clearly out of your depth,
just leaping up and down showing off.
Be grown up enough if you are going to dishonestly and vituperatively
defame adults to put your name to your banal mutterings.
Now sunshine for all your sad weenie waggling pop your plastic mac back on
and let us know:
Where is the evidence – have YOU Personally seen ANY
Remember those ‘Show and Tell’ lessons you were having not so long ago –
well you sad muppet SHOW & TELL what evidence YOU have seen.
In best part of 2 years involvement with this sad fantasy I have seen not
one shred! Now we have some irresponsible foul mouthed (yes I saw your
childish posting an the batty Sandra Barr’s secret squirrel site & the
shamefull comments of that geriatric creep Stuart Usher who surely is old
enough to know better! & yet again Brian Gerrish’s childish dribblings in
his fantasy comic for the lunatic fringe obsessed with how I earn a living
which PROVES for these half wits that I am a Government agent, a measure of
their sanity!)
ButlinCat – you are a risible fool with little intelligence and less common
sense another motor mouth unfettered by thought or reason and blind to the
FACTS – you are defaming people with not a shred of evidence and in the
association of the criminal nutters.
I now believe that for Hollie & Anne’s safety it is time they were
taken into care in a swecure unit until this madness calms down.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that they are BOTH at risk – and of
course Hollie as a desparately impaired person with a mental age around 5 is
most ably suited to continue in the loving care of her Mother but obviously
with suitable medical and Social Services support to avoid exploitation and
abuse in the future from evil people like Green, butlincat, Barr, Usher,
Drockton, Gerrish and others willing to rush in without ascertaining a single
solitary FACT.
There is NO EVIDENCE, there was NO CRIME until Robert Green & Stuart
Usher started to commit one.
IF ANYONE has one shred of doubt of the FACTS in this fantasy surrounding
Hollie Greig please feel free to contact me – you don’t have to believe me or
trust me but do listen before there is a tragedy!
Thu Jun 3, 2010
Hi – I just wish to inform you that the people mentioned in the press
release below are nothing to do with our cause of trying to get justice for
Hollie Greig,on facebook and numerous other sites.We are trying to get justice
in this case of sexual abuse against her by a Scottish paedophile ring, the
ring consisting of a top policeman {now deceased}, nurses, social workers,
lawyers, and many more, the whole atrocity being covered up from media
exposure by the Law Advocate of Scotland Elish Angilioni, probably by subtle
threat and inuendo of dire consequences should the facts of the case be
reported in the main media. Please be clear these crimes did exist, for at
least over 15 years to Hollie, and are probably still going on today to some
poor innocent child.Hollie was awarded
June 4, 2010 at 13:40
Open Letter to Mr Paul Drockton – he who doesn’t have the honesty,
integrity, honour and humility to publicly and unreservedly apologise to me,
Pabs and many others for his own “slanderous filth” …
Mr Paul Drockton
“Dead Mans Musings”
The Paul Drockton Online Radio
Friday 4 June 2010
My honest and truthful reply … and in fairness to all concerned
You left me without a name on your online radio shows last Friday night (28
May), Monday night (31 May) and Tuesday night (1 June) when Robert was on – no
unreserved apology on the latter programme from you or Robert … how honourable
and gentlemanly you both are! You accused me of being things I am plainly not
and that I said “Hollie is a liar” – I have / would not say that … EVER. You
slandered my name and wished me harm and ill. “Slanderous filth” indeed
This whole thing turned pear-shaped after the Mark Daly interview on the
Tony “Legend” radio show on the night of Sunday 25 April 2010 – where Robert
and Anne were found wanting and doubts starting to develop amongst those who
believed every aspect of this “case”. You know how this developed over the
course of that week, no thanks to your bullish and egotistical behaviour –
when you and Greg started to name call, flame and let your big egos take over
… and I was caught in the crossfire in the process. Greg at least has had the
decency and integrity to apologise and express sincere regret over that and I
accepted his apology and know he never intended for me to become “collateral
I have made my position perfectly clear about Greg in my previous emails to
you several times. I agree he has perhaps overstepped the mark about certain
things and I certainly do not agree with all he writes – I do not want you or
anyone to commit suicide or come to any harm or ill … he should not have said
that, but we all can say things in anger that we don’t really mean and later
regret … I have done so many times throughout my life and I am obviously very
regretful for doing so … but we all sadly do. I am not Greg’s master and
cannot force him to stop what he says on his blog. He has been getting a lot
of “slanderous filth” too and even death threats as well – perhaps you might
want to retaliate and would get very angry too … I know I certainly would not
take such “slanderous filth” without wanting to defend my good name … as I
have been doing over the past few days with you Again, I am not defending Greg
(he is perfectly capable of doing that himself) and I don’t agree with
everything he writes, but I would say there are certainly reasonable
mitigating circumstances for his actions over the past 5 weeks.
Greg is not working for the government (nor am I or Pabs – which is just
very paranoid thinking if anyone thinks we are), he is not the devil, he is
not evil and he is not mad or deranged – had you spoken to him at the end of
April when suggested, you could have determined that for yourself. But he is
obviously very hacked off that he has been rounded on by a largely ignorant,
ill-informed and angry braying mob who do not really know him or the full
circumstances of his involvement in Hollie’s case since early last year – and
you did exactly the same when you wrongly accused him on my now defunct “Scots
AgainstInjustice” Facebook Profile Wall on Tuesday 27 April 2010 and then left
him without a name on your online radio show on Thursday 29 April 2010 – which
I challenged you over on a point of principle (his right to reply to your
charges) and you refused to respond and phone me as I requested.
There are a lot of people now who are greatly dissatisfied with the
apparent lack of HARD evidence. There are a lot of people who feel used,
abused, duped and discarded. There are a lot of people who doubt the veracity
of the whole case. There are a few people who have been involved since last
year (I was one of that few) who have now been hung out to dry without a
public apology from Robert, Stuart or Anne – or with even a hint of any regret
in a public statement.
And you wonder why there is now all this mud-slinging, anger, nastiness,
hatred, bile and “slanderous filth”!?
Speaking of which … I still await your full, proper, public and unreserved
apology from you for your “slanderous filth” towards me – and Pabs.
How about it Paul? …
Show some honesty, integrity, honour and humility as I have done and just
say …
“I’m profusely sorry Tom and I unreservedly apologise … I slandered your
good name without justified reason and I was very wrong to do so” …
And put it on your website for the public record as well.
I’m waiting Paul …
cc. Stuart Usher, Robert Green et al
PS. Remember Paul … it was because of you that I am now in the position I
am and getting accused of things that are simply untrue, unfair and
This letter can be freely disseminated to others and reproduced anywhere on
the internet – but the full and complete text only.
Anna Raccoon is as much a shill as I am. Those who still think myself,
Pabs, Greg and Anna are “highly paid government agents” really ought to seek
immediate psychiatric help for their paranoid disorders.
June 4, 2010 at 12:47
I am shocked at the way this has panned out. Shocked with myself. Shocked
by the brimstone evangelists that send you to hell for questioning your own
faith in THEIR conviction. Shocked by the way they stand for justice whilst
parading a vulnerable girl like a wild west freak show in the name of openess
and justice. Shocked by the hypocritical demands for answers and apologies
(yet can come forward with neither). Shocked at the remorseless cold treatment
of people who have given so much time, effort, energy, dogmatic trust – that
are then hailed as shills and agents merely for asking to have the conclusive
proof shared or acted upon before we continue with upholding the most serious
of claims possible. Shocked at the fact that the government have not stepped
in to defend themselves (probably because they do actually have something to
hide – nothing to hide, nothing to fear remember). Shocked at the vitriolic
abuse that is spat at each other in the name of truth. I am shocked at the
human race. We are an abomination to evolution. I am also not only shocked but
disgusted with all of the above.
I have however met many quiet, genuine, hurt, hopeful, needy and clearly
wonderful people that have fallen foul of our own species, especially through
being involved in this. Be it those that genuinely want us to do a lot better
as a species or victims of establishment, relatives, social networking
lunatics, glory hunters, paranoid deviants. These are the people I stand for.
The hope for humanity is with them and it is these that will suffer most from
the continuation of farces such as this that is Robert Greens responsibility
to address honourably.
There is oil flooding into the seas which is a potential disaster of a
scale we have never known, there are soldiers killing innocent civilians in
illegal wars with radioactive munitions, heads of banking and media colluding
in secret meetings – that is NOW.
We are consumed with the actions of a charlatan. But it is all part of the
change that we are seeing and it is down to the individual to seek and accept
the truth. I accept my foolishness in running with this over the last 5 months
and am seeking to rectify it, not to save my skin, but as I am duty bound to
make all those aware of my concerns for the validity of something I so
strongly disseminated to them. How do I explain to my father that what he got
so upset by but was proud of my courage to stand for – that it was a hoax? My
friends. 27000 people that came in hope? There have been some incredible
lessons here. If we learn from them I believe we can forgive ourselves and
others and also still see the change we hoped for.
My thoughts are, as they always were, with Hollie for whatever the truth of
this – it is she that will remain the abused and innocent. Also with those
that looked to this wreckers lamp charading as a lighthouse in the storm of
our de-humanisation.
Consequence is no coincidence.
June 4, 2010 at 12:50
June 4, 2010 at 13:07
Aye well that’s set me off with the tears Pabs. Beautiful, the utter
truth perfectly written and presented in a nut shell. Thankyou.
June 4, 2010 at 14:17
Agree with all the above plaudits.
Pabs – you know how I feel about you buddy … the most honourable and
decent man to come out of this tragedy.
I am as regretful about this whole very sorry and tragic state of
affairs as you are and am very ashamed that I was duped by the charm,
plausibility and cunning ruthlessness and recklessness of Robert Green –
he who demands apologies of others, but isn’t honourable and honest enough
to do so himself and concede he might, just might, have made a mistake and
got it wrong … a hellova lot wrong. The arrogance of this man is quite
God help Anne and Hollie now – wherever they may be hiding out? They
are in the “care” of a charlatan(s), deluded fool(s) and criminal(s).
I only hope if they are in need of urgent medical help, their own
health won’t be sacrificed to protect the identity of those who have
spirited them away.
My thoughts are with them – no matter what they too may think about me
now … I care not a jot what the braying mob think and they are free to
phone me if they want to denegrate me and challenge me in any way.
June 4, 2010 at 16:29
I am not a “brimstone evangelist”. I am though quite confused as to your
“How do I explain to my father that what he got so upset by but was proud
of my courage to stand for
June 4, 2010 at 17:26
Scarlet Pimpernel said …
“May I ask just what it is you think the government have to hide if it
is all a hoax?” …
Perhaps the fact that they should have dealt with the allegations more
thoroughly and professionally a decade ago, thus avoiding the
ill-informed, ruthless, reckless and highly irresponsible braying mob
onslaught ten years later.
Still waiting for Drockton and Green to publicly apologise and show
some humility …
“They seek them here, they seek them there … those many duped souls
seek them everywhere. Are they in heaven or are they in HELL, those damn
elusive Pimpernels”!
June 4, 2010 at 18:24
Fair point Mr George. However, I hope you do not think I am
“ill-informed. ruthless and highly irresponsible”? Perhaps a couple of
hundred years ago, but not now. As for braying, I leave that to the more
unsavoury of mobs sir!
Does our Mr George also speak for you Mr Phillips?
You are thoroughly deserving of an apology from the American, but
Green? Has he also slandered your good name?
Finally sir, if I am in “HELL”, then I can only say what a thoroughly
pleasant “HELL” it is! In fact, I could not recommend “HELL” more
June 4, 2010 at 19:32
I have no idea if you are “ill-informed, ruthless and highly
irresponsible”. I am still seeking you as you know. But I’m delighted
to read you are not of the braying variety – that’s a relief to see …
phewee! I would never wish to cross swords with you SP.
No, of course, I don’t talk for Pabs – he, like G L-W, is more than
capable of speaking for himself, as I think you know. But I do respect
him immensely and agree with his very eloquent analysis of this very
tragic tale now I regret to say.
Thank you for agreeing that “the American” does indeed owe me
apology – I can clearly see, whoever (and wherever ?) you are, you are
a fair, reasoned and rational person. It is a great pity there weren’t
more amidst all the melee that ensued some time ago in this very sorry
Yes, I’m afraid the ever so charming, plausible, manipulative,
arrogant, cunning, ruthless, reckless, two-faced and LYING Mr Green
(SUE ME) has indeed slandered my name with others – as he has Pabs …
to me on the phone on Tuesday past when I phoned him up again to
challenge his deafening silence and callous indifference and to put
him on the spot. He said Pabs was “a liar” in fact – just like I
apparently called Hollie “a liar” … NOT. It was pretty desperate
stuff. Now that I am no longer just another “yes man” and adoring,
deluded, duped and fawning fan, he has gone off me somewhat – kind of
indicates the very warped and ruthless personailty-disordered type we
are really dealing with here. Not very honourable or gentlemanly at
all I’m afraid to say.
I am of course so sorry to learn that you are presently in “HELL”,
but I am pleased to read that you seem to be in good company there. I
hope you never get burnt and enjoy the stay with “the more unsavoury
of mobs” you encounter whilst down there.
Good day to you SP. I certainly won’t ever cross swords with you
June 4,
2010 at 11:09
Radical – I regret you are 100% right and thse exploiters are now USING
Hollie, Anne & Robert and it is a VERY dangerous and unpredictable game
they are ‘playing’ they know it but insist on basing their idiotic arguments
on barely understood hearsay, inadequate checks and trying to make as if who
cares what money I have.
The barking bufoons at UKIP column are now openly claiming it must be true
I’m a Government agent because they don’t know where I get my money from!!
Just think this loon Gerrish was once allowed to wear a British Uniform and
put in charge of a plastic washing up bowl and a crew of not many! But people
no less!
One of UKIP’s very few sensible actions was toss him out alomng with the
idiotic and vicious Albert the polisher and legal genius (well Special
Constable!). You just couldn’t make it up. Gerrish has surrounded himself like
a latter day Charlie Manson in his cult of geriatric crones and bizarre
Squeeky Fromes!
They’ve got god which is deeply worrying he is supposed to have wandered
around on a hill near THEM.
Gerrish had a hissy fit with me years ago when I gave him his first
platform outside his bathroom! An intense, paranoid and furtive little chap
but I made the mistake of questioning his evidence – I supplied him with data
on the graduates of Common Purpose and as ever he had to be in charge and
stole the disc!!
He is not a lot less mad than Robert Green but just as vicious if you ask
for EVIDENCE. That is why they make absolutely no meaningful headway because
all that a cult permits is sad followers but no reason, no logic and heaven
forefend NO EVIDENCE!!
Watch their seminars on video they are slick, competent and crass!
Now look at the fantasy of the Hollie Story!! NO EVIDENCE just the utterly
mad ravings of Robert Green – all so simple to repudiate.
By the way why is it their business how I ear my money? I’m puzzled by
that! So because the idiots can’t identify how I live I must be a Government
agent – how barking is that!!
These idiots must be the only people left who have avoided reading my
output – anyone heard the latest joke?
Greg’s a Government Agent!!
OK Green, Gerrish, and the rest of the paranoid lunatic fringe – have you
got any evidence to back your fantasies, libels, slanders and defamation.
June 4, 2010 at 10:41
#45, I am reading your links in utter horror. Robert Greens ‘statement’ is
nuts. If social services don’t get involved and protect this woman from him
and the FB crazies there is going to be a tragedy. I can’t see any other
outcome unless this madness is halted now.
June 4, 2010 at 10:07
can anyone clarify how the justice system works?
I had thought that if
there are complaints of abuse against a vulnerable person, then the justice
system in the process of preparing a case for court, would require social
services to provide reports? How would Social Services do this if they did not
interact with the complainant?
Surely the FB campaigners and Robert Green
who want an open investigation should see this as a step to what they have
been asking for?
June 4,
2010 at 09:38
there is a huge amount more original evidence now published on:
ALL bringing us inexorably closer to Justice and the truth and making it
clear that only with EVIDENCE can an enquiry be held.
You will however note my cunning plan – I have requested Shrewasbury Social
Services learning skills section look into the possibility that Hollie Greig
who would seem to have a mental age of around 5 be investigated as there is a
possibility she is being exploited and abused!
Clever or what!
Obviously this will lead to establishing the truth and getting Justice – IF
the braying asses of Hollie’s Bonkers Army of nutters are right and Robert
Green & Anne Greig are telling the truth then we WILL get Justice and they
have nothing to fear.
IF of course they actually have something to fear they are likely to be
councelled by those seeking to exploit them to ‘leg it’ – of course this will
be most effective until Hollie has need of medical care WHAT THEN?
How confident are those who would be mad enough to harbour them that long
term damage isn’t being done – have YOU the expertise to stop Robert, or worse
still Anne going Postal IF they are exposed by the very enquiry they wanted me
to get for them!
There is as you ALL know for certain NO EVIDENCE could there be some out
there who are stupid enough to take these risks with other people’s lives
You have seen the utter lunacies of poor sad/evil Robert Greens Uriah Heep
performances and his utterly and proven barking denunciations of ANYONE who
has seen through his scam. If you haven’t – hunt them down they are a text
book study of delusional derangement – the man is as mad as a stoat – a
dangerous out of control menace in society at large.
Just read the FACTS produce the evidence. His stunning stupidity is there
for all to see. As with the MADLY proliferating blogs and web sites crammed
with bizarre fantasies and obsessions about me and sadly also A.R.
I could care less I owe my living to no man and in my impecunity I have the
independence Millionaires strive for – but think of the lynch mob should they
ever wish to get off of benefits and get a job and a life – will their current
fantastical stupidity harm their prospects for life as they linger on on the
Sorry – false sympathy is so transparent ;-(
June 4, 2010 at 10:11
“How confident are those who would be mad enough to harbour them that
long term damage isn
June 4, 2010 at 06:40
Yep … he finally has!!
June 3, 2010 at
The “Hollie’s Barmy Army” Facebook braying mob …
They all sit at their computers; judging, condemning, speculating, mocking,
spitting, hissing, gnarling, growling and ripping each other to shreds.
They accuse, condemn, defame, slander and hang the noose around others
necks without a shred of evidence and anyone given a fair trial in a court of
They demand “Justice For Hollie” without realising the injustice they are
perhaps doing to all those who they have already publicly named and condemned
without a shred of evidence to support their screams for “justice”.
They don’t know Anne and that she possibly is indeed mentally ill (to a
greater or lesser degree) and perhaps could even be suffering from M
June 3, 2010 at 13:11
I have been reporting on this case for some time, and even though I believe
that something must have happened to Hollie Greig, I have always refused to
name names simply because to do so would ruin any chance of a fair trial
should it ever come to court.
The sudden silence concerning the case is suspicious to me, but I shall
withhold judgement until such a time as all the facts come to light. Yes, my
suspicions are raised…
Meanwhile, if legitimate activists would like me to highlight cases they
have successfully prosecuted I would be delighted to do so.
June 3, 2010 at
The ruthless and reckless charlatan, fantasist, liar and menace that is
Robert Green gets called to account in this very courageous and truthful open
letter. But will he have the integrity, courage, humility and honour to now do
what’s being asked of him … or will his arrogance, selfishness and HUGE ego
prevent him for doing so?
Time will tell …
Well done to the brave, honest, humble and honourable Paul Phillips for
calling the very ruthless, reckless and arrogant Mr Green to account.
Paul is a man of honour who deserves to be applauded for exposing this
public menace and liar once and for all.
Green should be arrested and put in prison for his reckless actions over
the past 18 months.
June 2, 2010 at 19:29
Well done Mother of 2 for letting people have an insight into the farce
that calls himself GLW. This man speaks of the exploitation and abuse H is
suffering by being ”paraded around the internet” , the man is so concerned he
contacted Social Services regarding this issue, yet this same man then prints
H’s full address on his blog.
Need I say more.
If anything happens to
Hollie since her address has been published I will hold you personally
June 2, 2010 at 20:49
You will hold motherof2 responsible??
Read your post again Hollie.
June 2, 2010 at 17:10
I do beg your pardon Ms Raccoon this was in another comment by another
person. It was not my intention to call him it directly.
June 2, 2010 at 17:02
I will back out of this now, clearly I have rattled the cage of a man who
is unstable and I just don’t care to be on the receiving end of his next
internet RANT. I certainly do not care to telephone a man who is capable of
such bile, I feel he has done himself no favours at all being so nasty and
vitriolic towards people who are simply seeking the truth and perhaps this is
the reason people look to ‘conspiracy theories’ rather than what he DEMANDS we
The lowest point which has been reached so far is printing H’s
address on the internet – downright disgusting – so forgive me if I don’t take
his word.
Also I did not call Paul Drockton a “Poor man’s Alex Jones’ I was quoting
the Raccoon herself.
As for me being a self important fool of a mother well Mr LW it takes one
to know one.
June 2,
2010 at 16:25
my congratulations to MotherOf2 – imagine when so much has already been
written by way of fantasy by the ill informed and the fantasist exploiting
this story amid their chakras, karmas and fanciful bile – I must congratulate
you on managing to invent a new Conspiracy.
That’ll keep the idiots guessing.
Just in passing you will note if dilligent I did NOT publish the names
first – they had already been put in the public domain. By the way now you
remind me that with the simplest of investigation the BBC chap who I have
NEVER spoken to but know of well from associates who have worked with him over
many years – he of course identified the fact that the list Robert Green had
so glibly published without ANY evidence was I gather clearly wrong.
A pity you are not better connected but sadly as you are too ashamed of
your foolish comments and your new conspiracy theory to put your name to them
or I could have provided you with contacts better informed than I as in this
instance I never offered to ‘Investigate’, and both Anne & Robert were
more than happy to regularly spend an age on the phone to me and utilise my
contacts as neither of them had ANY.
Amusingly we note you are isolated in that you claim Tom George quit
because I exposed the imbecilic bedroom broadcaster Drockton for the liar and
charlatan he is yet it is he who seeks to conving we are one and the same
whilst the idiotic Matt Quinn seeks to claim Paul Phillips, Tom George and
myself are actually reincarnations of Roy Greig or Anne’s son – delusional or
what, but clearly you are nearly as batty.
You are right though perhaps it was to fltter the flattulent excrecence
Drockton by calling him a poor man’s Alex Jones!
By the way is the J of your fantasy your crystal ball assures you set up
farcebook – You don’t believe you may have misread the rhunes when in fact you
meant Pabs and Plum who were asked by James Ellis to help set it up.
Such a pity of your so called facts you managed to get almost all wrong but
never mind with your silly name you are spared the embarrassment that your
children may have had with such a staggeringly self important fool as a
Do try to get the odd thing right next time – IF you want some accurate
facts you can give me a call since you are clearly so out of touch!
June 2, 2010 at 16:04
Garibaldi I honestly do not know what I would do if one of my children said
they were ‘raped by lawyers and judges’ and nobody in power would help. I do
not know what I would be capable of.
As far as the Drockton issue goes a LOT of H’s supporters have been put off
by his unnecessary attack on TG. He is NOT the leader of H’s campaign, never
has been and never will be. You only have to look at the amount of members in
his facebook groups to see that.
June 2, 2010 at 16:45
Not the leader no – you mis-quote me. God help you; Robert Green is, is
he not? (Much much worse) But Drockton of Mighty Brain IS A LEADING LIGHT!!!
The man has a microphone, a radio programme and a loudish voice, is happy to
pimp his wretched programme on YOUR FACEBOOK GROUP PAGE dear. **Ding Dong**
Penny dropped yet? Hooray, now you see it – Hollie Greig’s face plastered
all over the internet, airwaves, leaflets in Glasgow last Saturday etc =
total exploitation and I do believe the penny is finally begining to drop.
Be brave, go the full way and STOP using Hollie Greig as self-medication all
of you. Seek it elsewhere.
June 2, 2010 at 09:57
Anna you have made a few errors in your article I am afraid, and you have
glossed over certain characters’ input to the cause so let me help you out and
give you the chance to dispel the theory that you are working alongside such
The man you write about GLW was actually the first person to put the
alleged abusers names on the internet. H’s mother apparently had no internet
access and gave this man full permission to blog on Hollie’s behalf as she
trusted him. Is honestly possible that a man of such experience (I do not
doubt that he is a very intelligent man) would publish this list of 14 names,
names of high ranking officials in Scotland without doing his research? Are we
to honestly believe that his heart was so big that he jumped on this
information with good intentions and printed the names putting his reputation
at risk?
Or perhaps… just perhaps… he read over the names, did his research
and noticed H’s mother had listed Evelyn as sister and not sister in law.
Perhaps he printed this list knowing that if anyone such as Mark Daly became
involved that little mistake could be highlighted to make the story less
The said Blogger’s nasty and drawn out arguments with the likes
of Paul Drockton have caused Tom George to quit, and unfortunately Mr Drockton
took this as a sign of Tom being a ‘turncoat’. Mr Drockton does not speak for
all H supporters. I’m afraid his homophobic and paranoid rantings have done
the campaign a lot of harm… people are exposing his anti-gay groups with
absolute GLEE and calling him poor man’s Alex Jones. So what if he is? It is
people like you who are giving him such credence in the campaign. Most of us H
supporters really don’t give him a second thought. Why are people like you
determined to portray him as ‘a leading light?’
What is your interest in
doing so?
Anyway Anna I don’t expect you to print this as you seem to have
made up your mind about the whole thing, I just wish I had your black and
white approach to life it would sure help me sleep better at night.
Pabs and Plum were NOT the creators of the larger facebook group, there was a
guy J who set up the group and Pabs contacted him ASKING to be an
administrator. Was J perhaps a little too trusting in accepting him? Perhaps
he did not realise how big this was going to be….
Anyway Anna best wishes
to you, perhaps you won’t mind me pointing out these FACTS.
June 2, 2010 at 14:43
“Mr Drockton does not speak for all H supporters.” ” Most of us H
supporters really don
June 2, 2010 at 02:47
What really makes me laugh is the likes of Sandra Barr and Paul Drockton.
Never met anyone related to the case and fully prepared to lie and slander on
one hand and play the “love and light” card with the other hand……crazy
June 2, 2010 at 01:47
‘If YOU have any evidence, I mean concrete evidence that you can bring to
the police to prove that this horrendous tale is anything less than that
portrayed by the Greigs and their supporters
June 1, 2010 at 20:42
There are a lot of people out there trying to burst this particular bubble
as it grows and grows beyond the ability of the authorities to control the
situation. Good evening trolls! If YOU have any evidence, I mean concrete
evidence that you can bring to the police to prove that this horrendous tale
is anything less than that portrayed by the Greigs and their supporters –
bring it on! Otherwise we are left with the inevitable conclusion that the
media, politicians and the legal system are avoiding this like the plague
because it will bring their whole pack of satanic cards crashing down – and
what a mess that would be. So, yes, support the satanic fraternity if you
wish, but I will have nothing to do with it and will continue to support all
moves to reveal the gruesome truth about our so-called leaders.
June 1, 2010 at 13:56
It is Fine Running Down Robert Green And Hollie Greig but The young lady is
saying she has been raped and she wants to fight,
Mark Daly managed to get
a autopsy Report, Remember mark Daly still believes Hollie Was telling the
truth about being raped.
and how did Mark Daly get a private Autopsy Report
As Ann did not have it when Mark was looking at making his video on the cover
up. I hope people do listen to Mark Daly you will hear a very scared Mark Daly
May be The sister mentioned was a sister inlaw, is there any kind fellow who
can help sheriff buchanan make a video.
I take it if Hollie Greig with Down
syndrome can get on a few videos
sheriff buchanan has the right to do the
same and the others involved as well, or can take Hollie Greig to court.
June 1, 2010 at 11:56
There is now so much “information” flying around about this case, and so
many reputations being trashed, that surely the time has come for the
authorities in Scotland to do something.
Most people I speak to back home in Scotland have heard “bits” of this
story, and a lot comment on the involvement of the “elite”, and in particular
of a Sheriff..although most cannot name him. All this is rumbling under the
surface, and as time marches on will only get worse the way things are
Names of alleged victims and offenders are now all over the internet,
together with some of their home addresses. Anyone now coming into contact
with this case is almost certainly going to believe what they see on the
internet. After all, if people have had their names dragged through the mud,
including a Sheriff, and nothing has been done to right a possible wrong, then
in most peoples minds there must be some truth to the case.
There is not a lot of confidence in the honesty of the justice system in
Scotland, and yes, the police there are mostly in the Freemasons, and a lot
are corrupt. The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service is also somewhat
corrupt. I would hope, that a police force outside of Grampian, preferably not
another Scottish force, (too incestuous), be instructed to fully investigate
the case in full, and “put it to bed” once and for all. Whoever has broken any
law can then get punished accordingly.
June 1,
2010 at 10:25
Anna, most brave of you to approach this story again and with such
professionalism. Several times I was asked to take it on board, but refused,
as I have a personal interest in Down’s Syndrome children and did not want
this young woman to undergo any more public display than necessary unless
there was evidence.
Two matters in the case stopped me in my tracks. Firstly the mother’s
comment that she had to ‘flee’ Aberdeen. I decided she chose to leave Aberdeen
after reading her online publications. Secondly when I heard Robert Green
implying in his video that the First Minister Alex Salmond was implicated, I
looked into the matter. In Green’s video he says Hollie’s mother wrote to Alex
Salmond and received no reply (thus Salmond’s silence was his guilty by
association). That was untrue. Salmond replied to the mother within four
Of course agencies such as social services are not perfect, but in defence
of Aberdeen, I wouldn’t say they were any worse there than in other areas of
the UK. The Scottish legal system does require a shake up and is a small
world. In some ways it’s a pity they do not publicly defend themselves against
such allegations; in other ways their silence may be more beneficial to the
young woman who I consider is being exploited.
June 1, 2010 at 09:50
That was a good analysis of the case Anna. I’ve not got an axe to grind in
this case but just want to see it all resolved. You didn’t explore some points
that I’m still confused about.
Could you find out why Levy & McRae ,
the Scottish Justice Sec McAskill ‘s previous employer, are involved and who
is paying them ?
Why Peter Watson is allowed to silence any talk of the
case in the media ?
Why Lord Advocate Angiolini is allowed to take a role
after her previous delays in similar court cases led to cases being thrown
outof court. ? And who is paying for all her libel actions ?
Was it
necessary to conduct a dawn raid on Mr Greens house ?
Why the court case is
taking so long to be heard considering what happened with similar cases in the
past that had to be kicked into the long grass.
June 1, 2010 at 18:11
I echo Dave’s request. Its alright Anna and Greg LW shouting from the
rooftops but they’re as guilty for not covering the bits that they can’t
answer either. No one has a compleatly un clouded, un biased view on this
case. Glw has an axe to grind, that is quite apparant from his bitter
blogs…and to publish the Greigs address is surely the lowest of the low. And
to say that that is what Anne Greig did with the alleged perpetrators…you
don’t know that. You are as bad Anna and Greg because you’re feeding off all
this too. As for the facts???? They aren’t all up here thats for sure. As
for the alleged paedophiles…they don’t need you to champion them….they’re
are doing a good job of protecting themselves I would say.
June 1, 2010 at 09:25
Consider the letter of support written and posted.
June 1,
2010 at 07:28
to assist >Garibaldi<:
Hollie Greig will continue as their poster
girl and continue to be used by these spectacularly stupid people I
June 1, 2010 at 06:49
Talking of Poster girl/boys, take a look at one of the MAIN Hollie Greig
propagators; a self-confessed Genius with a microphone and tape machine in his
spare room…this is the hard-core DJ (poor man’s Alex Jones god help us). This
man apparently came along and offered his gold-plated services to Hollie’s
Army **Cor Blimey I hope there are no gays in HOLLE’S army!!** This is the
calibre of man they have chosen in a sense over the award winning journo Mark
Seriously…. so desperate, misinformed and misguided are this out of control
shower, that they jump at any chance of broadcasting this poor wretched
woman’s personal details on any old airwave in any old country by the first
random disk jockey who sniffs them out and see it as a major breakthrough .
Yet still they do not see the utter irony in what they do – that is, parade
this vulnerable woman …. actually hang on there. Why not consider for a minute
if Hollie’s physical form corresponded with her suggested mental age of say 8.
Who would violate a little 8 year old girl ‘s human rights this way and NOT be
stopped by the authorities? Come on Social Services, please do something
The trouble with groups such as this is that initially one is struck dumb
with the horror of the ‘case’ (obviously) – Stage 1. Stage 2 is the feeling of
comradeship and strength in numbers and the nirvana of feeling one has a
chance to ‘nail the bastard paedos’ which is really quite seductive and
satisfying. Stage 3 they are swept up into a thick froth of emotion,
campaigning and rampaging …. fundamentally decent enough people (though
undoubtedly many with their own agendas) at last with a solid opportunity to
make a difference in the world. Fair enough, if the case they are fighting for
is a strong one and has oodles of evidence. I think they are stuck now at the
level of delirious denial – they poo-poo the likes of Mark Daly and instead
choose to worship at the alter of Paul Drockton. They scurry away amongst
themselves in hidden Facebook, unable to even consider another perspective
like ferrets in a cage planning their big escape into the paradise where
Justice for Hollie is a reality. …thanks to them and their leafleting on a
Saturday afternoon.
I’m sorry to say that it’s at this point one would consider the possiblity
that Hollie has taken a back seat….their own internal ‘told you so’ mantra
becomes so utterly paramount, that the subject of and philosophy behind the
campaign is shoved under the carpet somewhat. High as kites on their agendas,
they are so blinkered that even if the case WAS brought to the highest court
in the whole damn world with Ban Ki Moon pouring the tea and Bono and Sting
providing the catering …even if here it was ripped to shreds and thrown out of
court WHICH IT WOULD BE they would still soldier on regardless! They are gone,
swept away with the fairies and merrily the woman’s mother is allowing this to
happen. If they all had the strength of character (including the mum and
Green) to step down now, there would I am sure be a Mexican Wave of Respect
for their courage in doing so from all of us tortured observers of this dire
Hollie Greig will continue as their poster girl and continue to be used by
these spectacularly stupid people I’m afraid, until the ‘authorities’ bloody
step in and do something about it.
June 1,
2010 at 00:11
Robert Green must be profoundly ashamed of the evil he has stirred up
For those who wish to see the depths of depravity these SCUM will sink to
to try to discredit those who have exposed them:
Robert Green has most clearly stirred up a particularly evil claque of
abusers and exploiters seeking their 15 minutes (well 2 possibly) minutes of
No wonder all the FB groups in their shame are plunging back into the slime
under their stones and ‘going private’ like Gollom they do not fair well in
the spotlight of truth!
Well done for exposing them M. Raccoon and others now we must try to keep
tabs on them so they can not foment more witch hunts for their vicarious
pleasure and gain!
So that they can not ruin the lives of more innocent victims and so that
where possible they can be kept away from the vulnerable!
June 1, 2010 at 00:09
Anna, you deserve great credit for this forensic disclosure of the campaign
and its shaky foundations. While my own gut instinct told me that there was
something very wrong in the way the story was being promulgated, and therefore
probably with the story as well, none of us can say one way or the other if
there is any substance to the claims of conspiracy. But what we can be clear
about, in large part due to your efforts, is that we should be highly
sceptical about the truth-status of the parental version, and the aims of the
campaign as well.
Cui bono?
May 31, 2010 at 23:28
It is time that Mr Green and Ms Greig put up or shut up …
Show the world and your very deluded and duped followers this “damning
evidence” that you claim to have to prove that Hollie was systematically and
repeatedly sexually abused and violated by a “paedophile rape gang” in
Aberdeen throughout the 1990s.
Why did Mr Green not take his opportunity when he had it back in February
and March to get the case into the Scottish Courts? What do his very deluded
followers know about that missed opportunity? Has he told them he could have
exposed Hollie’s case in court but failed to do so?
Are Shropshire Social Services now doing a full vulnerable adult assessment
to ascertain if Hollie is fully aware of the allegations made in her name and
do they think she should be taken into care for her own protection and to
avoid further public humiliation and exploitation on social network sites
(Facebook), various blogs and in the alternative media radio and TV world?
Robert Green has done so much damage to many peoples lives and reputations
now that he should be further restricted of his liberty and silenced for good
… for the sake of Hollie and all those he has publicly named in this
abomination of a case. Perhaps it is also time that his own mental state was
fully and properly assessed by experts to determine his own sanity and
Time the Scottish and English authorities took pragmatic action and end
this charade once and for all …
May 31,
2010 at 21:06
It is good to see another voice of reason laying out the facts in a
professional and forensic manner. Sadly there is absolutely no one providing
EVIDENCE in a similarly responsible manner for it seems there is none!
My phone number, my address and my eMail are freely and readily available
for ANYONE to provide EVIDENCE of abuse.
In this story to date the ONLY actual EVIDENCE of abuse that has come to
light has been the very clear evidence that Hollie Greig, a very very
vulnerable member of our society, has been most venally and distatefully
publicly exploited and abused by:
Anne Greig her Mother who would seem to be off on a toot of her own but
Robert Green whose actions have been crass incompetent self serving and
criminal, even shamefully naming and blaming his victims as he has NO
Stuart Usher, who largely due to a distinct verbal communication
impediment, has promoted his private grievences and unsubstantiated
accusations as with his lurid, yet has NO EVIDENCE
Yes there are a number of cunning and sly low lifes on NutJobTV, Bedroom
Broadcast Conspirators and low distribution publishing who parade such cases –
sandwiched between their sad exploitation of the weak minded and inadequate
who have been sat on by life.
Those who wish to blame their own incompetence and failures (and of course
their benefit cheques) on lizards, aliens, conDENSATION trails, abductions,
Illuminati, FBI, Islam, CIA, immigrants, the bosses, Government, The Masons,
Big Government, Common Purpose, Bigger Government, The KGB, Bohemian Grove,
Mossad, The Nazis, the New World Order, bullets that bounce off windows,
clicks on the phone from auto switching gear, MI5, black ops, The DVD, MI6,
Martians, OLAF, secret globalists, The Queen, black helicopters, the Bush
family, oil, peak oil, too much oil, lack of oil, UFOs and so on ad
NO the sad truth is life sat on you and was fairly hard going because you
chose your GRANDPARENTS badly and have their genetics.
Sadly the exploitation of Hollie Greig, by the sad and the sick does not
want FACTS to expose their conspiracy fantasies, but THEY HAVE NO
Fortunately Hollie would seem not to have sufficient mental accumen to
understand she is being exploited and abused as she is paraded like an exhibit
in a Barnum & Bailey show of freaks of the 1890s. The vicarious pleasure
of those who would fail their CRBs must be huge!
nooccaR annA has exposed the exploiters and shown they have got it 100%
wrong – first you provide THE EVIDENCE and then you seek Justice.
Approaching it backwards they have made criminals of themselves and shown
they have NO EVIDENCE.
IF suddenly Anne Greig or Robert Green produce evidence then sadly it can
only be EVIDENCE that they are liars as they have promised me AND OTHERS that
we are aware of ALL the EVIDENCE they have.
I believe it is time that the duely funded authorities considered placing
far greater supervision and care of Hollie Greig at the top of their
priorities, considered medical attention for Anne Greig and prosecution of
Robert Green.
It may well be apposite for The Court of Protection to investigate Hollie’s
finances and how Anne has disbursed them!
I think that the story has yet further to run, so those deriving a
vicarious pleasure from studying the sexual information and claimed abuse may
still get their jollies – just as those who derived pleasure from fantasising
over Roy Greig’s sad suicide can still get their kicks by issuing their sad
death threats as they masturbate in their lonely bedrooms.
IF YOU have any EVIDENCE or need help, I have, as Ms. Raccoon states been
exposing abuse since the 1950s!
May 31, 2010 at 20:51
May God forgive you for this coverup.
May 31, 2010 at 21:00
Well He obviously doesn’t lose any sleep over paedophiles.
May 31, 2010 at 19:52
Good piece, which more than highlights the absolute necessity for evidence
before making these kind of accusations.
Sorry to be picky, but you use the word ‘venal’ a couple of times. Perhaps
you mean ‘visceral’?
May 31, 2010 at 19:15
WORD PERFECT. Both you and GLW (along with several others) are the absolute
voices of reason – do not stop using your voice Anna. Thankyou for speaking
for a growing number of people who are genuinely concerned for Hollie Greig’s
wellbeing. Poster Girl? She absolutely is, and it’s verging on a criminal act.
Please keep going.
May 31, 2010 at 17:49
Well done, Anna. More people agree with you than you might think.
Whether or not the allegations have any basis in fact, is irrelevant. There
is no proof. And if the abuse was as long standing and as horrific as has been
suggested, then one would expect to find something, however small. Instead of
which, this child is being abused by the very people who purport to protect
May 31, 2010 at 17:34
Quite honestly, I don’t know enough about this to form an opinion but the
link that you give is for the Saskatchewan Association of Community Living,, and not as
you state Scotland against Crooked Lawyers. In a case where there is some
doubt about facts, please ensure your own are correct.
May 31,
2010 at 17:06
I may have touched upon this story a while back at mines, I cannot
I have been asked to publicise Hollie’s ‘case’ a few times over the past
year or so. Tempting as it was to have a pop at the Scottish establishment my
spider sense was tingling. I let it be.
I’m glad I did.
May 31, 2010 at 16:24
l’ve come across many conspiracy groups/individuals and found all use the
‘prove we’re wrong’ approach. ln fact it is the very soul of their existance
because a conspiracy can never be ‘proved wrong’ . You cannot put forth
factual evidence as this is deemed part of the conspiracy itself, the facts
have been manipulated or manufactured say the conspiracy brigade.
l’m afraid that you have now become part of the conspiracy yourself in the
eyes of the ’27,000′ and others. l hope you are prepared for an onslaught of
abuse, for you have put yourself in their crosshairs.
l doubly hope that it never materialises though. l wish you well.
May 31,
2010 at 15:55
Good grief, I just revisited that original thread. It sure went south after
a while, didn’t it?
May 31, 2010 at 15:49
A complex issue Anna. Smoke & Mirrors in abundance.
May 31, 2010 at 15:14
Now you’ve gone and done it