Operation Kaddie fiddlers on the hoof…
Cliff Richard has waited 636 days to hear any substantive news regarding the allegations made against him. Almost two years. He now has to wait many months to hear whether the crown prosecution service think it is ‘in the public interest’ to air those allegations in court – should they decide to do so, it will be anything up to 18 months before a trial date is set for crown court.
For the best part of five years, this elderly man has endured a torrent of world-wide publicity linking his name with child abuse, dating back to the days when the now discredited Chris Fay first publicised his list of names and pseudonyms of alleged visitors to the gay ‘brothel’ – Elm Guest House.
The ‘acne-boys’, those Witherspoon backroom exponents of ‘the truth’ as they, and they alone know it, went into full-on inquisitorial mode. ‘Cliff Richard was emphatically the ‘Kitty’ referred to in that list’, the only reason the media were blocking this information was a combination of ‘super-injunctions and D-notices’, not to mention the involvement of MI5, chemtrails, and anything you care to mention connected to the Pope.
Cliff very wisely made the decision that anything he said or did during this period would merely fan the flames – and lead to more accusations of ‘cover-up’. He restricted himself to a dignified statement:
I have no idea where these absurd and untrue allegations come from. The police have not disclosed details to me. I have never, in my life, assaulted anyone and I remain confident that the truth will prevail. I have cooperated fully with the police, and will, of course, continue to do so.
Beyond stating that the allegations are completely false, it would not be appropriate for me to say anything further until the investigation has concluded, which I hope will be very soon. In the meantime, I would, again, like to thank everyone for supporting me through this unbelievably difficult period.
That was February 2015, after the widely publicised raid on one of his homes. In November, journalists claiming to have inside information said the file was ready to be handed to the CPS ‘in two weeks’. 17 months later he is still waiting. There has been much comment that this version of ‘reality TV’ is the fault of the police, and in particular the South Yorkshire police. South Yorkshire police made their publication of information terms and conditions very clear at the time.
The one thing they cannot avoid doing, and rightly so, is advising the putative complainant of the details of the ongoing investigation. At this point, they lose control of the information. Where that complainant is being ‘advised and supported’ by one of the media ghouls, such as the dyslexic Mark Williams-Thomas, who cannot even spell the name of the investigation he is so closely involved with:
Operation Kaffie – investigation into allegations against Cliff Richard is still very much alive & has grown in size over past months.
— Mark Williams-Thomas (@mwilliamsthomas) September 20, 2015
You have a direct link to a media hungry for gossip and scandal.
We have the ridiculous situation of the police so keen to protect victim’s identities that they pixellate the image of rustled sheep; whereas the lay advisors of anyone making an allegation conduct their own trial by media.
This in turn is forming a secondary judicial system which is not bound by the rules of fair trial, nor the presumption of innocence, nor is most of it even worth suing over the libellous and scurrilous ‘truths’ they claim to possess.
Whatever the outcome of the crown prosecution’s deliberations – Cliff Richard has already been tried in the public imagination. Yet it will be the best part of four stressful years before the prosecution have finished outlining the gory details of his sexual life to a slavering media; four years before the media up sticks, clutching the juiciest bits of the prosecution evidence, and depart without bothering to listen to the witnesses who we haven’t heard from yet – those who were present at the well attended Billy Graham rally where it is alleged that he ‘groped’ a boy. Their evidence of ‘nothing happened’, ‘he was never alone’ and ‘I was by his side all the time’, won’t be considered newsworthy – whatever a jury may make of it.
Should such a case come to court and dismissed – and Sir Cliff has not even been charged as yet – indeed, should he never be charged, there will be loud shouts of ‘cover up’ from the acne-boys.
Can we possibly say that should a boy have been groped in public – justice is in any way served, or ‘closure’ obtained, by denigrating a six decade long career and forever tagging it with the ‘child abuse toxin’ on the basis of one young man’s word, supported by a media ghoul who earns his living by fomenting child abuse panic?
Would it not be possible to legislate so that information passed to a putative complainant in such a case comes under the heading of ‘privileged’ and subject to contempt of court proceedings? I don’t argue with the good intentions of keeping a possible ‘victim’ informed about an ongoing investigation – but it seems quite wrong that this information can then be freely passed around the alternative media where it is treated as ‘the gospel truth’.
The ‘media ghouls’ and ‘truth fiddlers’ have been allowed to run wild for long enough – time to see them on the back hoof with strict penalties for revealing details of ongoing investigations.
May 11, 2016 at 11:53 am -
But surely the real intention is to get as much publicity as possible in all these cases so that other complainants will come forward, and the potentially-accused has to cope with dozens of complaints establishing a pattern of behaviour that can then be used collectively in court for the original complaint.
Richard Bartholomew
May 11, 2016 at 11:58 am -
Many people will assume that the amount of time it has taken for the police to ponder the supposed evidence must mean that there is an overwhelming quantity of the stuff, and that if “a full file” has been handed to the CPS then there must be “no smoke without fire”. That was exactly the rhetoric deployed recently by a high-profile anti-stalking “expert” when her complaint against a former colleague failed.
Perhaps complainants should be advised that if information given to them to is then used to whip up a “trial by media”, then that must cast a shadow over their motives.
May 11, 2016 at 12:25 pm -
The ‘full file’ phrase was repeated with glee by all media outlets – it may as well have been written in red neon. At the risk of tempting fate I’m going to suggest it may be smoke ‘n’ mirrors – agreed between the police & CPS – designed to fool people into thinking that the appalling way they both have treated Richards was in any way justified (when it is announced that no charges will be brought “after considering all the evidence”).
Even the repellent Chris Fay was at pains to point out that there was NO evidence that Richards was involved in child-abuse (and this at the time he was bullshitting about politicians posing for pics in the sauna).
May 13, 2016 at 1:09 am -
Re: Richards’ complaint – Harry Fletcher?! Harry???
I’ve had some dealings with that man and I find such a charge literally incredible.
May 11, 2016 at 12:01 pm -
On the subject of William-Thomas’s dyslexia, if that is the, er, ‘condition’ from which he suffers, does no one find it odd that such an affliction is apparently no barrier to becoming a police officer? From Wikipedia:
“Problems may include difficulties in spelling words, reading quickly, writing words, “sounding out” words in the head, pronouncing words when reading aloud and understanding what one reads.”
It was recently mentioned on this site that being colour-blind, for example, would preclude one from entering the field of electronics; a quick glance at the plod’s recruitment standards shows that even in this ‘offend me not’ age a would-be copper must possess unaided-vision of a certain level.
Yet having difficulty reading, writing and understanding WORDS is okay for someone who may be tasked with taking statements & recording (and perhaps later relating in a court of law) what was said by a witness / defendant? I find this extraordinary.Obviously in MW-T’s case his handicap didn’t hold him back – he triumphed over adversity & became a high-flying ‘detective’, ‘leading’ cases & investigations – what a champ!
May 11, 2016 at 1:04 pm -
Why question MWT’s credentials? This is a man who stated in The Mirror that he had “30 years experience in investigating child abuse” in 2014 which means (he was born in 1970) that he joined Surrey police at age 14.
May 11, 2016 at 1:38 pm -
Perhaps he has similar difficulties working with numbers as with words, Eric – in which case we ought not be too harsh.
I’ve even seen some cruel people suggest that here was a man who had found his natural level while scraping filth off the pavement, but why not celebrate him as a role-model for the ‘differently-abled’?He’s certainly not allowing anything to stand in his way, promising his “new prime time investigative documentaries are made in a very different way”.
Can’t wait!-
Moor Larkin
May 11, 2016 at 2:17 pm -
I accompanied a young man as “sponsor” to attend a police recruitment process around 15 years ago; he was dyslexic (still is) and was given great assurances that this problem would be managed should his application be successful. Thus reassured, we both then settled down to listen to the lecture from the Black Officers Association representative. I’m not sure that by the end of the two hours he was even less enthused about the idea of joining up than me about what the fck was going on in the bright new Century.
May 11, 2016 at 2:38 pm -
Sounds enthralling, Moor – wish I could have been there!
I’m just flipping through a PhD thesis on policing & dyslexia:“As a police officer engaged in the training of police recruits, I encountered a student police officer who described how she was experiencing great difficulty in the writing of statements and learning definitions by rote. The student told me that she ‘had’ dyslexia… … I provided extensive one-to-one coaching with the student who ‘had’ dyslexia and she successfully completed her initial training course… … It was
during a summer school [years later] in 2003 that it was suggested that I complete a dyslexia screening by a peer student.
To my shock and surprise the screening indicated that I was dyslexic.”
https://www.dora.dmu.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/2086/9669/PhD%20Thesis%20-%20Andrew%20Paul%20Hill%20November%202013%20-%20Final.pdf?sequence=1Blimey. The word-blind leading the word-blind? It might explain the question-mark-less questions which come at that bottom of the PDF linked-to below:
“Can they write down a message” & “Can they read the message they Wrote”
Asking someone with dyslexia if they suffer with dyspraxia seems, well, just cwuel. But those that do face a final question which made me laugh so hard I may have committed a ‘hate crime’:
“Any problems with dressing e.g. clothes on back to front”
May 12, 2016 at 4:32 am -
Slight dyslexia (it seems to get worse with age) and writing an important witness statement could be hell. Word blindness seems to occur at the most inopportune times but is there some deep down cause?. I can envisage an innocent accused signing a statement that he dictated that said “I did commit this crime” but reading it and actually falsely seeing ” I did NOT commit this crime”.
I once knew a solicitor who had dyslexia who wrote legal letters that often said the opposite to what he wanted them to say by the exclusion of just one word. Eventually his colleagues had to proof read all his communications.
May 11, 2016 at 2:54 pm -
Just a bit more from the thesis:
“One section of society was specifically excluded from becoming police officers until 1st October 2004. On this date the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 was amended to include police officers within the scope of disability-related anti-discrimination legislation of the United Kingdom for the first time (DDAAR 2003). Prior to this date, applicants to the police service who disclosed a disability could have their application declined in England and Wales (DRC 2003).”So how many coppers are we now talking about?
“Statistical data concerning the number of dyslexic police officers in England and Wales is not currently collected by the Home Office or individual police services, and so the exact number of dyslexic police officers remains unknown” but from one source of info: “The data suggests that at least forty percent of student police officers have been assessed as dyslexic either during or prior to the course (Sharpe 2013).”Surely some mistake? Forty percent?!? I’ve had enough of this madness!
Moor Larkin
May 11, 2016 at 2:58 pm -
all sounds KO to me
Moor Larkin
Moor Larkin
May 11, 2016 at 1:28 pm -
Bandini, you don’t seem to be very aware of the woeful standards of modern plod. Hiring a dyslexic to get a tick (or a tock?) in the old ‘diversity’ box would seem like all their Christmases had come at once.
May 11, 2016 at 2:02 pm -
I really didn’t, JuliaM, but I’ve just had a look and I’m frankly astonished that anyone not answering a firm ‘no’ to the following questions, for example, wouldn’t immediately be disqualified from joining up:
“Do you confuse the names of objects (e.g. table for chair)? Do you have trouble telling left from right? When writing, do you find it difficult to organise your thoughts on paper? How easy do you find it to recite the alphabet? etc…”
May 11, 2016 at 2:05 pm -
(Aaargh! That should be three ‘no’s & a ‘very’ – damn this dikslecsia!)
May 11, 2016 at 4:12 pm -
In a past life, I had to undergo Security Clearance for an activity within the government sphere, the initial section of which involved completing a huge questionnaire (14 pages from memory), going as far back as my grand-parents’ origins.
Then I got to the killer-question (which I paraphrase, as I was not allowed to keep/copy the original) – “Are you, or have you ever been, involved in committing or planning acts of terrorism or participating in any acts which could theaten the security of the state ?”
I cannot imagine what sort of dickhead, in the process of applying for government security clearance, would answer “Yes” to that. So why did they even ask it ?-
Fat Steve
May 11, 2016 at 4:42 pm -
Extracts from a Theodore Dalrymple essay linked below
Doctors in the United Kingdom now have to go through a procedure called “annual appraisal,” in which a series of pro forma questions are asked of a doctor by another doctor, One of the questions that the appraiser has to ask is “Do you have any concerns about your probity?”
When I was first asked this question, I told the appraiser that I would answer it on the condition that he answered two questions. He agreed, and I asked the two questions.
“The first,” I said, “is ‘What kind of person would answer such a question?’ and the second is ‘What kind of person would ask it?’ ”
“Oh, I know,” he replied, “but just answer ‘No’ so that we can get this over with.”
Fat Steve
May 11, 2016 at 4:50 pm -
Or see this as to how the GMC called on the expertise of the Chief Traffic Warden to help determine Doctor’s five yearly revalidation
May 11, 2016 at 8:27 pm -
Thank you for referring to this excellent article, which in less than ten minutes of reading goes far in explaining why the provision of healthcare has collapsed.
May 12, 2016 at 4:36 am -
Shrinks must see another shrink every now & then. I thought this odd until I discovered a good friend who was regarded as a brilliant psychiatrist ended up as a patient in the facility he managed.
Fat Steve
May 11, 2016 at 7:42 pm -
“why did they even ask it ?”
because “giving false information” is an additional offence with which to clobber anyone later found to have been doing so?My favourite such question was on the US visa application “Do you intend to engage in acts of moral turpitude?”
May 11, 2016 at 9:32 pm -
@Mudplugger, I always assumed those questions were there, so in the event you had been naughty in a past life, and got off on a mistrial or whatnot, they could get you for lying on an official form.
May 14, 2016 at 8:51 am -
I remember a story that Peter Cook was filling in the then US entry card which asked a similar question of everyone travelling to the States “Are you now or have you ever planned to overthrow the legitimate government of the USA?”
Cook was alleged to have written besides this in big letters “Sole purpose of visit”
Fat Steve
May 11, 2016 at 12:36 pm -
One would question whether Cliff could get a fair trial with all the media speculation and innuendo. Also how can they rely on witnesses memories so many years after the event? Witnesses can vastly change their testimony over a period of time to suit what they believe should be the truth. This country really needs a statute of limitations as they have in many other countries including the US.
Also the police don’t play fair, the recent case of the agricultural students where information was withheld shows what they can be like.
When I was involved in serious prosecutions it was always made absolutely clear to us that if we came across anything which undermined the case it should be disclosed—–let the judge and the barristers sort it out-
May 11, 2016 at 1:06 pm -
yeh tell it to Rolf Harris. Make a mistake and a claimant is simply allowed to shift the dates, often by years with M’Lud sympathizing with them while when Rolf forgot he had been in one town he was crucified by the prosecution.
Moor Larkin
May 11, 2016 at 2:19 pm -
More especially that whole location, location, location revelaton appeared to me to be happening in the media, and then was reflected in the court room. Maybe I have a false memory.
Moor Larkin
May 11, 2016 at 8:23 pm -
We do need a statue of limitations plus evidence needs to be corroborated – don’t know where corroboration disappeared to. Is that really the name of the investigation? Ominous title there I think.
May 12, 2016 at 4:40 am -
Corroboration was replaced by ‘similar fact evidence”. If extended to all crimes it could mean if you were arrested for robbing a bank you must be guilty as you robbed one ten years earlier. Think how easy policing would be: anyone convicted for a crime could automatically be assumed guilty of a similar crime in the future.
Little Black Sambo
May 11, 2016 at 12:39 pm -
Isn’t the police force in this instance the South Yorkshire Police? Now where have we read about them before?
Moor Larkin
May 11, 2016 at 3:14 pm -
on “The Real Whitby”?
Or is that West Yorkshire….-
Major Bonkers
May 11, 2016 at 6:04 pm -
Most people who don’t live in Yorkshire, if asked to define the characteristics of someone who did, would probably put ‘stupid’ fairly high up their list. (Along with ‘fat’, ‘socialist’, and ‘don’t speak properly’.)
On the basis, therefore, just consider how completely useless their police force must be. From their population of stupid, fat, socialists, who don’t speak properly, they have then selected stupid people even by the prevailing standards.
Worse, from the point of view of those of us who are of normal intelligence, is the mad socialism. The previous PCC, a local Labour party politician called Shaun Wright, had to be shamed into leaving his post after the revelation of the child sex abuse scandal in Rotherham where he had previously held a senior Council position in child services. He was replaced by Dr. Alan Billings – that’s doctor as in (a perhaps rather dubious) PhD, rather than in someone you invite to look at your piles – who stood for election in the Labour interest. The ‘Rotherham Politics’ website refers to him as ‘Doctor Dolittle’.
Anyone who has followed the recent trials in Rotherham will have realised that there existed – and may still exist – a nexus between the local Pakistani block vote, the Labour party, and the police. The latest trial – yet another child prostitution and drugs scandal – hinted very strongly at Police corruption. The IPCC is investigating – they’ve got 55 ongoing investigations in Rotherham, ranging from failure to act to corruption ( https://www.ipcc.gov.uk/news/ipcc-update-investigations-how-south-yorkshire-police-handled-reported-child-sexual ) – but I, for one, won’t be holding my breath: I mean, just how blindly stupid do you have to be to vote for the political party that has already disgraced itself, and is up to its neck in the very scandal that has forced the previous PCC to resign!
Meanwhile, South Yorkshire Plod blunders about:
– Cliff Richard
– Hillsborough – which has seen Billings suspend the Chief Constable, David Crompton, and then the acting Chief Constable, Dawn Copley, resign because she is being investigated for corruption. South Yorkshire Police had three Chief Constables in six days.
– Rotherham (2 trials) and Keighley ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keighley_sex_gang )Adding gaiety to its incompetence, we now have the trial taking place of five flying policemen who used the force helicopter to film nudists and public sex enthusiasts (http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-36259647 ).
See also: http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/cliff-richard-detectives-told-put-7409492 – there was no prior notification given to Thames Valley Plod before the South Yorkshire goon squad turned up to search his home.
Peter Raite
May 12, 2016 at 12:52 pm -
Funny how all the “evidence” against Yorkshire is retricted to the manufactured South.
Peter Raite
Major Bonkers
Moor Larkin
May 11, 2016 at 1:21 pm -
As an ex-police detective I can defend to some extent the publication of the names of alleged offenders in order to encourage other victims to come forward. The ongoing publicity surrounding the actual progress of the investigation is indefensible. Too often Police Chiefs and senior Detectives develop a taste for publicity which does no more that bring them and the Police in general into disrepute. Since Saville there appears to be a number of people who delight in attacking those who have achieved fame and fortune with the emphasis on fortune. Perhaps a few prosecutions for wasting police time or of perverting the course of justice would have a salutary effect.
Moor Larkin
May 11, 2016 at 2:22 pm -
Hogan-Howe appears to stage his own derring-do.
in the 2011 BBC profile of the new top cop that captured my attention the most.
“He hit the headlines in 2006 for sprinting after a suspected drink-driver after spotting him from his chauffeur-driven car.”I thought, what were the chances of lightning striking twice?
June 2015
“The boss of the Metropolitan Police Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe was being filmed for a new BBC documentary … when a man jumped out of a nearby car and ran off – without paying his fare … Hogan-Howe and colleagues gave pursuit and apprehended the man…”
Moor Larkin
The Blocked Dwarf
May 11, 2016 at 2:04 pm -
I’m betting that 99.9999% of the population (alright the older population, the younger will have just gone ‘Cliff who?’) will have reacted as I did upon hearing the news that there had been allegations made against Cliff, ie ‘NO way!’.
Like or loath him, how many people instinctively feel that there is any chance, however small,that the allegations are true? Savile was creepy enough for most of us to at least consider the possibility. Jonathan King’s persona in the 80s was ‘teeth put on edge’ enough (and I am very definitely talking about his persona, NOT the man himself, of whom I have only heard GOOD things). Just choosing a jury will be fun. I have a hope that the Crown Vs. CLIFF will be the one that brings the whole MWT/Yewtree House of Cads (no typo) down and leaves it a pile of smouldering rubble.
Pray God it goes to trial and Cliff walks down the Thames, on the surface of the Thames, home after a full aquittal and after which he gives up writing songs (Please God, let him stop) to write writs.
Moor Larkin
May 11, 2016 at 2:24 pm -
I’m not sure if I’m the .000001% but seeing a never-married, religious pop-star labelled as a weirdo, was no surprise to me.
The notion of his lady friend Dando being assassinated did seem to come from the left-field however.-
May 11, 2016 at 3:09 pm -
She new to mutch!
Moor Larkin
May 11, 2016 at 3:25 pm -
Oh… Just one moor thing https://twitter.com/moor_facts/status/722538415649071105
May 11, 2016 at 3:31 pm -
I didn’t realise Viz had been around so long – ‘Gay Ninfty’ indeed! (And that pic looks like Michael Myers.)
Moor Larkin
May 13, 2016 at 9:08 am -
I read it as Gay Ninety, but perhaps I was thinking of Joe.
May 13, 2016 at 11:52 am -
I had a search for the word ‘ninfty’ yesterday, Moor – seems it goes together with ‘gay’ like carriage does with horse! Let’s keep it to ourselves, though, or else we’ll be hearing the ‘snip-snip-snip’ of Spindler’s scissors & a new entry will be made in that scrapbook of his – they all knew!!!
Moor Larkin
Moor Larkin
May 12, 2016 at 4:45 am -
Even people who don’t like Cliff, really like him !. I don’t particularly like his music but I’ve always liked Cliff as a personality. I bet the majority of Brits admire Cliff. Perhaps this is one celebrity too far.
Moor Larkin
Alexander Baron
May 11, 2016 at 4:08 pm -
The way they’ve handled this non-case has been absolutely disgraceful, they have wilfully incited every crank and lunatic in the land to come forward. The Elm Guest House connection is pathetic. If you look through the man’s tour dates for that period you have to wonder when he found time to sneak off to South London to bugger and dismember boys in the company of two Conservative politicians who couldn’t stand each other, a Jewish Home Secretary, and the UK’s leading Nazi theorist since 1956.
May 12, 2016 at 4:48 am -
And a spy- don’t forget Anthony Blunt. And poor old Ray Wyre who treated sex offenders. Whoever compiled that phony list (Fay ?) was as malicious as they are evil.
Alexander Baron
May 12, 2016 at 12:45 pm -
Fay admits he compiled the list but says it came from the long dead Carol Kasir. I published a critique of it awhile back: “The Truth About The Elm Guest House List”
May 12, 2016 at 2:49 pm -
The ‘Elm Lodge’ list – they couldn’t even get the bloody name right! – was cobbled together by Chris Fay & his old pal, Clive Godden. Godden was already pursuing a vendetta against the man who ‘stole’ his wife from him and so it was no surprise to see THAT man’s name miraculously appear at the centre of the insane ‘web’ of lunacy supposedly revealed by the ‘Mary Moss documents’.
All three of ’em belong in prison; those who helped spread the rubbish deserve – at best – a long spell in a mental-asylum.
May 12, 2016 at 4:02 pm -
Fay’s application for ‘core participation status’ rejected by Goddard:
“12. Mr Fay has further submitted that he may be subject to explicit or significant criticism during the Inquiry proceedings or in its report or in any interim report, on the grounds that he has been involved with and has given evidence to a number of inquiries and investigations which are of significant relevance to the Inquiry; that he has been the subject of both negative and positive reporting by the press in respect of his role with
regard to the investigation of relevant institutions and he has provided assistance and support to children and young people who were sexually abused while in the care of Lambeth Council.13. The application does not identify any of the inquiries or investigations that Mr Fay submits he has been involved with…”
That’d be the James Fielding ‘investigations’ for the Express & the ‘inquiries’ of Exaro which led ‘award winning journalist’ David Hencke to squeeze Fay’s Fantasies in amongst the plums in Zac Goldsmith’s idiotic gob! ‘Core participant’ indeed – ho ho ho!
Alexander Baron
Fat Steve
May 11, 2016 at 4:13 pm -
This in turn is forming a secondary judicial system
The Media/ Internet is forming a number of secondary systems ……The judicial (in theory if not always in practice) was probably the most important in the ultimate securing the freedom of the individual ……but we have an alternate policing system ( Chief Counstable MWT) …..an alternative chamber for debating legislation (the panel of the Public in the Studio) ……an alternative system spiritual and moral guidance (The Reverend Jeremy Kyle) ……are these bad things? I suspect yes …..the primary terms of reference is entertainment value which is not the reason why the primary system was created , corruptability, the lack of accountability(for various reasons) but above all else the lack of expertise in addressing complex issues …….more worrying is that they are discrediting or supplanting the primary system …..asking people to hit the like /dislike button is rather different from mastering or even fairly explaning a complex brief which takes time and some degree of training/experience. I have come to rather despise the arrogance of those who think that they have both better intent and are cleverer than those who practice a profession …..not you understand that professionals are always right or necessarily even adequate …..just as a starting point that there has to be solid evidence ( not personal opinion, prejudice or potential entertainment value) to seek to advance a view. Its funny how lawyers firms now have media consultants …..how can that affect evidence or the law? -
Hadleigh Fan
May 11, 2016 at 4:17 pm -
Doesn’t he look like Deirdre Barlow (Anne Kirkbride)?
May 11, 2016 at 5:25 pm -
Willie And The Hand Jive…1960. Cliff Richard and the Shadows.
Whats all that about then?
May 11, 2016 at 7:23 pm -
I see South Yorkshire Police have been accused of creating aerial porn films
Alexander Baron
May 12, 2016 at 2:54 am -
That’s why they’re called The Filth.
Alexander Baron
May 11, 2016 at 7:56 pm -
Will nobody think of the sheep?
The good old Beeb reports the (alleged) rustlers as “men aged 22, 27, and 28”.
For what purpose were three men aged 22, 27, and 28 attempting to make off with these innocent lambs in an old Ford Galaxy (number plate obscured to prevent identification of registered keeper)? Enquiring minds want to know!
My guess: Christianists probably, like Sir Cliff. Maybe Church Wardens stealing them to enslave as living churchyard mowers! I’ve heard it’s happening all the time. Lucky escape – one bite on the churchyard Yew Tree and they’d have been done for!
Margaret Jervis
May 11, 2016 at 11:03 pm -
Think it should be recognised that all day and every day, people are prosecuted on the flimsiest of claims by fragile accusers re alleged ‘gropes’ many decades ago. These cases are frequently under or badly investigated, relying of the fact of the claim and contaminated ‘support’ evidence of having said something sometime but only reporting this sometime support after the police report.
I do not think that the allegations against Sir Cliff should be judged other than by the current charging standards – albeit there is some variance.
Each and every unreliable case prosecuted causes a tsunami of upset and financial impairment (even with legal aid contributions may be stupendous). But few are ever reported – be that an acquittal or conviction.
Only when the ordinary Joe is thus targeted is the extraordinary state of callous injustice and absurd decision making our criminal justice system affords made apparent for the most part.
Whatever the decision re Sir Cliff, I truly hope he will become the standard bearer and publicist for much need reform.
May 12, 2016 at 11:52 am -
And here comes another one:-
So he’s after £120k from the school – sadly the article doesn’t name the solicitors who are helping him in his search for the only thing which will make him feel better – oodles of cash…..
May 13, 2016 at 6:03 pm -
Not that I’d take anything coming from The Sun/Kelvin MacKenzie too seriously, but…
“One allegation I hear is that Sir Cliff was rollerskating and that he skated into a shop where the alleged touching took place and then he rollerskated right back out again… …I absolutely guarantee, on the basis of what I know, that Sir Cliff will never be charged with anything as he never did anything wrong.”
May 13, 2016 at 6:07 pm -
Go, Cliff, go!!!
Adam Powell
May 20, 2016 at 10:56 am -
Mr Williams-Thomas,
Given your professional circumstances, should you be commenting on a blog like this in connection with Cliff Richard. Surely, shouldn’t any information gathering process be confidential?
Adam Powell
May 20, 2016 at 11:02 am -
Two other points:
1. I don’t think it is necessary to draw attention to the dyslexia of Mark Williams-Thomas, if indeed he has that disability. It is inappropriate to make personal remarks.
2. Clearly the UK has a problem with very low standards of journalism. Unfortunately the media does manipulate people into the belief that X is guilty of all wrongdoing before a trial has been able to consider the evidence. I think that paedophobic hatred orchestrated by the media is damaging journalism generally and has been dragging the country down away from democracy towards dictatorship since the mid 1970s.
Moor Larkin
May 20, 2016 at 11:17 am -
If attention is not drawn to his dyslexia, people would keep mocking his strange grammar and spelling.
I think it’s right to be paedophobic. The problem lies in identifying who are the “paedo’s” and indeed what a “paedo” actually is.
The Blocked Dwarf
May 20, 2016 at 12:05 pm -
I think it’s right to be paedophobic
Only if we get Secret Decoder Rings and a free magic trick to astound our family and friends with.
Moor Larkin
May 20, 2016 at 12:26 pm -
No need for magic and loathing if Establishment willing to tie the medical diagnosis in with the legal definitions and then legislate and litigate accordingly, instead of hiding behind all this “Age of Consent” bollocks.
Moor Larkin
The Blocked Dwarf
Moor Larkin
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