Publish and Be Damned

Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, Mao’s China, Honecker’s DDR – mandatory reporting to the authorities by friends, families and neighbours, phone-taps, wire-taps, cameras tracking the moves of every citizen, persistent persecution of targets by a police force making the law up as they go along, and if they don’t nail you this time, they’ll nail you the next. Speaking out against the injustice of the regime is a sure-fire guarantee of arrest, detainment, imprisonment and a show trial as the state is purged of its undesirables. Hold on a minute; are we talking about historical dictatorships or are we talking about Cameron’s Britain?
Great swathes of the population are oblivious in their ignorance and their complicity is essential to the escalation of lawless law enforcement. ‘I’ve nothing to hide’, they say. ‘Why should I be worried? The Government are keeping an eye on us for our own safety. They’re doing all this to protect us from terrorists so we can sleep soundly in our beds and our children don’t have nightmares. We live in a free democracy, after all. Did you see Bake-Off last night?’
Dawn raids and cellophane-covered computers being carried out of houses are things that happen to people who have got something to hide. If they’re young and dark-skinned, they’re Jihadists; if they’re white and middle-aged, they’re paedophiles – simple; nothing to do with us. It never is until it happens to you.
As questions are finally being asked in public by those brave enough to stick their heads above the parapet, the pursuers have struggled to maintain the momentum and add to their hit-list, so they’ve thrown a few more cadavers into the ring. Even that hasn’t entirely worked. Dead men can’t be tried. Sure, they can have their reputations trashed forevermore and their presence can be edited out of history in true Ministry of Truth fashion as they are recast as fallen idols for future generations. But however many victims are invited to do their stint on the police’s in-house version of ‘Jackanory’, there can’t be any convictions. And that must really stick in their throats.
Therefore, we go back to the beginning, back to the first batch of targets. We’ve already fitted them up and banged them up once, made an example of them, despite the evidence of accusers containing more holes than can apparently fill the Albert Hall; there are no new names to hound, so we come full circle and return to where it all began. Permanently branded thanks to orchestrated events fifteen years ago, they must still be a danger to the public. A leopard doesn’t change its spots, don’t forget. And what makes things worse is that they never confessed their sins; there’s no sign of contrition there, even after all these years. The nerve of men who’ve served time for something they didn’t do still proclaiming their innocence. And they’ve started writing bloody articles about it now! Sorry, mate; you may have been a King in New York and you may have gone to the moon, but you’ve got no shame. We’re gonna get you again.
And so, on and on it goes. The show trial that started the ball rolling at a time when nostalgia hadn’t been doctored and censored is exhumed from the light-entertainment cemetery and the call goes out one more time to all the victims whose selective amnesia prevented them from joining the Walton chorus-line a decade and-a-half ago. If only the guilty party had begged for forgiveness and had screamed ‘I have sinned’ before Martin Basir – and shed the requisite tears, of course – then we could at least dispense our pity in his direction. But the obstinate sod refused to comply, so we had to dredge up our twenty-first century interpretation of the twentieth century once more, if only to remind those too young to remember jumping up and down and waving their knickers in the air what a monster he is.
There is no such thing as coincidence where any of this is concerned. It is coordinated and choreographed to perfection. Oh, the BBC has reached the point at last where they have an uninterrupted run of their greatest music show to repeat in its entirety and they suddenly can’t because the man more associated with it than anyone else is now Ian Brady in a tracksuit; at least they can repeat all the ones he didn’t appear in, eh? Oh, no, they can’t. Another perennial of the programme apparently brushed against the breasts of a future side-splitting comedienne when she was well into her twenties, and that’s enough to earn him a lifetime ban from our screens. And now even the man who forced the Burghers of Broadcasting House to refrain from applying their scissors to his appearances on the very same show has dared to publish his critique of the crusade, and for that heinous crime against contemporary morality, he shall be damned.
Sgt. Dixon must be spinning in his grave.
Petunia Winegum
September 11, 2015 at 9:05 am -
Awaits statements of outrage from Paul Gambaccini, Stephen Fry, Liberty and Stonewall…..
* taps keyboard and yawns * -
September 11, 2015 at 9:31 am -
I’m stunned. I know I shouldn’t be, but I still am. Poor JK. But good on him for sticking to his guns and speaking up.
Cultural Revolution UK just stepped up a gear.
Thank you for drawing this to our attention, Pet.
September 11, 2015 at 9:52 am -
JK, like GG, is everybodys favourite paedo since 1999 and it takes 15 years to remember abuse? It’s so absurd, but people only #believe what they want to believe, or what they feel safe #believing. Better a thousand innocent men destroyed than one paedo getting away with it.
September 11, 2015 at 10:00 am -
3 arrested and one name is released- obviously the other are “non-entities”. The invitation has gone out for more to come forward and Britain’s legal establishment & politicians remain silent as British justice is dragged into the mud.
Not one has condemned the appalling statement from a copper who said previous claims were “true & credible”- a cop who should have been frog marched out of the station and booted from the force.What is happening in Britain? I am currently reading the history of Jo Stalin and the machinations that occurred over decades. The similarities are there and as Bertrand Russell accurately predicted decades ago : the USSR would gradually become more like the West and the West- particularly Britain which he perceived had a fascist streak just beneath the surface, would become more like the USSR.
September 11, 2015 at 10:08 am -
Kelvin McKenzie and Bertrand Russell. Who’da thought it…
“You just don’t understand the readers, do you, eh? He’s the bloke you see in the pub, a right old fascist, wants to send the wogs back, buy his poxy council house, he’s afraid of the unions, afraid of the Russians, hates the queers and the weirdos and drug dealers. He doesn’t want to hear about that stuff (serious news)”
September 11, 2015 at 10:24 am -
In my old age, as I watch our institutions dig the cesspit in which they reside ever deeper to keep up with the volume of ordure which they produce, I think that, rather sadly, it’s time that the old adage was updated to read
Those who can do
Those who can’t teach, and
Those who’re cunts become journalists, lawyers or policeIt might be funny if it wasn’t getting to be near the truth
September 11, 2015 at 10:38 am -
For the avoidance of doubt, I should have added, of course, that the professions included in that latter grouping are not necessarily universally comprised of pieces of effluent – although one does struggle to find too many journalists who might avoid the description.
Some of these groups’ members even manage to move up in society, a local example to be found in the landlady of a very welcoming public hostelry
September 11, 2015 at 10:25 am -
“despite the evidence of accusers containing more holes than can apparently fill the Albert Hall” I see what you did there Pet! Ok, now I’ll try find my way upstairs and have a smoke!
P.S. God knows that JK may has committed numerous musical crimes over the years, but for them to accuse him of this paedo stuff again is pure bullshit!!! I just hope that he comes through it all ok and then takes them to the f*cking cleaners, we can but hope. Best wishes to you JK.
September 11, 2015 at 3:45 pm -
I’m with Hubert, I’d frankly like to see him burned at the stake for ‘Una Paloma Blanco’ alone. But not for historical (hysterical?) allegations…
September 12, 2015 at 10:06 am -
And have his fingernails pulled out slowly for ‘Johnnie Reggae’.
September 13, 2015 at 11:25 am -
In defence of JK’s musical output I recommend his versions of “the sun has got his hat on” and my personal favourite “Lazybones”. Both available on YouTube and both delightful.
September 11, 2015 at 10:31 am -
Where’s a modern Robert Peel when you need him?
If only we could start a new police force and disband the present band of corrupt out-of-control Paedo-catchers masquerading as law officers.
Same goes for the media, pandering to the Arsebook generation of half-witted , semi-educated dross.
September 11, 2015 at 12:10 pm -
Last week’s events seem to be too confusing for some people
Next week, investigating hundreds of historical murders reported as having been committed in Midsomer
September 11, 2015 at 1:44 pm -
That Crimewatch thing is fantastic. Reading ancient copies of TV Times a while back, Len Fairclough said people would charge up to him in the street berating him for what he’d done to Elsie. No wonder the cops ended up arresting Peter Adamson. Plus ca change.
September 11, 2015 at 1:52 pm -
Well, he was a member of the Weatherfield Satanic Abuse Society… -
September 11, 2015 at 2:11 pm -
I’m almost surprised that the one remaining Ronnie hasn’t yet been arrested for his participation in some of the Two’s more outrageous sketches
Anyone these days doing a skit, of, say, The Lavender Hill Mob with golden phallic objects, could probably end up getting the whole cast arrested for some statutory crime
September 11, 2015 at 3:47 pm -
“Despite telling police he was the actor, he is yet to be told he is no longer a suspect.
“I’m in limbo, it’s ridiculous,” he said.
Det Insp Helen Evans, of Lincolnshire Police, said it would be “remiss not to thoroughly investigate every solid piece of information” and he will be given an update “in due course”.”
Even by the woeful standards of Lincolnshire plod, that’s utterly appalling…
September 11, 2015 at 1:17 pm -
Excellent article..
It’s gotten even stranger however – according to JK the allegations have nothing whatsoever to do with The Walton Hop. Which means Surrey Police are making press statements completely misrepresenting their so-called “investigation”. How hideously corrupt those snorting pigs are these days…
September 11, 2015 at 1:36 pm -
And Surrey Police are denying they made the statement to the press regarding The Walton Hop.
A certain Gargoyle was very quiet all Wednesday, no Tweets until mid-Thursday on this matter. Odd, that…
September 11, 2015 at 2:30 pm -
Interesting tweak in Terminology… Non-Recent instead of Historical.
It’s an interesting game. The cops don’t give out the names, do they.“Surrey Police made three arrests on Wednesday, 9 September as part of Operation Ravine, the ongoing investigation into allegations of sexual offences against children connected to the Walton Hop Disco in Walton-on-Thames, in the 1970s and 1980s. All three men were arrested on suspicion of various sexual offences concerning boys under the age of 16. They are a 77-year-old man and an 86-year-old from Walton-on-Thames and a 70-year-old man from the Bayswater area of London. The two men from Walton-on-Thames and the man from Bayswater have all since been released on police bail until Wednesday, 9 March, 2016 while the investigation continues. Senior Investigating Officer Detective Chief Inspector Karen Mizzi, said: “This is a complex investigation into numerous allegations of sexual abuse and assault dating back over several decades. “Our investigation focuses on the Walton Hop Disco, a popular event for youngsters between the 1970s and1980s and we are following a number of lines of enquiry. However if anyone has information that may help the investigation I would ask them to contact us.”
Operation Ravine was established in late 2014 following a review by Merseyside Police into the Surrey Police investigation entitled Operation Arundel which launched in 2000. The independent review was commissioned in January 2014 to ensure all lines of inquiry had been identified. A number of actions have subsequently been progressed under Operation Ravine leading to new allegations of sexual offences being identified.
September 11, 2015 at 2:39 pm -
Any idea what brought about the ‘independent enquiry’?
ie, who, what, and why?
September 11, 2015 at 2:07 pm -
Brilliant article, Petunia. x
I’ve just ‘lost it’ with Surrey Police. I spoke first to an officer, DS Diane (best leave her surname off) and asked her what the hell was going on…Obviously, she couldn’t comment (no surprises there then), but, undeterred, I launched into a tirade of anger about everything that’s going on, not only about this persecution of Jonathan, yet again, but all the others too, the timing of it, with Paul’s book launch, the fact Jonathan’s refused to remain silent….I asked her why his name alone was released, and by whom…and if they had a mole in the force, with a tunnel connected to the tunnel of MWT. I told her how much he earns £3,000 to £8,000 an HOUR for his ‘child protection’ talks. Obviously, she knew about him.
She told me to speak to their press department.
So, I did….
This time, it was a man, he’s now probably shivering in his shoes, because I held NOTHING back, was in tears at one point….because ALL men are now so at risk, he included, due to these foul and festering feminists, their attack on our justice system, their war upon our men and boys….I spoke of liars and lawyers,and cheats and blaggers, and narcissists, and a national police force who have seemingly lost the plot, rendering me utterly devoid of any respect or trust in them…(I told this to DS Diane too, who said she was sorry to hear that)
He knew about MWT….knew a lot about a lot, to be honest…and whilst he could obviously not say a word, because no-one must have any opinion on anything these days, I had the impression he was singing from the same sheet as me…I told him about Jonathan, how they keep on persecuting him, asked if it was being done by someone who was against gay people, had the police thought about this, etc…but again, no comment, obviously…
When I asked how the media got Jonathan’s name, he said it had not come from the police, absolutely not, and it was possibly the media putting a few things together, had perhaps been tipped off by the public…I poopooed this, because unless someone was watching Jonathan’s home 24/7, few would have noticed and why would someone immediately phone the press anyway?
And besides, what about all the other names that are instantly released to the media….mostly by MWT, of course….?
WHO is doing this? And why aren’t the police sorting it out?
I got all tearful when I told him about Paul Gambaccini saying the other day that these false allegations will remain ‘beyond the grave’ for all concerned. And I asked him how would he feel, knowing that when he died, after all the GOOD he’d done in his life, that he would ONLY be remembered by some, for generations to come, as some ‘pervert’ or ‘paedophile’, when it was lies?
I got really choked up, because of Rolf too, 85 years old, sat in prison, utterly bewildered that anyone would ever think he’d harm a child…separated from Alwen, for whom he was the sole carer, possibly going to die in there, who knows, or she going first….They speak every day, but how terrible for them to be apart at this time in their lives, let alone to have to live with the many lies told about him…which will follow him ‘beyond the grave’….as it will poor Bindi too, and her son…ad infinitum…
Dishonesty Reigns
Corruption Abounds
Disconnection Is The New BlackAnd my country, once so loved by me, is sinking, no, has sunk, into a pit of depravity, taken there by depraved humans-who-are-not-human. Helped, so sadly, by apathetic ones too, those who look away, who remain silent, who *choose* to do absolutely nothing in these Darkly Sinister Times.
September 11, 2015 at 3:25 pm -
“When I asked how the media got Jonathan’s name, he said it had not come from the police, absolutely not, and it was possibly the media putting a few things together, had perhaps been tipped off by the public…I poopooed this, because unless someone was watching Jonathan’s home 24/7, few would have noticed and why would someone immediately phone the press anyway?”
The police did not need to release Jonathan King’s name. Their statement gave sufficient clues, i.e. “… 70-year-old man from the Bayswater area …”. That press would have immediately thought of Jonathan. It was then a simple matter of confirming it by talking to his neighbours who said that the police had been searching his home. Or maybe the neighbours simply contacted the press directly.
It was similar to the Rolf Harris arrest where the police did not reveal his name but stated that “An 82-year-old man from Berkshire was arrested …”. His neighbours would have been aware of the police activity and informed the media.
I wonder who instructed the Merseyside police to review the Surrey police 2000 investigation into the Walton Hop. The police could go on forever trawling through the archives to see if they could dredge up evidence of further criminal activities; often, as in the case of Rolf Harris, relatively trivial ones. They would be much better employed in investigating recent crimes.
September 11, 2015 at 2:18 pm -
I’m afraid I saw the Jonathan King arrest coming a long time ago. Partly because it fits in with a curious pattern observable in these investigations. We’re encouraged to think that police are bravely uncovering abuse that was covered up in less enlightened times. In fact, they’re often revisiting cases that were done and dusted years ago. Several persons recently convicted had already served time for CSA. I believe this applies to Charles Napier, John Allen from Bryn Alyn and (I think) the Operation Fernbridge defendant who died before trial. Did they come to the police’s attention because they were shameless recidivists? No, these were historic offences, relating to the same time and place as their original convictions.
Which raises an interesting moral question. Is justice served by ensuring they are convicted for every single victim the police can find? Or, given that their first trials could be seen as depending on sample charges, they’ve done their time and apparently led law-abiding lives since, is there anything to be gained by locking them up again? Don’t expect to see this debated in the media any time soon.
What does seem unequivocal is the need of the police to be seen to be ‘doing something’ about historic abuse , even if in real terms they aren’t achieving very much.-
September 11, 2015 at 2:34 pm -
I’m more inclined to think that, if possible, the police wouldn’t touch their old files with a bargepole
The real issue now may be more about who are the resurrectionists digging up the accusers, pushing them through police station front doors, and what their motives are, what sort of pressures, media and political, they can they bring to bear where, and what sort of threat, as you so rightly allude to, they may constitute in the long term to the overall Justice system, and civil society and its relationship to the police, as those affects generations to come
September 11, 2015 at 2:39 pm -
David Smith, the “savile driver” who never was, had 22 convictions. He’d been a paedo since he was 19? Homo more like.
A patsy for the CPS as Spndler’s promises about yewtree proved to made of the same sort of shit he is. Spindler is one of them though, so must be above criticism. “Promoted” the HM Inspectorate!! Inspecting the police! Ye Gods.
Smith hung himself in his nonagenarian mother’s house. Why would a 22-timer be so bothered about a bit more nonce-time? His address had been publicised. The CPS effectively murdered him and Alison Saunders was in charge of London back then. Abandon Hope all ye who believe in the English system or anyone in it, just now.
September 11, 2015 at 3:19 pm -
I’ve just sussed it! If you bang up pensioners it cuts the welfare bill and lands the expense on the prison service.
September 11, 2015 at 3:37 pm -
Worth a read:
I was a teenage Walton Hopper by Mick Hume -
September 11, 2015 at 6:11 pm -
Over population and the resultant overcrowding of our towns and cities with everyone and his brother owning cars that are constricting streets in the built up areas and filling the roads of the land mean the ‘authorities’ react to the complaints of the public and put up traffic cameras on the roads and CCTV cameras elsewhere. It must be catching as we are increasingly fitting similar devices in our homes and cars! Where will it end?
September 11, 2015 at 7:39 pm -
A & T A
Isn’t this just part of the sanction without trial culture?
Fines for late submission of tax returns, automatic speeding fines & the rest.
Where’s the victim?
It’s enabled by so called decriminalisation of offences; see how decriminalised an offence is if you don’t pay the fine.
What’s next?
September 11, 2015 at 6:43 pm -
Anybody who believes that the police as they are currently formed conform in any way to Robert Peels original intentions is a fool.
They have evolved at one end of the scale to para-military storm troopers, while at the other end of the scale have become little better than a clique of nattering housewives nodding and agreeing with each other about the good works they do, spouting the latest PC nostroms, in defiance of Magna Carta. Chasing shadows from a generation ago while ignoring grievous crime in the present. “Policing” by monitoring twitter accounts, reducing free speech by setting arbitrary “hate crimes”.
Instead of being among the people the current police forces admire chair warmers safe in a comfortable office, it has to be said that women police officers seem to be noticably worse than their male counterparts though that bar of competence is set extremely low. These same incompetents retreat when faced with real disturbances, knowing they do not have the confidence or support of the public.
This is not rocket science, even your chief constables should be able to understand these succinct principles.
September 11, 2015 at 6:47 pm -
Sigh, addendum.
They have evolved at one end of the scale to para-military storm troopers, while at the other end of the scale have become little better than a clique of nattering housewives nodding and agreeing with each other about the good works they do, spouting the latest PC nostroms, in defiance of Magna Carta. Chasing shadows from a generation ago while ignoring grievous crime in the present. “Policing” by monitoring twitter accounts, reducing free speech by setting arbitrary “hate crimes”. While completely vacating the middle ground of community-supported policing in the best interests of the safety of that public
September 11, 2015 at 6:56 pm -
I don’t know now which of the two , JK or that Demon In Human Guise, I found the more cringeworthy as a teen. I suspect ‘He Who Dare Not Be Named’ had the edge but JK was certainly mentioned in dispatches .
But my personal sensibilities aside (and let us not forget, at that age I also thought JimDavidson funny) I can only add my voice to the chorus here of “I say, steady on Officer. There used to be something about Habeus F**king E V I D E N C E, right? Didn’t we stop condemning people on the say so of the mildly befuddled several centuries ago? You know Officer, all that ‘ she saw Mistress Bradburry Goody How and Goody Nurse Baptised by the old Serpent ‘ …”
Others here have already pointed out the injustice (and dare I say it, as someone Pro Refugee) the sheer unbritishness of it all. And I wish JK all the strength of character (and hopefully, of bank account) to continue his fight to clear his name.
The thing that really worries me though is not so much the persecution of the elderly, frail and formerly faintly famous on charges which seem to make the Salem indictments look positively balanced and well founded but what this is doing to us as a ‘culture’, as a society.
Revenge is OK- that’s the message the ‘Kids’ will take from all these corpses hanging from that Ol Yew Tree. Many people think that Traditional British Values are things like ‘tolerance’ and ‘freedom’. They aren’t, they never were…ask Latimer or Ridley next time you’re at a seance. Two of our truly traditional values are ‘Not seeking revenge’ and ‘compromise-so everyone ends up only just slightly disgruntled ‘.
But since Savile….revenge is cool…and profitable. No matter if whoever did what you are accusing him of, just the accusation, however implausible, will be believed and your revenge for whatever slight complete.
Welcome to the Geriatric Denunciation Game, nice to see you-to see you nice.
September 12, 2015 at 12:12 am -
And with your Right to Die now apparently ruled out, they’re trying to make the opportunities for revenge last for ever and ever.
Just another normal day for Norfolk…..
September 11, 2015 at 8:55 pm -
Everyone has been watched for years, transfer large amounts of cash and the state is watching. Walk along the street and the state is watching , fill in tax returns and the state is watching your finances. They even know your shares, your pensions and your criminal past even for the most minor offences. Its just that the electronic age has giving the state more powers of surveillance and in doing so has shone a light into the dark corners of the human psyche which many poor souls never thought it existed.
September 11, 2015 at 9:25 pm -
If there were any real intrepid journalists left this would be a huge story of the persecution of elderly celebrities on no evidence and the say so of unknown persons. Perhaps like the SRA it will all come out in a few years, too late for the ruined reputations and lives. OT Anna but my five year scan today was clear.
September 12, 2015 at 9:40 am -
OT Anna but my five year scan today was clear.
Not just AR but all us regulars here will be glad to hear it :)-you’d be missed.
September 12, 2015 at 12:39 am -
Sgt. Dixon must be spinning in his grave.
Unlikely as Jack Warner was cremated
September 12, 2015 at 12:52 am -
Pirouetting in the clouds, then
Pedant :p
September 12, 2015 at 2:47 am -
Sadly I don’t see the situation changing much, so much is politically correctness driven and the plod love a nice soft target. Until we get a statute of limitations, then this continuing waste of taxpayers money will continue. It will need one of these cases to spectacularly back fire before this will happen.
What is the point of sending 80 yr olds to prison for non violent crimes. Next they will be trawling WW2 vets for evidence of murder on japs and germans-
September 12, 2015 at 9:29 am -
Not only murder on Japs and Germans, I know of at least two occasions on which British military personnel (one Army, one RAF) deliberately shot dead one of their own, in both cases where the target was already mortally wounded and in immense agony, in order to end their grievous suffering sooner.
Given the parliamentary vote yesterday on ‘assisted suicide’ and the apparent priority given to historic ‘crimes’, it is perhaps fortunate that neither of those sympathetic and humanitarian trigger-pullers are alive today to answer for their past ‘offences’.-
September 12, 2015 at 3:20 pm -
Tragic,, but probably a good on the spot decision saving people from suffering.
You wouldn’t let a dog or cat die in agony if you could get it to a vet.Certainly scores were settled at the end of WW2, I remember talking to a Polish guy who told me how he took revenge on Gestapo who killed his father by shooting them.
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