Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading and the 25-Hour News.
Barthnotes on the UK Satanic Panic re-emergence.
Saff on ‘Pulp Fiction’ and whatever happened to Tim Tate’s book?
Tim Tate re-emerges with his reputation intact in some circles as a ‘distinguished writer and film-maker‘….*cough*.
Barthnotes on Tim Tate revisited….
Barbara Hewson on the child abuse that follows in the wake of these fantastical claims – two children named and shamed for eternity on numerous websites.
Some fascinating material on the origins of the Dickens/Child Sexual Abuse/Satanic Panic.
April 4, 2015 at 9:48 am -
There’s a General Election?!?! *colour me ‘surprised’*
Yes…..I live in Norfolk.
April 4, 2015 at 9:57 am -
Bugger Anna! The dozy bint says she’s coming back after 10 seconds but reneges on the compact. I’m disillusioned, I sorely am. Surely it would be more accurate if said bint essayed: ‘I will be back after seven days’. Makes me want to burn stuff.
April 4, 2015 at 2:14 pm -
Tea and scones with the queen and the disillusion of Parliament.
Nice one… -
April 5, 2015 at 2:15 pm -
Dickens/Child Sexual Abuse/Satanic Panic
A long read, but worth it. A sobering exposition of how fantasy bullshit, repeated/embroidered, eventually becomes Fact. -
April 17, 2015 at 6:35 pm -
For anyone interested, the Tim Tate article above (from the Ian Pace site) has my challenging Gojam/Needleblog in the comments about what originally aroused my interest: the supposed involvement of a pornographer in the ‘Elm House Saga’ & a nutter named Godden.
(Godden being friend/accomplice of Fay/Moss/Bill Baloney and popped up at Kasir’s inquest, etc.)
A couple of years after launching the mad tale – which continus to this day, like all twisted conspiraloon theories – Gojam has finally seen fit to admit that it was all “total crap”. However, he does so in the most disingenuous manner possible, which is unsurprising given that it was a concerted & orchestrated team-effort pushing known falsehoods. The notion that Exaro are deserving of any credit is ludicrous – at least for actually stopping the spread of the bullshit!
I continue waiting for his ‘evidence’ that he made anything clear to me “about 18 months ago”. No ‘Gojam’ did anything of the sort…
The recent Enoch Powell satanic rubbish was seen to have been initiated by the Exaro-source via Needleblog. We also had “the list” promoted there (until it had taken on its own life at which point it was dropped). And Fay, of course, was a ‘member’ before being given the boot. And the two “minister video” tales also started before one of them… well, you get the picture.
There is a real story of deceit & collusion here.
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