Mark Williams-Thomas – 'It weren't me, Guv' – No: 276.

Mark Williams-Thomas has blundered into the bizarre Northern world of Owen Oyston.
Across pages 8 and 9 of the Sunday People for March 15, in a combination of muckraking and wild inaccuracy, William-Thomas’ name appeared not only as reporter of “Model’s Horror as Photoshoot turns into a stay at Tycoon’s Mansion”, but then to goes onto quote himself as the newspaper’s ‘authority on sex crimes’.
The story quoted an un-named 20 year-old London model describing a two-day booking in Lancashire:
‘We were miles from anywhere with a man who had raped a model. We huddled together in a room and locked the door. It was the longest night of my life.’
Oyston, the 80-year old flamboyant owner of Blackpool Football Club, convicted 19 years ago of a rape and an indecent assault that were said to have been committed in 1992, was in his ‘vast dining room’ with 25 guests, ‘still downstairs drinking.’
The story said Williams-Thomas had been ‘at the forefront of exposing Jimmy Savile’s offences’.
The ‘sex crime investigator’ outlined to readers his plan for dealing with the aged target of his latest investigation:
‘I’ll lobby police to re-examine the terms of Oyston’s inclusion on the sex offender register. I will consider applying to constrain him with a sexual offenders prohibition order, stopping him being around young models.’
Five hours after the story appeared on the Mirror website, Williams-Thomas, by-lined as co-author with Simon Wright, decided to disown his part in this farrago of inaccuracies that featured a 7” x 3” picture of the wrong stately home with a description of the wrong ‘£3.25 million’ 20-acre estate near the Forest of Bowland’.
The confusion of Oyston’s Claughton Hall with the actual scene of the 2015 photo-shoot, six miles away at Quernmore Park, rather undermined the point of MW-T’s story which had claimed, ‘For Oyston to replicate almost identically the circumstances that surrounded him committing a rape for which he was jailed is unacceptable.’
Another problem for MWT’s ‘replication theory’ was that the 1992 offences at Claughton Hall, for which Oyston served lengthened prison time by refusing to admit guilt, did not involve any photography or any modelling!
After going on Twitter to announce his ‘most recent investigation’:
The Ace chewing-gumshoe MWT soon received some guidance from a man in Blackpool:
Williams-Thomas blamed the Mirror sub-editors for the error – ‘It weren’t me, Guv’.
This was a distinct echo of 2010, when under pressure from Facebook, the Daily Mail had to retract an article by ‘child protection expert’ Mark Williams- Thomas, under the headline ‘I posed as a 14-year-old girl on Facebook’.
What followed the Mail Online publication did ‘replicate almost identically’ the circumstances surrounding his latest Claughton Hall blunder.
MWT blamed the Mail sub-editors!
‘At 19.48 hours on Tuesday 9th March I sent amended copy to the interviewing journalist at the Daily Mail in which I had made small but significant changes to the copy she had sent to me which I read at 19.21, including removing the word Facebook and replacing it with “well known social networking site”. I made it very clear to the journalist and her alone that the changes I had made were necessary before publication.’
Mark Williams-Thomas, a former Surrey police constable, won a Royal Television Society journalism award for producing the ITV programme ‘Exposure: The Other Side of Jimmy Savile’, which included the claims, but not an interview, with the original Savile allegator, Karin Ward. The television programme led to the current police Operation Yewtree.
Karin Ward is now facing a £300,000 defamation claim from the comedian Freddie Starr, expected be the subject of a 10-day High Court trial in June.
The BBC, ITV/ITN and MGN [Mirror Group Newspapers] have all refused to cover Karin Ward’s legal costs.
She is represented by the solicitor and advocate David Price. Her defence appears to be that when she gave the interview she thought she was dying of cancer and would never have to face the consequences of the allegation.
Mr Price told the Daily Mail: “Ms Ward has been sued for the Panorama programme, but she did not give permission for the interview to be broadcast. The footage was initially taken for the Newsnight programme, but she did not say it could be used for another programme a year later.”
Ms Ward noted late in 2012 that Mark Williams-Thomas would not support her:
When Private Eye noted that no publication seemed prepared to fund David Price’s defence of Karin Ward, Eric Hardcastle, a private detective, offered this explanation:
Re : Private Eye As a subscriber this article struck me as very strange even for them and I venture that we all know who the author is and PE would easily accept a piece from him.
My reasoning:
1. There is no way in the world Private Eye or indeed any publisher or business would fund the defence of a libel action they are not named in and for PE to even suggest it is very odd and suspicious.2. With their long history of libel actions PE must at least see what is evidently a legal strategy being played here.
3. Starr’s lawyers would have already put any publisher who published Ward’s claims on notice : that they reserve the right to take a libel action at any time. That’s a normal procedure and necessary because of time limits for actions.
4. Pursuing the weakest link is a good strategy. If Starr’s team demolish the prime ‘witness’ they can then pursue tabloid publishers. Those cases would not even get to court and settlements would be negotiated.
5. Of course Starr and everyone knows no money will be forthcoming from Ward if he wins. She would either go bankrupt or they would let payment lie on file as the real money would follow from tabloids who would have no defence once Ward had been dealt with.
6. Private Eye’s piece is amazingly naive for them and that is why I think it’s a contribution from someone who has a lot to lose if Ward faces a court – anyone connected with her and who encouraged her claims would be in the firing line.
7. The piece sticks put like a sore thumb for what it is : written by someone with an undeclared interest in having rich publishers fund Ward’s defence. This is a long term strategy and Ward has little to lose being broke – others have far more to lose and we know who they are.’
Jack Toft-Subbie.
- Chris
March 24, 2015 at 9:19 am -
As if the “private eye” scoundrel’s identity wasn’t obvious enough (though he does also have some fanboys who contribute to PE), the former BBC “Little Stalin” has taken to threatening his former Panorama colleagues ‘in plain sight’
- IlovetheBBC
March 24, 2015 at 9:31 am -
Ahh, Stuart Syvret. Another Man of the People. Why does Jones assume the mooted Panorama will be ‘pro Savile’?
- Moor Larkin
March 24, 2015 at 10:03 am -
“A generation has done media studies & watched Big Brother on @Channel4 I think they’ll see straight thru @BBCPanorama”OMG… … what is it Old Holborn says? … *can’t breathe * ……
- Chris
March 24, 2015 at 10:44 am -
It had to be retweeted – I doubt the tweeter will understand ‘arch’ but Josef Jones will…
- Moor Larkin
March 24, 2015 at 11:22 am -
Legion of the beau jest…
@tom_watson It’s getting annoying that we only seem to be able to expose the powerful establishment figures after they die of old age.
- Moor Larkin
- Chris
- Moor Larkin
- IlovetheBBC
- The Blocked Dwarf
March 24, 2015 at 9:22 am -
…and so the skies darken with the wings of chickens returning to roost.
- Alex
March 24, 2015 at 9:24 am -
The one on the left of the photograph looks like a right charmer. As I said in a comment yesterday, I await with interest the Starr v Ward court case. I would also love to see MWT get his comeuppance.
- Anne.
March 24, 2015 at 2:11 pm -
So would I – that might teach him to stop grabbing a story and running with it – regardless.
- Anne.
- Moor Larkin
March 24, 2015 at 9:28 am -
Fly on wall of ACPO Goldenballs Command Office reports the following comment: “I think this idiot needs to go down.”
- Alexander Baron
March 24, 2015 at 10:14 am -
I have a letter from Oyston somewhere, him or his wife, who stood by him. I was suspicious at the time that at worst he’d been a foolish old man.
- Ian B
March 24, 2015 at 10:35 am -
So in fact the story is that, um, nothing happened. Wow.
- Robert the Biker
March 24, 2015 at 10:45 am -
I would love to see Freddie Starr nail these bastards to the wall! Until there are proven and expensive consequences, we will never see an end to these publicity whores, professional nutters and the faux investigators who batten on to them in the hope of fame and/or ackers. Included in this are the parasites of our so noble legal system.
- Moor Larkin
March 24, 2015 at 10:59 am -
Let’s hope he as more luck than David Cameron seems to be having.
“Lawyers who wasted millions of public money pursuing false claims that British troops murdered and tortured Iraqi detainees should now face disciplinary action, senior Government figures have suggested. Ministers condemned the “shameful” conduct of solicitors who brought the claims, which were yesterday dismissed as “deliberate lies” by a £31million, five year inquiry. Last night the Ministry of Defence said it was looking at recouping part of the legal aid fees which were paid to the lawyers who represented the now discredited ‘victims’. Sources close to the Prime Minister, David Cameron, said the sums paid to the lawyers were “shocking”.
- Moor Larkin
- Chris
March 24, 2015 at 11:10 am -
Oh, Mark.. King Of The Idiots.
“There are no bones about it. The internet has revolutionised the way we operate in today’s world”
- Duncan Disorderly
March 24, 2015 at 12:38 pm -
“She is represented by the solicitor and advocate David Price. Her defence appears to be that when she gave the interview she thought she was dying of cancer and would never have to face the consequences of the allegation.”
I’m not a lawyer, but that looks like a bit of a shit defense to me.
- Moor Larkin
March 24, 2015 at 12:47 pm -
Not only shit but also untrue. After her medical clearance she came back for more interviews. Somehow she also squeezed in a book about having bowel cancer. A remarkable talent in truth, as they say.
- Moor Larkin
- Ellen Coulson
March 24, 2015 at 1:57 pm -
Strange she had all the symptoms of pelvic radiation disease before she was diagnosed with cancer!
- Misa
March 24, 2015 at 3:06 pm -
‘Journalist for hire’ Murrian Jones, can be heard interviewed here: Rocky Racoon
March 28, 2015 at 5:45 am -
Radio New Zealand state….
“The editor of Panorama has also lost his job.”
….Tom Giles, is still with the BBC and in his own words was, “…excited to be given the chance to move up and shape the future of Current Affairs at the BBC.”
Listening to Merion you’d think he didn’t do any investigations when he switched to Panorama.
- Rocky Racoon
- The Vatman Cometh
March 24, 2015 at 6:23 pm -
Now that the paedo circus has moved on from Jimmy Savile to the Great VIP Child Abuse Conspiracy it seems as those Mark Williams Thomas (who originated the panic with his Exposure programme – specious crap though it was) is feeling a bit left out as others have come to the fore as the premier witch-hunters of the moment. He had a little piece in the Sunday Mirror at the weekend although all the parties involved (source & accused) were anonymous for which he got a dollop of derision on Twitter. As the Oystons are feeling pretty litigious at the moment (they’re currently suing Blackpool football fans for allegedly libellous things posted on an internet message board) maybe they’ll train their sights on MWT – one can but hope….
- JaundicedView
March 24, 2015 at 7:00 pm -
Last oara-tyop: “..oiece sticks Out like a spre orick MWTwat at a weeding of the insane by the inane?”
- eric hardcastle
March 25, 2015 at 2:42 am -
To be accurate I haven’t had a pi license now for 15 years or practised for around 20 having got into the software game fairly on. For my Twitter critics, one who has even set up a profile to just attack me, there seems to be many misconceptions about private investigators with many thinking it’s a job bordering on glamour.
Nothing could be further from the truth and the work can be very mundane from spending hours checking council records to waiting for ages to serve a summons on reluctant recipients, most who are usually in no mood to accept them. Insurance work was always the most lucrative but solicitors use gumshoes as well to track down details they have no time to follow up on and you often pick up much of the rudiments of the law. Most pis also have a good working relationship with police as they tend to supplement their work when they do not have the manpower to continue investigating a case.
Of course the internet has changed all that with government records being available to almost anyone, new cheap cameras replacing the need to sit for hours on end to catch a ‘disabled’ claimant carrying that bag of cement and so on.I’ve yet to see a TV show accurately reflect the real world of a gumshoe which is probably as exciting as that of an accountant’s.- sarah
June 21, 2016 at 11:44 pm -
eric you are a troll of the worst kind, I have seen the way you carry on on Twitter, You are a fraud!!
- sarah
- JaundicedView
March 25, 2015 at 10:29 am -
Sorry Anna.
It’s an “o”-“p” parody on Ur (rare) typo – last para.
Meanwhile quote peerless Peel’s last interview last line, on non-Brit multi-billionaire Mad Dog Monsta (de facto Monarch) Murdoch, Indie On Sunday 29 Aug ’04: ” Rupert Murdoch has destroyed most of what was good about this country! “
- Lucozade
March 25, 2015 at 8:35 pm -
Duncan Disorderly,
Re: ” “She is represented by the solicitor and advocate David Price. Her defence appears to be that when she gave the interview she thought she was dying of cancer and would never have to face the consequences of the allegation.”
I’m not a lawyer, but that looks like a bit of a shit defense to me.” ”
That seems to be more of an explanation of her reasons for doing what she’s been accused of rather than a ‘defence’ explaining that she didn’t do it, or even that she did do it but was some how out of her mind or forced or something.
If that’s all you can come up with in response to an allegation do you really have to bother with a lawyer? :/
- Rocky Racoon
March 28, 2015 at 6:12 am -
Merion Jones asserts people knew Jimmy Savile was a paedophile he says he gave all his information to Mark William-Thomas before the Newsnight item was cancelled…
On 3 Oct 2012 Mark William-Thomas issued a statement in which began ….
“I was contacted by a person who asked me if I had ever had any information or concerns about Jimmy Savile in regards to child abuse. I have worked in the area of major crime and child protection for over 20 years so I get to hear a lot of information. I had heard rumours but up till then that is all I had heard. At this stage he was still alive and even though the person who wanted to talk to me had information about someone who claimed to have been abused by Savile, I was sceptical, because for all the years Savile had been alive, no newspaper or journalist had ever found evidence to support claims of child abuse.”
So according to Merion it was known Savile was a paedophile but according to a police officer with a nose for these things there was no evidence and was sceptical.
Further to Merion’s interview he points out the failings in others but ignores his failure to check the age of the person interviewed for Newsnight and the legal implications. Nine months after Newsnight dropped Merion’s item he had still failed to check interviewees age and allowed incorrect information to be broadcast…to support his case?
Birth & Marriage records make intriguing reading.
- Rocky Racoon
March 31, 2015 at 5:42 am -
I see Mark William-Thomas has now turned to murder with a documentary about the killing of Jill Dando which is being ‘serialised’ in the Daily Mirror. Asked on the ‘This Morning’ sofa when the documentary could be seen the former police officer admitted at the current time no broadcaster had shown an interest in his unfinished documentary.
Interestingly he said the ‘Exposure’ programme was commissioned just 2 weeks before it was aired on ITV, which from memory contradicts what was being reported by the media from February 2012, how else was I aware a programme was being made?
Regarding Jill Dando he said once the police had a suspect they ignored any alternative evidence….
- Moor Larkin
March 31, 2015 at 9:02 am -
Not sure it’s unconnected. One of the con spiracy theories currently popular on de web is that when Jill was shot, it was because she was about to break a story of paedo’s in the establishment and had to be silenced by someone standing in the shadows…
The most incredible notion here is probably that Jill Dando was a serious journalist of the Watergate school, but what do these postmodern children know about real facts?
- Moor Larkin
- Rocky Racoon
- mG
July 14, 2016 at 3:50 pm -
Hello to Mark Williams -Thomas ,I was interested in the daughters need to locate the body of her mother – Carol Packman (as being aired on tv in the programme at 9pm on July 14th 2016. ) I might be able to help as I have located ‘missing people ‘by using a skill I was taught years ago,,It’s not 100p.c but has successfully allowed me to give the whereabouts of someone missing n several crimes ,I also gave a location for the missng mh370 which by 12 pieces of the plane found in the area where.i indicated it went missing ,now looks t be correct ) the area of Madagascar ( as I indicated to authorities 3 days after wards Today i ,looking for the remains of Carols body began dowsing firstly on a map of England ,narrowing it down ,by stages ,I ended at Bournemouth ,Further examination of that area took me to Wilson St ,I don’t know whether this rd,has any meaning to you in this case but if it does if you cntact me on my e- mail site — and I can give further details
- The Blocked Dwarf
July 14, 2016 at 3:56 pm -
If that is you satirizing MWT’s ‘detection’ skills then , sir, I commend you for a brilliantly funny comment. Well played!
- The Blocked Dwarf
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