The Public Wants What The Public Gets
June 10, 2014 at 8:08 pm -
June 10, 2014 at 8:48 pm -
Or as Lee Kwan Yew put it, regarding Singaporeans: “We don’t give the people what they want. We give them what’s good for them.”
Ho Hum
June 10, 2014 at 9:23 pm -
So, ‘This is England’. What on earth are you complaining about? Those north of the border got Alex Salmond.
Moor Larkin
June 10, 2014 at 9:37 pm -
Some similar notions, but a bit moor long-winded:
How is it that the British Establishment went from satirising the “Paedo Panic” generated by the News of the World or The Sun – the Murdoch Press if you like – to the journalistic high-brows of the BBC fully embracing the myths and legends of Celebrity Paedophilia? Part of the reason seems to lie in the dumbing-down of the BBC to embrace the Facebook society, the society of the thumbs-up Majority. It’s possible to actually see this happen right at the mainstream heart of the BBC. The Babbling Buffoon Corporation seems to have been born in 2006. What is the most frightening thing … is not the cravenly apologetic approach of Terry Wogan towards the idiotic David Icke, but rather the evident support Icke gets from within the BBC audience … That’s US folks!!-
June 10, 2014 at 11:20 pm -
In my day (at the height of Savile’s apparent offending), the BBC was known as the British Broadcarping Castration. Not much changes.
John Galt
June 11, 2014 at 2:42 am -
Yes, quite. But if we look back to the apparently Golden Era of paedophilia that was the 1970’s, we find pretty much the same things going on, just in slightly different forms.
Instead of “The X Factor” or the numerous other pap shows we had “Opportunity Knocks” and “New Faces”.
Instead of Nigel Fararge, we had Enoch Powell.I could go on, but no matter how far back you go in history, the kids were morons growing up as idiots and only interested in trivia, the world apparently lurched from crisis-to-crisis and yet still people watched lions-v-Christians / Witch burnings / Arsenal-v-Chelsea and a lot of sex went on despite the legal and moral outrage of our patrician elite.
“Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.” – Socrates
June 11, 2014 at 5:23 am -
John Galt,
Re: “no matter how far back you go in history, the kids were morons growing up as idiots and only interested in trivia”
I know, you only have to talk to some people my mothers age to realise that….
Moor Larkin
June 11, 2014 at 6:21 am -
They executed Socrates, aged 70 – he should have get his opinions to himself…….
“The trial and execution of Socrates in Athens in 399 B.C.E. puzzles historians. Why, in a society enjoying more freedom and democracy than any the world had ever seen, would a seventy-year-old philosopher be put to death
June 11, 2014 at 8:42 am -
June 11, 2014 at 12:43 pm -
Cos he was one of them know-it-alls. You’d be in a a taverna talking about whether you should bother going to the next festival, or just enjoying the nectar and watching the wrestling through the wide-screen window and in he’d come with his arty-farty, namby-pamby quotes and be all, like “If a man would move the world he must first move himself” and that. And when you argue back all he is is, like all this “As for me, all I know is, I know nothing”. I mean, what’s that supposed to mean? Prick.
So we done him in, like.-
Fat Steve
June 11, 2014 at 3:15 pm -
Socrates was an intellectual gadfly rather than a boorish barfly —I don’t remember too many intellectual gadflies forcing their company on me though I have drunk extensively in too many bars and listened to too many barflies —still what has experience to do with truth and value judgements?
Moor Larkin
June 11, 2014 at 6:41 pm -
LOL Jim …
Fat Steve
Fat Steve
June 11, 2014 at 11:42 am -
From recollection Aristotle was also condemned to death for effectively the same sort of sedition but unlike Socrates chose to flee. Perhaps not unlike Victorian England where Oscar Wilde was expected to ‘do the right thing’ and flee after losing the libel trial ,the Athenian Authorities expected Socrates to flee. He chose not to so for the reasons set out in ‘The Last Days of Socrates’. Some, perhaps many, draw analogies with Christ actions before crucifixion. We live in a ‘Democratic’ Society but I am not sure ‘Democracy’ is meant to guarantee the freedom of the individual to dissent —-actually quite possibly the opposite. Not a difficult point to argue that Democracy is the tyranny of the majority —perhaps even easier to argue modern representative democracy is the tyranny of a minority who can manipulate the majority Brilliant video though !!! Makes me want to shelter even closer in ‘the lee of a wall to avoid the rain’ as Plato advised Philosophers should do intellectually when Society was doing the equivalent of experiencing a down pour
Jonathan Mason
June 11, 2014 at 1:12 pm -
With hindsight, Socrates should have done a Polanski and fled to communist Sparta.
Fat Steve
June 11, 2014 at 3:06 pm -
Socrates would not have been Socrates if he had fled. Europe would not be Europe if Socrates had fled. Will we remember Polanski in 2500 years time? Well who knows
Fat Steve
Jonathan Mason
June 11, 2014 at 6:02 pm -
Having chosen option B, self exile, most of the clip, happily, went over my head ! Aristotle knew a thing or two, you know !
June 12, 2014 at 9:39 am -
Good work as ever VL.
How do we square the circle? Controlling a Democracy, is like squeezing the goose that lays golden eggs; you end up with a sticky omelette of little worth.
When the Sheppard corrals the sheep, the dogs flank him; but for those that have the tools to control our Democracy, they seem to deploy a different tactic, whereby obverse morality is used to convince the sheeple that the imaginary wolves will have them unless they corral themselves according to the wisdom of those that ‘know’.
It is nothing short of the extortion of tranquillity. When barter evolved, it produced the concept of money, an imaginary concept, that became a universal commodity of exchange; then corruptible by usury. Likewise, as democratic government evolves, it used persuasion; which became corrupted by the use of fear and outrage of the alternative [“there is no alternative”]. So the modern evolved commodity of a self-serving bureaucratic Democracy, is outrage. Only the Nomenklatura can afford tranquillity, for they control the ‘democracy’.
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