Going to Work on a Clegg.
The media are enjoying dipping their soldiers into a Clegg this morning; he is such a bumptious, Holier than thou, ‘I promise you a different kind of politics’, new metro man, that seeing him boiled and served up on a silver platter by unimpeachable sources – women! – has proved an excellent start to their day.
For Women are the new truth and light, the new orthodoxy, their words a bible for our age. ‘She says’ – therefore it happened. Clegg can do nothing except apologise for not handling their complaints in suitably bureaucratic fashion. Five full length inquiries, at least five QCs involved, a couple of million quid out of party funds, and a wholesome apology all round should do the trick. Anything less will not satisfy the shrill voices on his doorstep. Don’t even think of querying whether there was any truth in the complaints, Nicky boy – they’ll flay you alive.
That said, if there is truth in the allegations of inappropriate groping, I’ll allow that it can be a problem. Not a problem in and of itself – for a slap in the face often serves as solution – but the place and the circumstances can turn the grope into a major social conundrum where the slap in the face is equally inappropriate.
That place, and those circumstances, are inevitably where you must maintain an on going relationship with the groper. You know damn well that if you deliver that slap on the face that would put an end to the furtive fumbling whenever the opportunity presents itself, that there will be repercussions, and I suspect, having been in this position, that part of the fury that infuses women is the knowledge that you will have to continue to treat the individual as a respected member of the human race when he has treated you as nothing more than a farmyard animal. When it is your Uncle, or your husband’s best friend, or your boss doing the fumbling, there is more to consider than just the grope.
There is a class of man who grew of age at a time when dancing meant getting the chance to feel the thickness of a girl’s waist and her child bearing properties, did she freeze from your grip or did she bend into it? Suddenly in the 60s, he was plunged into a world where dancing meant flapping your hands in imitation of an autistic meltdown whilst appearing to climb a flight of stairs in time with the music. Not only was he unable to master this art in gainly fashion, he was also deprived of the only way he knew to sort out the girls who ‘would’ from the girls who ‘wouldn’t’. It was the heterosexual version of the time honoured question in homosexual circles of “Are you a friend of Dorothy’s?”
The young made the cultural transition with ease – ‘You up for a shag?’ was considered a perfectly normal question in the dance halls of South London, I seem to remember; a question that one was free to respond to with as much venom and invective as required. No offence taken on either part. Our ex-Viennese-waltzing male, now of a certain age, was excluded from this discourse. I am convinced that at least half of them picked up their early retirement pensions and moved to France during this period – they seem to be under the impression that the asexual French bisou greeting can only be improved by a good old fashioned English check on the thickness of your waistline. I have been groped more times by wine sozzled Englishmen since I lived here than I ever was in England. Yeah! At my age! Some of them are truly desperate.
How to deal with it when it is your Uncle, your husband’s best friend, or your boss? Personally I would advocate avoidance. Yeah, I know, that dastardly middle class white male should be punished, humiliated; it’s not your fault you’re attractive, you shouldn’t have to take the punishment etc, etc – for heaven’s sake don’t let’s mention the victim blaming meme. But do you really want to ruin a political party ten years later, or create a family rift for all time with your Aunt, or engage the services of an expensive lawyer to sue for sexual harassment? Are there really not the words in your vocabulary to put him in his place, make him feel about yea high, deliver a stinging rebuke that no one else hears? Women’s Lib was supposed to empower women, not turn them into helpless wimps.
We seem to have spawned a generation of women more timid, more fearful, than any Victorian maid. The slightest indent in their desired world and they demand an army to go barging in on their behalf to sort out the ‘evil bastard’. The entire Savile shenanigan was originally about just such a grope, if the witness was to be believed. A grope, a stolen kiss, an inappropriate suggestion. That has been swollen by the media into 400 women traumatised for life, too frightened to speak out for 30 years, requiring an army of lawyers, millions in compensation and world media attention to put right.
Crikey, Women’s Lib and the new fangled dances have a lot to answer for – the 60s generation would have whispered in his ear – ‘Piss off you old Goat’ and pulled their hand smartly away. We knew how to stand up for ourselves. Our Mother’s generation had run the country whilst the men were off playing football in the trenches…
February 28, 2013 at 22:08
Perhaps I am just too old in attitude, but if they had a reasonable amount
of self respect, they would only be having sex within marriage. And they would
make it clear. Neither my wife nor my mother in law had any problem, but, as
my mother in law said, if they would not take “No!” as an answer, it is
surprising how effective narrow heels were when I stood on their instep.
February 28, 2013 at 13:10
Glad the comments are still open so I can just add the most hilariously
“inappropriate headline” from the press…………..
February 27, 2013 at 11:03
“You up for a shag”
That reminds me of that song by Kevin Bloody Wilson on You Tube – ‘Do you
f#@k on first dates? ‘.
February 27, 2013 at 09:55
Ironic that the likely next Labour government will have the Home Secretary
and the Chancellor of the Exchequer having sex on a regular basis….
I vaguely recall that when I entered the corporate world back in 1979 it
was an accepted tenet amongst the management that if a manager had a liaison
with anyone under him [quiet at the back] he was leaving himself open to
disciplinary action and active disapproval from those above him, whether she
consented or not. If it was a He, then of course it was obviously only rumour
and innuendo…….
Such a fuddy-duddy lot we were back then.
February 27, 2013 at 11:22
“Ironic that the likely next Labour government will have the Home
Secretary and the Chancellor of the Exchequer having sex on a regular
basis…. allegedly……..
Unlikely………their actually married.
February 27, 2013 at 07:25
They aren’t ‘timid’ or ‘fearful’.
Their simply milking the current hysteria around ‘sex crimes’, especially
against ‘children’ (doesn’t seem to matter whether they actually were children
at the time they say these things happened, no one seems to want to check
i.d), for all it’s worth.
They only get ‘outraged’ because they are being indulged and allowed to get
I don’t think the makers of the two ITV Exposure shows actually know the
meaning of ‘child abuse’.
If what was shown in those two programmes is the worst that goes on in the
world (and even that had to be invented and embellished), then what have we
got to worry about…?
Of course there are far worse and more important thing’s than that going on
in the world…
The mind boggles…
February 27, 2013 at 00:21
At least we can be fairly confident that there will be no comment from
Edwina Currie on the issue…….
February 26, 2013 at 22:59
I was only half-listening to the woman on Radio 4 this morning, but am I
right in thinking she said that she rang her dad the morning after these
unwanted advances because when something like this happens ‘every girl needs
her daddy’?
I was gobsmacked, I keep thinking I must have mis-heard. She was after
being selected for a shot at being an MP for god’s sake, not a schoolchild
being told her traybakes were not good enough for the Guides
What is wrong with these women? Of course he’s a pretty
disgusting sleazebag if it’s true and of course he held immense power over
their political futures, but where is their backbone? I have never taken such
treatment quietly and neither should they. Why did none of them think to
actually ask him the question ‘Are you suggesting that my political future
might rest on whether or not I come to your room?’ The best way to proceed in
these situations is with honesty and directness, confront them with the
reality of what they are doing. And if the answer were in the affirmative then
you really do have something to take to a higher authority, if there is one.
That she didn’t have a bloody clue how to react with a bit of verve shows she
was utterly unsuitable to be a candidate.
February 27, 2013 at 00:14
I think you are right. The lack of apparent quality of the candidate
being interviewed ‘Susan’ was readily apparent, but I think there is far
more to it than just sour grapes at lack of selection.
February 26, 2013 at 21:58
This particular furore is unusal, led as it is by Liberal Democrat wannabe
politicians, activists, all of whom would, one would have thought had sp,e
forethought to just what kind of image all of this is projecting of the party.
Clearly, these victims have no particular axe to grind against the party
per se, but the timing of this is very unfortunate, with a bye election in the
offing. As they are all connected to the party why sit on these allegations
until now? What is the purpose behind these mass revelations?
It is fairly evident that there is a growing element within the Liberal
Democrats who have been sharpening the knives for Calamity Clegg and he, by
return has been revealed to have feet of clay, very far from the assured,
confident and well informed young man that won over so many voters at the last
General Election. The live television debates portrayed him as having some
definite qualities but the reality of Government and the broken promises and
various scandals, such as Huhne and now Rennard have, to my mind, ensured that
the Liberal Democrats will be anihilated in the next General Election and will
return to being a loony half-left wing green party, with no more hope of
election to Government than the Green Party themselves.
Very sad. I for one hoped for a radical sea change in British politics, by
way of a change from the perpetual Labour/Conservative see-saw…
February 26, 2013 at 15:43
In my personal experience of such things ‘ladies’ seem to respond to
advances based largely how likely they are to want to agree to your advance.
Back in my 20’s when I was doing the propositioning I appreciate it was a
little different. For a start I spent about as much time in the gym as I did
the nightclubs, and generally did rather well. (Was Married by 30)
So that got me thinking, what if you’re not an attractive young man but
instead a fat old bastard (like I am now incidentally) does that mean you are
now precluded from making an advance on the basis that most women will say no?
Is there some certain percentage success rate you must be achieving to qualify
to be a propositioner?
But then I stop to think about how you make your proposition. Even in my
rampant phase did I ever once touch a girl without her permission. Ok never
formal permission (Madame, do you herby consent to holding hands?….sign here),
but only after enough eye contact, body language and conversation having
already taken place that it was an absolute certainty that a hand on the
shoulder would very welcome. What I never did was put a hand on a bottom, or
anywhere else whilst the object of my affections was reaching for a tin of
beans on the top shelf of the supermarket or looking out the window in a
shared office.
Indeed, if I were to get back in the game today (much to the annoyance of
the wife I guess) and I wanted ‘a piece of’ a female colleague I certainly
would not lay a hand on them uninvited. I would complement them and then
invite them for something, something along the lines of “Ms Raccon, your
looking very nice today…[pause for acknowledgement] … care to join me for a
drink after work, just the two if us”. Its obvious what your getting at and
its also dead easy for her to accept or reject in a way that causes no-one to
lose face “I would love to but already have plans”, and if she is actually
interested it will be swiftly followed by “but I could on Thursday”.
So I suppose for me at least there is a world of difference in how the Lord
Rennard did his propositioning. If he made an advance along the lines of
politely stating an interest and these women are complaining about that then
these wimmen are far too bloody precious and should get over themselves.
However if he did the propositioning with a hand on the ass, then he bloody
well deserves to get BBQ’d.
February 26, 2013 at 15:48
I think you may have to make allowance for the women fluttering their
eyes at the [apparently] all-powerful fat bastard, in order to attract his
glowing attention. Said fat bastard might then of course misinterpret simple
flattery as genuine interest. Pillock.
One piece of history that we should all remind ourselves of is Monica
Lewinsky. I wonder if any of the liberal ladies have kept their little black
February 26, 2013 at 16:24
To be pedantic, Monica’s was, of course, a blue dress, not that it
affects the outcome, so to speak.
One also wonders, how many of the Lib-Dem lady MPs, all of whom have
remained suspiciously silent these past few days (Teather, Swinson,
Featherstone, etc) and who were selected during the ‘droigt de seigneur’
of Lord Rennard, are now feeling a little ‘exposed’ as to the sordid
details of the method of their achieving preferment ?
February 26, 2013 at 16:30
Oh very clever insinuation Mudplugger, and did make me chuckle.
February 26, 2013 at 12:31
James Naughtie interviewed an opportunist Labour MP called John Mann on
R4′s “Today” this morning. Mann, who didn’t appear to have any connection to
the Rennard allegations, even via a constituent, had taken it upon himself to
write to the Met to ask them to investigate. He seems to have spotted guarding
public morals as a unique selling point/career opportunity, and to be a
vigilante on MPs’ expenses. Naughtie asked him the blindingly obvious question
– if you heard allegations of this sort of thing involving a figure in your
own party, would you be writing to the police just as promptly? Mann, whose
tone pretty much defined “holier than thou”, was given three chances to answer
but smarmed out of answering directly.
February 26, 2013 at 09:28
As another has already said – which of the lib dem MPs / councillors said
yes and kept quiet.?
Was / is there a similar routes for Gays/ Lesbians.
We should know.
February 26, 2013 at 09:27
“For Women are the new truth and light, the new orthodoxy, their words a
bible for our age. ‘She says’ – therefore it happened.”
“Crown has also outlined Pryce’s defence of marital coercion – that she had
no real choice but to take the speeding points on Huhne’s behalf.
defence is only available to wives.”
reading email correspondence between Ms Oakeshott and Pryce ………wrote that she
“would need reassurance that it would indeed bring Chris Huhne down.”
February 26, 2013 at 07:05
Statement from Nick Dregg, the Deputy Slime minister
The allegations made on Channel 4 about the Lib Dems ever having any
electable policies last
Thursday were extremely serious and distressing to
all involved.
But I would like to make one thing crystal clear. I did not know about any
Lib Dem policies until
Channel 4 informed the party of them shortly before
they were broadcast.
I am angry and outraged at the suggestion that the Lib Dems ever published
a coherent, useful
or popular policy. Indeed, when indirect and
non-specific policies reached my Office in 2008, we
acted to deal with
I totally reject the insidious suggestion that my office or I are
responsible in any way for a
deliberate policy on anything.
In the meantime, I will not stand by and allow my party to be shown to be
effective or popular and
will endeavour to see it sink in a show trial of
innuendo, half-truths and slurs.
The important thing is that we respect any lunatics who have come forward
and do everything
to run away from real life. That is what will now
February 26, 2013 at 06:46
Frankly, I find the LibDems so odious that little would surprise me. Their
collective lack of moral fibre is reflected in almost all they do. The hapless
Rennard (who is so fat that he has probably forgotten what his genitals look
like, let alone what they are for – shades of ‘our Cyril’) can hardly be
spoiled for choice when it comes the the matter of horizontal PT, so his
blundering desperation can hardly be a surprise – power may well be an
aphrodisiac, but not in the miror, fatty…
But consider Mark Oaten! A more improbable human being could not be
invented – as to what he got up to, then that is best left alone. And then,
there is the dreadful dogwalker Huhne – what a shitbag.
And so on…
For those of us raised in the traditions of Gladstonian liberalism, this is
quite appalling. Having said that, then one or two of the escapades of
W.E.Gladstone himself probably don’t survive close srutiny.
February 26, 2013 at 08:21
Contemplating Rennard’s rotund frame, one is reminded of the lady who
once recalled a horizontal liason with Nicholas Soames, the
even-more-corpulent Tory MP. She likened it to having a large double
wardrobe fall upon her, with the key still in its door.
February 26, 2013 at 10:27
I’ve no political affiliations at all, but have little regard for the
Libdems. In my community their nasty little newsletter for years falsely
associated them with every action for good carried out by local people.
Shifty and shameless.
I can’t help seeing the pre-election golden boy
Clegg as a landed fish; sweaty, gasping and wriggling.
Irrational, I
know, but I feel better now.
February 25, 2013 at 22:51
Couldn’t agree more, we seemed to be far better able to handle these things
in the ‘sexist’ early 60s. The attitude is almost Victorian, I think I could
have handled an old goat like Rennard when I was 16 and Savile too for that
matter. Still if it helps get rid of the two faced LDs it is worth it, even
more hypocritical than other parties.
February 25, 2013 at 23:43
I suppose the real issue is not that these women could not handle the old
goat, but that political preferment or selection for constituency
candidacies may have been dependent on performance on the casting couch. Of
course Liberals may have preferred Rennard’s methods to those of Jeremy
February 25, 2013 at 21:50
Don’t forget – women are getting old./
February 25, 2013 at 18:21
The Lib Dems will never forgive Clegg for getting them into power.
… and
not being allowed to condemn ‘The Government’ for everything.
February 25, 2013 at 16:21
The timing is “interesting”.
The Lib Dems will never forgive Clegg for getting them into power.
February 26, 2013 at 08:11
That was my initial thought on the matter. Then I thought how novel it
was for a Libdem to be in a heterosexual “scandal”. And then I wondered how
many people would be feverishly working on a Youtube hit on the lines of
Clegg’s “I’m So So Sorry” classic.
But mostly I wondered how inept those who would lead us are. They deny
the truth at first – what they knew and when – and then as the story unfolds
they just look like the lying little creeps they are. They all seem to be
the same. Every party has these teflon scumbags in them, who rather than be
honest, always try to deny first. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. How I
wish they could just all be honest. Nobody expects perfection or
infallibility. How you respond to any incident doesn’t have to be right, but
denial? Why always denial?
February 25,
2013 at 16:02
“You up for a shag?” Blimey! But you’re right, it was common parlance for
the time. I remember playing in bands back in the 60s and 70s where the girls
used to ask you! Mind you I remember one gig we did at Eel Pie Island in
Twickenham which had a live in caretaker who was as bent as an 8 bob note. He
spent most of the evening chasing me around the hall trying to grab me by the
I found out afterwards that in order to keep him away from them, the other
guys in the band told him I was a poof. (Am I allowed to say that these days?)
Times have changed. Not always for the better, but I can’t help thinking
that you only have to open your mouth these days to be accused of sexual
harassment. This doesn’t excuse genuine abuse, but sometimes people are just a
little over sensitive.
25, 2013 at 15:54
The sooner the LibDems disappear in to the mire of history the better as
far as I’m concerned. They’ve been buggering up election for years by
splitting the vote and letting in the people we don’t really want.
I think my piece over on Max’s blog really sums up my feelings on the man :
‘Going to work on a Clegg’ Hmmm. Like that one. Wish I’d thought of it…
February 25, 2013 at 14:04
Both accurate and amusing.
I understand two inquiries have been set up.
I am concerned that may not be enough. I want a full, independant inquiry into
why there are only two inquiries.
Lessons must be learned. The systemic
failure must be exposed even though no one person is to blame. 217
recomendations as to best practice must be made. There must be a sea change in
the culture. More laws must be passed, and no one sacked.
This is the
incantation of the modern witch doctors, the spin doctors and the politicians
through whom they speak, like ventriloquists using a doll.
February 26, 2013 at 23:38
So so true
February 25, 2013 at 13:13
Looks like they had their own versions of Jim’ll Fix It badges too….
February 25, 2013 at 12:20
I find a well-placed (timed?) fart works well at repelling boarders.
February 25, 2013 at 12:03
What is really peculiar just now is how Christian Grey seems to be a female
icon of western romance. I wonder how popular it would have been if Christian
had been written to resemble the unfortunate liberal. Not quite Rennard the
Fox is he.
February 25, 2013 at 13:46
Speaking of many shades of grey, check out the comments on these
It rather looks like someone called George Dutton has been after
Rennard the Fox for quite some time….. Wall Ties?
26, 2013 at 16:47
Fifty shades of yellow doesn’t have the same ring, although after reading
the LibDem manifesto (aka Promise the Moon), grey is the colour.
February 25, 2013 at 11:53
Taking an alternative view, where did he find the Lib Dem women that might
have been that tempting in the first place?
February 25, 2013 at 12:25
And what did their successful girlie candidates do to be selected ?
Looking at some of them, one starts to feel a degree of sympathy for the
ordeals Rennard may have undergone on behalf of the party – that’s
February 25, 2013 at 13:27
The same thought occurred to me. There is a peculiar kind of kinkiness in
seeking out hairy-legged tweed-clad bluestockings for amorous play. Has
anyone ever noticed that the female columnists for The Guardian never make
the effort to run a comb through their hair, let alone actually prepare
properly to look professional, let alone glamorous, when they have their
photos taken for their column heads? I imagine they probably do on dates in
their gardening clothes.
Actually I feel kind of sorry for guys like Clegg’s Liberal Lord, because
I think they are probably very unhappy people and very conflicted about sex.
Perhaps too shy and too worried about public image to hire a hooker, and yet
only able to approach peer group females when under the influence of
alcohol, and then very clumsily, although, having said that, perhaps he was
not so far out of line in following British conventions on courtship.
Savile, too, was a dog, but was he really a happy dog, one has to ask?
His sex life seems to have been incredibly furtive, and imagine never being
able to take a partner on holiday or to a family occasion, or anywhere in
public due to one’s notoriety.
When young I was far too shy and proper to ever ask “You up for a shag,
then”, and I wonder how effective it would have been. I guess that in
whatever social circles you move, it is the making of the approach that is
more important than the subtlety of the approach. If the woman in question
harbours some kind of lustful feeling for the questioner, the form of the
approach may not matter much, and if she doesn’t then no time is wasted
unnecessarily. So there is a certain amount of truth in faint heart never
won fair lady, but as Anna points out, you have to be sure that both
sides understand the rules of the game.
February 25, 2013 at 11:39
I’m still left wondering why now? As far as I can get it, the chances are
it comes from Sarah Teather and probably Simon Hughes. I guess it’s also the
perfect storm of sex pest allegations what with some Cardinal asking for a
dutch oven noshing from some priests (although I assume he was just a Bishop
then – surely there’s a joke in there Mrs) and now this Rennard fellow, too
cheap to hire a hooker, too clumsy to appear chivalrous. One of these
‘allegations’ is that he put his hand on a woman’s knee 3 times in a late
night boozer – well, ffs, really, did he then whip his knob out and say ‘fancy
a chipolata my lovely?’ Hmm…. if anything – although in complete agreement
that women are the new oracles, but if anything this slew of allegations, this
aggregation of DLT’s ‘how much do your tits weigh – whey hey’ with the Saville
allegations of paedo action, just kind of diminishes the genuine cases of
pestery. And ffs, asking a priest to nosh you off and then blabbing about it
20 years later just before conclave seems, well, fucking churlish,
February 25, 2013 at 12:57
Whoops – having just read the allegations about the Cardinal – it’s not
that funny. Mae maxima etc
February 25, 2013 at
You found what the allegations are? I far as I can see, Keith O’Brian
was inappropriately inappropriate with some trainee priests. It would be
funny to discover that he was challenging them to a game of cards on the
Sabbath or something.
February 25, 2013 at 11:29
Looking at Lord Rennard, I must admit to a measure of surprise that the
alleged targets of his attentions were actually post-pubescent females –
that’s almost normal by Lib-Dem standards.
As ever, it’s the cover-up which will hurt the most, but they never seem to
learn – so any ‘lessons’ from the promised clutch of long-grass-kicking
inquiries will not be learned this time either.
25, 2013 at 11:25
” Are there really not the words in your vocabulary to put him in his
place, make him feel about yea high, deliver a stinging rebuke that no one
else hears? Women’s Lib was supposed to empower women, not turn them into
helpless wimps.”
You’d think for budding politicians, there would be.
February 25, 2013 at 11:24
For some unfathomable reasons I can’t stop thinking of the Salem witch
February 25, 2013 at 10:39
A Woman, (must be obeyed), Labour MP, Lilian Greenwood, was in there last
night on BBC Radio 4′s Westminster Hour demanding that an
independent enquiry be held, rather than let the LibDems do it
for themselves.
Apparently there are ‘lessons to be learned’.
I’m waiting for the first ‘independent’ enquiry to come up with
‘sustainable lessons to be learned’. Can’t be long now.
February 25, 2013 at 10:29
A few years ago a young lady narrated a tale of unwanted attention at an
well know Essex night club where one would be beau was overly persistent.
During a rare quiet moment she asked in the presence of his friends if he
thought that he was God’s gift to women. His reply was positive and very much
in the local vernacular to which she replied, “I think that you are God’s gift
– to toilet roll manufacturers!” For some odd reason he did not bother her
further …