‘Thackerism’™ and the ‘Long March’.
Rudi Dutschke coined the phrase ‘Der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen’ – ‘The Long Walk through the Institutions’ to describe his desired outcome of governmental institutions being infiltrated by those who shared his belief in Marxism and would be in a position to influence future generations; eventually you would end up with a society where all ‘thought’ was uniformly Marxist.
Joyce Thacker is surely the virtual love child of this ideology. There has been universal condemnation of her department’s decision to remove three young children from a loving foster home on the grounds that their parent’s membership of UKIP – ‘a racist’ organisation according to Joyce – was incompatible with their cultural needs as ‘EU migrants’. It is inconceivable that these children might have been removed from their foster home on the grounds of their foster parent’s membership of the Labour Party – a Labour party which enthusiastically supported the carpet bombing of large areas of Europe. I’m tempted to ask why these children are in need of a foster home – did someone bomb their parents off the face of this earth? Are we to believe that the children’s cultural needs are better catered for in a household whose adults are in favour of wiping their fellow Europeans off the face of the earth, than merely limiting their access to UK taxpayers funds?
‘Tis a curious world to be sure, that we geriatrics inhabit, as we watch the Long March of Marxism through our present environment. Instead of the seaside cottage and roses round the door that our parents worked towards, we await the ‘Liverpool Pathway’. Not for us the rewards of pension funds that soared in value; we are a ‘burden on the young’. We watch in amazement as those who spoke “inappropriately” to an under age girl 40 years ago are pilloried in the media as paedophiles, while those who buggered an under age boy have been thoughtfully pardoned in advance of exposure by a retrospective change in the law. We hear that under age girls who have had sex with Muslim men are making ‘lifestyle choices’, whilst those under age girls who had sex with white celebrities are ‘victims of an appalling attack’.
We listen to a government sanctioning and promoting contraception and abortions to 12 year old girls, whilst condemning the sale of ‘inappropriately revealing’ clothing to those same 12 year olds. We see children who can confidently tell you the date that Buddhism started, or the finer tenets of the Koran but are struck dumb when asked why we celebrate Christmas Day. We hear nothing of the children of Muslim families where male members have been convicted of paedophile attacks, yet our newspapers are full of information as to how a man who failed to ‘grab the tits’ of an under age girl 40 years ago is prevented from having contact with his own children until the long arm of the law finally unwinds.
We read of think tanks set up by Gordon Brown to instill ‘ethics into banking’ – under investigation after substantial sums went ethically missing – and Lord Mandelson appointed head of ‘ethical banking’ at Lazards. Of MPs refusing to give us details of the way in which they have managed to circumnavigate the controls they grudgingly agreed to install after their financial chicanery was revealed. Of celebrities who insist that the press should only be allowed to publish that which their press agent has released. And MPs who believe that they should control what the press is allowed to print.
In fact the only consistently sensible thing I have heard in the past few days came from Jamie Blandford. Yes, that Jamie Blandford, the drug addled, inbred son of aristocracy.
“This country is bent, that’s what the ordinary people think. […] I’m not the only one that’s politically p—– off.”.
There is something wonderfully surreal realising that the only person with the courage to speak the truth in public is the formerly disgraced drug addict son of aristocracy, whilst standing waiting for ‘our glorious leader’, the Prime Minister, to arrive and formally open – his new toilet block!
Meanwhile the queue outside UKIPs office in Rotherham continues to grow, 50 new members signed up on the first day I hear. Seems the good citizens of Rotherham prefer a little straight talking to Thackerism.
Now if UKIP signed up Jamie Blandford as parliamentary candidate for Whitney, I reckon they could be onto a sure fire winner….I’ll go and campaign for him.
December 1, 2012 at 13:56
The takes on the Rotherham case have been so vested with interests it says
a lot about the state of the country in general. It is virtually ungovernable,
leaving the state apparatchik with the upper hand in our lives.
The Sun newspaper (on line) has had a ‘ now you see and then you don’t’
approach when it posted a view/comment following ‘Rotherham social services’
news; which was not its normal line on the Child Protection System. It has
deftly removed it after The Guardian newspaper gave another version with
details about the case yesterday.
Normal approach: see this poor girl’s cry for help from the Sun: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/deidre/teenworries/4307373/Deidre-Teen-Worries-Im-worried-I-might-be-taken-into-care.html)
This is my search which shows the article, (brought to attention on John
Hemming MP’s blog site), listed yet removed now to The Sun readership.:
The on line blog site run by some social workers and their non managerial
counterparts in health, called Not So Big Society, has been so enraged with
views taken about Rotherham, by those that challenge their own ‘take’ or
approaches to social services, that they now have to all intensive purposes
banned those who take an ‘anti social services/ workers’ view point or query
their approach- very democratic politics.
Yes indeed the these people who are our jail keepers run the social care
system and they do not like to be shouted down, yet are ready to shut the rest
of us down when we expose a corrupt system which is more control than
November 28, 2012 at 10:19
I know someone, in a northern English town very similar to Rotherham, who
attended a meeting with social workers present. The town must remain anonymous
out of deference to the honest people there; the dishonest ones I am not so
sure about.
Anyway, the meeting was over the future of a young person aged about 18 or
so with learning difficulties (I must emphasise there was not the slightest
suggestion of any untoward sexual behaviour as this was about educational
choices) and it proceeded as smoothly as these things can. Then one of the
social workers dropped a bombshell. This worker said openly that the young
person lived in a house where the parents regularly attended church, and that
it was necessary to get the young person away from their influence.
This is an astonishing statement: that the social worker is left-wing
(being paid from the tax-enforced public purse is as good a qualification for
tyrannical thinking as any) is a given. You might also think, and I could not
argue, that out of a sense of loyalty to their doctrine the ‘worker’ had to
tread a well worn path of disrupting lives that needed no disruption. The task
of the comfortably neurotic social worker elite appears to be to judge and
qualify people’s lives on their behalf. But even allowing for that it is
astonishing that church-going is labelled as a bad thing.
While it would be hard to imagine a child being removed from a family that
attended anything other than a Christian place of worship (sorry, all you
girls who have suffered genital mutilation at the hands of your faith-loving
family who practise barbaric acts purely for ‘understandable’ cultural
reasons) you can see why what in some places passes for ‘normal’ or ‘expected’
behaviour is all wrong for the left. You get the feeling that there is a
pre-determined order of the acceptable and unacceptable to the socialists.
Thus it would seem cases for these social workers are based less on what is
good for the struggling or troubled person and more on what is approved and
can be ‘corrected.’
Having a person in the home of Christian church-goers can be duly
‘corrected.’ Just as having foster parents who want Britain to be independent
of European membership is just cause for the removal of children who by all
accounts were happy enough. Bizarrely, these parents were living the
‘multi-culti’ dream and breaking down barriers of ethnicity by doing the right
thing, irrespective of creed, colour or origin.
But it wasn’t the left thing, and that will never do.
Of course, the evils of Thackerism will never rise to the same level as
Thatcherism in the eyes of the left, but the philosophy of hate and disruption
continues run strongly though their veins. Yet the curious thing is that one
day this wonderful new world the left champions so eagerly — one in which all
nations can make their home in these islands — will turn round and bite the
fervent multi-culti promoters. But that is another story that we can look
forward to.
PS: I had a brief conversation with one person who alleged that the
children were removed from this couple because of ‘an emergency’ but when I
asked what that ‘emergency’ was he switched deftly to saying the courts had
approved Rotherham council’s action, so it must be okay. Thereby hangs another
tail: if the state can so easily get a judgement in court then the left’s
judgement of what is acceptable and what is not is adorned with a stamp of
Disturbing times indeed.
November 28, 2012 at 09:45
Not sure if the odious Thacker does irony but I had to smile (as an
alternative to weeping in frustration) when, on the same day that the
Rotherham debacle was being aired on TV news, there was shown a striking
example of UKIP’s evil racism as the news cameras followed one Winston
McKenzie, the UKIP parliamentary candidate, around Croydon North.
For was not Winston born in Jamaica, and is he not singularly black?
November 28, 2012 at 06:58
Sorry, I forgot to add that all of the lies should have been apparent to
The Prosecution before he was ever even charged. And for all I know they
November 28, 2012 at 09:57
In the late 1960s and early 70s I worked in a public service in
Lancashire (when Lancashire included much of Manchester, including
Rochdale). It was common talk, even among the lower echelons, that Smith was
a kiddy fiddler and, not only that, but there were files which were under
lock and key.
The reason I say this is to raise the question why, if it was ‘common
knowledge’, are the Liberals/Liberal Democrats now able to say that they
never heard anything about it? When Clegg was eulogising Smith on his death
why did no one whisper ‘take care here’. And if Clegg didn’t know, he should
November 28, 2012 at 10:34
@ Talwin
The legal case against Cyril Smith was referred to in “Private Eye”
back in the Seventies so has always been in the public realm. Insofar as
your *kiddy fiddler* terminology is concerned, Barry Fitton says he was 15
and the statements at the time were from men aged between 19 and 24.
Furthermore, so far as I can tell, the “allegations” seem primarily to
refer to the application of corporal punishment – rather than sexual
activity. Some Rochdale councillor has chimed in too: “Rossendale
councillor Alan Neal said that at the age of 11 he was hit by the
politician at a hostel for boys.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-20337495
Presumably someone somewhere might also be able to confirm if Barry
Fitton was even at the school at the time. He’s said to be 66 now, so
would have been 15 in 1961 – the earliest date of the eight allegations
mentioned from 1970. But Barry says he complained in 1979, by which time
he would have been 33 and could not have formed part of the 1970 police
Fitton’s story sounds quite bizarrre:
“AS far as I can remember
Cyril Smith just turned up at my house one day and said: ‘Would you like
to come to this hostel, it will be better than your home life’. This was
in front of my mother. He said we’ll give you all the food and everything,
and it sounded good. So I said Yes.”
Greater Manchester Police have said they are now investigating events –
but only those after 1974, when they took over policing for that area (ie
they will NOT investigate the actual allegations that have led them to
pronounce their *verdict*).
November 27, 2012 at 23:05
I’m perfectly prepared to believe that Cyril Smith was a pederast. It’s
been a rumour for almost as long as I have been a sentient being. But it would
have been nice to have a slight nod by the police to the idea of innocent
until proven guilty. They could just have said that the CPS would today have
prosecuted, and left it at that. (Mind you the CPS last reviewed the files in
1998, so what’s changed?) Instead we have a statement that he was definitely
guilty. It almost makes you afraid to dies doesn’t it?
November 28, 2012 at 06:55
Not so very long ago, within the last three or four years, a Catholic
Priest was put on Trial in Australia for sexually abusing two teenage boys.
Slam Dunk, you might have thought. Both boys were more than adequately
proved, in Court, to be lying. The Priest was Acquitted. But the misery he
suffered was awful.
November 28, 2012 at 09:57
For the modern day version of ‘investigation’ by the powers that be
read- witch hunt. We are in the dark ages and we should be very afraid as
not only our personal being is threatened but our mental health. Is it a
wonder that the figures for those suffering mental ill health are too high
and growing? A government committed to insanity no doubt.
November 27, 2012 at 19:08
a Labour party which enthusiastically supported the carpet bombing of large
areas of Europe.
I’m not at all sure that is right, Anna. We had a coalition govenment of
‘national unity’.I know Sir Stafford Cripps used to complain about AVM
Harris’s campaign. Mind you Bomber Harris referred to the said minister as Sir
Stifford Crapps so there was little love lost between them!
November 27, 2012 at 23:35
@ Ancient + Tattered Airman @
I took Ms Raccoon to be making a NATO
asked to review any targets in Montenegro, a small republic of Yugoslavia
that had remained democratic and was trying to stay out of the war. Blair
wanted a veto over all targets to be struck by B-52 bombers taking off from
British soil. And all three leaders wanted to review targets that might
cause high casualties or affect a large number of civilians, such as the
electrical grid, telephone system and buildings in downtown Belgrade.”
November 27, 2012 at 18:40
Here we go again –
Sir Cyril Smith was a sex abuser of boys in the
late 1960s, police have accepted.
The news comes as the Crown Prosecution
Service admitted he should have been charged with the crimes more than 40
years ago.
In a statement, Greater Manchester Police said the boys “were
victims of physical and sexual abuse” by the late Rochdale MP.
Sir Cyril
was never charged despite investigations in 1970, 1998, and 1999.
A file
compiled by Lancashire Constabulary in 1970, contained allegations made by
eight men that they had been subjected to indecent assaults by Sir Cyril, when
they were teenagers.
DPP Norman Skelhorn wrote to the Chief Constable
of Lancashire on 19 March 1970, stating: “I do not consider that if
proceedings for indecent assault were to be taken against Smith, there would
be a reasonable prospect of conviction.”\\
November 27, 2012 at 19:29
Quite. The media and the witch hunters are in their element again. I
wonder how many will appreciate that the ‘now’ situation means the
completely unfair process in which the courts can bring a guilt verdict
purely on the number of accusers no matter how flakey. And thumbs down to
GMP for following in the irresponsible footsteps of the Met and pronouncing
guilt even without the trial.
November 27, 2012 at 23:06
The CPS statement:
legal barrier to prosecution in 1998 has since been relaxed and the
approach demonstrated in 1970 has now long been one rejected by the entire
criminal justice system which can be seen through not only a change in
attitude, but a change in the law on corroboration in the Criminal Justice
and Public Order Act 1994. “
November 27, 2012 at 17:32
Posted at ‘Racoon Arms’.
Having identified, indeed TM’d, ‘Thackerism’ in the loony-left long-march
thru Brit institutions via the Liverpool Pathway to supposed Marxism.
Ms Racoon should not overlook the obvious overarching
raving-Right/Wrong-uns ThatcheRight/wrong(‘TM’) Fraud Market motorway via
Murdoch to today’s UK Tabloid Terrorism!
November 27, 2012 at 15:54
Hello Anna (if you will permit me to use your first name without having
corresponded before)
I chanced upon you blog whilst making some enquiries
into the Jimmy Savile affair since it was of interest to me from various
perspectives not least of all why he was such an influential figure. Pleased I
found your blog because it contains lots of interesting articles but apart
from that you have commendable literary skills worth reading not just for
content alone
Not sure any comment I may pass is of great value but you
might find it worthwhile within the context of the interests about which you
write to look at the works of a Political Philosopher James Burnham and some
of his followers. Wikipaedia is enough to give you his central thesis of the
Managerial Society and if your interest is sparked by what you read a bit more
easy research on the web will give you his broader thesis. I believe his
thesis propounded 50 years ago is spot on in predicting and analysing present
day England and the way its moved and moving although some of his specific
predictions were rather adrift —George Orwell is thought to have drawn on his
thesis and whilst it can’t be claimed we are in 1984 I don’t think it aberrant
to claim we do live in a Society as predicted to some very large extent by
Burnham and certainly I view the article above as being an example of the
antics of the (middle) Managerial Society.
Thanks once again for your blog
and I hope my suggestion proves of interest and if not sorry for troubling
Kind Regards
November 27, 2012 at
Yes Stephen. Thanks for the Burnham reference. I think we’ve all seen
first hand the parasitic scourge of Managerialism. Highly prevalent in UK
public institutions. Endemic in the corporate world. Just taken a big hit
this side of the water as corporations shed purely administrative roles and
restructure. Needs a good purge from time to time, or like any parasite left
unchecked, it can and will kill the host organism.
I think the rot set in during the early 90′s with the corporate mania for
‘compliance’ and the rise of HR.
November 27, 2012 at 12:53
I think you are right. I don’t mind being old. My generation survived a War
during which we rarely got to eat too much. This means that a large number of
us are not only incredibly healthy but also as tough as old boots. I did also
get out of England some time ago, which leads me to suspect that I ain’t half
daft either.
I am genuinely sad to see what is happening to the land of my
birth, but the rot started a very long time ago. And it wasn’t Racism from
Brits in general. Most of us were quite happy to see them. My Dad said that
London Transport would never have survived without our black brethren, and my
Dad was a bit of a working class bigot, so not among the most tolerant of
Nope, the rot started when some of our own kind began to demand
more for immigrants than Brits would ever be given. And so racism and
political correctness began, and ordinary people began to resent it. The old
joke about being a one legged black lesbian, one parent family with six
children, all by different fathers, was in fact, far too close to the truth.
But people like me were afraid to say so because it was Racist, and a
Am I Racist? I never used to be, but now I don’t know any more.
November 27, 2012 at 11:59
So pleased you could weave Jamie Blandford into this tale. I was delighted
to read recently he had been accepted back into the fold albeit with the tight
controls of trustees.
I remember around 35 years ago when i was employed on
a new magazine and I and the editor met up with the proposed new motoring
correspondent : Blandford who only that week had been banned from driving for
12 months.
It’s never been better time to be old. I think.
November 27, 2012 at 09:14
The removal of fostered children from the foster parents on the grounds
that they (the foster parents) are members of a perfecly lawful political
party is one of the most sinister developments in recent times. As for the
institutions that goven our country – and in that respect I refer to
government big and small, the banks, the judiciary and big business? It is
becoming increasingly clear that we have a situation in which the values of
the majority are despised by the few who manage to appoint themselves to
power. Think, for example of Dave CaMoron’s “Hug a hoody” speech. A perfect
perspective from the back of your hunter in Oxfordshire or safety of your
limo; not so appropriate if, like one of our occassional contributors, you
have just been smashed in the face by some youn thug in search of someone
else’s cash.
It is not even a cultural disconnect. It is what call the
inversion of values.
Oh Woe, Britain! We have been here before in the 6th
Century, and the abyss yawns again!
(*Dramatic pose*)
November 27, 2012 at 09:45
@ The removal of fostered children from the foster parents on the grounds
that they (the foster parents) are members of a perfectly lawful political
party is one of the most sinister developments in recent times. @
It’s nothing brand new though, just an extension of these authorities
having the ability to impose their corporate beliefs upon society at large,
backed up by Law:
And it’s probably less sinister than all those children in Scotland, in
the Nineties, who were taken off their own parents, by the Social Services
intent on preventing “Satanic Abuse”.
November 27, 2012 at 00:43
What price Ms. Thacker: ‘…Rotherham’s Sour Faced Stasi Leader’ is out of a
job by this time next week?
November 27, 2012 at 08:27
But that didn’t do Sharon Shoesmith any financial harm, did it ?
November 27, 2012 at 00:09
I’m not normally into conspiracies.
I’ve always thought that we have
enough capacity for badness and foolishness, self included, without
But I’m well aware of how aggressive some management training
courses can be, I’ve seen a man cry, can’t forget it.
So is there anything
in the CP network thing that can be supported with first hand knowledge, or
acceptable evidence?
Someone that’s done one of the the courses or has
co-workers that have?
Just asking.
November 26, 2012 at 20:44
Ultimately, I don’t think the ‘Long Walk through the Institutions’ will
work. Not in Britain, anyway. They do become slowly engrained, and equally
slowly noticed; first by those directly affected, then by such as the
blogosphere, and ultimately by the general population. At first, it seems like
a few loonies, and is generally shrugged off – management will stamp it out.
Later, it begins to dawn that management IS the problem. Then, they get cocky
and do something so daft that they shoot themselves in the foot – the
Thacker/UKIP episode being a case in point. That won’t be enough to sort the
problem on it’s own (though it has given Michael Gove a good excuse to look at
the whole business of fostering. However, it does reinforce the view that
social workers are a bunch of idealogical, blinkered lefties, and next time
they transgress in some way, it will be far harder to bamboozle an already
suspicious general public.
I’m also not convinced that such methods really work. Take the EU as an
example – a classic Left-leaning (bordering on Marxist) set-up if ever there
was one. The BBC are for it. Most of the mainstream press – with one or two
exceptions – are for it. The main political parties are broadly for it. Yet
despite all this, the pesky public won’t be persuaded; indeed, they’re getting
somewhat restive about the whole thing. Another example is education; a deeply
entrenched lefty education establishment has killed itself by (basically)
making a real old mess of educating people. Now, Michael Gove (I’m not in his
pay, honest) is sweeping the whole lot away, and there’s not a damn thing the
lefties can do about it, because what is replacing their failed
micro-controlling is so patently obviously more fit for purpose.
It’ll be an ongoing battle for some time yet, but ultimately it’ll fail
because we are a cussed and bloody-minded people who like the freedom to do
our own thing, and don’t take kindly to little Hitlers.
Thacker take note. Then kindly shove off .
November 26, 2012 at 21:47
I hope you are right but the country has changed so much I wonder. I
never thought England would accept the very unfair devolution settlement but
they did, I never thought they would accept the total outlawing of smoking
in public places but they did and so many more infringements on our freedom,
choice and Government interfering with private businesses. I have been
waiting ‘for the poeple of England to speak’ and I think it looks like a
long wait. No longer worried for myself but I do wonder what kind of country
my grandchildren will live in.
November 26, 2012 at 22:15
I’m not sure we know who ‘the people of England’ are any more, the
country has become so unrecognisable in many places and in so many ways.
Once corruption in town halls and public institutions would have not even
been on the radar, now it is an everyday occurance, covered up by lies and
deceit by not a minority. There are good people, but they get swallowed up
or demoralised. I do not think anyone of us ‘oldies’ 50 years ago would
have imagined the country would become what it is today. How many would
have had children if we had had a crystal ball I wonder?
November 27, 2012 at 09:30
Edna- my observation of local council activities is one of an abuse
of the rules in a manner that is unlawful but not illegal; to achieve
‘we know best’ aims rather than personal gain. In partnership with and
housetrained by big business and it’s resources, S106 lawful bribery, PR
management, independent(?) technical assessments paid for by the
developer, what hope is there?
Secrecy, the introduction of the
Cabinet system into local government, obscure councilspeak, sham
cosultations and local apathy allow this to happen.
I have taken on
and had a win of sorts against my local planners, but it is difficult
and slow. The reality is that even if a council decision is reached
improperly, it still stands.
November 28, 2012 at 10:30
It is is not just that you had children all those years ago, but it
is what lies in wait for their children. Each generation has its
problems but there has been an almost lemming-like rush to the cliff
edge of self-destruction over the past thirty years, even if those
pushing from the back hope they reach the cliff-edge last and there’s a
soft landing awaiting them.
It may well be that we are in some peculiar end-times where the
barbarians are now firmly inside the gates and what passed for
reasonable and proper behaviour once has been severely eroded. Yet, for
all the pronouncements of making a new society we seem to be overseeing
a form of an old and decayed society where fences are trampled down and
barriers willingly removed to facilitate a new ‘dark age.’
November 28, 2012 at
The Decline and Fall of The British Empire. But there is still a
way to go, I fear, although not all that much from what I am
November 26, 2012 at 19:57
Dear Anna
Why, oh why, do I (repeatedly) start off reading what you
write and hating it line by line, and at the end find I agree with what you
November 26, 2012 at 19:53
@Span Ows. Given the migrant make-up of the area, my money would be on
Slovaks. Probably of the ‘Roma’ variety.
November 26, 2012 at 19:39
A curious thing, but the British Association of Social Workers came out
with a response to the Rotherham issue on its website- sort of concerned about
the issue as given by Thacker response. Today they removed their response !!!
Are they worried about having to ‘eat their hats’ and give a bad reputation to
social work? Seems they are well able to represent the ‘social circus’ mob,
as, like the MSM, they act in haste without enough fact… so it goes on..
November 26, 2012 at 19:27
Great post, again.
Although Cynical Observer has probably hit the nail on the head re which
the winning party is likely to be, can I safely predict turnout at the
by-election this week will be above the norm?
btw, were the children of Polish ethnicity?
November 26, 2012 at 19:16
Excellent. Keep it up.
November 26, 2012 at 18:55
Yet another insightful posting. Thanks Anna.
November 26, 2012 at 16:31
This week’s by-election in Rotherham will be even more fascinating now. It
is reasonable to assume that the small clan of Tory voters there will see many
defections to UKIP, along with many honest Labour voters in a kicking-response
to their previous criminal MP, MacShane. Labour may have believed its usual
auto-pilot voters there would still perform, but Respect will now hoover up
many of the ethnic postal-voters (15%) from Labour. Lib-Dem votes are always
irrelevant, the few in the area will be smeared across the piece but their
deposit is at severe risk, with consequent embarrassment.
The only potential winner out of this is UKIP – if all those conditions
above apply and on a low November turnout, it is not impossible for Farage’s
candidate to claim the seat, which would really set the cat amongst the
pigoens. Both ‘Cast-Iron’ Dave and Ed Millipede would publicly blame it solely
on the topical child-stealing issue in an attempt to avoid acknowledging the
growing anti-EU sentiment but, deep down, they’ll all be crapping themselves,
especially Dave, for the 2014 Euro Elections, then the 2015 general election.
Bring it on.
(If any fellow-imbibers in the Raccoon Snug have the opportunity to vote in
the Rotherham ballot, please use it to do all you can to embarrass the major
parties – they need it up ‘em.)
November 26, 2012 at
“We see children who can confidently tell you the date that Buddhism
started, or the finer tenets of the Koran but are struck dumb when asked why
we celebrate Christmas Day.”
Not to mention the Lord’s Prayer. Oh boy, I can recognise that part, Anna.
Great article, bang on the money.
November 26, 2012 at 14:19
If we really have now reached the point where all thought is purely Marxist
then there wouldn’t be any outrage. This story was even on the
ultra-Marxist-infiltrated BBC’s news web site.
Or are the media reports a clever double-think strategy to hoodwink the
naive into thinking that we have a relatively plural system?
November 26, 2012 at 16:01
Thats because all the beeboids heard was “Thacker, Thacker, Thacker, out
out out” and were instantly transported to the halcyon days of the 80′s and
could relive their hate of all things “thacker….”
Till someone pointed out its wasn’t a nuanced mis-pronunciation by a
group of Eaton edukated leftards, but was actually one of their own about to
be defrocked… and by then it was to late to do the usual “nothing to see
here” buried on the pack pages of the news portal, or given a brief mention
on the 4am slot on news24.
Once this, and the fact that CP were again involved (Amazing how such a
tin foil hatters dream could actually be true) they then decided to link
UKIP with the BNP so as to force a denial by Farrage, but by inference “he
would say that wouldn’t he?”
And even the, usually quite funny… but not so much the past few weeks as
its about Dirty Uncle Beeb, HIGNFY was on full DM scourge (again) with, the
again usually quite funny and scathing, Hislop, giving jolly jape against
the existence of CP as being nothing more than a “tin hatters” article by
the afore mentioned DM; which is quite funny because they mention it so much
it must actually help towards increasing its circulation, LoL.
November 26, 2012 at 17:52
@ they then decided to link UKIP with the BNP @
Radio Five did a “discussion” on this matter last evening and they were
a little “outraged” that membership of a legal political party should be
deemed to turn people into improper parents, but as the discussion
proceeded and the UKIP man was clearly in the moral ascendancy, the
comparison was then lobbed in that if they had been BNP voters, then….
maybe…….. and the UKIP man pretty much did get sucked in.
What might be ironic is that if these kiddies come from Eastern Europe,
then there’s a distinct possibility that their actual parents were
possibly a lot more “to the right” than the UKIP fosterers from the UK
could ever dream of……
November 26, 2012 at 14:18
Ahem, no ‘h’ Anna – Witney please.
Other than that – nice piece!
November 26, 2012 at 14:23
Following my previous comment I realize that I have confused my
Witney/Whitney – there was I thinking you had found a way we could get rid
of our present MP…..
November 26, 2012 at 14:02
pressed strange buttons; should read:
Maybe this gentleman realised that it is the duty of the prime minster of
this country to ‘flush out’ all the crap that had been building up for some
November 26, 2012 at 14:01
“formerly disgraced drug addict son of aristocracy, whilst standing waiting
for ‘our glorious leader’, the Prime Minister, to arrive and formally open –
his new toilet block!”
Maybe this gentleman realised that it is the duty of the prime minster of
this country to ‘flush out’ all the crap that had been building up for
November 26, 2012 at 13:58
“There has been universal condemnation of her department’s decision to
remove three young children from a loving foster home on the grounds that
their parent’s membership of UKIP”
If only that were true.
November 26, 2012 at 13:06
Trouble is the UKIP mushrooms just don’t check who they are voting for…
November 26, 2012 at 12:54
Great post Anna !!!!!!!
November 26, 2012 at 12:51
Labour, the Russian doll party.
Doll No 1.
The public face of a
slightly left of centre social democratic party.(A grinning Tony
Doll No 2.
The party that got into bed with believe it or not
the very “capitalist forces of evil” socialists so deride.(Mandelson,
Oligarcs, Bankers).
Doll No 3.
The party that created common purpose
place “persons” to infiltrate the bodies and media sections of government.(to
enact the destabilisation of our way of life).
Doll No 4.
The useful
idiots who riot.(Created by welfare dependency or distorted views formed by
poor education, envy, pushed by agent provocateurs).
Doll No 5.
Frankfurt school way of thinking, we all know about that do we not?
Doll No
The pseudo intellectualism infecting the sciences and arts, driving very
distorted views of social interaction amongst the population as a whole, I
believe this to be the root of the problem.
November 26, 2012 at 12:56
Doll No 7
The ConLibDem Pact
November 26, 2012 at 13:04
I agree.
No 8 anyone?
November 26, 2012 at 13:44
Doll #6 is my personal bete noir – post normal science and post normal
November 28, 2012 at 22:04
Here is an e-Petition calling for an inquiry into Common Purpose: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/42381
November 26, 2012 at 12:26
@ Given that Tories are allegedly all paedophiles, who’s left? @
The Liberals……………
….. boom-boom
November 26, 2012 at 12:19
@ Are we to believe that the children’s cultural needs are better catered
for in a household whose adults are in favour of wiping their fellow Europeans
off the face of the earth @
Given that Tories are allegedly all paedophiles, who’s left?
November 26, 2012 at 12:13
Was that Whitney – on – Wye or the curiously named Whitney Bottom in
Somerset ?
Those of us willing to help need to know .
November 26, 2012 at 12:08
Gosh, just come across you. Where have you been all my life? Keep up the
good work.
November 26, 2012 at 12:57
Welcomed, Jonathan Elms. You don’t know what you have been missing.
Fortunately, most of it is frightfully politically incorrect.
November 26, 2012 at 20:39
Welcome to the Snug.
Did you see the sign on the wall that newcomers
are expected to buy a round for all the regulars ? In your own time…..
November 26, 2012 at 12:07
How did they become aware that the foster parents were members of UKIP?
November 26, 2012 at 12:03
“‘Der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen’”
Gramsci, originally, I gather, says this pedant. Mr. Miliband D is a big
fan of the boy Gramsci.
26, 2012 at 12:03
I said much the same here: http://brackenworld.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/on-rotherham-councils-decision-to.html