Parish Notice.

Would you care to vote on some changes to the site?
I had been wondering how convenient it was for you all to have the ‘recent comments’ and ‘recent posts’ section at the bottom of the page?
I personally am so long in the tooth that I have an aversion to blogs cluttered with side bars and ‘how important am I’ badges and flashing lights and Twitter feeds; it takes me twice as long to focus my eyes on the actual blog post and read it. (Quite apart form being a one eyed old bat these days…) However, I realised that I was imposing my own personal viewing desires on all of you – and I am the one person not condemned to read the comments in that manner – backstage, I get them all in one tidy column! (Magically enlarged so that I can savour the full flavour of the insults…)
I would love to have a rolling blogroll as those on Blogger do, showing the latest posts – but having tried and discarded every RSS version supposedly available for this platform, I have given up. There doesn’t seem much point in just having a static version of ‘Blogs I read’. I much prefer to give good writers the ability to write the occasional blog post on here by way of promoting them.
So this is just a matter of restoring one side bar (no, I dont know how to do it yet, but I shall figure it if necessary) and putting ‘recent comments’ and ‘recent posts’ in it.
September 24, 2012 at 21:36
Perhaps another log or two on the fire in the snug; otherwise, the Raccoon
Arms is just fine as it is.
September 24, 2012 at 14:50
Glad to see common sense prevailing in the online poll…
September 24, 2012 at 14:10
Test of new editong pluggin.
September 24, 2012 at 14:08
Damn! Editing after submit is also valid. I missed the apostrophe after
September 24, 2012 at 14:07
Anna, please leave as is, although I would concede David Duffs point about
increasing page size without losing main contenet.
September 24, 2012 at 12:52
current layout is good – love the clean appearance and no flashy bits.
Being able to go back and corretc mi typos woudl be go though
September 24, 2012 at 12:20
I’m with the majority who could be bothered to comment. Content is all and
any changes might make me more confused than I already am.
September 24, 2012 at 08:49
Do we come here for the ‘content’ or the ‘bling’ ? I suspect we’re mostly
‘content’ folk, so keeping the content clear and free from extraneous and
distracting interference is a lesson which many other blogs would benefit from
learning here.
If any additional utilities assist the management of the site and thus
enable Anna to spend a little less time on active hosting-duties, then that’s
OK, but as rogerh says above, KISS.
September 24, 2012 at 08:22
Two questions?
a.) Have you done a “Management of Change” course?
Have you read “Who Moved My Cheese?”?
If the answer to either ofthese is no, then I am afraid that current
Ministry of Blog (MoB) rules cannot allow any change to proceed!
September 24, 2012 at 08:00
I like it the way it is, especially the way a comment can generate its own
thread. I would have voted but that would have required an insult, infuriating
(at times) yes, stupid, no.
September 24, 2012 at 07:14
I like it exactly as it is. Please don’t get into asking people, they don’t
really know – look what happened to ‘focus groups’.
Remember instead KISS (keep it simple – stoopid).
September 24, 2012 at 04:30
dear ms. anna racoon, i read you and gildas every time i browse the blogs
and it is fine just as it is. leave it the way it is. Not broken so do not
fixxit fine as is just sayin. raymond barfoot ps hello to all as i am in
united states of america birmingham alabama
September 24, 2012 at 08:52
Hello Alabama!
September 23, 2012 at 23:02
Anna, the only change I would like to see would be the ability to edit a
comment after I’ve clicked ‘submit’ because it is only then that I see the
mistakes I’ve made.
Also I didn’t fill in the poll because I know you are not a stupid old
woman even if the site is best left as it is.
September 23, 2012 at 22:06
It ain’t broke:- so please don’t fix it…
September 23, 2012 at 21:48
I’m quite happy with things as they are but I do quite like Subrosa’s blog
roll which appears to be a dynamic listing of what is happening in the
blogosphere rather than a static list with blogs in alphabetic/preferred
23, 2012 at 21:09
It’s great as it is Anna. Clean and uncluttered by ‘stuff’, especially
flashing ‘stuff’, is good. You possibly could usefully make the text a little
September 23, 2012 at 20:37
I like the content of the site a lot and find it very easy to navigate.
September 23, 2012 at 20:20
You are a mind-reader as well as your other talents. Please, please, put in
a side bar because that would allow me to increase the font size without
having to slide the page backwards and forwards sideways in order to read it.
Either that, or perhaps you could enlarge your font size. Either way, one pair
of tired old eyes would be very grateful. And side bars do not have to be an
irritation, it depends on what you put in them.
And whilst we’re on the subject of your page design, perhaps you could put
in a faint shade as background to cut down on the glare – and whilst you’re at
it, you could also get rid of those hideous symbols on the side of people’s
Oh dear, have I become too bossy? Well, you did ask . . .!
September 23, 2012 at 20:17
I like it as it is, but then I am not very good at change.
September 23, 2012 at 19:40
Change not a jot or tittle. Pretty please.
September 23, 2012 at 19:17
I would suspect, judging from the sensible comments to your essays, that
most of your visitors are over fifty (feel free to object ladies), and the
first thing we do after bringing the site up is the essential ctrl++ to get
the content to a comfortable font size. So perhaps one of those font
increase/decrease buttons near the masthead? And because we do that, a narrow
side-bar for recent comments usually ends up a jumbled disjointed mess. So I
vote NO I really like your present layout.
If being informed about replies
to three week-old comments is an issue then perhaps we need to acquaint
ourselves with the “Notify me of follow-up comments” checkbox below the submit
September 23, 2012 at 18:51
Just leave things exactly as they are please Anna. I just love your
trenchant and witty posts (and the responses!)
September 24, 2012 at 09:00
Yes, I’m also OK with things as they are. Unless you can think of a
significant visual advantage, I’d leave it alone as it is working. I can
think of dozens of things which have been wrecked by improvement; for
example, the Honda Civic. The ability to preview comments would be very
handy for checking layout, codes, etc, or at least a way to edit them
afterwards, but it’s not major deal.
September 23, 2012 at 18:30
If there is anything that could be done to improve nearly every blog that I
frequent Anna, it would be the facility for a careless git like me to be able
to edit after posting.
September 23, 2012 at 21:14
GOOD point, because my typos are awful and I always spot them later
September 24, 2012 at 11:29
I agree re edit facility, not only for typos but to remedy hastily
posted, ill-judged comments which, thereafter, leave one feeling an arse
(not literally of course.)
September 24, 2012 at 19:27
Ah yes, the curse of laptops. I too have had horible selpingmitsakes and
notice them immmediately after hiting sumtwit.
On the other hand, the regulars are a lovely lot who hardly ever hold it
against a person and do that cheap shot thing of playing the grammar and
spelling rather than the arument/
September 23, 2012 at 18:19
I like the site as it is. I noticed your” share this” bit not having
noticed it before so I thought I shall share back. Until recently I too lived
in France in La Creuse a department of the Limousin where the food is not so
gourmet but pleasant never the less; where grapes are not grown and there are
no termites as it rains too much. The area is known as the lake district of
France however every lake and there are many of them are hand made. Currently
I am residing in Canada the French speaking part for how long that I do not
know. The food here is not so great and the weather is weird and wine, though
great that and alcohol costs an arm and a leg. I am sure you did not want to
know that and couldn’t give a rats a**** so if that’s the case my apologies
for cluttering up your comments column.