Reverse Cultural Imperialism

Yesterday, nine “Asian” men were convicted of conspiracy and rape of under age girls in Rochdale and Oldham. It is no surprise to me or anyone else who lives where I live.
I live in a dreary, post industrial East Lancashire town. I grew up here. It is a world as far away from “iDave” and the Oxfordshire set or “Milibland” and “Utter Balls” as it is impossible to imagine. It is “multiculturalism” in action. That is to say there are white ghettos where the white underclass live, and “Asian” (really Pakistani) ghettos where the Pakistanis and Bangladeshi’s live.
There are no Indian or Chinese ghettos because they are largely middle class and have all become Consultants and Solicitors (a slight exaggeration but you take my point).
It is no news to the inhabitants of this town that this has been going on. In fact this is about the third such trial that I have heard about (and that is heard about, because the Powers that Be are very sensitive about letting such matters into the public domain).
But there is another side to this. Here is a link to an interview with the father of one of the victims of rape, broadcast on Radio Five Live’s Drive programme yesterday. The interview is just after the 5.00 pm news. The gentleman is clearly a free thinking radically liberal parent, intent on allowing his daughter to explore her own self, and confront important issues such as alcohol and smoking in her own way.
For those of you who are unable to access it for copyright reasons or because it has “expired”, let me quote directly from her wise and trusting father about what happened to her daughter:
“What happened was…she would go to the kebab shop with the other girl. They [the men] would be friendly, they would sit they would chat. They’d give them free food, they’d give them free beer, free cigarettes. All of this seemed fine….They would give them lifts…”
No, it is not. It is not OK to let your teenage daughter hand out in kebab shops with much older men who give her “free” food and ply her with “free” alcohol and cigarettes and give her “lifts,” you moron, it is a dereliction of your parental duties. You deserve prison almost as much as these rapists.
On another front, there have been plenty of voices keen to distinguish the crime from race and culture. The Police, for example, insist race was not an element of the case.
It is an open secret that Pakistani Muslim men target stupid, feckless white teenage girls.
There is a significant problem amongst some sections of working class Muslim men of Pakistani and in this case Afghan background. Most of the men involved in these crimes were married with children. These men, however, look at these young white girls as unclean from the start. They are “Kafir”, non-Muslim, and thus of no account anyway. The fact that they can be bribed or pressured in sex with the aid of booze and cigarettes (and in plain terms raped) just proves the point.
This case represents in a wider sense an act of priapic cultural victory by an immigrant community over the white underclass, which is doomed.
Well done, Britain. Thanks a lot.
May 14, 2012 at 13:37
Are the powers-that-think-they-be totally ignorant of the seeds they have
sown in our land with their policy of mass immigration of people? Have they
learned nothing from the plight of the Native Americans, who provide a
template for our own destruction? It may be that the answers are ‘no’ and
‘yes’, and the process is deliberate. Mass immigration does not lead to
integration – it is an invasion which leads to ghettos which grow into
colonies which become Little Pakistan and Little India and Little Somewhere
Else, while the indigenous population is squeezed out of their traditional
homelands until they have only ghettos. Immigrant (currently minorities) are
accorded grotesque privileges under the law as evidenced by the behaviour of
those involved who are paid to prosecute crimes and protect children.
Now only white people can be racist, and only white men can be
Imagine how this would have played in the media had the races of victims
and perpetrators been reversed (heaven forbid that they ever should).
Winston Smith
May 12, 2012 at 11:59
Does this remind anybody of any historical precedent, were an out of touch
elite were arguing about irrelevncies while the world was changing about
May 12, 2012 at 19:31
Well, you still have the Household cavalry, and I’m pretty damn sure
camoron has a morning suit and top-hat -I’m sure you will be OK.
Please don’t call the Canadians next time we went way over budget on the
Libyan foo-forah that camoron and sarkozy started and could not finish.
Remind me who benefitted from that exercise in bringing “democracy” to
Africa, why yes it was the rapers and gay-killers. Hoorah for camoron.
May 12, 2012 at 08:30
Well boys and girls, some very lucid posts and most of the obvious flaws in
our current leftie inspired multi-culti fuck up appear to have been identified
Its time to float the options for an incentivised re-patriation programme
aimed at the muslim community. Obviously something where those opting for
early repatriation get the best deals on state housing repurchase,
continuation of welfare benefits in country of origin etc.
Those not opting
for the package face a sharply reducing benefit package and ramped up
eligibility requirements.
May 12, 2012 at 01:46
A father in the home is rarity enough, but one who tries to preserve his
daughter’s integrity with timely advice is going to be called ‘controlling’
and accused of ‘abuse’. He is ‘imposing’ his ‘judgemental’ views in a ‘sexist’
way. That is part of the same destructive feminist syndrome of “My body: I can
do what I want”. It is less a ‘liberal’ issue than a cultural marxist
underthrow of society via feminism.
May 11, 2012 at 20:43
The world is not a pleasant place but it is made more unpleasant when we
try to justify people fucking children against their will, charging others to
fuck said children, beating, gang raping, threatening and drugging children in
order to prostitute them all over the north east.
The world is made more unpleasant when the police decide that offending the
families and friends of perverts is more important than protecting children
that the state has already decided that it was going to protect by placing
them in care.
I cannot think of a single time in the past when excuses were made and
about culture, when justification for child abuse was made by so many.
I also cannot remember when so many perverts and paedophiles were located
in such close proximity and operating openly amongst a community that accepts
the behaviour.
It was at least 50 girls in this group, upto 5 – 10 men per night for some
of them, nearly a decade.
Do the maths. How many Pakistani men in the Rochdale area have not been
involved would be a better question.
Also for those with information on the childrens homes in the Area. Ask
yourselves. The very efficient specific targeting of girls with history of
drug/sexual abuse and mental health issues could be facilitated by gaining
information from others with access to the Risk Assessment File.
This was an industry and a lot of money was made, upto £200 per time was
being charged. This is not the past time of a poor pakistani farmer. These
people are not poor nor backward.
And finally this was a Race and Religion crime.
As for the reasons the community accepts it. We do not follow Sharia.
Therefore this is the “House of War, Dar Al Harb” Our children are the
children of the enemy infidels and the laws are very specific. They are to be
taken in slavery and taken as War booty.
No Muslim girl could be used in this way as that is against the rules for
May 12, 2012 at 05:44
Thank you 2Mac.
The only thing left unsaid – should a relative of one of the unfortunate
girls stage a protest outside one of the houses of the accused and burn or
piss on a Koran denouncing its contents as being accesory to these crimes
then you can be assured of a mass response from the filth policing these
ghettos for the benefit of the perverts.
Meanwhile, “reasoned responses” seem to be in vogue, therefore the
problems will escalate.
May 10, 2012 at 20:43
The definition of a racial offrence is one which is perceived to be racist
by the victim or any other person. The offenders where Pakistani (and one
Afghan). The victims were white females. There were no Pakistani (or Afghan)
females amongst the victims. There were no white offenders. This is a racist
incident. Many of the local Police officers know that the offences are
racially motivated. It is only the high ranking members of ACPO, looking for
their knighthoods, QPMs (if not already awarded) and future careers who state
there is no racial element. One wonders if a group of white males had
‘cultivated’ a group of Pakistani women in similar circumstances would also be
offered the same level of offence? AQnyone who has had dealings with the
Pakistani community (and I have, over many years) knows that, while taking as
many benefits as possible, view this country as beneath their contempt and any
actions they take can only be to the better of this society (in their
May 11, 2012 at 14:14
It seems to me that ACPO, CPS and the state bureaucracies agree with Lee
Jasper – only white people can be racist…
I’ll leave it to you to spot the oxymoron….
May 10, 2012 at 20:17
If race wasn’t a factor, why were there no Pakistani girls amongst the
abused ?
10, 2012 at 18:25
From Accrington I can confirm what this contrtibutor says. The Asians I
know are as appalled as most white people and very keen to insist the ‘perps’
of such crimes are from villages in remote rural areas.
Turning a blind eye to the fact that such men regard white women as trash
because we do not insist our wives and daughters cover their hair, arms and
legs in public and never go out alone is criminal negligence on the part of
our rulers, the courts and law enforcement agencies.
That the Heywood Nine are not a one off case is an indictment of
multiculturalism and political correctness which should have parents rioting
in the streets. It’s time we woke up. If we do not, things are going to get
very nasty on the streets.
May 10, 2012 at 14:30
It sounds Racist to me, and Classist, although no doubt opposite situations
also exist. The problem is in pretending that it isn’t. Who dares to express
such opinions these days? That’s what really pisses me off.
May 10, 2012 at 10:17
The Police and The liberal left agree that this is not a racial issue – but
consider how these men will be treated.
They will be kept in a comfortable
prison environment with consideration for the religious sensibilities,
education and three Halal meals a day.
They will be protected from other
prisoners who might feel they would like to exact some revenge on them and
then they will be released at the earliest available opportunity, like every
other prisoner.
Contrast this with how a group of British men who might be
foolish to pursue their despicable behaviour in Islamabad abusing young Muslim
girls – I am pretty sure that once caught they would not even make it as far
as a trial.
It horrifies me that the immigration policies that have been
imposed on us for the last decade or so seem to be turning me into what I
would once have considered a racist – I am the son of an immigrant, but this
is no longer the country that I grew up in and the bending over backward to
accommodate the sensitivities of people who have no intention of integrating
with us is simply unacceptable
May 10, 2012 at 13:17
May 10, 2012 at 15:00
I’ll bet they’ll be given access to goats as well
May 10, 2012 at 18:01
“They will be protected from other prisoners who might feel they would
like to exact some revenge on them”
You maybe significantly over-estimating the ability of the state to
affect this or indeed, the willingness of rank and file prison officers to
do so.
May 10, 2012 at 09:30
The background to these cases (of which there are a silent many) is a
combination of culture and opportunism.
In the home culture of those Pakistani men, there are virtually no
opportunities for extra-marital sexual activities, and even their marital ones
are with someone chosen by the family, whom they may find quite unattractive.
Single girls of that culture do not engage in pre-marital sex, as that brings
shame on the family and compromises their marriageability, so the potential
supply of partners is limited.
But it is also the case that the behaviour of sons is always beyond
reproach, the family working on the principle that sons represent the family’s
future and, so long as they are not bringing public shame on it, the family
will condone pretty much whatever a son chooses to do.
In Britain, these men then find themselves in a culture where young women
are generally available for extra-marital sex, albeit young women from other
origins. They also find themselves inhabiting ghettos, shared by their own
group alongside only the more disadvantaged of the indigenous population,
those with lower parenting skills or children already in forms of care. This
creates the opportunity – the men have the resources to attract the girls, the
young and troubled girls have no established boundaries to encourage
This is not about creating an excuse – there is no excuse for the
‘institutionalised child abuse’ which these groups are perpetrating. Any man
with any reasonable set of values, from whatever race or culture, should
recognise the deep wrongness of it. Equally, any Police force or local
authority should recognise it and act upon it with fearless vigour.
The real scandal is that so many individuals and authorities have known of
this for a decade or more, yet have done nothing to address it. So-called
‘community leaders’ will never address it because turning a blind-eye to men’s
misdeeds is their cultural norm, and who elected them anyway ?
We require the Law to be colour-blind, race-blind and culture-blind – there
should be no avoidance simply because the authorities are scared of any
backlash from the target group – if that target troup is breaking the law,
then it should be charged without fear or favour.
I write as one with some very close friends from the Pakistani-Muslim
culture – needless to say, their families do not participate in these
activities but, by discussing with them the ‘operating systems’ of their
original culture, it is easy to understand how many others with different
personal values could take advantage of the opportunities available.
It would be unfair to tar a whole culture with this ugly brush, but the sad
truth it that, far from being a tiny minority, there is a substantial iceberg
here, just waiting to be revealed and measured. Whether our authorites have
the stomach for it remains to be seen.
May 10, 2012 at 10:55
@Mudplugger. Yours is possibly one of the most intelligent and reasoned
responses I have read so far on these unfolding nightmares.
May 10, 2012 at 10:59
May 10, 2012 at 11:49
+ another one. That is indeed a considered, reasonable and balanced
May 10, 2012 at 12:13
Mudplugger is off the mark.
The ‘reasons why’ these men did what they did is not the point at
The main point is WHY the police and CPS have been going soft on the
whole issue of brown men committing unspeakable crimes.
So, on the whole, whether or his comments are ‘considered’,
‘reasonable’, ‘balanced’ or not is completely immaterial. Saying that
‘people have to be understood’ is horse-shit.
At the end of the day there’s no point to rationalise what they did –
the bottom line is this, “………bad fuckers do bad things because they’re bad
The scandal is that the British criminal justice system, and the wishy
washy BBC and newspaper media have been appalling.
May 10, 2012 at 15:02
“The scandal is that the British criminal justice system, and the
wishy washy BBC and newspaper media have been appalling.”
True words spoken by the Architect
May 10, 2012 at 18:43
If you believe Ann Cryer, the former Labour MP for Keighley, the
sweeping under the carpet has been going on for a long time:
“Ten years ago I was dealing with cases like this in my area, but
Greater Manchester police say they knew nothing about it.”
May 10, 2012 at 14:55
I concur with Mudplugger’s very thoughtful response. These things don’t
often happen in a vacuum: there are various cultural and social factors
which come to play. This doesn’t by any stretch of the imagination mitigate
the evil they’ve done – and for which they must answer. But this episode
also highlights the moral indifference of our political masters and the
institutions which serve them..
May 10,
2012 at 15:52
“In the home culture of those Pakistani men, there are virtually no
opportunities for extra-marital sexual activities,”
But enough for this
charity to be needed.
May 10, 2012 at 16:18
“It would be unfair to tar a whole culture with this ugly brush…….”
But that’s precisely what MP Keith Vaz did, when in denial, he
said “no particular race or religion” tended to be involved. He wanted to
blame “Asians” in general.
May 10, 2012 at 09:08
I strongly suspect the police/CPS wanted to dodge the investigation at
first, hoping it woul all “go away”
May 10, 2012 at 08:52
A more than slight tangent, but immigration and porous borders are an issue
alongside the multiculturalism fiasco.
Listening to the story of the failures of our border controls, I was struck
by the comparison with the private sector. Could you imagine your local
supermarket getting the staff or the stock in at the wrong time? For
The border control people even work in the same building as the airlines
and have timetables, yet needed ministerial involvement to get on with the
OK what do I know, but it isn’t the minister that’s paid to run things.
May 10, 2012 at 08:50
I do not understand why in this case the police are allowed to define
whether or not it is a racial incident. Following the Stephen Lawrence case my
understanding was the police were not to be trusted to make this assessment
and it was passed to the victim to decide whether or not the crime was
racially motivated.
I suspect I am being naive and the above only applies to non white victims
of crime.
May 10, 2012 at 18:38
Well ask the white girls who was beaten up by four drunken Somali girls
shouting “Die white bitch”
The judge in that case said that it wasn’t a racist motivated/aggravated
incident; the attackers simply weren’t used to alcohol and then gave them
suspended sentences.
Compare that to the berk on the Croydon tram who was remanded in custody
over Christmas before even seeing a judge…
May 10,
2012 at 07:32
Let’s not forget that many of these girls were said to be ‘in care’, a
twisted concept almost as linguistically incompetent as the term ‘Asian’…
May 10, 2012 at 07:17
Compare and contrast with the Stephen Lawrence case, enquiry on top of
enquiry, fundamental change to the whole basis of UK law, root and branch
purging of the Metropolitan Police, self-flagellation of the liberal elite and
still it goes on. Yet, in the end just one unfortunate teenager knifed in the
street, not the first and sadly won’t be the last.
Here again the police appear to have been slow to react, to the point of
ignoring the crime. Finally when it goes to trial the MSM conspire in a news
blackout. Now it is public there is much hand-wringing from the liberal elite.
“More research is needed”, to “prove” that what has been going on hasn’t. Pity
that some brave muslims have been ashamed enough to spoil their game.
Still, it only affects ‘white trash’ and since when did our champagne
marxists care about them?
May 10, 2012 at 10:21
This does seem to be the nub of the matter. It’s quite possible for
Black, White, Asian, European, Christian, Muslim or any other ‘label’ (or
combination thereof) to be racist in thought, speech or deed; it is equally
possible for the above to be not racist. Until this basic truth is
acknowledged by all, we cannot have a sensible, balanced debate about
resolving problems.
One of the problems that has to be addressed is the assumption by some
followers of one religion that others who do not adhere to that religion are
of no account. Others may disagree, but I feel that that is racist in
itself, and therefore part of the problem. It needs to be discussed openly
and properly by all with responsibility in politics and the media, and not
ignored to become a weapon of the extremist.
May 10, 2012 at 07:14
“The Police, for example, insist race was not an element of the case…”
Which rather offers the question: Why, as these men were not arrested four
years previously “for reasons of cultural sensitivity”, is race/religion not
an issue here?
I heard a senior (SNORK!) plod confirm the latter point after the
convictions were announced. I understand that there is a vacancy in Port
Stanley for a traffic warden. I think he should apply, if he speaks
“Well done, Britain. Thanks a lot.”
My pleasure, but really nothing I
voted for. This has been, as you say, brewing up for some time and I for one
am sickened by a) the events, b) the excuses being made by the limp-wristed
twitterati and c) the hopeless naivite of the victim groups (and their
May 10, 2012 at 06:29
A nonce is a nonce……….whether he’s white, black, brown, pink or green.
These f*****rs deserve everything that’s coming to them.