Schuman Day

Schuman Day? What’s that? It’s another name for Europe Day. It’s a day when the creation of the European Union is observed throughout the continent. Well at least that’s what Wikipedia’s page about it says.
However as typical throughout Europe, they manage to mess up even the designation of a single day to “celebrate” the start of the union. Some countries celebrate it on the 5th of May which is the day when the Council of Europe was founded. Others celebrate it on the 9th which is Schuman Day, or the day when Robert Schuman (yes he’s very famous as he’s the founding father of the EU) decided to set up a supranational community of European countries. An excuse for the 9th being the used is because it coincides with V Day. No not VE day, just V Day. The day when WWII ended for the Soviet Union. But then the rest of Europe celebrates VE day on the 8th. Says it all really that the birth of the EU should be linked with one of the key dates of a socialist country.
To confuse things even more and to have an excuse for yet another money wasting “project” there is even a EU flag day. And no, it’s not in May. It’s in September, on the 29th.
Anyway, don’t bother – you’ve missed it. Just be glad that you did. I hope you didn’t see anyone celebrating like the people in the photo above.
May 9, 2012 at 17:13 -
Hilarious – nice one.
All the commissars and gauleiters can celebrate together.
We need a revolution. I want the heads of Van Rompuy, Barosso, Verhofstadt and that beardy German twat on fucking poles (not Poles)……..preferably with my hands holding them.
The people of Europe are being shat on……….it’s time for action.
May 9, 2012 at 17:16
May 9, 2012 at 17:36 -
Instead of a celebration there should be a funeral procession, symbolising our general disgust with all things European. What a mess we have got involved with! Boo!! Celebrate?? My @&$£!
May 9, 2012 at 18:22 -
Well, now I know. Not a composition I was wondering about but definitely in need of finishing.
May 9, 2012 at 19:00 -
The German Instrument of Surrender which effected the final military end of WW2 in Europe was to take effect at 2301 Central European Time on 8 May 1945. CET is GMT + 1 hour. In Britain Double Summertime, ie GMT + 2 hours had been in place since 1940 so 2301 CET = 2201 GMT = 0001 BDST. So VE-Day in Britain began technically at 0001 BDST 9 May 1945.
But as Churchill made a radio speech at 3 pm on 8 May announcing that the unconditional surrender later that day, that was good enough for the celebrations to begin.
May 9, 2012 at 22:27 -
People in Brussels don’t mind. It’s just additional days off. On top of all of the other ones, including ALL Catholic holidays and the end of WWI of course.
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