Occupy Bye Bye

They’ve gone.
However, judging by the words of ‘Andy’, paraphrased from the Today Programme, they still don’t get it:
“I think it’s sad that people of good mind and good heart are not allowed to protest at the state of the world in a peaceful manner.”
For one last time.
No one has prevented anyone protesting.
A semi-permanent camp is not a protest; it is a semi-permanent camp.
In fact everyone has bent over backwards and licked (as opposed to clicked) their heels for you.
There won’t be any agreement on those though, as the hallmark of the Anticuts movement in all its expressions has been targeted lawbreaking done so as to make enforcement difficult.
I’d say that the removal should have been done under ‘obstruction’ or an equivalent after 7 days, and that that would have left everyone – and especially the Occupy protestors – with a far better reputation.
The Court of King Caractacus has just … passed … by.
Until the travelling bandwagon stops somewhere else, and the glass-jawed companies allowing themselves to be intimidated by 2 men and their megaphones start to get up off their bottoms and defend their interests.
Photo credit: Daily Telegraph.
February 28, 2012 at 08:21 -
They’ve set up a min-village of 3 tents on parkland in Liverpool City centre and the authorities are ‘considering’ the next step….clear them out now as otherwise it will become entrenched and we’ll be hearing their constant whines of losing their homes!
February 28, 2012 at 11:46 -
Is this an urban regeneration scheme?
February 28, 2012 at 09:00 -
The encampment of the Dreadlocked Idle and beansprout-eating bongo-bashers and their dogs has also been served notice in Nottingham by the local authorities. From the vox pop on East Midlands Today, reactions from Joe Public are mixed. The fragrance from that assembly would be a powerful emetic…
February 28, 2012 at 09:13 -
“Until the travelling bandwagon stops somewhere else, and the glass-jawed companies allowing themselves to be intimated by 2 men and their megaphones start to get up off their bottoms and defend their interests.”
All helped and promoted by a media which generally does not bother to question the “Occupy” group’s motives or ideas or show them up to be a waste of space. This Telegraph article linked to is the exception, but even then they give publicity to a very small group. We are definitely controlled by a tyranny of the minority. The 1% is the occupy movement. 99% would rather just get on with day to day living, finding and doing work, enjoying their leisure time, etc.
February 28, 2012 at 10:48 -
Maybe the idiot hurling the bottle (and scoring a direct hit) on the ITV cameraman will change the minds of the media?
February 28, 2012 at 11:51 -
Its funny this Bottle throwing thing– I watched this documentary on first aiders at a pop festival and loads of people were throwing bottles– some full.
I used to watch rock concerts in the 70′s and 80′s and this never happened.
Imagine the sort of row there would be if football fans started throwing bottles around at matches.
The Beeb would cardiac with the amount of handwringing they would do-
February 29, 2012 at 20:23 -
And they would they not be bottles full of piss?? Probably would not want to waste beer!!
February 28, 2012 at 11:44 -
Why do the meeja never comment on the prolific and beautifully printed poster that are proudly branded as having been printed by the ‘Socialist Workers’ Party” a political movement that has the aim of overthrowing the democratic government of the UK in favour of a Marxist state ? Or would that be undemocratic ?
February 28, 2012 at 16:13 -
The law, in its majesty allows both rich and poor alike to starve.
February 28, 2012 at 17:01 -
The companies who have pulled away from this scheme are behaving pefectly rationally. It is not their job to sell or defend a government policy. In the face of terrible PR, they will protect their name and reputation. Unfortunately any company, especially large and successful ones, who stand up for themselves are instantaneously howled down by far more than just this lot. No-one believes big business anymore. Is this good for us? No. But it is what it is and Government ministers are not doing themselves any favours complaing about it in the press. Maybe I missed it, but I didn’t exactly see a wave of ministers counteracting the rubbish spouted by these muppets.
February 28, 2012 at 17:34 -
Sod the occupy lot. Just a bunch of self entitled losers whining that the magic money tree is a bit lean at the moment.
Adam Corolla nails it:
February 28, 2012 at 18:48 -
I believe after the “tents” were removed the site had to be washed down with disinfectant and insecticide.
February 28, 2012 at 20:05 -
Weird beards. There are very serious issues about the “morality” and indeed competence with which the financial sector is run. These are not the people to make a coherent case. Self indulgent, feckess, lacking intellectual rigour or moral courage.
February 28, 2012 at 21:44 -
It is now deemed a criminal offence for a houseowner to walk into his/her house on return from holiday if a gang has moved in to “squat” in his/her absence and changed the locks.
And you wonder about the “occupy” movement getting away with it? -
February 28, 2012 at 22:53 -
It’s not the megaphones but the cameras that bother companies.
Occupy did rather well in the drive to make the public put up with noxious people. In their own way more effective in the long term than the trade unions of yore.
After all – is there anything that you all won’t tollerate these days? -
February 29, 2012 at 00:42 -
I read on the BBC that a load of them pushed off to the school site north of the Barbican, but that was also cleared later the same day.
On the article about that, which for some reason didn’t allow comments, the writer said that it was something of an own goal because it belonged to a social housing group wanting to build “affordable housing”.
Yes – and no. They did want to build housing, but twice as much “market housing” as social housing.
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