A miss is as good as a mile for Calamity Kenny.
![Post image for A miss is as good as a mile for Calamity Kenny.](/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/steven-purcell-image-1-451173668.jpg)
Labour’s publicity sous-chef, Kenny Young, expert on all matters Glaswegian, must be whistling softly through his teeth this morning. A narrow escape.
A scant few hours before the thinned ranks of the faithful turned up in Castlerigg to hear their beloved ‘tipped to be a future leader’ Miliband expound on his theory of denuding the country of the ‘have and the have nots’ – another Labour ‘tipped to be a future leader’ was being hauled away in ignominy to spend the night in Stewart Street Police Station.
In the early hours of this morning, just 500 yards from Miliband’s speech venue today, that rising star of transparency, fairness, and equality for all, Steven Purcell, was celebrating the news he would not face charges over claims of cronyism and drug abuse. The Crown Office announced on January 20 there was “insufficient evidence of criminality at this time” in Purcell’s case and “no further action is currently appropriate”.
Being the ‘misunderstood’ soul that he is, Steven celebrated this with 50 friends at the expensive Lorne Hotel in Glasgow’s West End. The night ended, as it often does with Steven, with an ‘emotional speech’ where he claimed to be a drama queen. He then left to continue the celebrations with an unnamed man in his bachelor flat. Things got out of hand, and by 5.30am, both men were claiming to have been assaulted. Neither man needed hospital attention, despite an ambulance being called.
At 7.30 this morning he was wandering ‘tired and with sunken eyes’, like the ghost of Glasgow past, towards the scene of Miliband’s hoped for triumph today.
The politician, who left his wife and came out as gay in 2006, quit his council post in March 2010.
He checked into a rehab clinic, then went to Australia and Ireland, where he admitted in an interview to taking cocaine and having a serious booze problem.
January 31, 2012 at 10:04
No surprise we are hearing so little about this in Scotland. The BBC
Glasgow, Labour Party in West Scotland, major MSM Journalists are in an
incestuous relationship.
Today’s main news we are getting from BBC Scotland is that Northern Irish
may start killing themselves again if Scots become independent & Tommy
Sheridan has been released from Jail and being a criminal he supports
January 31, 2012 at 08:17
the labour council may have got its head down since Mr Snort and Sniff
above got himself bagged but glasgow is still one of the most corrupt councils
in the UK.
January 30, 2012 at 23:57
See next time when you rip off copy from newspaper websites and re-write in
a sneery and knowing manner, pretending it’s you own work? Well, at least copy
correctly. The incidents you refer to happened on Saturday night into Sunday
morning. The photo you refer to with the “tired and sunken eyes” description
was taken by the Daily Record (whose words you stole) at 7.30pm Sunday, not
AM, which was when Purcell left the police station. The Lorne Hotel is two
miles from where Miliband was. Thank god for bloggers eh
January 31, 2012 at 00:13
So in your version Purcell didn’t do anything then? He’s a perfectly
normal law-abiding citizen?
Nope. A few minor inaccuracies do not invalidate the facts – Purcell was
arrested after a night on the razzle celebrating a very, very lucky escape
from the claws of justice……….as scum-bag politicos often do.
Nope. A few minor inaccuracies do not invalidate the fact that Purcell
brings shame on Scottish politics…………not an easy task given the extent of
Scottish Labour’s crimes and calumnies, and individuals’ thick skins.
January 31, 2012 at 07:01
January 31, 2012 at 07:05
A coke snorting corrupt ex politician got arrested – that’s not in
dispute, so maybe you should tone down the snearing yourself.
January 30, 2012 at 22:47
There is no Castlerigg in Glasgow. Perhaps you mean Candleriggs, seeing as
Millipede was at the City Halls – often called the Merchant City now that
Goldbergs is no more. I know the Lorne hotel – more famous for its singles
club and Irish band weekends in my youth than for being pricey ( its only 3
stars I think ) – I didnt know it had reopened. But theres no place I know
called Castlerigg. I d say the Lorne was about 1 1/2 miles from the City
Halls. Factual errors of this magnitude have me wondering if it is the Times
Im reading.
January 30, 2012 at 19:32
Lorne Hotel?
Not where I’d choose to go for a pint. Not just ex politocos that hang out
January 30, 2012 at 11:53
It all speaks for itself, doesn’t it? Sic transit gloria mundi.