Occupy Fashion #occupylsx

Occupy Fashion, New York Style (Source)
… and in London:
(*) It’s worth a note that American Apparel are the subject of protests themselves for – for example – running “Best Bottom” contests.
November 8, 2011 at 17:25 -
A photo op is a photo op. Hang the politics.
November 8, 2011 at 17:41 -
This is -and it’s not difficult, but these twits are summa cum laude quality – a strong starter in the Twit of the Year competition.
November 8, 2011 at 17:44 -
Sorry: should have added that I really fancy her boy friend. If only I lived closer to NY (like Anna, I live in France).
November 8, 2011 at 17:53 -
Majoring in ‘performance theory’, eh…?
November 8, 2011 at 18:27 -
Performance of what, or whom, I wonder…..
November 8, 2011 at 19:09 -
What struck me about the caption was that she’s 30! Another lifelong student, probably living off her parents, or the state, at an age when realistic people have been employed for 8 years, paying back the grant support that provided their education. If she’s really the 99%, we’re all fucked.
November 8, 2011 at 19:43 -
The 99% are those thick-necked Texans who disproportionately form the armed services and are currently getting their bits shot off in various places. The 99% are the black service personnel pushing all those brooms and flipping all those burgers and washing up at the back of Starbucks.
The 99% are the soccer moms making whoppie pies for fundraisers and driving, driving, driving, delivering the children to myriad after-school clubs. The 99% are the blokes driving trucks across the USA building houses and teaching chemistry in Hicksville Highschool. The 99% are keeping the hospitals open, the electricity on, and the Internet functioning. The 99% are feeding animals in zoos and on farms. The 99% are driving tractors.The 99% are my excellent friend Blue Kraken on Etsy, funding her way through detective college by making jewellery from reclaimed parts of computers and selling them to …..
…the 000.0000o00000001% who are currently camped in London and NY.
November 8, 2011 at 23:33 -
Nice one!
November 9, 2011 at 08:48 -
I think I might borrow that!
November 9, 2011 at 09:00 -
Good job all your decent hardworking friends, so busy struggling to keep their heads above water while their respective economies tank, have someone trying to speak up for them, to try to get fairness and equilibrium back into the system, no matter how ditsy they may appear to be to some.
November 8, 2011 at 19:21 -
The under 25′s a have an excess of youthful exuberance and can be forgiven, the women pictured are 30 year-old, probable trust fund babies studying nothing in particular who have watched too many “sex in the city” episodes. Their whole life is performance art, including the “political expression”.
It is notable that the New York crowd are mostly “students” and “educationalists” their courses are so critical to their future that they deem it worthwhile to meander around outside pretending to do something instead of studying or teaching. When and if they graduate from their self-congratulatory courses their “skills” will be worthless, and daddy will have to find another make-work project for his daughter so he does not have to deal with her.
The London picture is just sad, aimless, poorly dressed people of indeterminate sex having a perpetual tea break. Poverty-stricken John has a pot-belly and a three-quid coffee, he has never done any manual work.
November 8, 2011 at 19:59 -
I see you know your AA Milne!
November 9, 2011 at 10:25 -
These protests remind me of a night out a few months ago.
I was at a bar and there was a group of people together looking very glum, using their mobile phones (texting I assume), and not talking to each other. One stood up saying she wanted some photos for facebook. They all got very animated standing on chairs, raising their drinks, all looking like they were having the party of their lives. After the photos where taken they all sat down in silence playing with the mobile phones again.
It makes we wonder if these “protestors” have such a boring life that the best thing they can post on facebook is “my cat just had a crap” and are just there to sex up their facebook profile for bragging rights. Because they are so clueless about their cause that it makes my cat look like an economics expert.
November 9, 2011 at 19:18 -
‘Woman on a Raft’ is right, but ‘JuliaM ‘ nails it.
November 9, 2011 at 19:24 -
JuliaM – #14
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