Anna Raccoon latest news (Updated)

We’ve heard from the Boss again.
Anna has been back in hospital for a couple of days for a follow-up, and should be back home early next week.
Anna’s tumour taken out a couple of weeks ago has been analysed in Paris, and they are as sure as they can be that they extracted all of it. The tumour was a secondary, which had developed around a primary tumour.
The primary is thought to be a little bit of tissue left behind from an old (very old) operation.
If anyone has Anna’s mobile, calls will be welcome this weekend.
[Update: Sunday 9am – they’ve sent her home again. So good news, and we may hear more later or tomorrow].
Photo Credit: Montclair Vet Hospital.
August 8, 2011 at 08:42
I’m so glad to hear the update. I hope you have a quick and a complete
recovery – and soon get back to regular racoontage!
August 7, 2011 at 17:56
I just wanted to send my love and best wishes to a woman I’ve never met nd
do not know. But the bastard thing that has been removed from you has also
attacked many of my family. So I’m agin it! And for you!
Talking of ‘love’…..
ce qui est cette chose appelée l’amour…or…
What? Is this thing called
What is this thing called, love?…..or….
Just get better. x
August 7, 2011 at 09:48
August 7, 2011 at 06:52
Thanks for the update. All the best to Anna and Mr G.
August 6, 2011 at 22:52
Get well soon…
August 6,
2011 at 22:37
Pink was a man’s colour until sometime in the middle of the C20. I used to
think it was some confusion on my granny’s part when she insisted that When
She Were Young, baby boys were dressed in pink and girls in blue, but I keep
finding more evidence that this was in fact the case.
So, er, there you go. Useless fact.
August 7, 2011 at 08:16
You’ve been watching QI, haven’t you?
August 7, 2011 at 13:14
Pink for boys -it’s true (as surely the saintly Fry wouldn’t make it
Anna, I’m glad the news is positive & hope you are back in charge
soon, to keep the mice in order.
August 6,
2011 at 21:18
Anna, best wishes from everyone at Newgate Tavern; you left the Raccoon
Arms in excellent hands but we’re looking forward to having you back behind
the bar.
August 6, 2011 at
Best wishes from the Geeky one
August 6, 2011 at 19:05
Wonderful news, used both barrels to good effect. Enjoy your
August 6, 2011 at 18:20
Best wishes, boss lady!
August 6, 2011 at 17:58
So they got the primary and the secondary tumours? Those Frenchies
seem to know their surgery. Good for Anna.
A big ‘get well soon’ from here in BC.
August 6, 2011 at 17:40
Very, very best wishes for a permanent recovery.
6, 2011 at 17:26
All the best, Anna. Thinking of you.
August 6, 2011 at 16:56
Best of luck Anna
Get well soon
August 6, 2011 at 16:41
Yes, best wishes, Anna. See you back shortly……
August 6, 2011 at 16:40
Pink? Pink!
Hardly battle hardened. That’s the French for you.
The NHS would have given you a grubby shirt tail ripped from the nearest
drunken reveller in A&E.
Glad to see you on the mend.
August 6, 2011 at 18:02
Saul – The pink’s OK, it’s the fur-matted zebra print towel that’s in
dubious taste! I should know, I’ve got one!
(I’ve just spoken to Mme R. I thought she sounded rather distracted. Our
phonecall was a short one. I’ve subsequently had a call from Mr G and some
light has been shed on why she wasn’t able to give our conversation her full
attention. I have been laughing my head off.
It is not my place to say
more. )
August 6, 2011 at
Very best wishes for an ongoing recovery.
August 6,
2011 at 16:19
Thanks for the update Matt. It is nice to hear that the landlady is doing
so well and I hope to see her fit, healthy and back behind the bar soon.
August 6, 2011 at 15:31
Raccoons have a reputation for being hardy creatures.
It’s good to learn of Anna’s positive progress.