Apocalypse N.O.W.

Tomorrow will be the last edition of the News of the World. It will become a collector’s item, trawled over for years by the conspiracy theorists looking for hidden messages, truths revealed, if you just take the capital letters of the first sentence of alternate pages……
I thought it might be time to dig out this picture from the Utah Chronicle that I first published last year, illustrating the revenge of the sub-editors when management make popular journalists redundant……
I am sure the subs on the News of the World will rise to the challenge and produce some superb examples tomorrow.
July 10, 2011 at 23:04
July 9, 2011 at 19:46
So, farewell then my old friend News of the Screws. I can safely say that
my years as fine wine correspondent must have been some of the best of my
life. I think they must have been anyway, since I was so consistently smashed
I can remember nothing at all about them!
July 9, 2011 at 19:08
Eng joke warning. They’ve been countersunk.
Economics 101. There was a
huge market for it’s stuff so something will take it’s place.
As many
others have said the danger is if politicians bring in French-style privacy
as payback for the publication of their fiddled expenses.
July 9, 2011 at 18:49
July 9, 2011 at 18:44
Word on the Street (of Shame) If the entire paper is cut up and reduced
into its individual letters it can then be re-assembled in the form of the
Book of Revelations. Thus confirming what we have all known for a long long
time, namely that Ed Miliband is the spawn of Beelzebub and a hyena.
On a
lighter note, tweet of the day from Old Holborn: Rupert Murdoch’s Death Star
is now withing range of Wapping (or similar). I shall miss the News of the
July 9, 2011 at 17:11
The majority of the NOW subbies will be a little bit more restrained. At
least those hoping to be re-branded.
July 9,
2011 at 17:02
July 9, 2011 at 16:53
That’s pretty much how James May got fired from a well known car mag. Only
I think the hidden message preceded the sacking, not the other way round.