‘School Dinner’ Money Wanted.
Carol Hill is the school dinner lady who committed the heinous crime of telling the parents – what’s it got to do with them? – of Chloe David that she had been bullied at school. Tsk!
Carol didn’t actually realise that she was imparting privileged information to them, she is old fashioned enough to believe that the school would already have told them. Tsk!
Carol had found 7 year old Chloe bound to a chain-link fence with rope burns on her wrist and whip marks on her legs.
The school had reduced this information to the neutral report that she had been ‘involved in a skipping rope incident’. They were not best pleased to find that Carol Hill had innocently told her parents the full story.
They sacked her.
Last month, after waiting 19 months for justice, an employment tribunal ruled that she had been unfairly sacked.
This week, another tribunal has awarded her the grand sum of £302.73 for the fact that the correct procedures hadn’t been followed.
Had the correct procedures been followed, she should have received £352.81 in pay whilst suspended – but although this was awarded to her, it was then slashed to £49.09 on the grounds that ‘she shared some of the blame’ for having talked to the press.
The nub of the matter is – she lost her job illegally for telling the truth, and now her compensation has been cut to £49.09 for continuing to tell the truth – to the press. Essex County Council after the tribunal hearing on Wednesday said the Headmistress and the governors were ‘delighted that the employment tribunal agreed… Mrs Hill’s actions warranted her dismissal’.
I’m outraged. How dare they gloat at having fired this lady for telling the truth?
This lady earned the princely sum of £6.20 a day – not a fortune, and from what I have been able to find out about her, a sum sorely needed in her household.
The Penguin has asked if my readers would contribute to a fund to support Carol Hill – and I am more than happy to do so. The price of a pint from each of you will go some way towards redressing the injustice that Carol Hill has suffered.
The donate button below goes to a dedicated account for Carol Hill. There will be no deductions – every penny collected will go directly to her, and I’m sure my readers will join me in wishing her well in the future.
(Tomorrow morning this PayPal button will be moving to the side bar, it will still be connected to the dedicated account for Carol Hill).
Edited to add: If anyone is having serious troubles with Paypal, e-mail me on annaraccoon2010@gmail.com and I will give you a bank account number that you can transfer your donation to in England.
It won’t be the dedicated account in France – believe me, you don’t even want to try paying an English cheque into a French bank account – but I can guarantee you that every penny will reach Carol.
February 5, 2011 at 20:55
Won a couple of quid on a lottery (GramscoStaliNazi) scratch card, just
now, so I have sent it to you.
Bugger the fucker statists, for a start.
February 5, 2011 at 10:44
Yup, this normally tight-arsed git donated too.
The story really touched a nerve and seems to exemplify the sheer
wrong-headedness of a post-NuLab society, peopled by echelons of PC drones.
Truly worthy of Lewis Carroll.
February 5, 2011 at 09:52
Great idea and I have made a donation via the PayPal site. This story
really got me annoyed, mind you most things in the UK do these days, but it
was the effect all of this has had on this woman’s life and, no doubt, her
health. The tribunal and the actions of the school head and anyone else
involved have been vindictive and cruel. Bastards the lot of them and I hope
their lives come crashing down around their petty, mean little unimportant
lives soon.
February 5, 2011 at 08:03
Done! Paypal France wants a comma after the stg amount and then TWO ZEROS
for pence, if a whole number of Pounds stg is typed. Othrwise it’s fine.
All these effing GramscoStaliNazis, to whom all our children, it seems,
belong, will have to go. In the end, the only thing that liberals like all of
us will need to decide – and it is really the only important decision to take
– is whether there is actually a place for them on this planet.
Their problem is that, to be a GSN means “never having to say you’re
sorry”. They will never give in, nere apologise and never change: so
forgiveness may not be able to be on the table as an option.
February 4, 2011 at 20:45
Had to make a donation. Good luck to Carol, and may bad things happen to
the scumbags who fired her.
French PayPal is a doddle – took less than 30 seconds. Although the
internet in French is just weird. ‘Connectez-vous’, lol.
February 4, 2011 at 19:54
Anna, excellent proposal but given the comments above, can you just supply
a forwarding address to send cheques to made out to Carol Hill – her local pub
or something!
February 4, 2011 at 18:54
If you can come up with an alternative to PayPal I’ll certainly bung some
dosh in the kitty. I looked into setting up an account with PP previously, but
I’m damned if I will part with all the personal details they want…
And a round of applause to “sixtypoundsaweekcleaner” for making the
suggestion at Pengys.
February 4, 2011 at 20:41
*Takes a bow*
February 4, 2011 at 18:19
Figured out Frog Paypal……. eventually.
I was outraged by this lady’s sacking and the verbal abuse she suffered
right from the very beginning of this farcical situation. Any parent would be
grateful for such honesty and the way she immediately stopped the playground
bullying as soon as she saw it happening……. but not, of course, the Lefty,
Common Purpose teaching establishment!
A tenner is on its way.
February 4, 2011 at 17:50
Once upon a time milkmen noticed when people were ill and dinner ladies
were relied upon to ensure children behaved and were safe, at lunchtime and
playtimes. When did it all go wrong? It’d be easy to blame NuLab, but these
politically-correct, mentally-straitjacketed, humourless oafs were in the
ascendent long before the blessed Tony came down from heaven to save us.
We’re doomed, doomed a tell thee!
February 4, 2011 at 17:46
French paypal mutter, mutter.
Job done, eventually
February 4, 2011 at 17:09
February 4, 2011 at 17:03
Tenner from me, too. I have every sympathy with this lady.
February 4,
2011 at 16:58
Excellent idea! I’ve got a post on this cued up for the weekend myself;
I’ll link to this.
February 4, 2011 at 16:57
Is this a typo?:
“This lady earned the princely sum of £6.20 a day”
February 4, 2011 at 16:52
A Tenner is on it’s way. I hope she has a stiff drink or two.
February 4, 2011 at 16:40
I was going to contribute a fiver – no fortune but every little helps –
because I agree with what you say. But I was defeated by PayPal – en
Had this problem with the Libertarian Party but quickly resolved by their
giving me their BACS sort code and account number. Then no names, addresses,
passwords and endless spam for Paypal, just a quick internet payment.
Can you do likewise?
February 4, 2011 at 15:58
Times are a bit hard here at the Abbey, but hopefully I can be the first to
contribute – assuming I have mastered paypal!
G the M