Poor dumb dog
Most of the main stream media are bleating about some animal cruelty being carried out during the making of a film. The film is about the end of the Zeppelin and includes the dog of a cabaret artist who is opposed to Hitler and played by Hannes Jaenicke.
They say that forcing a dog to raise it’s paw in a Heil Hitler style salute is cruel and demeaning to the animal and that it pays reverence to an evil man.
First off when did an animal learn about cruelty. Secondly when did an animal learn about Adolf Hitler. Thirdly doesn’t sticking a paw out for shaking look like a Heil salute so how can it be cruel to the animal, it’s not doing anything painful.
The whole point of the dog saluting was to demean Hitler and to mock him. That’s why Tor Borg was arrested and questioned about his dog Jackie who did a similar thing during WWII – because the Nazis were concerned about any criticism of their rule seeing it as sedition. In actual fact it was Tor’s wife who nicknamed the dog Adolf because of the way the dog raised his paw.
Germany is still very touchy about anything to do with Hitler, even if it is to mock him. In 2007 a German pensioner was fined for training his dog to raise his paw when told “salute”. Weirdly, the authorities (the same everywhere – no imagination) tried to put the dog down even though the dog was only following orders. This probably explains some of the hoo-hah about the training of the dog.
But if anything this shows that it’s not the dog that is dumb, it’s the animal rights campaigners. Those who put the rights of animals above humans. The story is all about publicity for the German film “Hindenburg” shown on RTL but the politically correct animal rights campaigners fell for it hook line and sinker and trotted out their standard spiel and made themselves look like fools.
February 2, 2011 at 13:14 -
I’m quite in favour of there being far less animal cruelty ( the real sort ) in the world. But sadly, the advocates for it often are such utter fools they make me want to drop-kick a kitten…
February 2, 2011 at 14:04 -
It’s a very tricky issue, no doubt. I am in favour of making gratuitous violence againsat animals illegal, -assuming we can’t have the sort of society my Libertarianism would possibly like ideally – and I have to say I’m behind the RSPCA in most things, including the recent anti-abuse Bills. It’s particularly offended me how cats could be killed with the most terrifying cruelty yet not much be done about it. I won’t even relate the details of certain news reports, they would make any sane, compassionate person seek the nearest seat and tremble in horror.
Yet, by the same token, I’ve heard (Sorry can’t recall exact incident, much obliged if anyone has time to google it) a strange and, I think silly, case of a policeman being harrassed and possibly prosecuted (I don’t know the outcome) for showing the same mercy I’d have liked to, putting a pet out of it’s misery by quickly ending it’s life when it was screaming ands writhing in agony after being -I think- run over? If I ever met that man and it was my pet, I’d buy him a drink, not prosecute. Again, though, the matter is a bit of a minefield.-
February 2, 2011 at 15:27 -
Yup, that was the infamous RSPCA prosecution of a policeman who didn’t feel that letting a horribly-injured cat cling to life for the time it would have taken to locate a vet in the middle of the night was a good idea.
Only one of the reasons the RSPCA will never, ever see a penny of my money, mind…
February 2, 2011 at 20:59 -
Thanks Julia, I think you’re right if I recall correctly.
I can also see your position there about not liking the RSPCA when there is silliness involved like that. I don’t know the finer details, I will admit, but I’ll tell you this for nothing, I’d have done the same and not expected to be prosecuted. Sorry and respects to those that disagree, but I think he did the right thing, in fact if I was the cat and could talk, I’d have begged him to. I don’t quite understand the argument against him. If anyone does, I’d be interested.
(I’m not baiting any silly-buggers to troll me or Anna again, I’m just saying if your argument is logical, I might listen).
February 2, 2011 at 14:13 -
Disagree that Germany is still very touchy about anything to do with Hitler. Take ‘Downfall’ for instance, a superb film and German but also made in Russia for the street scenes as the buildings are historically correct and still in use.
The ones who are touchy about Hitler and WW2 are the Allies … and with good reasons to be. lt was very convienient to blame the Germans for everything and many want to keep it that way. Unfortunately for them it isn’t going to remain like that.
February 2, 2011 at 14:28 -
Apart from the historical facts about the dog and cabaret act … the rest of it is a complete non-story to me.
February 2, 2011 at 17:43 -
We once had a dog who liked to put her paw up for a shake. I don’t think we really trained her to do it, I think she learned that it was family-pleasing behaviour (young children like such tricks so we laughed when she did it) and did it quite readily.
February 2, 2011 at 19:02 -
February 2, 2011 at 22:18 -
[D]rop-kick[ing] a kitten …….
Now there’s a thought. -
February 3, 2011 at 01:25 -
Now then, Now then! (Twiddle cigar rattle jewellery!- Rattle Jewellery!)
I do believe I was about to say summat witty but I’ve been called away.
Goodnight peoples!
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