Empathy, Empathy!
Scientists are a funny old lot. All those hours spent in the laboratory, squinting into microscopes and fiddling about with Petri-dishes must play havoc with their love-lives: why else would they have come up with a hormone spray designed to make them more affectionate?
I kid you not. It’s all down to something called oxytocin, apparently, and if given to a normally surly testosterone-soaked bloke it will turn him into a sweet and sensitive creature who’s more than happy to turn off Match Of The Day and snuggle up and hold hands during a weepy chick-flick.
According to the Daily Wail, “…The Cambridge and German scientists gave 24 healthy men nasal sprays containing oxytocin while 24 others received a placebo. Afterwards the men were shown heart-wrenching photographs including a little girl in tears, a child embracing a cat and a man in mourning, and asked them to describe the level of empathy they felt with those in the pictures. ‘The oxytocin group showed significantly higher emotional empathy levels than those men who had taken the placebo,’ said Dr Rene Hurlemann, of the Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn. In fact, he added, they reached the ‘levels of sensitivity usually found in females’. …”
I don’t want a spray which has Mr Smudd weeping with gratitude every time I let him ferret about in my fleece-lined Liberty Bodice, oh dear me no!
So it’s only a B-minus from me I’m afraid, you scientists; pop off back to your eggy-smelling labs and don’t come out until you’ve discovered something really useful, such as a Flit-gun of chemical to make Mr Smudd grasp that our window frames are totally rotten and need replacing. How about a spray which makes him at last take away the seized cement-mixer that he’s left standing in our garden for over 10 years? Give me a squirt of something to stop him filling the futility-room with chainsaws and oil-filters and handfuls of assorted screws and washers and I might actually let him ferret about in my Liberty Bodice…
Gloria Smudd
April 30, 2010 at 16:46 -
I remember Oxytocin. Thats what they gave me to start my labour off with my first child. How strange that they even tried it on a man!!!
May 1, 2010 at 00:14 -
I realise this thread is a damp squib but I wish to revise my dismissal of the ‘cuddle’ spray. I need a bottle of it right now.
At some time today one of our cats evacuated the contents of his stomach onto what I fondly refer to as the most expensive & brand new bed in the world. An extensive sick-stain has found its way through the Egyptian cotton sheet, through the luxury quilted mattress protector and into at least 7 of the 2,800 independently sprung pockets. And all on ‘his’ side of the bed. ‘He’ is livid with fury and wants me never again to approach him while clutching a spoilt ginger-tabby boy , cooing “Ah, isn’t this kitten lovely?” A swift boot up the backside with a steel toe-cap has been threatened and I dread to think what he’d do to the guilty vomiter.
So, scientists, I admit I was wrong to pooh-pooh your ‘cuddle’ spray and I am tonight more than happy to buy several bottles of it if it will quell my husband’s ire. He’s asleep on the sofa at the moment, gathering his strength to make a full-blown, full-volume but nonetheless reasonable observation about cat management as soon as he wakes.
Oh, Lor. I’d drive anywhere for a bottle of this new stuff right now if I thought I could squirt him with a bit of something so that he’d wake from his irked slumber displaying the ’sensitivity levels usually found in females’. Only in the best interests of the cats, of course.
May 1, 2010 at 13:11 -
Why am I not surprised? This is the most disgusting thing that I have ever heard of!!!!! What is it with bloody feminazis?? Why do they think that they have the right to try and alter how men behave?? Stop trying to turn us into NEW MAN NONCES!!!! WHY DON’T THEY INVENT A SPRAY THAT STOPS WOMEN FALSELY ACCUSING MEN OF RAPE OR TRYING TO TAKE THEM FOR EVERY PENNY DURING A DIVORCE? NOW THAT WOULD BE USEFUL!!!
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