Intra-generational Labour
Worse Than Mephedrone
Following on from the Mephedrone ban a more sinister and dangerous threat needs to be eradicated from the streets of the UK.
Its use has been endemic in the sink estates of Scotland, Wales and Northern England for generations.
Some people started using ‘Labour’ when they were at University in the 60′s, everyone was doing it. There did not seem to be any harm in it at the time. It was ‘cool’.
But the Labour dealers in the 90’s created a hybrid strain called Nu-Labour, it is very different, its more dangerous and much more potent, it’s 10 times more harmful than the Labour your parents were using back in their day.
People who started using Nu-Labour in the 90′s are now all wishing they had never taken those first fateful steps or even heard of Nu Labour. The lives of many have been ruined beyond repair.
Using any form of Labour has been linked to mental illness in many vulnerable people. Using Labour has had negative effects on all ages that have used it. Children who are not even using Labour yet are seeing their parents using it and they think it is normal. They grow up not questioning the use of Labour.
The Labour Dealers at first pretend to be your friend but that is just to gain your trust; in the end you always end up in dire straights and financially ruined with nowhere to turn and no hope.
Once Labour becomes popular in an area the place changes. People stop going to work, stop caring about their communities. The whole area suffers. Many deprived areas are now awash with Labour addicts that are so scared they cannot face life without Labour.
These poor people cannot even imagine a life without Labour. Their horizons have been so warped they start to believe Labour is their only friend. If you try to help them move away from using Labour they can become very resistant and even aggressive.
After using Nu Labour just three times hundreds of thousands of people have lost their homes, many people have lost their jobs, lost their pensions and their savings meanwhile the financial demands from the Labour Dealers keep coming.
The Labour dealers are also involved in money lending, corruption, illegal violence. When a Nu Labour Dealer gets caught the police never seem to be able to get a conviction no matter how blatant the crime. They seem to be able to apologise and get away with it. Some have even been caught on film but it appears the police work for them. I suspect the Labour Dealers have some financial arrangement with Law Enforcement and judges.
Some people who have stood up to Labour dealers have died suddenly without explanation or investigation. People are too scared to question what happened.
The founder of Nu-Labour lives safely abroad now, he has registered his children with Irish passports, he rarely sets foot in this country; his successor, El Gordo, is believed to be a violent and threatening individual. People who have tried to stop Labour dealers and their plans have been dealt with very harshly.
The Nu-Labour dealers want a broken people who are dependent on them for occasional handouts. They want you to feel like you owe them. That there is no other choice.
Thing are so bad now that “Things Can Now Only Get Better” once we get rid of Labour.
Just say NO! Change your life. Your Kids deserve better!”
April 13, 2010 at 12:40 -
That was really funny. Unfortunately I can’t think of a smart arsed remark.
April 13, 2010 at 12:53 -
I doubt that could be bettered, wonderfully succinct, so very very apt. I wish I had a brain .
April 13, 2010 at 13:09 -
Bloody Brilliant, Raccoontage. Top marks, great spoof, but still scary in its reality!
Thinks: must try harder
April 13, 2010 at 13:09 -
That’s got this old bird a-chucklin’.
April 13, 2010 at 13:15 -
A brilliant blog.
Very funny and very true.
People have become so dependant under Labour, I do worry about the outcome of this election.
Come on Dave, give Labour the killer blow.
April 13, 2010 at 13:28 -
Excellent! 11/10
April 13, 2010 at 13:37 -
Should be compulsorily printed in every newspaper in this benighted country.
This was one of the most brilliant comments I have read anywhere.
April 13, 2010 at 13:41 -
Well done for encapsulating the “enfeebling tendencies of Socialism” in spot on satire. Keep it up!
April 13, 2010 at 14:00 -
Surely not a coincidence that Nokia announce the launch of a new range of mobiles on the day that the Conservative election manifesto is published!
April 13, 2010 at 14:01 -
I believe in the legalising of drugs under strict control and regulation, however this nu-labour drug should be banned permanently and any one found using it sent straight to re-hab.
April 13, 2010 at 14:02 -
Thank you for making me see at last the depths of my dependency. I’ve been trying to kick it for years (since the shameful 1997 first “hit”), but find completely giving up the Grauniad is tricky: despite the utter tosh pushed by the likes of Polly, I still hanker after more.
April 13, 2010 at 14:54 -
This really is very good and ought to have a wider circulation – and pdq, too.
April 13, 2010 at 15:04 -
Are we allowed to take it elsewhere? Please.
April 13, 2010 at 15:06 -
I’m ashamed to say I tried it once in 1997. I was hooked by its subtle charm and promises of perpetual highs. But like many others, it let me down, but not only me – the whole fabric of society around me crumbled.
Thank God I saw the light. DC for PM, its Time for Change.
April 13, 2010 at 15:13 -
I was forced to take Labour against my will – it destroyed my life and I have no hope of every recovering.
I said I didn’t want to take it so they locked me up.
I looks like the Conservatives will do the same if they get in. What is more, they plan to punish the victims too.
April 13, 2010 at 15:27 -
Brilliant, but, Tory is an even worse drug, the effects of which are as unthinkable for our society , another horrific addiction needing eradicating. Only one cure for this, Libdem, the drug of a better society. Rather than the same ol same ol labservatives.
April 13, 2010 at 16:32 -
Excellent simile Anna.
I have one, not as intellectually entertaining but as apposite.
In the West of Scotland (and I bet in Newcastle, Liverpool, Birmingham, Dagenham etc too) Labour should be viewed as an organised criminal organisation.
They are at the centre of all the grey area criminal activities, along with their other facilitators, such as bent lawyers, accountants, audit officials and newspaper editors.
How come the SCDEA are not proactively all over this lot.
I wonder why?
Could it be……………………………no, it couldn’t, could it?
April 13, 2010 at 17:33 -
Lovely piece, but why only go back to the 1960′s? Start with The Curse of the Braddock’s, aaaarrrrggghhhh…………
April 13, 2010 at 23:01 -
A Star is born
April 16, 2010 at 19:45 -
The US has it’s own variation of this drug being doled out under the names of Liberal/Progressive/Democrat and having recently swept the nation, is rapidly proceeding it down the same dreadful outcome as already witnessed in UK. But in the US, the population continues to enjoy being lulled into taking more of the drug, until at some point there will be no way out and everyone’s left wondering why after the consequences have set in.
Most excellent piece of writing. It most certainly should be required reading and printed in all the mainstream “news”papers across the land and in the US too.
April 18, 2010 at 16:54 -
Very funny and an interesting read…made my day!!
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