“I would like to clarify…”

Me? The 13th Duke of Meeja-Blackarts? At the Chilcot enquiry? With my reputation? Has no one thought of the consequences?
So, Alastair Campbell (not the reggae musician!) has appeared in front of the useless Chilcot enquiry into the Gulf War. In a bravura display of contempt, he marked his territory in the same way that dogs do. Showing an astonishing level of memory about the minor details of the events of all those years ago and with a complete disregard for how events transpired after he helped to start a completely unjustifiable war, he sallied forth, blithely and blandly asserting that the dodgy dossier had not been sexed up and that everybody was completely convinced by it and the fact that it had been based on something found on the internet wasn’t really a problem.
And to be fair, I think he actually got away with it. His unrepentant, arrogant and, perhaps most importantly, completely unchallenged assertions that the war had been initiated on sound intelligence and in good faith stunned everyone into silence. The hundreds of thousands of dead people certainly weren’t troubling his mind. The fact that his master had already confessed on TV that he would have gone to war no matter what the dossier said didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest. The press, rightly fearful of the old attack dog apparently sporting a newly-sharpened set of teeth and aware that he also knew where their “bodies were buried”, gave him the most gentle of rides. As a consequence of this, they could hardly tear into the Chilcot enquiry for its rather apparent uselessness, either. Perhaps they were all mindful of their own support of the war as well.
Still, all this was not enough for our Al, who then went on to confuse everyone over a rather minor point in the grand scheme of things, just to make it look like he hadn’t gone in there with a pre-planned story and had just regurgitated his notes. A masterful non-retraction retraction on a small point, lest anyone might challenge him on his apparent infallibility:
Reading the bald words on the page gives the wrong impression of what I thought I was saying in response to what I thought I was being asked.
In other words, he still stands by what he said, but he thought he was answering a different question. Just in case you thought he was too cocksure and dogmatic, he’s also ticked the box of admitting to a mistake, albeit an utterly trivial one.
If anyone thought Alastair Campbell’s media manipulation skills had grown rusty through disuse, it appears that they were wrong.
January 23, 2010 at 10:18 -
Leopards don’t change their spots.
January 23, 2010 at 10:30 -
Re: that photo of Campbell – Have you ever seen a more baleful expression?
January 23, 2010 at 13:20 -
just how is it that a bloke like this, a failed sleazy newspaper writer, got to exist with noted responsibilities, in the heart of a national, sovereign government….??
it was Bliar’s fault
and our responsibility for allowing it to happen without standing up and fighting
and maybe now it’s too bloody late
what the **** has this country become??
Moderator comment: Please keep it reasonably clean, folks.
January 23, 2010 at 13:21 -
that was me, not fat-arsed Gordon the moron speaking, sorry..
January 23, 2010 at 14:51 -
These Campbellesque people get under the net because we are no longer smashing the brains of babies born with horns* that have to be filed down, following a pregnancy in which the mother ate only raw liver. Mediaeval witch-hunting has been given a bad name it never deserved.
Campbell’s other fault (after discounting the Son of Beelzebub thing) is his profound stupidity: a crassness of nature that leads to the erroneous conclusion that he has something to offer humanity beyond a fall from grace.
He is not alone in this: I used to work with ‘Lord’ Gould – inventor of ‘New’ Labour – and trust me, he is a planker**.
I particularly enjoyed the Campbell bit in his evidence (and follow-up letter in the FT!) about how in war it’s all about lying your head off – his point of difference from previous snakes of history being that he follows the Japanese strategy of perfidy before hostilities even begin.
He is, by the way, a depressive….like me: those who suffer from unwarranted self-loathing – just in his case, without the unwarranted part.
* Tail-docking is also obligatory.
** This is a Slogger original. It describes an extraordinarily wooden person who is both a plonker and a wanker. -
January 23, 2010 at 14:58 -
Could he be related to Robert Campbell of Glenlyon?
January 23, 2010 at 22:04 -
I watched the harrowing film of 1984 again recently – all these self-serving ****s were in it. In fact, it’s now the official NuLab reference work.
Moderator comment: Sorry, Mr P, but this is a family-friendly blog. Sort of.
January 24, 2010 at 08:46 -
The less I say about this spin doctor the better, suffice to say that I find him charmless and offensive and an excellent parody is Peter Capaldi’s portrayal of Malcolm Tucker.
So there are some laughs to be had with this joke of a man that was so influential in the Blair years. Hopefully the UK will learn from this and boot this Labour government so hard up the backside they will end up in the Dark Ages.
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