Old chestnuts revisited: All for the want of some ‘how’s your father’

A young Omar Farouk Abdulmutallab ponders his future
Old Slaughter dislikes pop psychology as much as the next person. Trite conclusions, which in a line or two manage to reduce an argument to an ad hominem assault and assume the simplest or lowest motivation as the antagonists raison d’être.
- Criminal tendencies amongst certain demographics? No mystery there, it’s due to repressed rage caused by the inherent racism in society.
- Not too keen on the immigration policy? You are a Little Englander trapped by your own fears don’t you know.
- Say something against homosexuality (not something OS is in the habit of doing)? You are clearly a closet gay, no question.
- Criticise the red-top obsession with Posh and Becks et al? You merely envy their success.
Nothing is to be discussed with nuance. No respect should be given to a person’s professed motivations.
The above is mentioned because it is with no shame or irony that I engage in the following simplistic and trite bit of pop psychology which I happen to believe:
Feel like blowing yourself up? You need to get laid more.
I accept of course that this is to ignore the various opinons of others, the Guardian and Galloway will have us believe our recent difficulties are down to American troops on Arab lands (the South Koreans, us or the Germans aren’t bombing America). Or poverty and repression is causing the bitterness (are only Muslims poor?). Others, and this seems to be the BNP’s line, will tell you it is inherent within the Qur’an (you show me your quotes I’ll show you mine).
Well now, allow me to make the case for rumpy pumpy, or rather the lack of it:
Omar Farouk Abdulmutallab, fast becoming known as the ‘Pantybomber’ cannot be said to be repressed, or poor, or a fighting the injustice of infidel troops in his homeland. He is rich, granted the freedoms of a life in Britain and is, of course, Nigerian. He is however able to claim that he wasn’t getting to knock boots enough.
Commenting as Farouk1986 he posted the following:
As i get lonely, the natural sexual drive awakens and i struggle to control it, sometimes leading to minor sinful activities like not lowering the gaze [in the presence of unveiled women]. And this problem makes me want to get married to avoid getting aroused.
So far, so normal.
The hair of a woman can easily arouse a man. The Prophet advised young men to fast if they can’t get married but it has not been helping me much and I seriously don’t want to wait for years before I get married. But i am only 18 … It would be difficult for me to get married due to social norms of getting to the late 20’s when one has a degree, a job, a house, etc before getting married. So usually my fa[n]tasies are about islamic stuff. The bad part of it is sometimes the fantasies are a bit worldly rather than concentrating in the hereafter.
Beginning to veer a bit. At least he is aware of it.
Alright, i wont go into too much details about me fantasy, but basically they are jihad fantisies [sic]. I imagine how the great jihad will take place, how the muslims will win insha Allah and rule the whole world, and establish the greatest empire once again!!!
And there we have it. Job done.
Tenuous? A gross simplification? The lesson seems to be that if he had made the beast with two backs a little he might not have been caught on a plane setting fire to his scrotum.
Of course this supposed connection between extremism and sexual repression is not new by any means.
The traumatic separation of the sexes in Islamic societies is a major cause of fundamentalism and the search for violent political activity. Suicide bombing is one result of hating one’s sexual impulses.
Elaine Hoffman Baruch Ph.D, 2003
We in the West may not have the finest balance of sexual morals and traditions but it seems to this author it is stating the obvious when suggesting Islam has it far worse.
From the Daily News Egypt:
…Islamic countries are the most frequent searchers for sex. In the top ten are Pakistan, Egypt, Morocco, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia. Looking for “hot sex” though and not just ordinary sex are Syria, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Pakistan, Bahrain, Egypt, the UAE, India and Jordan.
The moment US troops deposed Saddam’s Ba’ath Party Iraqi markets filled with porn. They filled fast and they sold many. It was reminiscent of a camel drinking after crossing the Sinai.
This strange thing of wanting, idolising sexually active women and constantly viewing pornographic material whilst holding a deep loathing of the females involved, the hating of the low morality yet wishing to plumb the depths with them seems clearly apparent and not a little dangerous.
Whereas our sexually deprived join the priesthood or become serial killers of prostitutes, it seems those under the crescent moon reach for the explosive vest (or in this case Y-fronts).
Still tenuous? Perhaps. But surely it won’t hurt to send some copies of Hustler and find out.
[Editor’s note to self: do not search google for images of “naughty arabs” with safe search off!]
January 8, 2010 at 09:36 -
The examples at the top of this post show that the lumpenproletariat has merely moved up a notch from “Dunno mate, got the football score”. Either that or the very sad people who think foxes are cute and fluffy and who are probably the recipients of a public sector Mickey Mouse jobs and who eat cruelty free muesli are people who need a comfort zone. It’s the intellectual equivalent of “la, la, la, I’m not listening.” Oh well, it’s easier than facing reality.
Somehow, I don’t think the poor panty bomber is going to have sex on his mind from now on, having apparently blown his balls off. I like to think, that, as he sits uncomfortably, his loins twitching in agony, he wonders if Allah’s plans for his life weren’t a bit shite.
January 8, 2010 at 10:10 -
Nice irony. Nothing tenuous or cod in this analysis, I’d have thought: anyone who watches Islamic men talk about sex for longer than a minute (and they can boff on about it for hours) comes immediately to the conclusion that they’re all pubescent misogynists.
I was in the Sinai desert (the way you are) and talking to a tribe of Bedouin. The temperature was about forty degrees, and all the blokes were in nice thin white linen, idling about outside and trying to convince the tourists that the shiny convertibles parked out the back were nothing to do with them.
Inside a large, thick tent were the women dressed in equally thick, black robes, covered in screaming kids and hitting stones with wet clothes.
I decided right there that being a Bedouin woman was not for me.
On the way back, a Syrian guide on the coach treated us all to a brief history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. It consisted entirely of Israeli aggression and Arab victories.
When I got back home, we had supper soon thereafter with a chic feminista who treated us all to a brief history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. It consisted entirely of Israeli war crimes and the long-suffering patience of the Palestinians.
My plan is to have this lady kidnapped some time soon, and sold into life as a Bedouin woman.
At the very least,they will have the same altered reality in common.
YM x -
January 8, 2010 at 10:47 -
“And this problem makes me want to get married to avoid getting aroused.”
There’s a joke in there somewhere.
January 8, 2010 at 10:59 -
Funny Alan.
January 8, 2010 at 11:01 -
RD and OS are one and the same. I guess I should kill Roger off now. -
January 8, 2010 at 11:11 -
Rodger Dodger, Slaughtered!
January 8, 2010 at 11:25 -
Your analysis stands up. based on my own experience. When I was a student (in the 80s) in Scotland, there were many Iranian and other Arab male students – all of whom believed that their time in the UK was to study, and discover sex & alcohol; something forbidden at home. My friend married one of the Iranian students just prior to the revolution, and they remain happily married to this day. His insights are fascinating, he explained to me “Our men come to study here as an excuse – what they want is to drink, and have sex with pretty blonde girls of low morals – because sex with a kafir is not a sin, it is an act of aggression.”
One form of aggression replacing another?
Just a thought…
January 8, 2010 at 11:32 -
I always thought the Unibollock Bomber was more appropriate.
January 8, 2010 at 13:22 -
This one made me laugh…
January 8, 2010 at 14:06 -
I wonder how you could find something like that funny Gloria!
Priceless. The SEVEN fire-fighters made me laugh the most. I guarantee they have some pictures back at the fire house.
I wonder how long he stayed at home panicking before he finally realised A&E was his only shot.
What ever those nurses get paid…. -
January 8, 2010 at 14:23 -
He must have been wide-eyed and scared sh*tless at some stage of the rescue procedure! I bet the other 6 firemen only went along for the laugh!
January 8, 2010 at 14:42 -
Suddenly I am reminded of the glorious ‘zip’ scene in There’s Something About Mary.
“Eddie, get down here quick, bring everybody, bring a camera”
“We got a bleeder!”
January 8, 2010 at 14:42 -
January 8, 2010 at 14:52 -
I am actually crying with laughter! I’d forgotten how funny that is..
January 8, 2010 at 17:04 -
I don’t think this can explain the full story.
There are plenty of sexually frustrated men in every country, yet they don’t go blowing things up. Ask your male nerd friends if they’re getting any, I bet the answers is no.
Certainly not getting any is likely to cause resentment, but it doesn’t close the deal.
January 9, 2010 at 16:16 -
@ Current.
Of course it can’t. If for no other reason than there are female suicide bombers. Married men have done it, (although as Alan points out above, that is no guarantee of a lack of repression)
“There are plenty of sexually frustrated men in every country, yet they don’t go blowing things up.”
But this is my point. Seemingly only when mixed with the ideology of Islam does the self-loathing become apparent. Guilt for natural urges is not going to end well.
As the Pantybomber pointed out:
“As i get lonely, the natural sexual drive awakens and i struggle to control it, sometimes leading to minor sinful activities…”
‘Sinful activities’?
This is not how people in our culture react to the lack of getting any.“Ask your male nerd friends if they’re getting any, I bet the answers is no.”
Old Slaughter only hangs with the beautiful people darling. Mwah!
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